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In short it allows the sorcerer to cast using Wis instead of Cha. Works wonders with divine casters.

Question. Would you allow a blood arcanist to take the empyreal wildbloodline? Because normally they would not work because wildblood is an archetype but it's called a mutation of a normal bloodline.

Hello everyone,

I wanted to play an Earth Bender styled character so immediately my mind went to the Kineticist from the Playtest.

At first I was going to use the Oread, but looking at them they look immediately like watered down Stone Child from Races of the Wild.

So when I was reading the Stone Child from the above mentioned book I found them to be really cool.

Well their CR is 3 and they have 2 RHD.
Their stats are insane and yes I know they are INSANELY powerful.

Now their Monster Class runs 6 levels, and has a +4 LA on top of 2 RHD.

This is a gestalt game and I was going to have the Stone Child on one side and the Terrakineticists on the other side.

So should I use the full 6 level monster class and then employ LA buy off? Or does the CR 3 idea work better?

I am curious if anyone has played a Earth focused Kineticist before?
Can anyone tell me how the class played?

Bags of holding might allow this as a full sized bag of holding can carry 75,000 gold pieces if 50 gold to a lbs.

Also not sure how Extra Dimensional spaces would work when it is time for it to be blinked back.

Funny enough I didn't know this trilogy had a name. These were the first 3 mods I ran as a DM in PF. In fact we have reused them after that leading to original content.

Now to point:
They are in a city of gold, which fills with molten gold every 72 hours but I believe they will not have as much time as that (Where is the challenge right)

If they need money or loot for this, have them fine some gold bobbles and trinkets that can be sold for money when they leave. I believe I had a golden statue of a monkey, which was actually a monkey familiar who had been caught in the molten gold as it was cooling and it made a monkey statue which I said was worth a pretty penny if not a bit heavy.

Ok so I was going to play a character in an upcoming game to chrisen our new Gaming Table. Its going to be a Gestalt game because we only have three players and we are likely going to be running Rise of the Ruin Lords AP or Possibly Curse of the Crimson Throne if not a completely original content.

So I wanted to look into playing a Slayer//Investigator.
I have some decent Stats I rolled an 18 which I am going to put into INT, 13,11,16,10,14 as the others.

I don't know much about how to best blend the two, but I heard they would work well together.
They give a d10 HD, 6+Int, All good Saves, Up to Medium Armor, All Martial Weapons and Hand Crossbow.

Investigator is very INT focused. The Studied Target and Studied Combat stack if you get Quick Study Talent (One would then use Swift and one Move actions.)

But what race is best? What feats compliment this the best?

Martial influence was why i said gestalt with monk. Or brawler if you want full bab. But monk gives good wis and wis to ac along with a few fun things via qinggong

No it is not. But then again pf is suppose to be backward compatible.
Also they are more guidelines then rules.

Samsaren with past life trait works to remedy that.

Gestalt kineticist with monk and each have a different element snd watch the fun.

boring7 wrote:

I'd forgotten the whole "afraid of mirrors" thing, in fact I still don't remember much about it or where it's from. A point was made in another recent thread that real-world vampire mythology is basically all over the freakin' map from driving iron nails into ribs, bricks into mouths, or white rice on your doorstep to destroy, block, or otherwise affect vampires.

As for *using* their weaknesses, well once they are defined PCs will use them same as any other monster, because we're gamers and that's how we do. If the weaknesses are too useless to matter in a proper encounter then they probably weren't major weaknesses in the first place.

I still rather enjoyed John Carpenter's Vampires, and how a team of slayers worked by harpooning vampires in their dark lairs and dragging them out into the sunlight with mechanical winches.

As for me, I haven't actually fought that many vampires before, DMs seem to shy away from what is essentially an undead junkie (blood-addiction is usually described as drug-like) who has to hide inside a wooden box 50% of the time and has trouble with (according to legacy of cain) rainy nights.

To be fair vampires are not hurt by rain just when submerged in it. Real world myths say it must be running water. So a pond does not count.

boring7 wrote:
The Genie wrote:
Hmm i was told in anothrr thread that elves who turn evil become drow as in transform. Just fluff him as a elf who went evil and then is on his path to redemption and hopefully a way back to normal elfdom. The bonuses could be handwaved as your elven bloodline is particularly powerful and gained the sla via transformation.

Yeah, I'm not sure how Canon that actually is, but even if it is, redemption is fun.

The issue is balance, and it's still quite doable if you've got the play-style for it. The key is to play a character who doesn't matter even if they ARE way more powerful than the rest of the gang. Support roles, really sub-optimal class builds (like bog-standard monk, rogue, or healer cleric). As long as you are in a role that avoids the spotlight anyway, you won't be annoying everyone else by hogging the spotlight.

But the question is; can you be that player?

I played a drow noble pistolero mysterious stranger before errata on pistolero.

Granted i did survive a near tpk untouched but that was because the pixie oracle exploded an orc with black powder...then again that was due to me being away from the detonation area.

I have also dmed for drow noble they take consideration but hardly enough to fret this much.

Hmm i was told in anothrr thread that elves who turn evil become drow as in transform. Just fluff him as a elf who went evil and then is on his path to redemption and hopefully a way back to normal elfdom. The bonuses could be handwaved as your elven bloodline is particularly powerful and gained the sla via transformation.

Personally i would make it a monstrous humanoid (3 rp) and advanced ability scores with the +2 all to physical and +4 to wis but a -2cha. Add slow as a weakness and according to some myths light sensitivity as an additional weakness.

Fits the myths a bit better.

Edit: i would likely also add the 4 rp for a +2str to make a total of +4 str and wis;+2dex and con so wise and strong.

Ok so this is not actually for PFS but I do wanna use its rules as a restriction on what I can or cannot do.

Races open are all open to PFS without a boon
Classes open are all open to PFS without a boon (If they have class boons?)

Starting level is 5.

I want a character who goes against his races normal sterotype (No this is not special snowflake status) I want a character who is not easily defined as *Insert Race here*

The character will be CN dipping CG and CE when the need arises.

As for a class I want a class that can handle virtually any situation well, does not have to be the best at every situation but a good grasp on virtually every situation that might come up.

Strongly leaning on a Bard, if someone can make an Uber Bard within the restrictions of PFS I would love to see it.

I am not saying that the Drow Noble is not powerful it is in fact vastly powerful.

But I was not really talking about the whole well mechanically its stronger aspect.

Why do people freak if you mention playing a Drow and especially a drow noble? People seem to outright act like the sky is going to fall if you play one. Honestly some of the people on here are talking like if you started at level 20 ECL that a Drow would still be far too powerful let alone a Drow Noble.

Honestly Drow is an interesting race because I like playing against the grain myself. Like a Scholarly Centaur (Chiron style) or a Chaotic Neutral Drow who doesn't automatically wanna enslave the universe. Being handcuffed to a style of personality based off race is well.. Racist to be honest.

Humans can run the gambit from good and wholesome to utterly evil. Yet everyone says Drow are wholesale evil or else they are killed. Well what if one survived an attempt as assassination. A discarded newborn thought to be left to the spiders being found and taken away to be raised as a Drow who hates other drows or just hates evil in general due to a personal vendetta. Not a good motivation but hating evil is common.

Yes I know about Drizzt but only in name and reputation I have never read the canon sources about him. So he plays no part in my thought process on a good or neutral aligned Drow.

Yes Drow Noble is powerful, and is said to be a CR 1, so at level 5 you would be CR 1/Class 4 to get your ECL. This is what is suggested by one of the dev team.

And yes I tend to Gestalt Classes if I am allowing in powerful players, they start with perks.. and face a daunting drawback due to it.

At Will Levitate is sweet, but not impossible to overcome. At Will Deeper Darkness is awesome but lots of races have or can trade racial traits for Dark Vision and if done in an improper place it hinders the drow as much. Their ability scores are powerful yes, but having a hit to con is painful meaning it loses more health, and with an empty CR this means they are even more fragile then a normal elf.

Drow have racial feats that grant all the drow noble abilitiez including the better sr.
Most races do not have similar racial feats.

And the taking of feats also cripple the class builds.

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Ciaran Barnes wrote:
If I wanted to play a human in the same party as your noble drow, how many bonus feats do I get at 1st level to balance things out?

None i would give you the advanced template.

Why Drow Noble. What common Drow would have the will to resist indoctrination into the evil lifestyles of the Drow community. Also sure the lanterns might come but there is items of slter self diguise and so forth. Also if you do get the party to trust you then they will back you up.

And again can not have it both ways either people know of the Drow and what they are. Or thry dont know and will be suspicious but more likely to give you benefit of the doubt.

Isnt that also how savage species basically works?

Because i agree after a few levels or if u start at level 5 it really does event out more.

Lemmy wrote:
Wraithkin wrote:

Second, SR as a base ability without having to give anything up is something that is not a common racial trait. While it can be very bad when someone tries to heal you, it's also extremely powerful.


To be fair, SR is more a hassle than a benefit, Poison Use (and poison in general) is very weak and constant Detect Magic is not much better than simply having Detect Magic as a cantrip. If those were the only things Drow Nobles had going for them, the race would present no problem...

But their amazing attribute bonuses and at-will 3rd level spells put them considerably above other playable races on the power scale.

Deeper Darkness is a Hassle to cast, if done in Dim lighting then it blinds even the Drow who is using it. Sure it can be handy for escape but hardly combative. And there are plenty of monsters with Darkvision to reduces its prowess in combat later on.

Also Sunlight Weakness is a pain in the butt requiring a pretty expensive item (Especially if you do not allow Rare Cantrips)

Ok which one is it.
Either they are killed on sight for being a drow.
They dont know what a drow is and thus wouldnt randomly kill them.

Then how are they playable i mean should all races have a level adjust except humans even thought i think that bonus feat should be delayed a level or two.

My point being how do so many suggest races of anything but the baselines. None of which work together.

Except according to a post on here appearantly they said the cr=class level is what they wanted.

Some Other Guy. Their ability scores are worth 4 rp.

Also everything you said can and is possible in humans.

The arguement of "well they are monsters so they would be attacked on sight." So does that mean goblins and orcs can never ever be played?

Title pretty much sums up my question. Why do people freak out when you mention Drow Noble.

People mention in a lot of threads their Spell-Like Abilities, but you can gain them through feats. Their Stat adjust is not all that powerful unless you got dang lucky on a roll or are using an insanely high Point Buy.

And to be honest I have both played as a Drow Noble (Gunslinger Pistolero/Mysterious Stranger before Errata) and while I did very good damage I didn't OP the game and make everyone else useless. And I have played DM to a Drow Noble Ranger and a Drow Noble Rogue in the same game. They where a little difficult to adjust to at first but quickly fell into line. (Pretty new at the DM thing when this happened)

Humans get a free bonus feat, which they can take to start lines of feats far earlier then the rest of the party. If one argument that is common is true, Feats are a precious resource. You can spend class level feats to gain racial aspects via race feats, and magical items boost ability scores but being able to throw on that second or third feat at level 1 seems pretty darn powerful. So why does no one say Humans are OP?

I feel like quoting Joker from The Dark Knight movie but I would butcher the lines, but he mentions it pretty well about if things go according to plan no one freaks out, but the moment you throw a little chaos in, a little thing that was not expected or known people freak out. I feel this applies to this. We all know Humans, they are common and we have all played or seen them played so they don't freak us out. But Drows for a long time where a monster race pure and simple, now we have the CR 1/3 (Same as humans btw) Drow and even then I hear people complaining about how powerful they are. Now throw in their CR 1 Big Brother the Noble Drow and all heck breaks loose.

So why is that?
Why do people freak if they see a person sit down and show their Drow Noble Swashbuckler or Fighter or Bard, Etc character sheet?

Please do note we commonly play with Drow Nobles and well they dont OP the game either. I was curious about how powerful it would make a character who did roll poorly or otherwise for the lose of a level, especiallt early in the game (level 3-5)

But I was curious about the guard and npc question. Because I was gonna throw it onto the Kingsguard in my next campaign and perhaps a few famous bandit groups (Think evil version of Robin Hoods Merry Men)

Ok so if I were to add the Advanced Template onto the local city guards this gives then a +4 to all ability scores and a +2 Natural armor (So potentially a +4 to their AC due to Dex and NA.

Now is that too much? I am curious because often times it really comes down to the NPCs having fairly average rolls I mean if a guard has an 19 str as opposed to 15 he is going to be doing a bit more damage each round, as well as hitting more often.

Now say I put that on a player character, would this make the player far too powerful?
What if they rolled really poorly, nothing over 14? What if they rolled really well with 1 or 2 scores hitting 17-18 range?

I have tried the Godling before, it was kind of fun.

Actually no it would be a 3.P game.

The Cavalier idea is not a bad one, but the deeds might help out a lot.

What race should I use?

Magus does not grant full BAB, a d8 Hd dice which I already get, and poor Reflex saves.
Fight grants feats which is nice, and Barbarian grants d12, full bab and good fort saves but raging makes it impossible to use his magical items.

Artisan is basically the Artificer from 3.5. So using classes that don't let him use his wands and scrolls he makes hinders that class.

But the ideas are interesting but right not not quite what I am looking for. Any other ideas? I get magic from Artisan.

Ok so one half will be Artisan
But I want to know what should be the other half. A clever, crafting fiend who can both create magical gear and items, as well as use them to better kick the bad guys butt.

I considered Brawler for the other good saves, and a decent HD but Brawler really does not benefit from magical weapons or armor.
I also considered Gunslinger, because the crafty guy making a gun and ammo that he also augments with magic and other magical gear sounds cool

Any advice?

This is the Centaur from the SRD, but also the ARG example.
Racial Traits

Ability Score Racial Traits: Flexible +2 Str, +2 Wis) (2 RP)
Advanced Strength (+2) (4 RP)
Advanced Dexterity (+2) (4 RP)
Advanced Constitution (+2) (4 RP)
Type: Monstrous humanoid (2 RP)
Size: Large (7 RP)
Base Speed: Normal (0 RP) (plus Fast (+10 feet)
Languages: Standard (0 RP)
Defense Racial Traits

Natural Armor: Centaurs have tough skin, granting them a +2 natural armor bonus.
Movement Racial Traits

Fast (+10 feet) (1 RP)
Senses Racial Traits

Darkvision: Centaurs have darkvision and so can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.
Other Racial Traits

Quadruped Centaurs have four legs (2 RP.)

Now there are a few messed up RP points here. Monstrous Humanoid should be 3 RP
Natural Armor is at 2 RP, but it would be 3 RP as Natural Armor is 2 RP, the Improved one is 1 RP which gives us the +2 Natural Armor.

So 30 RP total.
But in the Large (7 RP) section it gives you a +2 Str and a -2 Dex automatically meaning the Dex bonus is negated, but the Centaur would have a total gain of +6 Str but it is not shown.
How was this missed?

Here is my try to build this race
Monstrous Humanoid (3 RP)
Large (7 RP)
[+2 Str, -2 Dex]
Normal Speed (o RP)| Fast (1 RP)
Standard Languages ( 0 RP)
Advanced Ability Score (4 RP)
[+2 Physical; +4 Wis, -2 Cha]
Advanced Dexterity (4 RP)[+2 Dex]
Natural Armor (2 RP)
Improved Natural Armor (3 RP)
Quadruped (2 RP)
Total 26 points

In this my Dex is +2 total (As the other +2 and -2 negates themselves) But I do get a +4 Str and +4 Wis total.

I was considering a Bard//Bloodrager seemed good
Especially if you take Spelleater, gains Fast Healing and you can use the Spell slots per day as extra healing spells for yourself.
Untouchable removes spells but not spell slots (Unless its suppose to be both spells known and spell slots but they should state that) gives you Spell Resistance to boot.

Tag on the awesome sauce of the bard and you are virtually unkillable.

Well Multi-weapon fighting is not a monster feat exclusively in Pathfinder it is also a Combat Feat which makes it open to normal characters.

After having a look at Two-Weapon fighting the rules it does say if you wield a second weapon in your off hand. Well.. Second as opposed to what? I could say all my weapons in my off hands are second weapons first being in the primary hand and all the others being second because well I can go from primary to that off hand in the count.

However of course this does grant an extra attack, specifically says so. So when Multi-Weapon Fighting replaces the normal Two-Weapon Fighting rules it implies it adds more then just the two armed limit.

As for the blessings, I do agree, and that is why I was choosing Pummeling Style and Charge for DR penetration.

I am curious. you mentioned three reasons why you wouldn't allow this race into your game. Can you be specific?

So you are saying Paizo created a feat that does absolutely nothing at all. That lowers a penalty on something you cannot do according to your interpretation of what it says?

Yet if an Eidolon has multiple arms with hands attached it can in fact make as many attacks as it has arms.

That is as absurd as having a feat like the following
Battle Volley
Prerequisites: Combat Fairy
Benefit: Your combat fairy gains the ability to use their invisibility spell-like ability during a full attack action.

This example is as absurd a rule as you seem to think is in play here. Why have a feat when it does absolutely NOTHING.

Now either the fact that the Prereq on Multi-Weapon Fighting of Three or more arms means you are using beyond the normal standard two arm attack rules. It replaces Two-Weapon Fighting for those with more then two arms, again why would this need to exist if there were not more rules then for two arms? Why have a feat that does the exact same thing as a feat that it is replacing and has a prereq that is impossible for a standard two armed race to use?

And btw yes if you have a sword in one hand you can in fact attack with your off-hand it would do an unarmed strike damage of 1d3 non lethal and suffer the penalties involved. Two-Weapon Fighting does not grant you the ability to fight with two weapons it makes it easier. Anyone can do this from a lvl 1 commoner to a lvl 20 Fighter and all those other builds too. Having an off-hand does grant an attack

Elemental I read that thread, I know your opinion. I believe you are wrong. Mostly because of the flawed logic of "It lowers the penalty on attacks you can't make"

As such please do not bring it up in this build advice threat. And having four attacks because you have four arms is not a Gazillion attacks. Just because you believe that a being with a hundred arms can only attack twice a turn doesn't really hold any water here.

Indeed it would have an insanely powerful right hook, Kasatha are MADE to be Monks, and trade off Flurry of Blows and you still have all the power of the many punches of doom.

Kasatha specifically call out one Primary and Three Offhands. Multi-weapon fighting reduces the penalties for using more then 1 arm to hit (And requires three or more arms.) which is proof they get it.

Because as we know Specific beats General and of course the three arm or more rules are specific rules for outside the norm.

Doesn't Synth not qualify as they do not have the normal eidolons class feature.

Also its a level 5 build, sorry i forgot to mention it.
Also so I still get the normal Eidolons progression?

Okso I need advice for a Synth Summoner for todays game. One of my party mates has just joined the game and while having worked a double shift has had no time to build themselves a character.

I got a few bits of intel for the race and stats though.
Elan is the race
* We play that they are immortal.. and venerable Elans do not lose physical stats but gain the mental ability bonuses

What he wants is a character who is good at being the party face when he needs to but, but also to transform and throw down with the best fighters in the field.

He is particularly fond of Venom and Spawn style of combat, using tendrils and other forms of attacks that have reach. But he wants to maintain magical attack or control prowess.

Reckless wrote:
Andrew Bay wrote:

Can a monk use a Ring of Force Shield without penalty?


Not quite.

"When wearing armor, using a shield, or carrying a medium or heavy load, a monk loses his AC bonus, as well as his fast movement and flurry of blows ability."

"An iron band, this simple ring generates a shield-sized (and shield shaped) wall of force that stays with the ring and can be wielded by the wearer as if it were a heavy shield (+2 AC).

Any time the monk activates and wields the shield, he suffers the penalties listed above. So even if he uses free actions to turn it off at the begining of his turn and back on after his turn, he will lose his AC bonus from Monk levels and Wisdom. Not likely that the +2AC would be a fair trade, useless at level 8, detrimental at 12th level.

I disagree, the As If implies you get the benefits of the heavy shield as if carrying one, but you are not actually carrying one. Which is what the class feature calls for. Since they are not actually using a shield, just gaining the benefits of it.

Hmm the idea I had was to mix 3.5, toughness and troll blooded with a Spelleater Bloodrager would grant me Regen1/FH1 from second level on.

So I would heal 2 points per round, and unless you are hitting me with Fire or Acid I cannot die.. am I a highlander?

voska66 wrote:

They are both fast healing so they don't stack.

The difference is Fast Healing works while you are alive. There is no damage that stops it form working but when you are dead you are dead.

Regeneration is Fast Healing except it works when you are dead and will bring you back to life. You could be negative 1000 hit point and you will come back as long as you didn't take fire or acid damage when you should have died. You will regrow from the largest body part and all other wither and die if not reattached.

Where did you get that? It says it prevents you from dieing not that you regrow after death. So like if someone stabs me while I am down at below 0 HP I don't die because regeneration keeps healing me unless they use Acid or Fire damage in that blow.

As far as not stacking I don't know if they do or not. They are different abilities and different names, just similar effects.

Ok so I am curious, how would Regeneration and Fast Healing work together?

Say I had Regeneration 1 and Fast Healing 1. I would heal 2 points of damage each round right?

Regeneration (Ex)
A creature with this ability is difficult to kill. Creatures with regeneration heal damage at a fixed rate, as with fast healing, but they cannot die as long as their regeneration is still functioning (although creatures with regeneration still fall unconscious when their hit points are below 0). Certain attack forms, typically fire and acid, cause a creature’s regeneration to stop functioning on the round following the attack. During this round, the creature does not heal any damage and can die normally. The creature's descriptive text describes the types of damage that cause the regeneration to cease functioning.

Attack forms that don’t deal hit point damage are not healed by regeneration. Regeneration also does not restore hit points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation. Regenerating creatures can regrow lost portions of their bodies and can reattach severed limbs or body parts if they are brought together within 1 hour of severing. Severed parts that are not reattached wither and die normally.

A creature must have a Constitution score to have the regeneration ability.

Format: regeneration 5 (fire, acid); Location: hp.

Fast Healing (Ex)
A creature with the fast healing special quality regains hit points at an exceptional rate, usually 1 or more hit points per round, as given in the creature’s entry. Except where noted here, fast healing is just like natural healing. Fast healing does not restore hit points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation, nor does it allow a creature to regrow lost body parts. Unless otherwise stated, it does not allow lost body parts to be reattached. Fast healing continues to function (even at negative hit points) until a creature dies, at which point the effects of fast healing end immediately.

Format: fast healing 5; Location: hp.

What is the difference in the two? In 3.5 Regeneration treated all damage not of the Fire or Acid type to be nonlethal but it doesn't seem that is true in Pathfinder, so how are they different?

Well I was surprised to find out there was no Swashbuckler styled Archetype for the Bard.

I love the Deeds the Swashbuckler has because lets face it unless your bard is a hardcore buffer only it works really well for the dashing swordslinger of a Bard.

I considered using the following for an Archetype

Panache (As Kata Master*) replaces Bardic Knowledge
* Except to include the Dodge deed as well.

Replace the performances Countersong, Distraction, and Inspire Competence for the Kip Up, Precise Strike, Targetted Strike, and Subtle Blade (At the proper levels of course)

Frightening Tune is replaced with Perfect Thrust deed

I know this is sort of Thread revival but I was wondering why on earth was the Bard not given an Archetype reflecting the Swashbuckler Deeds?
I mean Kata Monk... we got a monk who uses Swashbuckler deeds but not the other iconic rapier wielding class?

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