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Pg. 209 - Holy weapon balm
This item has been improperly categorized. Alchemical weapons are those alchemical items that can be used as weapons themselves, either as a melee weapon like liquid blade or as a thrown splash weapon like alchemist's fire. This item is simply something you apply to an existing weapon, making it more like Ultimate Magic's various weapon blanche items, which are alchemical tools.

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p. 222-224 Amulet of the Blooded - shouldn't these have a requirement that the creator must possess the appropriate bloodline? It seems weird that a wizard can create one of these just as easily as a sorcerer, or that a sorcerer could make one of a different bloodline.
(the same issue applies to the amulet of the spirits p. 224 - 225 regarding mysteries/spirits.)
Also, while the prices for these seem reasonable, they seem slightly underpriced compared to other magic items that grant energy resistance. A ring of minor energy resistance gives resistance 10 to one type of energy for 12,000 gp, and many of these amulets grant resistance 5 to two energies (such as celestial with acid and cold, abyssal with fire and electricity, etc.) That alone is about worth the same a resistance 10 to one energy type.
That being said, energy resistance items seem overpriced, so maybe it's a good thing....but if so then it suggests that the rings and armor enhancements should be made cheaper.

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p. 230 Handkerchief of Finding - does simply possessing the handkerchief for a week automatically attune to the new possessor, or does that require the intent to attune to it? It seems counter productive for it's function of being able to track it's location if you're attuned to it, give it to someone, then you can sense what direction it's in, but after a week it would attune to your mark (presumably replacing it's attunement to you).

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p. 232 One way window - this seems horribly underpriced. If you compare it to a ring of x-ray vision, which also lets the user see through objects/walls, and costs 25,000 gp rather than the window which costs 4,000.
The ring you can use 10 minutes per day before taking 1 Con damage per additional minute, while the window can be used all day long.
The ring only affects the wearer, while the window lets anyone in the room look through it.
The ring uses a ring slot, while the window is slotless.
The only thing the ring does that the window doesn't is allows you to see if the area you're viewing is in darkness, while the window doesn't, but even if you added the cost of a goggles of night, that only adds 12,000 gp, and the goggles work all of the time, not only when looking through a wall.

Kudaku |

The price seems more reasonable when you compare the one-way window to the Gloves of Reconnaissance. Despite being half the price the gloves also let you hear through the wall, and can penetrate 15 feet of solid materials - unlike the window, which would only work on thin wooden walls and doors. But considering it has no duration limitation I agree the price is on the low side.
Although I have to say that if the mirror cost more than ~6 000 GP I'd just carry a few pairs of recon gloves instead.

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p. 237 vanishing sheath - isn't this pretty much the same as the glove of storing, but for smaller items? Since it is, it seems like a cheap way (5000 gp vs. 10000 gp for the glove) to get the same effect for lots of uses. It also gives the bonus on slight of hand for concealing a weapon.
Also, since this uses the wrist slot, and the gloves use the hands slot, is it an issue that a character can now have 4 instant in your hand items rather than 2?

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p. 234 - 235 runestone of power vs. spell lattice - these seem priced backwards. The runestone of power is essentially the same as a pearl of power, except for spontaneous casters, but it priced double (2000 gp for 1st level, vs. pearl of power 1000 gp) and the spell lattice grants an additional spell known, which grants the additional versatility that spontaneous casters lack, which seems more valuable to me than an extra spell slot when they already have a lot of spell slots...so I'd expect it to be double the pearl of power prices, rather than the same.

Secret Wizard |

I keep going over it and I think that giving the Daring Champion a Finesse feature was an error in production, that they just meant to write it could get CHA for INT to qualify for combat feats...
It really doesn't make sense to tell someone to stack DEX and give them Medium armor and no armor training...
Plus it obsoletes the Swashbuckler itself.

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11 people marked this as a favorite. |

This seemed like the most appropriate thread to announce that the Advanced Class Guide now has its own FAQ section, starting with two new FAQs. At popular demand, FAQs will also let you know if they are pending errata (rather than just a clarification on an ambiguous wording.
These FAQs cover the skald's wind instruments and the slayer's skill scaling. See it all here.
Can the skald use Perform (wind) as a versatile performance? Should it be a class skill?
Yes, the skald should have Perform (wind) as a class skill, and they should be able to use it as a versatile performance for Diplomacy and Handle Animal. This will be reflected in future errata.
The slayer’s favored target advancement doesn’t mention that the skill bonuses increase from +1 at levels 5, 10, 15, and 20. Should they increase?
Yes, they should increase along with slayer ability DCs, attack, and damage. This will be reflected in future errata.

Secret Wizard |

This seemed like the most appropriate thread to announce that the Advanced Class Guide now has its own FAQ section, starting with two new FAQs. At popular demand, FAQs will also let you know if they are pending errata (rather than just a clarification on an ambiguous wording.
These FAQs cover the skald's wind instruments and the hunter's skill scaling. See it all here.
I love you.

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5 people marked this as a favorite. |

Pathfinder Design Team wrote:This seemed like the most appropriate thread to announce that the Advanced Class Guide now has its own FAQ section, starting with two new FAQs. At popular demand, FAQs will also let you know if they are pending errata (rather than just a clarification on an ambiguous wording.
These FAQs cover the skald's wind instruments and the hunter's skill scaling. See it all here.
I love you.
I don't see anything on pending errata but I'm sure it will be added soon.
They say "This will be reflected in future errata". Also, we like you, Secret Wizard, but we're not sure if we "like like" you. That relevation will have to wait for the next round of FAQs.
...Though I'm guessing you mean "slayer's" skill scaling. FAQ-worthy? ;)
Whatever do you mean?

graystone |

This seemed like the most appropriate thread to announce that the Advanced Class Guide now has its own FAQ section, starting with two new FAQs. At popular demand, FAQs will also let you know if they are pending errata (rather than just a clarification on an ambiguous wording.
These FAQs cover the skald's wind instruments and the slayer's skill scaling. See it all here.
Two thumbs up! One for new FAQ section and one for added errata notification. Now I'll sit here and wait for more entries in that section. ;)

Blue_Hill |
3 people marked this as FAQ candidate. |

Posted this question to Rules Questions last week but hopefully it will be soon in FAQ:
Bloodrager and changing spells
My friend is playing bloodrager in our campaign he just hit 4th level and his bloodrager gets his first spells. We noticed that bloodrager doesn't have the line about changing spells at certain levels. So can bloodrager change his spells known when leveling like a sorcerer can or is he stuck with spells choices he makes for the rest of his life?
Is this intentional or just an error? I can see no reason for one spontaneous caster not to have option to change his spells as he gets more powerful. Bloodrager is different kind of caster but this still wonders me a lot.
Thanks for replying.

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2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Given the ENORMOUS pile of legitimate questions raised by the ACG, most of which should be super easy to answer, that FAQ feels like a slap in the face.
Patience! The Paizo team is, at any one time, working on several things:
1. Books in the pipeline.2. Books about ready to publish.
3. FAQs and errata for already-published books.
4. Planning for future books.
5. Mystery stuff we (the public) don't know about.
You've got to take a deep breath and realize that this is a start. Yes it is small, but once it's up, it's a lot easier to add to. The web team has a lot of stuff on its plate, too, so getting something up allows the FAQ writers to start adding. Give them time and take a deep breath; getting angry isn't going to help them get it up faster, it only makes you angry. Which is usually an undesirable situation.

Pupsocket |
1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. |

I think what they mean is we already knew the Skald thing a month ago or more, and the Slayer bit is while nice, not particularly important comparred to so many other issues.
Exactly. Stuff like the Bolt Ace's Gunsmithing and starting firearm, how often a Hunter's companion can use Skirmisher tricks, how the Hooded Champion actually works...that stuff requires thought, probably requiring correspondence with the writers and review. But stuff like "Yes, the shield champion is proficoent with shields", "yes, pummeling style is for unarmed strikes only","no, sacred fist and monk and brawler wis-to-ac don't stack" should just be bloody answered.

Mark Seifter Designer |

I think what they mean is we already knew the Skald thing a month ago or more, and the Slayer bit is while nice, not particularly important comparred to so many other issues.
Indeed, I did mention that those would be covered a month ago. That's also how I got us this nice FAQ section started up again, by aiming for low-hanging fruit. It's not always a FAQ for FAQ trade. In this case, it may have been a FAQ for no FAQ trade if you traded away what you got. It takes some grease to get the wheels spinning again!
Also, these two directly affect the pregens, so that made it easier to get these through ;)

Secret Wizard |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

DM Beckett wrote:I think what they mean is we already knew the Skald thing a month ago or more, and the Slayer bit is while nice, not particularly important comparred to so many other issues.Exactly. Stuff like the Bolt Ace's Gunsmithing and starting firearm, how often a Hunter's companion can use Skirmisher tricks, how the Hooded Champion actually works...that stuff requires thought, probably requiring correspondence with the writers and review. But stuff like "Yes, the shield champion is proficoent with shields", "yes, pummeling style is for unarmed strikes only","no, sacred fist and monk and brawler wis-to-ac don't stack" should just be bloody answered.
Brawler ain't no get WIS to AC.

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Pg. 212 - Answering weapon special ability
Assuming this is true, it might be a good idea to mention that answering can only be applied to melee weapons.
EDIT: While we're on the subject, the opportune parry and riposte deed doesn't actually says it requires the user be wielding a light or one-handed piercing weapon. Should it? If so, should the answering special ability be further specified it can only be applied to such melee weapons?

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Pg. 212 - Blood-hunting weapon special ability (and others)
This special ability (and really most special abilities in this section) doesn't specify what kind of weapon it can be applied to. Since this ability functions similarly like bane, it stands to reason it can be applied to the the same ones as that special ability (read: all of them). Therefore, can we assume that if it doesn't specifically mention what it can be applied to, it's meant to be applicable to all types of weapons (melee, ranged, and ammunition)?
Those special abilities that don't mention what they can be applied to:
- Answering
- Blood-hunting
- Confounding
- Distracting
- Greater distracting
- Exclusionary
- Sacred
- Spirit-hunting

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Pg. 214 - Flying weapon special ability
This ability has been categorized on 5-7: Weapon Special Abilities (page 213) as a +5 weapon special ability. While this is certainly true, GMs may want to consider it a +4 weapon special ability when randomly generating treasure, much like vorpal was in Ultimate Equipment.

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Pg. 222 - Wondrous items
Going by Ultimate Equipment, because the elixir of the thundering voice, the toothpick of pyrotechnics, the storyteller's dust, the assassin's dust, and the bottled scream are all slotless wondrous items less than 1,000 gp in price, they are actually least minor wondrous items, not lesser minor (again, only useful for GMs using UE to randomize treasure and want to include these).

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Pg. 227 - Blouse of the boastful bastard
This item should be a chest item, not a body item. Shirts, blouses, and tunics fall in the chest category, while the body slot is more for robes and other things that can be draped over worn armor (while chest slot items are worn underneath armor).
As an example, take the cackling hag's blouse from page 220 of Ultimate Equipment (a chest slot item).

AndIMustMask |

Sniper Slayer archetype issue:
Deadly Range (Ex)
At 2nd level, a sniper increases the range at which he can apply his sneak attack damage by 10 feet. Whenever the sniper is able to select a new slayer talent, he can instead choose to increase this range by an additional 5 feet.This ability replaces the slayer talent gained at 2nd level.
emphasis mine. did you perhaps mean 15 feet? otherwise why take the talent-replacement option when you can take the deadly range slayer talent that adds 10 feet (which can be taken multiple times)?

deuxhero |
Gravedigger's Spade functions as a "masterwork shovel". Masterwork shovels are not detailed in any material I know of.
Lantern of Auras says "The lantern functions as a bullseye lantern but needs no oil to shed its light.". There is no clause like Continual Flame's "but it creates no heat and doesn't use oxygen" which seems to be an oversight.
Skald lacks a clause like "Changing a bardic performance from one effect to another requires the bard to stop the previous performance and start a new one as a standard action" allowing a skald to possibly have every performance active at once as long as he keeps spending actions to start and rounds to maintain. Also allows multiclassed Skald/Bard or Poet's Cloak users to have both a bardic performance and raging song up (this may or may not be intentional)
Pg. 208 - Vomit capsule
Not an error, just an observation. This item says its purpose is primarily for criminals wanting to create a distraction. I'm not a designer, but I feel like the perfect use for an item like this is as an alchemical remedy to help stave off the effects of ingested poisons. Something along the lines of "biting down on this capsule 1 round after swallowing an ingested poison allows you to roll twice on your next saving throw against its effects and take the higher result."
Additionally the lack of any interaction with Swallow Whole is very obvious

Morzadian |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Paizo's Advanced Class Guide had a public Playtest. And they still managed to create a badly produced book, a complete editing disaster, with unbalanced, unfinished classes with broken feats and overpowered spells.
Even the art was below their usual high standard. The artwork was rushed.
Purchasing the Advanced Class Guide was like buying a brand new car that came with a engine with missing parts (you couldn't drive the car, but the car ad on t.v was pretty cool), with the car company saying it might send you the missing parts one day.
Paizo should refund the money (Advanced Class Guide) to it's loyal customers. At the very least make a public apology.
What caused the Advanced Class Guide disaster? They outsourced the editing and design work to people with less experience, and there was a massive communication breakdown, there wasn't any unity in their creative vision.
Erik Mona, Lisa Stevens are great editors with significant experience. They edited the superbly designed and produced Advanced Player's Guide. They need to be hands on again with their products.
The threads and posts in the Homebrew section (in the Paizo forums) is unusually large. Do you know why? Players are doing the designers job, fixing up the plethora of design mistakes they have made, clarifying badly worded explanations and introducing intelligent concepts into the game.
It has gotten so bad, the players are now the designers, and the designers are our students, struggling students who repeat year after year their final exam, never having the right amount of focus and dedication to make that passing grade.

Morzadian |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Pupsocket wrote:Given the ENORMOUS pile of legitimate questions raised by the ACG, most of which should be super easy to answer, that FAQ feels like a slap in the face.Patience! The Paizo team is, at any one time, working on several things:
1. Books in the pipeline.
2. Books about ready to publish.
3. FAQs and errata for already-published books.
4. Planning for future books.
5. Mystery stuff we (the public) don't know about.You've got to take a deep breath and realize that this is a start. Yes it is small, but once it's up, it's a lot easier to add to. The web team has a lot of stuff on its plate, too, so getting something up allows the FAQ writers to start adding. Give them time and take a deep breath; getting angry isn't going to help them get it up faster, it only makes you angry. Which is usually an undesirable situation.
Paizo's loyal customer base has every right to be angry.
Paizo like any other company shouldn't be thinking about new products (books becoming ready to publish), when their most recent products were so badly produced, that they cannot be used by the customers who purchased it without extensive rewrites and clarifications.
Any other company in another industry would be forced to recall their products.
Very unprofessional, brings back memories of the bad old days when TSR would produce poor quality splatbook after splatbook.

MMCJawa |

Paizo's Advanced Class Guide had a public Playtest. And they still managed to create a badly produced book, a complete editing disaster, with unbalanced, unfinished classes with broken feats and overpowered spells.
Even the art was below their usual high standard. The artwork was rushed.
Purchasing the Advanced Class Guide was like buying a brand new car that came with a engine with missing parts (you couldn't drive the car, but the car ad on t.v was pretty cool), with the car company saying it might send you the missing parts one day.
Paizo should refund the money (Advanced Class Guide) to it's loyal customers. At the very least make a public apology.
What caused the Advanced Class Guide disaster? They outsourced the editing and design work to people with less experience, and there was a massive communication breakdown, there wasn't any unity in their creative vision.
Erik Mona, Lisa Stevens are great editors with significant experience. They edited the superbly designed and produced Advanced Player's Guide. They need to be hands on again with their products.
The threads and posts in the Homebrew section (in the Paizo forums) is unusually large. Do you know why? Players are doing the designers job, fixing up the plethora of design mistakes they have made, clarifying badly worded explanations and introducing intelligent concepts into the game.
It has gotten so bad, the players are now the designers, and the designers are our students, struggling students who repeat year after year their final exam, never having the right amount of focus and dedication to make that passing grade.
While I think the ACG did have some editing problems, practically every hardcover release has outsourced some of the design work regarding archetypes, etc. Similarly, I am not aware of any outsourcing of editing, in either this or earlier books; all editing is done by inhouse staff. It's really not practical for a company the size of Paizo to have their creative leaders do every little task. They apparently just hired a new editor, and also we have a new designer (and are hiring another developer!), so it obvious to me that Paizo is trying to do a bit better job on the editing and development of books