First World Bard |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Surprised by the choice.
I'm disappointed it's not a more 'themed' AP like Mummy's Mask or Reign of Winter but I guess I'll wait until more details are released.
It's possible they want to alternate sets between standard fantasy (like RoTR) and more heavily themed sets (like S&S). If that's the case, you'll likely get your wish this August and again next August. :)

Hawkmoon269 |

KidDangerous wrote:It's possible they want to alternate sets between standard fantasy (like RoTR) and more heavily themed sets (like S&S). If that's the case, you'll likely get your wish this August and again next August. :)Surprised by the choice.
I'm disappointed it's not a more 'themed' AP like Mummy's Mask or Reign of Winter but I guess I'll wait until more details are released.
Vic said almost as much without locking them into anything.
Now to do some reading about Wrath of the Righteous.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

First World Bard wrote:KidDangerous wrote:It's possible they want to alternate sets between standard fantasy (like RoTR) and more heavily themed sets (like S&S). If that's the case, you'll likely get your wish this August and again next August. :)Surprised by the choice.
I'm disappointed it's not a more 'themed' AP like Mummy's Mask or Reign of Winter but I guess I'll wait until more details are released.
Vic said almost as much without locking them into anything.
Now to do some reading about Wrath of the Righteous.
If you would like I can give you a quick overview of the Adventures. (Heavy Spoilers)
In this starting adventure you are in Kenabres, one of the border cities. It is Armasse, a holiday of looking back to learn lessons from past wars that has changed now after Aroden's death into a day of training commoners how to protect themselves. It also includes jousting, duels, and battle reenactments.
The story starts with you remembering why you are underground in darkness. The demons attacked. You escort a group of people that survived the fall into the underground (hopefully new allies that get stronger over time, Anevia Tirabade [Female Human Rogue], Aravashnail [Male Elf Wizard], Horgus Gwerm [Male Human Noble eventually Rogue])
You lead them through some challenges and a Mongrel men city. Finally fighting through some Demonic Cultists to the surface. There Kenabres is in ruins. You fight through the city to reunite with these last defenders of the city. This group is led by Irabeth Tirabade [Female Half-Orc Paladin of Iomedae and Anevia's Wife].
After fighting for some time and discovering where the Cultists have moved an Artifact that was suppose to protect the city (The Wardstone). You fight your way there to destroy it instead of letting the cultist warp the magic and transform everyone along the border of the world wound to become demons. When you do destroy it all of the magic of the wardstones rush into you and leave you with mythic powers. That is the first Chapter of the AP

Hawkmoon269 |

Hawkmoon269 wrote:First World Bard wrote:KidDangerous wrote:It's possible they want to alternate sets between standard fantasy (like RoTR) and more heavily themed sets (like S&S). If that's the case, you'll likely get your wish this August and again next August. :)Surprised by the choice.
I'm disappointed it's not a more 'themed' AP like Mummy's Mask or Reign of Winter but I guess I'll wait until more details are released.
Vic said almost as much without locking them into anything.
Now to do some reading about Wrath of the Righteous.
If you would like I can give you a quick overview of the Adventures. (Heavy Spoilers)
** spoiler omitted **...
Cool. Thanks for the info. I don't have any of the adventure paths, so I'm left to what I can glean here and there. I much appreciate what you shared.

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Chapter 2
After your successful rescue of Kenabres, Queen Galfrey, Ruler of Mendev and leader of the Crusades, wants your help retaking a old fort, Drezen. It is inside the world wound. It was lost in the last crusade and the demons control it. It is also where they lost an artifact called the Sword of Valor. A magic item used by Iomedae, Goddess of Justice and the main divine patron of the crusades. (She was a human knight when she used it.)
You are given a Army of Paladins to fight your way to Drezen and take it. (This will be an interesting point in the PACG as they might introduce rules for having Armies). Once at Drezen you destroy there armies and fight your way inside to reclaim the keep and the magic items inside.
With the Mythic rules for the RPG you gain more Mythic Powers when you complete trials. Such as killing a mythic creature. In this one I can remember 3 a chimera, a dwarf anti paladin named stuanton vane, and a invidiak demon. There are minis for each of these characters here so you can see pictures
You also meet a few new allies Sosiel Vaenic (Male Human Cleric of Shelyn) and Aron Kir (Male Human Rogue) the armies scout

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Chapter 3
You now have Drezen and get some downtime to rebuild it a little. But eventually demon armies start attacking. You get quests to clear the areas around Drezen. But you have bigger issues then protecting drezen from armies. The Templars of the Ivory Labyrinth, a group of cultist that is specialized in corrupting people and worship Baphomet god of mazes and minotaurs.
You range far and wide to find the where there base is. Eventually getting a dream from the goddess Desna that a follower is trapped and being hunted in an old Desnaian monastery. After fighting to her and killing the group that is hunting her you meet Arueshalae a Risen Succubus. (Not yet redeemed so she is on the way)
After we learn the location of the Ivory Sanctum. We go there and stop the Templars and there leader Zanthir Vang a worm that walks wizard.
I will do more of this tomorrow as I am going to bed.

KidDangerous |

How can you say Wrath of the Righteous isn't a "themed" AP?
You're right, it is themed. What I meant was more of a setting-based theme. To me the WotR RPG AP is more themed around the opponents (demons) and mechanics (mythic) rather than setting (worldwound and mendev?).
This isn't necessarily a bad thing but it was one of the reasons I didn't purchase the AP. The flavour didn't appeal to me and I didn't want to commit to a 6 month AP on mechanics/rules alone.
Having said all that (and having had time to think about it), I think I would prefer to play WotR as a card game than an RPG as I'm more concerned with mechanics than story in PACG.
KidDangerous wrote:It's possible they want to alternate sets between standard fantasy (like RoTR) and more heavily themed sets (like S&S). If that's the case, you'll likely get your wish this August and again next August. :)Surprised by the choice.
I'm disappointed it's not a more 'themed' AP like Mummy's Mask or Reign of Winter but I guess I'll wait until more details are released.
Good point. Am I going to buy WotR anyway? probably. And if I don't I'll get a class deck to participate in organised play (and get 6 months extra to enjoy S&S!).

isaic16 |

I admit I'm surprised. I didn't think they'd try to tackle mythic so early. That being said, I am thrilled. GF and I did the Wrath campaign earlier this year, and absolutely loved it. Fantastic story, and tons of fun. Looking forward to seeing what classes get chosen for this, to see how closely it matches our characters.
Also, to give a bit of backstory prior to what Brad covered:

Astral Frog |

Astral Frog wrote:Wrath of the Righteous looks very Diabloish to me! And that is a good thing!This is not at all coincidental. The PACG core design was influenced heavily by the thousands of hours I've spent playing the Diablo games.
Good answer! Good answer! Diablo is my all-time fave video-game RPG series!
In fact I am making another run through Reaper of Souls in a few minutes!
Btw Mike, I absolutely love Diablo II: The Awakening for AD&D 2nd Edition that you worked on back in the day. It was really the only good D&D Diablo book and I love all the random loot tables and how it pretty much completes the entire Diablo1 game to RPG format!

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Chapter 4
After Beating the Templars and stopping the them from enhancing potions that can turn other demon into mythic beings, we are set on a new course. To find where they are getting the Nahyndrian Crystals that they are using to make the potions. (These crystals are the crystalized form of dead Demon Lords. They are only found in the midnight isles because they are an effect from Nocticula, Demon Lord of Succubus, killing them. Most demon lords when killed resurrect back in there own home in the Abyss but when one is killed by Nocticula those rules do not apply.)
There are to other reasons we are traveling through a portal to the midnight isles. The other reason is that Queen Galfrey needs to test out magic that can seal rifts. With us on one side of the rift and the queen and her retinue we start the ritual that will seal the rift. The 3rd Reason
for us coming here was to stop what could be a partnership that Deskari and Baphomet are trying to attain with Nocticula.
Now that we are in the Midnight isles you must find a way to Alushinyrra the capitol of the Midnight isles. once there you raise your notoriety so that Nocticula will take notice of us. We then get a meeting with her and we come to an agreement that Nocticula will not help the other 2 demon lords. Pretty much she will not help the demon lords for a favor from our gods.
Then the last leg of this journey to find and stop the mining of the crystal. We eventually find them and there leader a Mythic Nephilim Cleric of Baphomet that is also baphomets daughter. After killing her Baphomet shows up to kill us but forcing his way into her realm, Nocticula kills him but lets his essence escape back to his home realm. His last words to us are that he has captured Iomedaes herald. The End of this Chapter

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Chapter 5
So this chapter Had a wildly controversial start. After the ending of the Midnight isles. We return to our Home plane and rest for a short bit. But one day all of us our transported to a grand cathedral. This is the home plane of Iomedae in Heaven. Iomedae wishes to test us before sending us on our next mission. If you answer the questions of the test wrong she would blast you. If you where an idiot and did not give her the respect that she was due she blasted you. Ultimatly she is a crusader Goddess. She was a Crusader in life and the continued that through her ascension into Godhood. A lot of people thought that this sense was not played very good. My group had no problem with this encounter and was able to answer all her question (using skill checks) to her satisfaction. (and we get some magic items depending on how well you did with the questions. Magic items are the Chalice of Ozem, The ability to cast Atonemnet 1 time, and the stole of the Inheritor.)
Now after being tested, she gives us a new mission take back her Herald by either killing him or removing the corruption that was forced on him. To do that we must travel to the Ivory Labryinth. Once there you must navigate the different layers of the labyrinth. Which at the level we where we really did not have trouble with but this could be a great area for the PACG as I could think that every time you beat one area you could have to draw anew location card or something like that.
You must find your way to the heart of the Labryinth, The Inelectable prison. There you fight many people to find the herald. After doing what you came here to do Baphomet is enraged and faces us and is slain. The fight with Bahpomet was Optional in the adventure. With Baphomet dead the home plain starts to collapse.

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Chapter 6
In the grand Finally we finally are strong enough and have the things we need to take the fight to deskari, demon lord of locusts.
It starts by us getting back and Drezen soon comes under attack by this Marrilith General and her armies. We fight some but then we go through a portal into the rasping rifts (deskaris abyss realm) and kill the general. Now the Crusades start there push back. We attack the city of locusts. The place where the rift to the abyss is. We fight key demons and cultist that are anchors for the rift.
After beating them we start the ritual. Closing it we are in the rasping rifts. Deskari shows to kill us. You can either fight him or plane shift out.
In the end we have closed the Rit that connected the Abyss to Golarion. Stopping the demonic Hordes from overrunning the world.

Mike Selinker Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer |

Btw Mike, I absolutely love Diablo II: The Awakening for AD&D 2nd Edition that you worked on back in the day. It was really the only good D&D Diablo book and I love all the random loot tables and how it pretty much completes the entire Diablo1 game to RPG format!
I highly enjoyed making that magic item chart.

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cant play WotR without a paladin either.
Well, then, I really hope that we see a paladin class deck come out in tandem with the Wrath of the Righteous AP, so that we'll have choices for paladins aside from Seelah. These iconic characters that have some "severe limitation" (e.g., Seelah not being able to use items at) tend to leave me more desirous of having other alternatives for the class, and I'm sure there will be some really cool paladins coming out, should they do the deck. Wonder if they'll take the characters from the NPC codex again?
Exciting times!

Mike Selinker Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer |

Is this a rough draft of the cover for the new AP?
Things I love about it:
Seelah's total metalness.
Kyra with her hair down.
The big demon bashing through the wall to get at the heroes.
The look on the lower left demon's face knowing he's about to be eviscerated by Balazar's death chicken.

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Astral Frog wrote:Is this a rough draft of the cover for the new AP?
Things I love about it:
Seelah's total metalness.
Kyra with her hair down.
The big demon bashing through the wall to get at the heroes.
The look on the lower left demon's face knowing he's about to be eviscerated by Balazar's death chicken.
Bloodrager, Arcanist, Cleric, Paladin, and Summoner?
Is that Alain the Cavalier? That would totally be my pick to play.

feylund |

Casey Weston wrote:They are all in Wrath. Others will be announced as time goes by.Sooo...
Bloodrager, Arcanist, Cleric, Paladin, and Summoner?
Is that Alain the Cavalier? That would totally be my pick to play.
so much confirmed now that i wanna play... do you mind switchinf s&s with RotW plz?

Reptilian |

The look on the lower left demon's face knowing he's about to be eviscerated by Balazar's death chicken.
Speaking of the murder chicken ... I wonder how the eidolon and summoned monsters are gonna be modeled in the card game. I guess it could be something like Lini but with outsider allies instead of animals. Or it could interact with the monster cards in the box, like the RotR's Summon Monster. Or something else entirely. And yes, I know the answer is probably going to be 'you'll have to wait and see' but it doesn't hurt to discuss it.

MightyJim |

So, for people who have played the RPG - does "mythic" mean that you use characters you've already levelled up in other paths? or just that your power increases much more rapidly?
just trying to get an idea of how likely it is that this will(/could) mean further outings for characters who have complete RotR / S&S.

Zoltán Mészáros |
Mike Selinker wrote:The look on the lower left demon's face knowing he's about to be eviscerated by Balazar's death chicken.Speaking of the murder chicken ... I wonder how the eidolon and summoned monsters are gonna be modeled in the card game. I guess it could be something like Lini but with outsider allies instead of animals. Or it could interact with the monster cards in the box, like the RotR's Summon Monster. Or something else entirely. And yes, I know the answer is probably going to be 'you'll have to wait and see' but it doesn't hurt to discuss it.
I hope we get the murder chicken itself as a card, that would be awesome! Maybe as an unique ally who cannot be banished, usable only by the summoner, and it's abilities are dependant on his power feats... but most likely it will be something completelly different. But we will see.

vagabondriot |
Idk how they will handle mythic; i suspect it will be done through "uber cards" like the rune forged weapons from RotR that give extra powers. I suspect this because if there were a second role card, this would create problems in backwards compatibility with old characters (unless it's a generic mythic roll card).

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Well, if it's like the mythic RPG rules, there would be, say, 6 different mythic paths that are independent of your character class. That could be a way to do it - have a set of mythic path cards with extra abilities, and each character chooses one of those cards.
So anyone would be able to take "archmage" or "trickster" - there would just be some choices that made more sense.

isaic16 |

I suspect that there will be six role card-esque cards, each representing the six mythic paths (archmage, champion, guardian, hierophant, marshal, trickster), and any character that unlocks the mythic ability can choose any one of the cards. That, at least, seems the closest to the way mythic works in Pathfinder, and would be fully backwards-compatible.