KatsuraTsuruya's page

RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter, 8 Season Dedicated Voter. Organized Play Member. 17 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Silver Crusade

Our Iron Gods campaign has been very Guardians of the Galaxy-ish in terms of tone.

Silver Crusade Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 8

I really don't know where I went wrong here. I know the Cost is off because I forgot how to cost magical armor; I know I survived the cull so I'm not a complete idiot, but seem to have made nobody's keep lists. Too obscure a rules component, maybe?

Freebooter's Longcoat
Aura faint transmutation and enchantment; CL 4th
Slot armor; Price 9050 gp; Weight 10 lbs.

Using a mithral chain underlay as opposed to the metal plates of most armored coats, this +1 mithral armored coat was designed to appease marauding ship captains and their eagerness to pillage other ships. This armor is treated, in all ways, like light armor, including when determining proficiency. When boarding an enemy ship, the wearer of this armor is not considered flat-footed, and may make a single charge attack against a target of her choice as part of the boarding action.

Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, bladed dash, tactical acumen; Cost 4525 gp

Silver Crusade

Our IG game -- three people, because our fourth saw a kitten and wandered off -- is all ACG. It can definitely work. (The fourth also was.)


Me: Cosette (no surname), NG Swashbuckler. Simultaneously thinks robots are really cool and loves to fight them, because if you fight the coolest thing and win, a lot, you're the new coolest thing. Dopey as hell and kind of an alcoholic.

Corman Decker, LG Slayer. Torch city guard, friend of Khonnir's. Very straight-laced, kind of irritable, ungodly patient, and a deep, /deep/ sleeper.

Alec (surname unknown), CG Shaman. Loves space. Drinks Numerian fluids, willingly and on the regular. Wants to talk to everyone. EVERYONE. Loves space just SO MUCH. Really good at anything that isn't combat. Is a purestrain shenanigans character, despite being 3/4 BAB.


Of note: We have currently

done some stupid things:
let Meyanda gather all the power she needed in the interest of proving to her that we were actually pretty friendly and cool and willing to negotiate, meaning the excavator was just barely ready to start running when we had the fight with Hellion, and it owned. We also befriended the vegepygmies and the cerebric fungus, and made them friends with each other.
Basically, we've fallen ass-backward into every situation but it's all okay.

Silver Crusade Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 8

I'm surprised as many In The Hands Of An X items made it through cull as they did. I wonder if there's something I'm not seeing in some of these...

Silver Crusade Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 8

I haven't kept a keep list (though there are a couple items I'm in love with), but I'd be curious to see others -- and now that apparently we've been culled, I'm even more curious!

Silver Crusade Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 8

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
I sometimes get the feeling new items are added everyday of voting...

I feel that way sometimes too, but I'm pretty sure it's just sheer random chance.

... sometimes.

Silver Crusade Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 8

mplindustries wrote:
Saw my item once on the first day of voting, and then, nothing. Now, suddenly, I see it twice in a row. How does this voting algorithm work?

My understanding is that the algorithm is such that it tries to break controversy (i.e. items being relatively on-par with each other in terms of upvote value); this is why the most commonly-seen things are the absolute worst 'will-never-get-an-upvote' items (because they're controversial relative to each other, in their low bracket) and the items in the middle of the range beyond that (because there's a big wash of averageness, because of bell curves).

Sometimes you just have an improbable event happen to you, though, and see the same item multiple times for no reason; most likely, however, your item has moved around a little and found itself in a tie with a lot of other items, and needs to move around more to 'settle' again.

Silver Crusade Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 8

I keep seeing items where 'if you're fighting this singular type of thing, the encounter is over and also you poop on all their corpses and do a kickflip.' Meh.

Silver Crusade Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 8

I'd love to see like a cull per five days, but I'm an awful person.

Silver Crusade Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 8

I've seen so many good armours this year.

Silver Crusade Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 8

First and foremost, I go for 'no obvious mistakes' (cost vs buy price, slot, 'is it a wondrous item,' etc).

After that, I look for things that are neither too powerful, nor too weak, nor too meta, nor too boring.

Silver Crusade Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 8

Cathara wrote:
TotalAnarchy wrote:
Laik wrote:

Been binge voting, seen a bunch of items like 8 times each - and still haven't stumbled upon mine.

Can't imagine why it could be DQd...
I'm also losing hope that I'd ever see my item. I have an idea what might lead it to be disqualified, but that would be a misunderstanding. In any case, I hope there's a way to recover it after the voting process, as I haven't saved the text...
Not seen mine either, beginning to worry :-/

Yeah, I'm likewise starting to worry, having not seen mine -- though I do keep hitting new items, so maybe I'm just unlucky.

Silver Crusade Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 8

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I feel like whenever I see an item over 275 words that item is unadvanceable. Something about butting up against the hard limit seems to make an item less good.

Silver Crusade

Dotting this; I'm not really in the brainspace to offer thoughts at the moment, but I am very passionate about Swashbuckler and very interested in how this thread progresses.

Silver Crusade

Entryhazard wrote:
Torbyne wrote:
Regarding the remaining firearm proficiency and gunsmithing feat, what seems the best or most likely swap outs? All crossbows seems the best fit for proficiencies and maybe rapid reload for gunsmith? A crossbow of choice or even master work crossbow would be awesome instead of a battered firearm but seems very unlikely.

The battered firearm as a class feature is there because the really high cost of a firearm make it impossible for a character at level 1 to afford a firearm with his starting wealth, and the classes designed to use firearms have to compensate for it providing a weapon from the get-go.

In the case of other weapons, their cost is low enough to buy them with starting wealth without difficulty.

On the other hand the Gunsmithing bonus feat to ease the production of ammo can be converted in a bonus Skill Focus[Craft(Crossbows)] or a bonus to the skill equal to the class level (or half)

On the note of 'needing a gun at level 1': Why doesn't the Picaroon, which needs a gun at level 1 to use class features, have Gunsmithing? I feel like something's... up, in general, with ACG's archetype templating. Like, something seems to have just escaped everyone's notice there.

Silver Crusade

Shar Tahl wrote:
would androids have different color blood or would it look line normal human blood, but be composed differently?

From the Numeria book, for the Android Impostor stock character:

Numeria - Land of Fallen Stars wrote:
Supplies from his disguise kit conceal his pale flesh and metallic irises, and because he knows that open wounds could expose him by revealing the pale color of his blood, he ensures the blood of his enemies coats him first..

We have also seen it said that android bodily fluids are generally sheeny and oily. Androids, thus, can be pretty probably confirmed to have white, oily 'blood,' like a Metal Gear Solid 4 cyborg.

Silver Crusade Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 8

Technically not a saw-my-item, but:

Both of my roommates entered this year. I've seen one of them but not the other. I keep voting in hopes of seeing both.