We need a Team of In-Game Actors for our Trailer

Pathfinder Online

CEO, Goblinworks

2 people marked this as a favorite.

We are going to record a lot of in-game footage for our first trailer. To do that I need to recruit a team of players to help us stage the scenes we need to record.

We'll do this work in the afternoons and evenings to get as many people as we can - we'll probably work on this from around 5pm to 8pm on weeknights and possibly during the day on weekends.

You'll need to be able to follow directions very carefully. When the director tells you to walk to a certain point, and face a certain direction, and take a certain action, you have to do it - when we're trying to get several dozen characters to all perform on queue, anyone who isn't able to follow directions will waste the time of a lot of people.

There will be a lot of standing around doing nothing. It takes time to get everyone into the right positions and we'll be experimenting as we go to get the right shots from the right angles. For 30 seconds of recorded footage it might take 30 minutes of staging. You'll need to be able to be bored for long stretches.

Our concept for our trailer has good guys and bad guys in roughly equal numbers. Depending on how many volunteers we have you may have to play a character that doesn't match up with your "in game" persona. Be willing to accept that the needs of casting may outweigh your preferences as to "side".

We want to shoot footage of groups harvesting, fighting monsters, and ambushing and fighting each other. And we want to recored an epic battle around a Tower.

If this sounds interesting to you, leave a message in this thread indicating that you'd like to help. When we get ready to schedule our first in-game recording session, I will contact you via paizo.com private message to give you the details.

To help me keep track of the volunteers, please don't post in this thread if you're not able to participate. Thanks!

Goblin Squad Member

Count me in. Just say when.

Goblin Squad Member

Sign me up.

Goblin Squad Member

I want me to play me in the movie.

Scarab Sages Goblin Squad Member

I'm interested.

Goblin Squad Member

I wanna be a movie star! :D

Goblin Squad Member

I'm up for it.

Goblin Squad Member

I wanna! Me! I am local to your time zone. That is perfect.

I'm down.

Can I play myself as a goat?

I'd be happy to participate. For me, however, it will depend very much on when exactly you need me around, as I'm located in Europe.

Goblin Squad Member

Count me in,

Though it would help to setup a In-game spot to meet up for it.
And setting a time for when to meet to work on it.

Goblin Squad Member

I am up for helping out.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Sounds fun. Not to brag, but I'm pretty much an expert at standing around doing nothing.

I'll play myself in the trailer, but I want Christopher Walken to play me in the movie.

Goblin Squad Member

sign me up too I have a female: dwarf human and elf waiting in the wings.

Goblin Squad Member

I'd be happy to help!

Goblin Squad Member

I would be happy to participate!

Goblin Squad Member

I'm interested and available.

Goblin Squad Member

Do we get to keep any shiney stuff ;)

Goblin Squad Member

I am interested in helping. I'm not always available but I will definitely be available for many of those time periods.

Goblin Squad Member

I'm down for this.

I'M down for this.

I'm DOWN for this.

I'm down FOR this.

I'm down for THIS.

Hmmm. Let me work on this with my agent and voice coach.

Goblin Squad Member

I'd like to help if I can.

Goblin Squad Member

*SIGH* Visions of the one time I was a movie extra for a couple of weeks. Stand around and do nothing. Get into position and stand around and do nothing. Then do something but be quiet about it. :-)

Ah, the glory days of youth!

Goblin Squad Member

I'll log in for this. I'd gladly take part in ambushing an escalation group or attack a group in a town, to showcase the possibilities of Open World PvP.

I am game depending on when.

Goblin Squad Member

Count me in also.

Goblin Squad Member

I am game for this.

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Fult available

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Fult wrote:
Fult available

Methinks ye be perfect for the role, yup, me do!

I'm down to be in a movie.

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

If you need someone to die, I'm your husk.

Goblin Squad Member

Count me in though I work till 6pm M-Th Pacific time.

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You can count on my steel! even if the grass still sucks

Goblin Squad Member

Should i be able to log into the game when you record i´d be happy to help.
-Can you teleport characters to the set?

Bluddwolf wrote:
I'll log in for this. I'd gladly take part in ambushing an escalation group or attack a group in a town, to showcase the possibilities of Open World PvP.

But then again;-) you might get casted as the good guy rescuing said escalation group :-D

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Gedichtewicht of Brighthaven wrote:

Should i be able to log into the game when you record i´d be happy to help.

-Can you teleport characters to the set?

Bluddwolf wrote:
I'll log in for this. I'd gladly take part in ambushing an escalation group or attack a group in a town, to showcase the possibilities of Open World PvP.
But then again;-) you might get casted as the good guy rescuing said escalation group :-D

I can play Robin Hood as well. As long as I get to attack from ambush, and kill stuff, I'm good.

Goblinworks Executive Founder

I'm in. Are we coordinating via TS, Mumble, or some other method?

Goblin Squad Member

2 people marked this as a favorite.

My avatar is a star. She's hotter than reality by far.

Goblin Squad Member

I would offer CotP Mumble, it is public, most of the leadership/secondary leadership of the game has access to it, and we can hold 1500 without any issues.

Goblin Squad Member

TEO Cheatle wrote:
I would offer CotP Mumble, it is public, most of the leadership/secondary leadership of the game has access to it, and we can hold 1500 without any issues.

This made me laugh, cynically.

Goblin Squad Member

I am interested.

Goblin Squad Member

Info on days and map location so we can get to the right place? It's a big world and will take a long time to run across the map (unless there are magical portals set up for GM use).

Goblin Squad Member

I'm willing. In-game handle is Guildenstern.

Goblin Squad Member

We could try a mini-Hamlet Production.

Goblin Squad Member

I like seeing how the glamour of being on TV attracts everyone even if it is just their in-game character.

Also totally in but I would probably be late every day, so maybe not reliable enough?

<Kabal>Keign wrote:

I like seeing how the glamour of being on TV attracts everyone even if it is just their in-game character.

Also totally in but I would probably be late every day, so maybe not reliable enough?

I believe Photoshop works for video, as well.

Goblin Squad Member

As to timing and character/equipment, I suspect that GW will provide specific equipment and teleport players to the correct location for the trailer recording.

Goblin Squad Member

I can help on the weekends and some weeknights, from 6 to 9pm Mountain Standard Time.

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