How would you build two 18's, an 8, and three 7's as stats?


Taking a character to the furthest 20 point buy extremes, what character would you build with the thread title's stat array?

State race, class, the legality of the build (PFS, normal, or third party), and whether you're building more for power or theme.

Mechanically, I'd build something like a Halfling Swashbuckler and put the 18's into Dex and Cha.

Personally, I'd like to try an Elf with 5 Con and act like I was playing on hard mode, maybe an evasion tank type character for the dichotomy.

Traditional and ridiculous builds are welcome!

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Dwarf Wizard. 18 Int, 18 Dex, stick the 8 in Con to bump it up to 10. Dwarf save bonuses and racial stats would help shore up the weaknesses of having that kind of array. Favored class bonus into HP, maybe start with Toughness or Steel Soul as feats. Definitely take a trait for +Fort save, maybe also +Will.

You could also do the cheesy Synthesist Summoner with something like an ancient gnome or whatever and put the 18's in mental stats.

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Scarred Witch Doctor. Put the 18's in CON and DEX, you don't need anything else.

Arachnofiend wrote:
Scarred Witch Doctor. Put the 18's in CON and DEX, you don't need anything else.

Yeah, I can get down with that. Take dervish dance and your golden.

For PFS legal I'd take a Dwarven Swashbuckler 1/Your favored Full BAB class here X. Slashing grace the War Axe. S: 7 D: 18 C: 18 (20) I: 7 W : 8 (10) C: 7 (5)

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Full orc Barbarian with the Wild Rager archetype. 18 Strength, 18 Con. Dumber than a box of rocks and just as sturdy. Really fun for your party when you inevitably get dominated.

Under A Bleeding Sun wrote:
Arachnofiend wrote:
Scarred Witch Doctor. Put the 18's in CON and DEX, you don't need anything else.

Yeah, I can get down with that. Take dervish dance and your golden.

For PFS legal I'd take a Dwarven Swashbuckler 1/Your favored Full BAB class here X. Slashing grace the War Axe. S: 7 D: 18 C: 18 (20) I: 7 W : 8 (10) C: 7 (5)

Nah, if you want to go the combat route you should go Dawnflower Dervish. You have a strong will save so trash wisdom isn't as terrible. Probably go Dual Talent Human with the +'s in CON (to bring it up to 10) and DEX. A Paladin dip might be in order to help shore up that fortitude save.

Personally I would put it in CHA and CON for Lunar/Lore/Nature Oracle.
Grab Noble Scion of War and Divine Protection then Revelation that let you use CHA for AC and Reflex and you should be good to go.

Currently building an oread saurian shaman.
18(20) S & W, Con 8. Spend as much time in totemic shape so I can 'play' being a dinosaur. also having a 'little brother' who was hit on the back while playing a stegosaur & his face stuck like that. Can't go home until it is fixed or his parents will be mad. (I think the peanut-sized brain has been questioned, but most of us remember that about the stego anyway.)

Or bloodrager. Max Con & Str and move charisma up with racial bonus (human? half-orc? nagaji?), levels, magic. Continue to max S & C with rage & dragon disciple abilities. Skald might also work :)

Sovereign Court

Dwarf Cleric - get 20 Con and 20 Wis, grab a Guided weapon (to-hit and damage from Wisdom), take Heavy Armor Proficiency, and tank all day long. Dwarf Zen Archer would also be quite impressive.

EDIT: Though it may be tricky to wear heavy armor with 7 or 8 Str... eh, I'm sure there's a spell for that. (It would make a funny character quirk, too.)

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Casting & Con.

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Tuco Benedicto Pacífico Juan María Ramírez III

Dwarf Gunslinger (Pistolero)

STR 7 (7)
DEX 18 (18)
CON 10 (8 +2)
INT 7 (7)
WIS 20 (18 +2)
CHA 5 (7 -2)

Scarab Sages

Reynard_the_fox wrote:

Dwarf Cleric - get 20 Con and 20 Wis, grab a Guided weapon (to-hit and damage from Wisdom), take Heavy Armor Proficiency, and tank all day long. Dwarf Zen Archer would also be quite impressive.

EDIT: Though it may be tricky to wear heavy armor with 7 or 8 Str... eh, I'm sure there's a spell for that. (It would make a funny character quirk, too.)

You are a dwarf. Slow and Steady means you don't slow down even under heavy encumberance.

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I wouldn't, except for a TOON! type silly game.

Basic thug fighter, just about any race. Strength and Con. Not overly clever or creative. Fighting is all he knows.

Dwarven sorcerer of the empyreal blood line.

8 str
18 dex
9(+2) con
20 wisdom
7 int
5 cha

add in a rank of monk for a 19 ac without spells like mage armor or shield and focus on spells that cause trouble or are save or die spells

A Lunar Oracle with the spirit guide archetype allowing you to run knowledge skills with Charisma using the Wandering Lore Spirit when needed. You can easily dump strength, wisdom, int and dexterity. You run AC, Reflex Saves and Initiative off charisma with the revelation and noble scion. Take Divine Protection to make your saves unmissable bar a 1. Use your animal companion for melee and make use of your maximised charisma for the highest DC control spells around. Grab Touch of the Moon at level 7 and make sure you chose to spontaneously inflict and become a bad touch confusion causing minster.

William Froh wrote:

Dwarven sorcerer of the empyreal blood line.

8 str
18 dex
9(+2) con
20 wisdom
7 int
5 cha

add in a rank of monk for a 19 ac without spells like mage armor or shield and focus on spells that cause trouble or are save or die spells

should this Dex be 16 (-2)?

Silver Crusade

Dwarves don't get -2 Dex. They are +2 Con, +2 Wis, and -2 Cha.

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Bigdaddyjug wrote:
Dwarves don't get -2 Dex. They are +2 Con, +2 Wis, and -2 Cha.

D'oh! I knew that, I always blame my -1 initiative modifier on my dwarven slow speed. 'Tis an flavor thing because I dumped my own Dex... :P

Honestly any caster would work.

Barbarian is fine, your AC is probably going to suck anyway.

I might could make a Swashbuckler work with those stats.
Halfling - Inspired template swashbuckler, 18 Dex, 18 Cha, Str 8, others 7.
Pray to parry a lot, use Charmed Life to save yourself on saves.

Aasimar, Peri-Blooded, +2 int & charisma.

Monk with 20 charisma and int.

Aasimar Synthesist Summoner: 7's in Str, Dex, and Int. 18 Con, 20 Cha, 10 Wis.

or, with Psionics - pure manifester (Psion, Wilder, Vitalist) with one level of Aegis (start with Astral Juggernaut, then drop down to Astral Skin once you can get the high Armor bonus elsewhere). Put the 18s in Manifesting stat and Con.

Arachnofiend wrote:
Scarred Witch Doctor. Put the 18's in CON and DEX, you don't need anything else.

If you want something REALLY outrageous, how about put 18s in STR (Orc adjustments make it 22) and CON and the 8 in DEX and go Fighter (or Dirty Fighter) 1, Scarred Witch Doctor 6, and Eldritch Knight until you run it out (if you get that far, optionally get 1 more level of Fighter/Dirty Fighter and then return to Scarred Witch Doctor). The downside: Orc adjustments turn those 7s into 5s.

scarred witch doctor, synthesist, cleric with guided hand, loracle, barbarian, monk with guided hand, sensei, evangelist cleric based on rulership domain (I pity your enemies), zen archer monk, base inquisitor, dragon disciple (base health makes up for poor stats), empyreal sorcerer bloodline sorcerer, dhamphir antipaladin or cleric based on negative channel (self heal), ecclistheurge blaster with inquisitor domain (your attack, spells, will save, mouth skills, and more in one stat).

point being you wisdom and charisma builds are almost the only means by which you can get away with this. scarred witch and invulnerable rager barb are almost the only exceptions I can even think of and those are archetypes not classes. no dex based class will work, one strength based, one con based. intelligence is full of full casters but they are nearly glass OR have finite spells and once they are gone they are useless/finished.

Shadow Lodge

I wouldn't

But if I had to, gnome sorcerer or a half orc arcanist

If you want to 5 con elf mode the go no further than an elf conjurer, teleportation subschool. Start with 20 Int 20 Dex 10 Wis 7 Cha 5 Con. Obviously not an ideal build, you might even consider taking a fortitude related feat. But your ability to move around the battlefield and eventually fly might make this workable. Early on would be difficult, but shift helps evade melee. Eventually you'll need to use bear's endurance and magic mirror. Then you'll be okay. But no doubt this'll be difficult, but you can get to a level where you can really put together a character with enough hit points and evasive abilities and you'll go first, a lot.

I started this thread because a friend of mine made a character with basically the same stats (two 14s, two 13s, and two 12s) to not let anything suffer. That got me thinking about the opposite end of the spectrum.

Thanks for all your submissions! I was hoping more people would create characters with a wonky theme or purposefully create the worst character possible. I guess mostly min-maxers reside on the Advice forum! /snark

Paizo Employee Design Manager

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DethBySquirl wrote:
You could also do the cheesy Synthesist Summoner with something like an ancient gnome or whatever and put the 18's in mental stats.

I can't help but picture the Eidolon in that scenario as some sort of mobile, magical iron lung keeping a creature that should have died long ago alive through unnatural means.

Seems like a fun idea for an antagonist.

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Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Cleru wrote:

Personally I would put it in CHA and CON for Lunar/Lore/Nature Oracle.

Grab Noble Scion of War and Divine Protection then Revelation that let you use CHA for AC and Reflex and you should be good to go.

The Divine Protection feat would have to come later, as you have to be able to cast 2nd level divine spells before you qualify.

Somebody mentioned a Synthesist Summoner as a possibility, but I definitely would not make constitution one of the dump stats since that could turn a blow that knocks you unconscious into a killing blow. I would actually consider 18s in constitution and charisma, 8 in wisdom, and 7 in the other stats for that class. The only open question for this build would be exactly when the constitution increase from losing the eidolon suit kicks in -- would it happen in time to save you from what might be a death blow to your "suited" hit points?

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Dimminsy wrote:

I started this thread because a friend of mine made a character with basically the same stats (two 14s, two 13s, and two 12s) to not let anything suffer. That got me thinking about the opposite end of the spectrum.

Thanks for all your submissions! I was hoping more people would create characters with a wonky theme or purposefully create the worst character possible. I guess mostly min-maxers reside on the Advice forum! /snark

Well I personally thought you wanted something workable. If you want "joke" or "silly" builds I got plenty of them too.

Silver Crusade

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For a ridiculous build, go with a dhampir archaeologist bard who uses a bow.

Pre-racial ability scores:

Str: 7
Dex: 18 (+2)
Con: 8 (-2)
Int: 7
Wis: 7
Cha: 18 (+2)

And just to make it extra fun, no Toughness or Tribal Scars feat and no FCB into HP. You would start at level 1 with an astounding 6 HP, giving new meaning to the phrase "glass cannon".

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Dimminsy wrote:

I started this thread because a friend of mine made a character with basically the same stats (two 14s, two 13s, and two 12s) to not let anything suffer. That got me thinking about the opposite end of the spectrum.

Thanks for all your submissions! I was hoping more people would create characters with a wonky theme or purposefully create the worst character possible. I guess mostly min-maxers reside on the Advice forum! /snark

Well, altho you do make a point, your OP wasnt clear. We tried to give you useful advice, including my "I wouldn't, except for a TOON! type silly game."

Now, if that's the game you want, we can have lots of fun with it.

Frank Gallop would suggest:Irving the 142nd fastest gun in the west.
Str 7
Dex 7
Con 18
Int 18
Wis 7
Cha 8
"They called him Irving.
Big Irving.
Big, short Irving.
Big, short, fat Irving.
The hundred and forty-second fastest gun in the West."

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Name: Bond, James
Race: Human
Deity: Arshea and Side of Calistria

Stats:7,7,18,7,8,18 (20)
1H: focused study (diplomacy)
1) racial heritage
3 natural charmer
After that it won't matter except you need to make sure to get as many languages as possible.

Role: Diplomat/seducer.
Fluff: too graphic to say. Lets just say that some S&M combined with Arshea tenent of daily pleasure made him very hardy and durable.
Comments: at level 3 he overcomes DCs of 30+, especially with silver tongue trait, with mouth skills easy. Have fun. I did.

Lantern Lodge

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PFS Legal:

The Absent-Minded Professor
Human Wizard (Evoker)
Focused Study: Skill Focus: Profession (Teacher)
Level 1 Feat: Merciful Spell
Level 1 Wizard Feat (PFS): Spell Focus (Evocation)

18 (+2) INT
18 CHA

Would treat each adventure as a chance to lecture the rest of the people, preparing only Merciful Spells (damn departmental regulations!) Besides, you don't want anyone to get hurt.

Alternatively, (same stat array), White Mage Arcanist same feats.

"Resoration's a perfectly viable school of magic. Don't let anything those other wizards tell you convince you otherwise!"

Cast Merciful Cure Light Wounds for extra points.

David knott 242 wrote:

Somebody mentioned a Synthesist Summoner as a possibility, but I definitely would not make constitution one of the dump stats since that could turn a blow that knocks you unconscious into a killing blow. I would actually consider 18s in constitution and charisma, 8 in wisdom, and 7 in the other stats for that class. The only open question for this build would be exactly when the constitution increase from losing the eidolon suit kicks in -- would it happen in time to save you from what might be a death blow to your "suited" hit points?

Yeah, I suggested an Aasimar Synthesist, with a 18 Con, 20 Cha, and 10 Wis (after modifiers)

I would rule that the Fort increase happens AFTER the eidolon "dies," so it can't be used to save it, unless you got some immediate action time travel thing. :p

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Dimminsy wrote:

Taking a character to the furthest 20 point buy extremes, what character would you build with the thread title's stat array?

State race, class, the legality of the build (PFS, normal, or third party), and whether you're building more for power or theme.

Mechanically, I'd build something like a Halfling Swashbuckler and put the 18's into Dex and Cha.

Personally, I'd like to try an Elf with 5 Con and act like I was playing on hard mode, maybe an evasion tank type character for the dichotomy.

Traditional and ridiculous builds are welcome!

That's not hard mode...

That's dead in first encounter mode.

I had a player who thought the same way as you. He went from full hit points to dead at -Con in one stroke in the character's first encounter. And he had a 7 con.

Renegadeshepherd wrote:
Well I personally thought you wanted something workable. If you want "joke" or "silly" builds I got plenty of them too.
DrDeth wrote:
Well, altho you do make a point, your OP wasnt clear. We tried to give you useful advice, including my "I wouldn't, except for a TOON! type silly game."

I wasn't saying that I'm upset people were giving actually good mechanical advice. I was just surprised people hadn't given more joke answers. Maybe I just don't believe in the goodness of the internet enough. You guys are 'da real MVPs.

Jayson MF Kip wrote:
Cast Merciful Cure Light Wounds for extra points.

Can you even apply Merciful? I guess it doesn't really limit what spells you can put it on. "I'd like to cast an Elemental (Acid) Coaxing Cure Serious Wounds." Would that cause "acid bleed heal damage"?

Silver Crusade

Human Barbarian
18 STR DEX 7 CON 18, INT 7, WIS 10, CHA 7

Who needs Armor or Init. Feats Power Attack, Iron Will.
Rage power Superstition, build from there.

Sovereign Court

Play a Gnomish Arcanist with the high scores to Int and Charisma and scheme your way to victory!

...assuming your abominable saves, HP, and AC don't kill you. ;)

Nah man we didn't think you were upset or otherwise negative towards us. Just a misunderstanding with a little sarcasm on my part. Seriously though there are some joke builds that can truly be played if you desire them.

Silver Crusade

Dimminsy wrote:
Renegadeshepherd wrote:
Well I personally thought you wanted something workable. If you want "joke" or "silly" builds I got plenty of them too.
DrDeth wrote:
Well, altho you do make a point, your OP wasnt clear. We tried to give you useful advice, including my "I wouldn't, except for a TOON! type silly game."

I wasn't saying that I'm upset people were giving actually good mechanical advice. I was just surprised people hadn't given more joke answers. Maybe I just don't believe in the goodness of the internet enough. You guys are 'da real MVPs.

Jayson MF Kip wrote:
Cast Merciful Cure Light Wounds for extra points.
Can you even apply Merciful? I guess it doesn't really limit what spells you can put it on. "I'd like to cast an Elemental (Acid) Coaxing Cure Serious Wounds." Would that cause "acid bleed heal damage"?

Merciful can only be added to spells that deal hit point damage. Although, if you were casting that cure light wounds to deal damage to an undead, you could add merciful to it. Then again, most undead are immune to non-lethal damage.

LazarX wrote:
Dimminsy wrote:

{. . .}
Personally, I'd like to try an Elf with 5 Con and act like I was playing on hard mode, maybe an evasion tank type character for the dichotomy.
{. . .}

That's not hard mode...

That's dead in first encounter mode.

I had a player who thought the same way as you. He went from full hit points to dead at -Con in one stroke in the character's first encounter. And he had a 7 con.

Somewhat off-topic, this reminds me of a 1st Edition AD&D game I was a player in college, in a HUGE group (I think somewhere around 16 players/characters). Of course, everything was rolled back then -- by standard rules, no Point Buy. The DM used the optional Social Status table from the DMG (anyone remember how that thing was organized . . . or not?), but I'll get to that in a moment.

Anyway, I rolled up a character, and decided to play an Elven Thief (that's precursor to Rogue, for those of you who don't remember AD&D/1st Edition). I don't remember what my Constitution was, but it was nothing to get a bonus from. But here's the first kicker: As I said above, EVERYTHING was rolled, including your first Hit Dice, which for Thief back then (and for a while afterwards) was d6, not d8. And remember, no Dead at -Con back then -- you were Dead at 0. AND I GOT a **1**.

And here's kicker #2: As I said above, the DM used the optional Social Status table, and rolled for my character's Social Status, and got 00 = ROYALTY.

Too bad that game didn't get past a couple of sessions . . . At least on the bright side, that meant my character actually managed to survive through as much of the campaign as we played.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Reynard_the_fox wrote:

Play a Gnomish Arcanist with the high scores to Int and Charisma and scheme your way to victory!

...assuming your abominable saves, HP, and AC don't kill you. ;)

Every great plan has it's downsides.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
KahnyaGnorc wrote:
David knott 242 wrote:

Somebody mentioned a Synthesist Summoner as a possibility, but I definitely would not make constitution one of the dump stats since that could turn a blow that knocks you unconscious into a killing blow. I would actually consider 18s in constitution and charisma, 8 in wisdom, and 7 in the other stats for that class. The only open question for this build would be exactly when the constitution increase from losing the eidolon suit kicks in -- would it happen in time to save you from what might be a death blow to your "suited" hit points?

Yeah, I suggested an Aasimar Synthesist, with a 18 Con, 20 Cha, and 10 Wis (after modifiers)

I would rule that the Fort increase happens AFTER the eidolon "dies," so it can't be used to save it, unless you got some immediate action time travel thing. :p

No, that wouldn't work anyway since you would have fewer hit points with the eidolon suit than without.

What I was referring to was the situation where you are reduced to -Con (based on your eidolon's Con) but would have enough hit points once the eidolon is gone to be alive or even (at higher levels) still conscious. Would you survive that attack?

1st level example: With eidolon summoned, you have 5 temporary hit points, 9 regular hit points, and a Con of 13 -- so a hit for 27 hit points should kill you. The eidolon absorbs 5 of the hit points, meaning that you actually take 22 hit points -- but without the eidolon, you have 12 hit points and a Con of 18, which would mean (in this case) that you are at -4 hit points and merely dying rather than dead. So in this case, the question is whether the eidolon was banished in time for you to get back thhose extra 9 hit points between full health and death?

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