SFS1e 6-14 - The Missing (KS)

Game Master phaeton_nz

Google Signup Sheet
Tier 1-4
Subtier 1-2

Silver Crusade

Recruitment Thread

Please add your details in the following format:

1) Player name:
2) Character name:
3) SFS#-Character#:
4) Character Class and Level:
5) Faction:
6) Preferred Starship Frame?:
7) Preferred Starship Role?:
8) Character Ancestry and Size?:
9) Perception and Initiative bonus:
A) Spending a Replay:
B) Anything else you wish to add?:

Dot into Gameplay when you're done.


2) Grimalki Fermex
3) 227485-705
4) Precog 1
5) Acquisitives
6) No Preference
7) Pilot, Gunner
8) Pahtra, Medium
9) +4 Perception, +3 Initiative

Excited for the game!


1) Player name: therealthom
2) Character name: Sovellis
3) SFS#-Character#: 90661-713
4) Character Class and Level: Soldier 2
5) Faction: Exo-Guardians
6) Preferred Starship Frame?: Explorer
7) Preferred Starship Role?: Gunner, Pilot, Engineer
8) Character Ancestry and Size?: Medium elf
9) Perception and Initiative bonus: 0 perception, +3 initiative
A) Spending a Replay: No
B) Anything else you wish to add?: Looking forward to the game and the partial reunion of Team Dreamer!


Sovellis Ilphukiir wrote:

B) Anything else you wish to add?: Looking forward to the game and the partial reunion of Team Dreamer!



1) Player name: Driftbourne
2) Character name: Switch Pockets
3) SFS#-Character#:2386108-702
4) Character Class and Level:1
5) Faction: Wayfinders
6) Preferred Starship Frame?: Explorer
7) Preferred Starship Role?: Engineer
8) Character Ancestry and Size?: Ysoki, small
9) Perception and Initiative bonus: Perception +5and Initiative +3
A) Spending a Replay: No
B) Anything else you wish to add?:

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

1) Tim Emrick
2) Salamazarin (AKA Mazer)
3) 93664-712
4) Enhanced Envoy 2 (Battledancer)
5) Second Seekers (Jadnura)
6) any (n/a for this scenario?)
7) captain
8) sarcesian, Large (but has Tight Fit feat)
9) Perception +5, Initiative +3


1) Player name: John Kaufeld
2) Character name: Nippostia Fernbreeze (aka Nip)
3) SFS#-Character#: 338529-718
4) Character Class and Level: Mystic 2 (empath connection)
5) Faction: Advocates
6) Preferred Starship Frame?: (she doesn't care)
7) Preferred Starship Role?: Magic Officer, Captain
8) Character Ancestry and Size?: Feychild Gnome, small
9) Perception and Initiative bonus: Perception +9, Initiative +3
A) Spending a Replay: No
B) Anything else you wish to add?: She's happy to see Grimalki and Sovellis again! (Her tattoo is healed too... )


1) Player name: Jhaeman
2) Character name: Nixxer
3) SFS#-Character#: 238544-706
4) Character Class and Level: Technomancer Level 2
5) Faction: Acquisitives
6) Preferred Starship Frame?: No preference
7) Preferred Starship Role?: Engineer
8) Character Ancestry and Size?: Ysoki, Small
9) Perception and Initiative bonus: Perception +1, Initiative +4
A) Spending a Replay: No
B) Anything else you wish to add?: Nope

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