Renegadeshepherd |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Hi all. Just started a homebrew campaign with 4 players and 1 more who is a recurring guest (due to variable work schedule). And I and my players have stumbled into a situation like I have never seen. Ill give the details below but it boils down to one statement... "My monsters can't ever get a turn because they are being dazed (condition not spell) all the time". The group is not power gamers but they play solid mechanics and tactics save the cleric player below who I mentored.
The party in question is...
1) a human invulnerable rager, superstitious, etc based on dervish Dance
2) half orc scarred witch that is off tank in melee in addition to normal duties and hexes
3) wild blooded (empereal) sorcerer (guest)
4) tiefling inquisitor of Gorum with tactics subdomain (ranged and skill based)
5) human theologian cleric of Ra. Variant channel of ruler ship to daze the masses. Fire domain chosen.
What I'm facing: the group uses a broken record of tactics that works ridiculously well.
A) inquisitor grants rerolls on initiative to cleric and/or witch. And with cleric at a +8 initiative that means he goes first every time for 3 sessions.
B) cleric channels at a DC of 16
C) witch uses misfortune on whoever saves against clerics channel
D) inquisitor uses ear piercing scream to daze the target of the witch hex.
E) mop-up
But this isn't over yet. I know the group did not plan this as I was the guy who designed most of the clerics outline from 1-20. And because of that I know the situation is going to get worse. Quick channel is on its way as dazing fireballs at level 7 (yes magical lineage and its brother for -2 metamagic cost). On top of all that the witch is going to start putting enemies to sleep before too long and other stuff I'm trying to not even think of right now.
The group is now at level 3. How do I give an interesting encounter to these folks or more accurately how do I break this broken record of moves? Once I'm dealing with potentially dazing fireballs as standard and channel as move and slumbers from witch and other Save or sucks how do I handle that? Adding more foes doesn't beat the cleric but it could beat the witch. One strong willed BBEG could beat the cleric but the witch will debuff him to nothingness.
What I have in mind is shift slightly to a semi intrigue campaign where NPCs are of comparable quality of a single PC. When a climax in story comes the powerful NPCs make an appearance and a fight.
Will take any suggestions. Anyone need any more info just ask and ill provide it as soon as I c the question. Thx for reading.

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Maybe I'm missing something, but channeling only dazes creatures for 1 round, and only within 30 feet of the cleric. And since it doesn't hurt the enemies, at best each channel is giving your melee blokes a chance to smack someone; I don't see anything like a RAGELANCEPOUNCE Barbarian or machine-gun Zen Archer capable of dealing huge DPS in the party. Dazing fireballs are a bit trickier, but are also a much scarcer resource. (IMO the two metamagic-cost-reduction traits shouldn't stack, but it may be too late to revoke that.)
Seems to me your out is pretty simple: have enemies attack in waves, don't keep them clustered together, and extend the adventuring day to the point where this tactic becomes too expensive to use against every group of enemies they come across. Particularly if the group relies on channels for healing, too.
Throwing in a few ranged units that target the witch and/or sorcerer could help, too, particularly if they ready actions to attack the casters when they cast. Mostly make sure they keep out of Channel range.
Raising the saves of the opposition is also good. Perhaps the NPCs have heard of the PC's tactics, and have started recruiting only the strongest-willed mooks out there (so they all have Iron Will).

Rerednaw |
Um, just my opinion, but those classes+archetypes+builds are near the high end of the scale. That said.
Channel and Hexes suffer from limited range. Hexes are single target.
Use ranged attacks. Also sight blockers such as glitterdust, obscuring mist, etc will shut down the witch. You cannot target (hex) what you cannot see.
Channeling is a bit tougher, but the archer suggestion is perfectly valid.
Multiple encounters and waves are also valid tactics.
Hit and run. Mobs use ride by or fly by attacks, timing it or staggering their waves so they don't all get caught by the channel.
I would advise against an arms race, i.e. "build wars" Keep in mind that a challenging encounter may means twice as many mobs, advanced template, max hp or so forth depending on the pc power level.
Also...use terrain advantage, even traps. Hexes and daze have no effect on a humble pit.
Remember most importantly, stay cool and have fun. Its not GM vs. PCs. You are all together telling the story.

Cap. Darling |

You have a cleric that have made Channel negative energy work, enjoy it:)
Have some encounters start more than 60ft apart. And let some baddies be clever in smart ways. Remember the limitations of selective channeling.
"Benefit: When you channel energy, you can choose a number of targets in the area up to your Charisma modifier. These targets are not affected by your channeled energy."
I realize that the cleric most likely have cha bonus to not daze and harm the rest of the gang but let some battles happen where there is other folks present.
I assume they are around level 4 ( +4 DC from cha and +2 DC from level for a DC of 16) so you are also getting in to the levels where you can throw some of the proper undead after them and see if the cleric can deal with them.
And yes waves of not so hard baddies pehaps both Living and undead.
And remember the heroes is supposed to win. It just have to feel like they acomplished somthing winning so it have to be a little hard.

Deadalready |

Your team might not be power gamers but they are certainly optimisers and they will obviously stomp any generic encounters in a stand up fight. Unless your monsters are at least on par in teamwork and design they don't really stand a chance.
Firstly make sure that they are doing the 4ish CR appropriate encounters a day before resting.
Secondly ramp up the difficultly of battles by increasing the CR or mob count. For more even encounters +4 is actually closer to being an "even" fight most of the time.
Thirdly start using environmental effects, throw in water encounters, stormy nights, magical darkness, obscuring mists and other scenarios. The big culprit is the cleric and things that can stop him from seeing his opponents, stops him from hitting with his channel.
Don't be afraid to take off the kiddy gloves when your players are obviously much better than expected.

Cap. Darling |

Secondly ramp up the difficultly of battles by increasing the CR or mob count. For more even encounters +4 is actually closer to being an "even" fight most of the time.
. ..
but remember that "even" encounters have a 50% chance offending the game prematurely.
Thirdly start using environmental effects, throw in water encounters, stormy nights, magical darkness, obscuring mists and other scenarios. The big culprit is the cleric and things that can stop him from seeing his opponents, stops him from hitting with his channel...
i think this is wrong Channel is a bust so it need line of effect not line of sigth. But using selective channeling may be harder if you dont know exactly where your friends are.

Cap. Darling |

Stop throwing low will save monsters at them? Their entire lineup seems to obviously rely completely on their enemies being low will. Better yet, use creatures which are immune to daze! Constructs? Oozes?
Get some bad guy casters in there buffing up his minions or slinging his own dazing fireball.
I dont think anybody is immune to Daze. That is one of the main problems with Dazing Spell and Dazing assult.

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Note that Channel Energy is a Burst effect; it doesn't go around corners. It's not really metagaming if smart opponents actually use cover, and don't stand close together for AoE attacks.
Dungeons tend to have more cover; outdoors you don't have to stand so close together or even so close to the cleric.
That said, the PCs are obviously on to something here.
@CommandoDude: surprisingly few creatures are actually immune to the Dazed condition. Often (but not always) Dazed is caused by a Mind-Affecting ability though, and immunity to that is much more common.

Rerednaw |
Yes. Forgot to mention.
Assuming this cleric is with his party...hard to use selective channeling if he's blind. Obscuring mist (level 1 spell), darkness, deeper darkness, or even underground or at night if he doesn't have any superior vision.
Again, don't make it non-stop, but go ahead and throw it out there once in a while to make them feel like they had to work for the win.

Renegadeshepherd |
@all: thx for the suggestions so far. Got lots of good stuff here. It seems that there is a concensus that smart tactics by intelligent and sapient creatures is needed. Does that mean that a classic dungeon dive with a very strong but bestial creature isn't going to work? I think with the suggestions above about using terrain I could make such an encounter work but I'm guessing its the exception
And trust me everyone they aren't min-maxing or I'd have to try to kill em to challenge em. The barbarian isn't going to take mothers gift as I would in her place and other such things. They are good but they are playing to have fun and so am I. Just need to hold their interest is all.
@Reynard: ur correct their damage is low at this time and is likely to stay so for a long while. The group is one that controls almost the extreme. I know that they are not going to do any summoning either beyond that which the base spell gives so that hurts their DPS as well.
@anyone: how would u structure waves? If a standard encounter was say 8 CL enemies would you break em into 2 waves of 4?

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Anything immune to mind effecting is gonna ruin them.
Nothing in the OP's list of tactics is mind affecting.
Things that will work against the current tactics (not so much against Dazing Fireball):
-use more creatures, higher HP characters. The listed daze effects only last one round. It's a lot harder to mop up everything if they can't kill everything while they are dazed.
-start combat from further away. The listed tactics only work at <30 ft.
-Include creatures with high will saves / channel resistance.
-include more combats in a day to stretch their resources.

Dexion1619 |

In addition to the above advice, I'll offer the following.
You seriously want to reconsider allowing the two traits stacking with meta-magic reduction. They are only level 3, and you are just getting a taste of what that combination can do. I would suggest talking to the player with that combo now and requesting they replace one trait.

voideternal |
Actually, with the OP's current setup, I think an undead encounter gets around the daze problem.
1) They're not living, so negative energy to harm doesn't affect them -> Immune to daze from channel negative to harm.
2) They have undead resistances, so they auto-save against ear-piercing scream -> immune to daze from ear-piercing scream.
3) Undead have strong Will saves, so in the off-chance that the cleric can channel positive energy to harm, they might still save okay.

Renegadeshepherd |
A related question...
It has been said to start the encounter at more than 30 feet, which correct. But will that solve anything? If I'm the cleric and the encounter starts at 90 feet and I go first, I'm just going to wait till the beasts or melee combatant moves 30 feet towards me. At which poi t cleric moves 30 and channels. So the solution to my hypothesis was the fore mentioned ranged attacks. Is this a fair point of view?

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Clerics next feat : command undead / versatile channeling. Ra is a neutral deity so both options are open. At least he isn't a sun domain cleric...
Versatile channeling means he counts as 2 lvs lower for purpose of alternate channel. Which means his DC drops by 1.
I wanted to create a cleric like that for PFS, just substituting the 2 metamagic traits for fireball with sacred conduit and magical knack (going to dip 1 lv into draconic sorc), so ill be keeping an eye on this thread to watch people playtest my idea for me :p
I am curious (scientific curiousity) what stat lineup did the cleric take to carry out such an idea(the init is insane, dcs reasonable), as he probably had to sacrifice a lot of wis to do it, so the dazing fireball dc probably wont be that high as he will have not enough wis/feats to pump spell focus and greater.

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Um, let's see:
There are LOTS of easy solutions to these tactics:
1) multiple ambiguous encounters during the day, sometimes with reinforcements arriving on the 3rd round.
2) Bad guys set ambush, while covered by a silent spell to cover the noise their armor makes - it also incidentally negates all sonic attacks.
3) monsters that are immune to daze effects
4)BBEG uses scry spell to observe party tactics and creates specific encounters for these exact tactics.
5) Traps
6) Traps interspersed with monsters
7) Encounters where killing the bad guys is the wrong thing to do and has major negative consequences.

voideternal |
Sorry. To clarify, my previous post is a solution to the dazing problem at the PC's level right now. I agree with Mort, if you throw lots of undead at your PCs, the cleric may eventually grab versatile channeling or command undead. That said, undead do have strong will saves, so I don't think it will completely bring all undead encounters to a halt... Especially if the Cleric is MAD between WIS / CHA.
As for starting more than 30ft away, I think it will work even for melee living encounters with no surprise round, as long as one channel doesn't hit every enemy on the battlefield. Consider creatures that pounce or grab+constrict on a charge. Start them off spread out, more than 60ft away, and have a few of them charge the PCs at a time. Even if the cleric channels on round 1, as long as it doesn't cover the whole enemy encounter, the (non-dazed) enemy creatures can charge on their turns (covering more than 60ft on their full-round action), do their charge damage, and then get killed off. Doing 1 charge worth of damage before dying is perfectly fine for mooks imo.

Renegadeshepherd |
Clerics next feat : command undead / versatile channeling. Ra is a neutral deity so both options are open. At least he isn't a sun domain cleric...
Versatile channeling means he counts as 2 lvs lower for purpose of alternate channel. Which means his DC drops by 1.
I wanted to create a cleric like that for PFS, just substituting the 2 metamagic traits for fireball with sacred conduit and magical knack (going to dip 1 lv into draconic sorc), so ill be keeping an eye on this thread to watch people playtest my idea for me :p
I am curious (scientific curiousity) what stat lineup did the cleric take to carry out such an idea(the init is insane, dcs reasonable), as he probably had to sacrifice a lot of wis to do it, so the dazing fireball dc probably wont be that high as he will have not enough wis/feats to pump spell focus and greater.
It was a 25 point buy or rolled stats. He chose 25. Stats were 8,14,12,10,16,16(18) with improved initiative and selector channel at level 1. Reactionary and either sacred conduit or birthmark (not sure which he chose). Though the layout I made called for extra traits at level 3 he may not take that. It's his guy after all. If it were PFS I would likely go 7,14,12,10,15(17),16.
IMO spell focus is a waste in the long term. Elemental focus works better in the context of this specific character since he uses fire exclusively.

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Well, as they level, the dazing fireball trick can be countered in many ways too. For example, mix civilians in with the bad guys so they can't fireball at all, or spread the bad guys out, or have lots and lots of little guys who will die from a single fireball, but will simply be replaced by the rest of the hoard.
Bottom line, the solution to this problem is variety. Give them a wide variety of encounters, some of which let them use these tactics and some of which don't.

Rerednaw |
@all: thx for the suggestions so far. Got lots of good stuff here. It seems that there is a concensus that smart tactics by intelligent and sapient creatures is needed. Does that mean that a classic dungeon dive with a very strong but bestial creature isn't going to work? I think with the suggestions above about using terrain I could make such an encounter work but I'm guessing its the exception
@anyone: how would u structure waves? If a standard encounter was say 8 CL enemies would you break em into 2 waves of 4?
First of all, there's a bit of misunderstanding with the default challenge rating system. If the party is level 6 and you throw a CR6, the party will expend about 20-25% of their resources. If you are looking for a fair fight, with say a 50-50 chance of losing, you're looking at closer to CR+5. So a decent setup may be
1x full CR creature (boss)4x CR-3 creatures (minions)
2x CR-1 creatures (lieutenants, support casters or tank)
8x CR-6 critters. (wee minions, probably only throwing tanglefoot bags, using SLAs or activating traps or similar). Quasits are a good example...if any in the party are feared, they may very well run into more monsters or fall into a spiked, poisoned, swarm-filled pit.
This is roughly equal to CR+3 which usually only turns the encounter into a chance of dropping 1 character.
Also nothing wrong with a bestial boss monster. Low-intelligence does not exclude animal cunning. Maybe the creature has worked out a symbiotic relationship with some other creatures. These allies of convenience knows that the other monster nearby keeps it well fed (with scraps) and that more food (delvers) has apparently come by because of the boss monster establishing this area as his lair.
Or maybe it's the boss hog of a tribe of hogs. :)
Regarding waves. Example: Party comes across a group of guards. One guard as a free action yells for help, sounding the alarm. Behind the next door is the barracks with even more guards. Because of the party's reputation, one or more in the barracks in turn let the lieutenants know that something major is coming their way, and so on. Basically every 2 rounds more mobs show up. The guards are attacking from fortifications which give them superior/full cover (5 ft step, fire) and can count as blocking terrain so they all cannot get hit by burst effects, such as channel energy.
When the party looks like they are winning that's when more reinforcements come in...perhaps a rival tribe or even better a rival adventurer party, attacking from the party's rear.
Alternatively you could have a mated pair of creatures with a burrow speed erupt from the ground halfway through the fight. The monsters have felt all the fighting via their tremorsense and realize that where there's fighting, there's food.
Mind you all those constitutes a full encounter...the party still has 3-4 more to go through in a typical day. If they pause to rest, the MacGuffin is moved to another dungeon or the prisoners are killed/sold in slavery, or their home town is invaded by the very forces the party was trying to stop, etc...

Arlow |
One good option that can be used over and over whitout actually spoiling the PC build is illusion.
1- send in illusion critter whit some meat shield. Make them spend ressources.
2- send in archery rain of death. Spend some hp ressources and easyer to kill targets.
3A-not effective so far, battlefield control spell and whitdraw.
3B- afflicted some dammage/ressources drain, send in mobile fighting force. Divide and conquer.
4- still have the upper hand, time to close in combat whit some more illusion dummies/summon monster. Else flee. Its the swift cleave of death or tactical repositioning.
Basic battlefield combat tactic. Since the group will soon get a renown of spell casting, illusion as extra targets or expendable dummies, are easy countermesure. They do need to interact phisically or waste an action to be allowed a save to begin whit.
Illusion can be replaced whit common animal such as dog or goblins or summoned monster.

Kwauss |

I'd let the villains just get smarter after hearing or seeing them in action. Your BBEG can instruct his minions appropriately. No one needs to come within 30 feet to attack them, just blast them from afar. Let them destroy the random encounters with this tactic and have the important ones behave intelligently and challenge the group.
Also remember surprise rounds don't care who scores the highest initiative...

PathlessBeth |
1. Have the creatures in an encounter spread out. This should be a given whenever the PCs make use of area effects.
2. There are one or two items in the 3.5 MiC which give immunity to daze. AFAIK there is nothing in pathfinder which does, though.
3. Surprise attacks. That throws off the whole 'going first' gig.
4. Generally, optimization in-combat is an effort to minimize the effects of die rolls. That's because the game is set up so that the PCs win most of the time. Reducing randomness means reducing the chance of the PCs losing. At high optimization, spells which allow saves (for which the effect on a save is not very strong) are only really used if the chance of a successful save can be minimized, preferably to the minimum of 5%. Throw in some monsters with high will saves. Suddenly, the PCs will either fail more often, or be inclined to use tactics which don't allow for a will save, breaking the 'broken record' syndrome.
It isn't perfect, because they also have ways of lowering enemies' saves (the witch in particular will become very good at it). But if they are spending actions lowering opponent's saves, they are also using different tactics.

Captain Morgan |

There is a lot of good advice here. I would advise you against simply boosting the saves more and more for the bad guys-- or at least the majority of the bad guys. Get creative with placement, terrain, and tactics! Find something which spits acid from far away, booby trap and encounter area, put something which can charge and grapple in there.

Emmanuel Nouvellon-Pugh |

Reward their behavior with untrapped loot, then trap it for maximum effect. Their strategy will vary if you use different forms of attack, curses and ambush will do well since in the surprise round though enemies can only perform 1 action, they may fire ranged weapons. Also refrain from editing monsters too much. If the monsters need more than a plus 2 to stats then you need to just add a template to a big one ore use different monsters completely. It's frustrating when characters encounter kryptonite around every corner when they're superman.

Blakmane |

Ear Piercing Scream has Fort saves, many things have immunity to effect that allow Fort saves such as construct and undead. The spell Daze itself is enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting], so any monster that has immunity to it would be good as well, like vermin.
The spell is mind affecting, but the condition is not. You can daze almost anything with a spell like dazing fireball, including creatures immune to mind affecting.
Ruling that daze is always subject to mind affecting immunity is a decent houserule and would go a long way to curbing the power of the metamagic, but it isn't RAW.

andreww |
Ear Piercing Scream has Fort saves, many things have immunity to effect that allow Fort saves such as construct and undead. The spell Daze itself is enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting], so any monster that has immunity to it would be good as well, like vermin.
The metamagic feat Dazing Spell imposes the dazed condition. Nothing is immune to it. It is not the spell Daze. The variant Rulership channelling ability imposes the Dazed condition. It is not the Daze spell.
Nothing is immune to the Dazed condition in PF that I have been able to find. You can get a mythic ability which allows you to clear dazed, amongst other conditions, at the start of your turn but that is mostly it.

andreww |
The spell is mind affecting, but the condition is not. You can daze almost anything with a spell like dazing fireball, including creatures immune to mind affecting.
Ruling that daze is always subject to mind affecting immunity is a decent houserule and would go a long way to curbing the power of the metamagic, but it isn't RAW.
Hell you can Daze Golems with something like Dazing Acid Arrow as it forces a Will save (which Golems are not immune to) and ignores SR so their magic immunity doesn't apply. On the plus side they also have terrible will saves.

Cap. Darling |

I don't understand why you guys are talking about daze effect when the problem he has is the fact his PC is using "ear piercing scream to daze", and the solution I pointed works perfect for his problem. It has nothing to do with Dazing Acid Arrows nor Dazing Spell.
I Think the screaming is only if some one saves vs the channeling?

Blakmane |

A dozen by the book hobgoblins would clean their clock if played intelligently. Being outnumbered 2 or 3 to 1 by people whose main priority is staying at least 150 ft away is a huge problem for groups that rely on melee and short range effects.
I can't really see how this fight would be any more difficult for this party than any other. It's extremely difficult to stay at range in the pathfinder ruleset unless you have a very high base movement, especially given the barb fast movement present here who can cover 150ft in a single round. Large groups of enemies with relatively poor saves are dazing channel fodder. I would also be suprised if the party doesn't have at least a scroll of obscuring mist: if they don't, that has more to do with their lack of proper preparation than their builds per se.

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Yes the cleric in question is channeling negative energy we talked about that. Channeling negative Will boost undead diplomacy not human.
Edit: this one was a response to a post that dissapered.
Yes, I wrote my post after reading a few of the initial posts, but voideternal had already raised the question,
Actually, with the OP's current setup, I think an undead encounter gets around the daze problem.
1) They're not living, so negative energy to harm doesn't affect them -> Immune to daze from channel negative to harm.
And Just a Mort gave a possible response to that:
Clerics next feat : command undead / versatile channeling. Ra is a neutral deity so both options are open. At least he isn't a sun domain cleric...
so the post was a unnecessary repetition ad I deleted it.

Renegadeshepherd |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
I have an update for everyone. Would like to share what direction I went, where the players went, and how interesting a session I had just last night.
What players did with PCs:
First I don't look at my players sheets since all but the cleric player is seasoned enough for me to trust on book keeping so this is rough figures on table talk.
The barbarian took dervish dance as expected. With urban rager this grants +6 Or 7 to dex and this was impressive. The tiefling inquisitor shifted to an alchemist!! I was stunned. I don't know what his master plan is but this is something to watch to be sure. Cleric took extra traits (magical lineage and its brother). Scarred witch took extra hex for cackle I think. No idea what sorcerer took, probably some kind of focus feat.
What I did: set up 4 encounters and Indiana jones style traps scattered throughout "dungeon". 1 encounter is an ambush scenario, another was an intelligent flesh golem and two hell hounds, a 3 way fight between melee undead the PCs and a rival group, and then finally bounty hunters who were sent to kill any who retrieve the quest item.
Results: barbarian wrecked the archers with her improved speed and tactics. 20 AC was hard for my level 3 archers to content with and when they did manage to hit the DR helped the barb obviously. The tiefling provided solid DPS for range and when surrounded by melee he throw bombs to good effect. The flesh golem was the most effective of the situation thanks to immunities but I should have done more to help him from a challenge point of view but not story. The poor golem just had too many decent base attacks hitting him and the damage he did was healed by inquisitor and cleric. The 3 way battle was bard on cleric and witch but the group survived.
On that note the group used good diplomacy to call a truce and split the loot with survivng rivals rather than continue to fight which impressed me. Afterwards most died to bounty hunters. The session ended with a single antagonist in my story confronting the group and demandin they hand over the quest item. The cleric tried to daze as he went first.... Only to find my antagonist was a Dhampir. Dhampir used his own negative channel to put party uconscious and took quest item from them. End session.
Comments: The tactics presented in this thread proved good but I still need to tweek a bit. I think BBEG with strong wills has been my best success so far. Ranged combat without some kind of difficult or impassable terrain prolonged the fight but marginally had effect. If I had made terrain more difficult I'm sure more resources would have been used but the result wouldn't I believe. I will say that traps were relatively few aside from traditional dungeon ones because of story context. Will use that next go around. Finally, the witch will not be there next session so it will be interesting to see what changes there.
Continue to welcome Input.

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Haha. I love your session. A dhampir! How delightfully surprising and creative! Undead I would have expected, and clerics in all rp reasons would be happy to pump their knowledge religion and give you a knowledge religion roll. But knowledge local? Especially when they know they have diplomacy to cover knowledge local.
I am impressed by your groups use of non aggressive tactics (diplomacy), as most people I know off are murder hobos (too much pfs), and I also fall victim to my muderhobo urges occasionally.
More suggestions hmm..not to immediate story, but let them do a helms deep city defense scenario, or rescuing of hostages in the curb stomp bbeg dungeon kind of thing.
2nd one has potential for more immediate use. Maybe the dhampir has a group of followers and a human "cattle" farm somewhere, or he's a evil cult leader who's trying capture innocent humans and turn them into full fledged vampires.

boring7 |
Don't forget to let 'em win some. It's a very subjective balancing act how much you should let the PC's stomp and ruin monsters, but there's nothing wrong with a badass crew of skilled and organized individuals kicking ass.
Though you are quite correct in your feelings that they should also have to EARN those instances of "treasure piñata".
Up next on Ways To Make Them Earn It™ is the most dangerous game. No, not grizzly boom tennis. It is what Just a Mort mentioned, the Escort Quest.
Blind Old Man seer can find the macguffin, but he's blind and frail and the enemy knows who he is and wants him dead. Oh you can't channel because he's one too many in the zone? Too bad. Why yes, the enemy IS coming up from behind, time to split the party tanks! Oh crap, he dropped to negative hit points, time to waste time healing him instead of fighting!
After that and everything you've already gotten I don't think you really NEED any new tactics. Dazed is rough but it isn't "helpless," and as stuff gets more HP it starts lasting more than one attack by the damage dealers and starts just getting better saves. Hell, outsiders might as well be IMMUNE to stuff with saves with their SR and their favored saves.

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Remember one thing: they have a 25 point characters. That is 10 point above the standard for an AP and 5 point above the standard of PFS.
It allow people a maximized primary characteristic and very good secondary characteristic.
To balance that you need to have stronger opponents, the average NPC has a = points buy, one with NPC classes has a 3 point buy, one with PC classes has a 15 point buy. You can easily increase the NPC point buy by 4 points without problems, or (for semplicitly sake) give them either a +1 to hit/damage or a +1 hp/level or a +1 to spell/abilities DC. all of those are roughly equivalent to a +2 in a characteristic, what 4 buy point would buy you.