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![]() I'm glad there isn't something repeatably wrong with keywords. Still, if the OP wasn't simple user error (and I'm not saying it was... :) ), the inventory and equipping mechanics seem to have some buggy edge cases. I hope that the eventual combat logging will provide enough info to suss these things out! Like telling us what weapon, keywords, feat levels, etc were going into the damage function. ![]()
![]() Also, just now someone ran in front of me and pulled a goblin across my window. It was running after the other character - didn't have an opportunity icon (and it should have, no?) - and I couldn't click on it to save my life; the goblin really seemed to be unclickable - six or seven times I tried to click on the little bastard. Until it gave up and ran back; then I could click on it with no trouble *and* it had the opportunity icon on it all the way back to it's starting position. It might all be coincidence but I offer it in case it helps. ![]()
![]() I've killed a lot of goblins. Hours of it. All mostly with a longbow - basic strike and basic exploit. And I have a pattern after so many thousands of kills. Some days my exploit never kills in one shot - other days it *always* kills in one shot. Tonight is a night where it is never seeming to kill. After reading this thread I noticed that, tonight, when they are running after me, they loose the opportunity icon - and so the exploit doesn't kill. In case it helps the debugging, when the issue comes up for me, it stays until the next day. And it's happening now. If that helps at all, find "Red", my longbowman, and see the bug in action. ![]()
![]() I'm new to irc, but I gather it is an old/stable protocol which has many clients written for it. The one at mibbit.com is an irc client implemented to run in a browser - which makes things pretty simple. I'm using the irc client named irsii to connect. It's a text based client that works well on Linux but it looks like there is also a windows download for it - and it connected to the IRC server at irc.mibbit.com without any trouble. These IRC channels have become my third home (after this forum and my settlement forum) and I've used it to organize a lot of trade. I hope more folks join! ![]()
![]() I followed the DT instructions and I have two chars Training XP - but the second char didn't get the backdated XP. It's possible that I misunderstood or made a mistake. Does anyone's Destiny's Twin's have the same amount of XP? I checked this on two accounts: 1276xp @ 7:45 on the first toon
1245xp @ 7:28 on the first toon
I don't care for me - 200xp isn't something I'm worried about. If I waited until tomorrow - or next week - to make these characters I would be concerned. Are the instructions not working as intended or did I make a mistake? ![]()
![]() Alternatively, now that we're used to encumbrance, there could be a limit to how much stuff you acquire while looting; after you've reached that limit, nothing more could be added to your inventory. Then your macro would either have to sort your inventory and drop stuff or periodically drive you to the bank and back (before you're rooted). I agree that GW can't fix all of these holes but, like Kero, I hope there is something easy they can do with this one. And I'm super happy that Kero brought it up and that our community sees it for an exploit. Looking forward to tomorrow!! ![]()
![]() I'm only half way through the doc and all of my feedback is editorial. "If you gain the Attacker Flag, for a period of time, other characters can attack you..." [remove the comma after "time"] "The red portion..., the blue portion... and the yellow portion" [missing oxford comma before "and the yellow"] "A character firing a bow standing next to a monster using a sword will take damage faster than the same character using a sword as well." [this was hard for me to parse; maybe "Generally a character firing a bow..." and drop the "as well"?] "The Range will describe the area of effect of the attack." [I stumbled on "area of effect" - this phrase has a strong semantic association with things that effect a large area (like a fireball) - maybe: "The Range will describe the maximum distance at which the attack will have an effect." ?] More if I get the time. This is an excellent document and I can't wait to see it w/ pictures and diagrams! Cheers! ![]()
![]() Doc || Allegiant Gemstone Co. wrote:
Commoner Role & it's Disparaging Connotations (from July 2014) I just happened to be reading this a few weeks ago. But based on Lisa's post, player opinions probably didn't have a decisive effect on this decision. ![]()
![]() I'm writing a web tool to digest the GW raw spreadsheets and create plans and costs (xp, time, items, achievements, feats, recipes, ability scores, etc) for any goal (item, feat) given a store of current stuff (feats, xp, items). Plus a UI to navigate the OR clauses. It's very much like two or three other tools out there already (but not exactly). One big difference is that this one is web based. And I'm working on it more for fun than to fill a gap - though I hope it will do that too for some folks. It keeps me busy and excited while waiting for EE. That and compulsive lurking on these forums... :) ![]()
![]() Here, here! Thank you for your service! I found a list of non-profits that help veteran's and their families: http://www.charitywatch.org/toprated.html#veterans. Anyone recommend any others? ![]()
![]() Regarding the Server Performance goals for EE: 2,000 logged in clients, and 100 characters active in a hex. What are your *long*term*, post-EE launch goals? One of the features that is so exciting is formation combat - and it would be deflating if we could only expect to have two fifty toon armies before the server started booting us off. Thanks for the updates! ![]()
![]() One thing I didn't see mentioned yet was Death. Aside from accidentally drilling Cal (for which I didn't take any rep drop), finding the party and the action again after death was painful. While this is far less important than getting the accidental friendly fire worked out, I would like to see some marker on my minimap the shows me where I died. This will also be important when corpse looting goes in - I can see it being very frustrating not to be able to find your own corpse after dying (PVE or PVP). Thanks again to Cal and everyone for a great time! I can't wait to clear out one of those escalations! PS: I was running Lopper :) ![]()
![]() (If this is old news, apologies - please provide a pointer and I'll link back to it.) I see strong evidence that all of the +0 refining recipes are given to you free/automatically when you train the refining skill high enough to use them. The same is not true of the crafting recipes - there are a handful of +0 item recipes that my long playing alpha 9/10 toons have picked up as loot that aren't learned for free. Also, there are about thirty refining and crafting recipes (at least one in every skill) that you can craft w/o training any skill whatsoever. EG: Hide and Steel Banded, Introductory Trophy Charm, Pine Buckler, Coarse Yarn, etc. They are marked out in the Official Data spreadsheet as requiring Rank 0. That should make it somewhat easier to get those first Crafting achievement points w/o spending XP outside your preferred craft. SSpitfire1 and Guildenstern helped me out w/ some raw mats (Thanks!) and I burned through 40K+ XP on a blank toon to collect the data and verify all the refining/crafting skills through level 2 and about half through level 3 before I ran out of XP. Is there official info on recipe origin and availability? Do you think that higher levels of refining training will cease to provide free recipes? (and hehe - Ryan just posted on the status of EE - maybe no one will even read this... :) ) ![]()
![]() How many towers can one company take? I've been searching the forums for the announcement suspending or dropping the one company/one tower rule that Tork gave us in June but I can't find it. Do we know how this will shake out in EE? ![]()
![]() Awesome stuff - thanks for the behind the scenes detail - I think it really helps and it's really interesting. I was so sure that when I read "So while it sucks that folks are falling through the sky" that you were going to write "but the sky is not falling." Because I'm curious, I have one quick question regarding
Quote: Sometimes the server tries to log you in, determines that it is overloaded, and tries to hand you off to another server. That server might have the capacity to accept and process the login and it will do so. However, the hexes that new server is responsible for managing are not the hexes that your former server was managing. The new server picks one of its hexes and spawns you into the game - you appear to have "teleported" across the map. Does that new server eventually notice that you don't belong and send you back to the server for your proper hex? Or is the handoff itself a bug? ![]()
![]() Re: Pathfinder Online (Public) This data rocks. I'm new to the alpha and the more I experience, the more I need reference docs to keep things straight. Could we get one more field in the "Recipes (Refining)" and "Recipes (Crafting)" sheets? I would like to see the resulting quantity of items produced. EG, when I make "Coarse Thread +0", I get about 20 coarse thread items when the crafting completes but I don't see that info in the tables. Thanks very much for all the work and effort here - both from you and Rob and Dave and Morgan (sorry - I don't know your forum aliases from your names... :) ) and from Goblinworks! This kind of data turns the game from "a maze of twisty little passages, all alike" into a different kind of puzzle - one very much more to my liking! Cheers! ![]()
![]() Here's a small table of Buildings by Settlement type. I tried to do this in a google docs spreadsheet but those don't yet support vertical text. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B02ynlNCvvqiRjVNRDJZZW5PMVE/edit?usp=shari ng It was based on info attributed to Lee Hammock someplace above in this thread though I couldn't find a link to the original Lee Hammock post. And I had to guess at some of the data - like the Loom and the Dueling School didn't appear in the building types lists. Cheers! ![]()
![]() I didn't find an existing forum for finding folks to join up with - if there is one I'll move to it. I backed both kickstarters, didn't go in on the alpha, and I'm very excited for EE! I'm hoping to find some similar folks to join up with before EE so that all those early achievements don't go to waste. :) I'm generally Neutral Good in my world view and that's how I'll play the game. I'm most excited by the escalation cycles (PVE), the gathering & crafting, and team based PVP. I'm forty-something, married, with children, live in the Pacific timezone, and have a steady day job working in software. Are there other folks lurking out there in a similar situation who want to form a new company? Or are you in a company that's looking for players? Post or PM! Cheers! ![]()
![]() In Part 1, p 57 under Movement in the Stolen Lands it says: "Each hex on the map ... is 12 miles across (between opposite corners) and covers just under 150 square miles of area." This seems like a mistake - if the hex is 12 miles from corner to corner, that would only be 93.5 square miles. If the hex is 12 miles across from face to face, it would be about 124.7 square miles. Was there ever any official errata about this? (I looked but didn't find any - I found this forum topic instead! :) Or is my math wrong? Ref: area of a hex: if d is from corner to corner: d * d * 3 * sqrt(3) / 8
I'm trying to adapt the exploration rules to an old homebrew map with different hex sizes so I was going to use the area to scale the time costs. Thanks! |