Thieves Guild and Prankster(bard) swap

Rules Questions

Silver Crusade

The thieves guild vanity gives a +2 to slight of hand for stealing items without being noticed.

The Prankster Bard Archetype's swap ability lets them use their slight of hand in place of their CMB when using the steal maneuver, and if they beat the target's CMD by 10, the target does not notice the swap.

Does this mean that:

a. Thieves Guild Pranksters add +2 to their slieght of hand combat swaps?
b. Thieves Guild Pranksters add +2 to their slieght of hand combat swaps, but only for the purposes of determining if they are +10 above CMD? (in other words they only need to beat +8 cmd, but get no other benefit)
c. Thieves Guild pranksters should count themselves lucky to get to use their sleight of hand in combat at all and should stop being greedy bonus stealing little urchins :)

(I favor A. personally, but then I am the greedy bonus stealing urchin in question)

Grand Lodge

If I don't get an answer, can I assume the answer is a?

I would. But I would also expect table variation if the GM doesn't like it.

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