Imagine that: Half-Orc Fighter with a Gnome spellcaster in his Backpack

Homebrew and House Rules

Hi guys,

So this is what a friend of mine and I came up with:
A strong, heavy melee combat class with a small sourcerer/druid/cleric in his backpack. I find the Idea terrific and i bet its fun to play..

I still stuggle a bit with creating a fair set of rules for such a combination. Does anyone maybe even know of an example, did anyone tried this before?

My first draft would be:
Small guy:
He applies rules as if he would be riding (technically he is) for concetration checks and such things
He has soft cover from any opponent because his big buddy allways faces opponents and protects him in that way. This applies only if not flanked (or prone).
Big guy:
No spezial rules, just a heavy backpack with a small dude in it :-)

Any rules that may be woven into that to make it more fun?

Regarding the roleplay aspect:
These two guys clearly have a strong bond. Small guy can even have a true disability like no legs which forced them into this.

What do you think about it, sounds fun to me?

I think it sounds ridiculous every time this gets suggested, and it gets suggested a lot. I never understood the appeal.

As a GM, I would never let it fly--if you're in a backpack, you are stuff, not able to take actions.

Just buy a riding dog.

A lot of DMs will give you a bunch of grief if you attempt this with two PCs. My suggestion is to take a slightly different approach and either have your backpack buddy be a familiar or make your PC a Summoner and legitimately ride your eidolon as a mount (with the Mount evolution)

Silver Crusade

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Master Blaster!

mplindustries wrote:
if you're in a backpack, you are stuff, not able to take actions.

Backpack is not meant literally.. More like a harness like for babys.

It's sad that you dont see the appeal, roleplaying wise this is way more fun than a usuall riding dog.

Thanks for your oppinion guys, but my question aims at rules to implement that in a fair/realistic way, not ways to not do it at all. It is clearly not a necessity to have, we aggree on that! :-)

edit: short: whoever is agianst the idea in generall, skip this thread and move on, you are not helping ansering my question..

ElyasRavenwood wrote:
Master Blaster!

I don't understand why people say "Master Blaster" every time this topic comes up--you didn't ride another character in that game, you rode a little tank thing, unless I always misinterpreted the sprites...?

Regardless, because people mention it every time someone brings up the idea, you can pretty easily search for previous threads on the subject. For example:

Can an Eidolon carry you in a backpack?
Riding a Biped
Small characters sitting on medium character's shoulders?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

i'd just rule it as if the small guy was riding but would not allow the mounted combat feat to take effect

This is the rules forum not the advice forum. If you wanted ideas on how to make your concept viable you should have posted in advice.

In this forum everyone should do their best to discuss the rules as they apply.

This topic has come up several times before, and mplindustries seems to have covered that.

The short of it, is that mechanically it's a bad once you get through all the mechanics and figure everything out.

The game is not designed to work well with this sort of mechanic.

The Exchange


It's a reference to a movie, Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome. It's a post-apocalyptic film, and in a place called Bartertown a height-challenged engineer rides atop a large brute with the mind of a three year old. The small guy was named Master, and the big dumb guy was named Blaster. Master Blaster.

Myself I see it as if that's what the players want to try then let's go for it. Then again I played with a group years ago where my minotaur use to fastball special our gnome half-dragon into combat. Still if your group and GM is up for it I would use mounted combat rules and the rider's weight and gear would count toward encumbering the carrier and I might even impose some sort of minor penalty such as a -2 to his attack or something because unlike a backpack a living being would be moving around and such at the same time he was.

Now if this small creature got a permanent reduce person cast on them it would change things again same if the medium has permanent enlarge person cast on them. Regardless I would try and come up with some sort of rules to make it fun and work.

Maybe even let them each spend a feat for a custom teamwork feat to remove the penalties for doing so.

Just my copper's worth

Scarab Sages

mplindustries wrote:
ElyasRavenwood wrote:
Master Blaster!

I don't understand why people say "Master Blaster" every time this topic comes up--you didn't ride another character in that game, you rode a little tank thing, unless I always misinterpreted the sprites...?

It a reference to the Master Blaster character in Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome.

The trick to make this work is not to wear a backpack, but to wear an exotic saddle. This will take up the belt slot on the character being the "mount".

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Small creatures are much larger then the backpack allows. A halfling/ gnome is roughly the size of an adolescent kid 12-14 years old, you dont carry an adolescent kid that age in a backpack like its nothing.
A small creature can ride a medium creature, if the medium creature has the right physique, humanoids are nto suitable for riding vecause they stand upright, if the half ork would agree to stand on all fours and crawl everywhere hten this would be possible, but I doubt he'dd want to reduce his speed to 5-10ft per round and take a -4 penalty on AC abd attacks right?

This is, however, possible if the halfling casts something on himself to turn into a tiny creature (reduce person). In this case be upfront about the tactic and mention the downsides along with the upsides, this way the GM is much more likely to allow it.
A riding creature must make concentration checks to cast spells, this would also apply to someone riding in the backpack of an angry half-orc swinging a weapon in melee, also remember that if the "mount" moves so far or takes certain strenuous actions the rider cannot do anythign but hold on for dear life.
The "rider" could for example not cast spells if the "mount" is running.
Because a humanoid makes a lot of sideways swinging and movement while fighting (as opposed to 4 legged creatures that attack with their forelegs while the aft-section remains relatively still) you can probably not cast during a full attack either

I briefly searched the forum with keywords appearing in my caption and found nothing that appeared similar.. :-/
But thanks for the links, they are very helpfull.

Claxon wrote:
The game is not designed to work well with this sort of mechanic.

True.. but it is (In this fantasy scenario) possible and thus I try to find rules to correspond to that.


This thread brought back some arcade memories of the dwarf from Golden Axe getting carried around in a backpack by some big guy with an axe. After looking around online a little I confirmed that was from a game called Death Adder's Revenge and saw a picture which reminded me that one of the other characters you could play was a female centaur with a quarterstaff.

As for rules which might be useful here:
"If you attempt to ride a creature that is ill suited as a mount, you take a –5 penalty on your Ride checks."

Considering the fact that there's also a -5 penalty for not using a saddle you could be in for a pretty rough ride. I also probably wouldn't allow you to use the Mounted Combat feat to defend a character you're riding with a Ride check. I also wouldn't allow this for another intelligent creature like an eidolon unless it had the Mount evolution. This would probably come up more often when somebody attempts to ride a wildshaped Druid. I'm not sure if there's any RAW covering this, but I'd expect DMs to react negatively if you try it.

I now get, that my category os wrong maybe.. The "House Rules" is more appropriate I guess. (can anyone move this Thread?)

tsuruki wrote:
humanoids are nto suitable for riding vecause they stand upright

good point! Didn't think about that.. A Large/Small or Medium/Tiny combination would make life way easier!

tsuruki wrote:
In this case be upfront about the tactic and mention the downsides along with the upsides, this way the GM is much more likely to allow it.

True. downsides could be:

concetration checks for rider
no own movement
he cant evade weapon attacks = no Dex bonus to AC
when big guy is unconscious, our little friend is in big trouble.

Imperium Knight wrote:
Regardless I would try and come up with some sort of rules to make it fun and work.

Thats what I try to do, (with a little advice from here). Our group is in generell very open about odd ideas to make the game interresting and fun.

Devilkiller wrote:
Considering the fact that there's also a -5 penalty for not using a saddle

My Idea is that these to Creatures go through life together for years. So they would have a custom made harness or something, that fits way better than a average-joes saddle on a horse.

Besides: what is a ride-check good for? steering a mount, and don't falling off.. both is not of interrest in this situation in my opinion..


You need to make a Ride check to attack when your mount attacks.

Devilkiller wrote:
You need to make a Ride check to attack when your mount attacks.

Its about a spellcaster as rider.. remember? And I would most likely not allow the small guy to attack, at all..

Darn, did you create this thread just so you could criticize those who posted in it? I was posting stuff from the rules which seemed like it might be relevant for one PC riding around on another, but I'll cut it out!

Maybe the Half-Orc can be a Gorilla, as Animal Companion? That would simplify the situation somewhat.

Devilkiller wrote:
Darn, did you create this thread just so you could criticize those who posted in it?

Uhm, no.. sorry if it seemd that way.

Devilkiller wrote:
I was posting stuff from the rules which seemed like it might be relevant for one PC riding around on another, but I'll cut it out!

Yes you did.. you made a suggestion, and I told you why I think it does not apply in my scenario. Nothing personal.

Grand Lodge

mplindustries wrote:

I think it sounds ridiculous every time this gets suggested, and it gets suggested a lot. I never understood the appeal.

As a GM, I would never let it fly--if you're in a backpack, you are stuff, not able to take actions.

Watch "Mad Max: Thunderdome", that might help you understand the appeal.

At least some of this is covered in the rules I would say...
Under the magic section under concentration checks and casting spells.
First, you can't be covered as you wouldn't have line of sight to your target etc, so you would have to be exposed.
Second, At the very least you would have to make a concentration check for every spell cast @ 10 -20 + spell level depending on the actions being taken by the person who you are riding/who is carrying you.
Third, if you are actually in a harness which impairs your ability to move freely (as judged by your GM) a second concentration check with entangled being the closest to this condition so @ 15 + spell level.

Of course if 3rd party stuff is allowed, you could take the mounted caster feat

I too enjoyed Banjo Kazooie.

As odd as this concept may sound, it's reasonably prevalent in media. So I'd set aside all "That's dumb/silly/weird" comments myself.

For another source of appeal, also see WarCraft III/TFT's Goblin Alchemist -- a Goblin riding on an Ogre. Admittedly, this duo does look notably ridiculous when making melee attacks. Also, Ogres are Large, thus partially alleviating the unsuitable mount problem.

Alternatively, the mount could be a Centaur or similar creature, which would alleviate the unsuitable mount problem completely, but is still Large, but in exchange has the Undersized Weapons special quality (has to use weapons for Medium creatures to avoid penalties for using wrong-sized weaopns).

As for riders of Humanoids not being able to take actions, an awful lot of people (and some guides) have Familiars sitting on their masters and performing actions (usually Use Magic Device, but in some cases using a Spell-Like Ability).

If you want to do it as a single PC take the leadership feat.
If you want Mountman to defend the rider take Bodyguard.

Korthis wrote:

First, you can't be covered as you wouldn't have line of sight to your target etc, so you would have to be exposed.

by RAW, yes.. but picturing it.. I feel like the little guy shoud have 'some' cover..

I know there is no facing in Pathfinder combat system, but again: picturing it big guy would shield his little friend with his body if possible.. as I said, only if not flanked.

regarding second and third:
Yes, concentrating must be pretty hard, but nothing one couldn't manage with feats n stuff.
But 'entangled' sounds a bit extreme, dont you think? nothing pulls his legs or arms..

Dr. Jamgo wrote:

by RAW, yes.. but picturing it.. I feel like the little guy shoud have 'some' cover..
Ride skill wrote:

Cover: You can react instantly to drop down and hang

alongside your mount, using it as cover. You can’t attack
or cast spells while using your mount as cover. If you fail
your Ride check, you don’t get the cover benefit. Using this
option is an immediate action, but recovering from this
position is a move action (no check required).

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
tsuruki wrote:

Small creatures are much larger then the backpack allows. A halfling/ gnome is roughly the size of an adolescent kid 12-14 years old, you dont carry an adolescent kid that age in a backpack like its nothing.

The average halfling male is 2'8" +2d4" tall. That's about the size of a 2-3 year old human (earthling). By weight they are about the size of 4 year old. Logically its actually fairly reasonable to carry them around.... they should probably logically have a -12 penalty to strength too but its really the game mechanics that should shut it down.

A caster doing this doesn't bother me so much as a GM. I generally disallow free movement as much as I can because of melee getting free full attacks off. It shouldn't be better to be mounted on a human, than a horse. And if you are getting a full round attack at the end of it, its much better.

If you a GM. Do you know the player and the table? Is he or anyone going to be upset at or abuse the power given to the player? Or will it be an primarily enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

Maezer wrote:
If you a GM. Do you know the player and the table? Is he or anyone going to be upset at or abuse the power given to the player? Or will it be an primarily enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

No, I'm not the/a GM, just a player.. We are playing more then 2 years together now. And I guess we like weird/odd things to experience. And sure, the rules have to be crafted in a way in which it is neither overpowered, nor too limiting.

Personally I wouldn't even mind if the sum of the two is weaker as seperated. But roleplay wise, there so much depth to dig into.. something you cant put a number on.

Maezer wrote:
It shouldn't be better to be mounted on a human, than a horse. And if you are getting a full round attack at the end of it, its much better.

If you're using mounted combat rules for both why would it be different. You can't melee full attack after moving on a mount without Mounted Skirmisher, why would being mounted on a humanoid be any different?

Silver Crusade

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I GMd for years for a tag team pair who did this. It worked great, and we encountered no problems. These are some of the things they did to make it work:

* The small PC was a small pixie fairy. So very small. I'd have a problem with this if the small PC was much taller than 2', unless the brute was also commensurately large.

* Special custom backpack & box for small one. The backpack looked normal, but the upper part actually held a custom built comfy box for the pixie fairy.

* The custom pixie box was made of thin metal, lined with cloth, and was fairly heavy. The brute had no trouble carrying it, though. The box had windows, an upper door, and a lower escape hatch. The windows artfully matched little viewing slits in the backpack.

* The small one didn't stay in the box all the time. The box was for when danger was near.

* We ruled that the pixie was quite vulnerable in melee once a foe knew it was there. +4 AC for being in the box but no DEX bonuses. The pixie mostly used spells that did not reveal her presence, so was very rarely attacked. That's why it worked so well for the duo.

Dark Archive

Ugh...this again. I swear I see someone "come up with" this at least once a week...

The answer, as always, is: No, there are no rules to support it and therefore can't be done without homebrew rules or a devil-may-care GM ruling.

@Magda Luckbender
Thanks for your reply, that truely sounds like fun. Great that you supported your group with this. I think stuff like this pays off.

That Crazy Alchemist wrote:
Ugh...this again. I swear I see someone "come up with" this at least once a week...

Sorry for stealing your time..

That Crazy Alchemist wrote:
...can't be done without homebrew rules...

Yes, thats what I am trying to do here.. want to contribute something?

3 people marked this as a favorite.

save a horse
ride a druid

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Jericho Graves wrote:


It's a reference to a movie, Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome. It's a post-apocalyptic film, and in a place called Bartertown a height-challenged engineer rides atop a large brute with the mind of a three year old. The small guy was named Master, and the big dumb guy was named Blaster. Master Blaster.

And if you remember that movie the only thing that Master did while sitting on top of Blaster was to give the latter orders. Or intimidate others with the threat of Blasster's strength. Essentially he was talkative cargo.

Dark Archive

Dr. Jamgo wrote:

That Crazy Alchemist wrote:
...can't be done without homebrew rules...
Yes, thats what I am trying to do here.. want to contribute something?

Apologies for my demeanor, I see this same question very frequently and it gets old after a while. It's not your fault.

If that is truly what you are trying to do then you would be best to ask this on the Homebrew forum. Not trying to be rude here, but the Rules Questions and Homebrew forums are really well named.

This is technically allowed within the rules. The 'Big Guy' is basically an intelligent, exotic mount for the 'Small Guy'.

Dr. Jamgo wrote:

Small guy:

He applies rules as if he would be riding (technically he is) for concetration checks and such things
He has soft cover from any opponent because his big buddy allways faces opponents and protects him in that way. This applies only if not flanked (or prone).

A PC as an exotic mount will need an exotic saddle. That's all you need for the little guy. I'd only allow the small guy to have cover from the big guy if everyone the little guy attacks also has cover from the little guy. The big guy always being in front of the little guy blocks the little guys view.

Dr. Jamgo wrote:

Big guy:

No spezial rules, just a heavy backpack with a small dude in it

The big guy should be given encumbrance penalties for all the extra weight he's carrying unless his strength score is high enough that the combined weight of all the big guys gear and the little guy and all the little guys gear is considered a light load for the big guy. And the saddle should occupy the big guys body or shoulder slot.

Splash weapons are going to be nasty against this combo since they'll always be sharing the same square, so they'll always be hit with the same attack. Other than that have fun and throw up a post letting us know how it went.

@That Crazy Alchemist:
I already discovered that I've put it in the wrong category. I am not able to move it, I would if i could... :-(

Thank you for your contribution.. I appreciate it.

DrFwoosh wrote:
I'd only allow the small guy to have cover from the big guy if everyone the little guy attacks also has cover from the little guy. The big guy always being in front of the little guy blocks the little guys view.

Correct.. cover works in both directions. Since little guy will be a spellcaster, it wont impact him though. Just for spells with range touch or the kind.

DrFwoosh wrote:
And the saddle should occupy the big guys body or shoulder slot.

good point!

DrFwoosh wrote:
Other than that have fun and throw up a post letting us know how it went.

In order to try it out, me and my buddy have to die first in our running campaign. This combo is what we would build in that case.

But eventually I will!

Who ever moved this post to the appropriate category: thank you! :-)


I played in a campaign where the gnome cleric was carried in the half-orc pack. I honestly don't remember the character casting many spells beyond healing to help the tank of the group. I think if he cast anything beyond that he was out of the pack.

I belive it was mostly for the novelty, as well as not slowing the party down by a character with a lower walking speed. But that was about 15 years ago.

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