Seeing a lot of 3-4 year old posts getting grave robbed/resurrected/ flamed. Str gives here? Conspiracy? Thoughts?
Quadruple post! Having network issues?
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
The server may be coughing up some old threads as new. by the time folks notice the age of the threads, they've already posted.
Well there is an upside. Re-opening these old discussions gets em locked up tight rather quickly.
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That or people are searching for specific subjects and not paying attention to thread times.
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That which is dead can never die.
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Actually, does the dead condition say you're immune to death effects? A little while later, I can confirm that RAW the dead condition does not preclude you from dying again via death effects, since those ignore the usual hitpoints limit.
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The stars are right.
R’lyeh rises from the deep, the herald returns, Cthulhu stirs from his eternal slumber. Flee from the madness to come.
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FuelDrop wrote: The stars are right.
R’lyeh rises from the deep, the herald returns, Cthulhu stirs from his eternal slumber. Flee from the madness to come.
Ia! Ia! Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.
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As of yet I don't see a specific person doing it. It seems to be a lot who just forget to not post on any thread they find with the search funktion.
They really should learn to warn everyone else that it's old. I really hate to find an interesting thread on the first page that you want to respond to and it's only after you spent 20min+ writing and research that you find that nobody you respond to will ever see it.
And please lock this thread within a year.
This can mostly be fixed if they just default the search to Recent rather than Relevant. Any "Relevant" search organization that prioritizes older material over newer material is failing spectacularly at its only job.
That is true, there are some threads that are deemed as "relevant" to a search when rule errates have made the entire thread invalid.
When searching for a certain topic, you get many threads from years upon years ago, as the default is "show relevant threads first" which doesn't take age into account. And people don't really check the age of the thread.
Also, someone decided to dredge up about 5 or 6 old topics because they were mad when another poster posted angry words at them for necro-ing a 5+ year old thread that had already been necro'd 1-2 years previously.
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I don't really care how old the thread is. As long as I haven't seen it before, I might learn something. If not me, then some newcomers might.
Admittedly, usually what is learned is something like "Arguing about paladins is the Ouroboros - it has no end." But at least that's something. ;)
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Daenar wrote: Seeing a lot of 3-4 year old posts getting grave robbed/resurrected/ flamed. Str gives here? Conspiracy? Thoughts? WHO DARES TO... Oh. Ahem... LITTLE CURIOUS ABOUT THAT MYSELF.
These are dark times indeed when a forum visitor will be molested by undead, shambling threads...
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Necromancy can be used for good!
A little more constructively, revisiting old ground usually is better served by not forgetting all that went before. Therefore, on this forum it is NOT considered bad from to revive an old thread.
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Reuse, recycle, reanimate!
Eindridi wrote: FuelDrop wrote: The stars are right.
R’lyeh rises from the deep, the herald returns, Cthulhu stirs from his eternal slumber. Flee from the madness to come. Ia! Ia! Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. What have I told you about eating with your mouth full?
Lincoln Hills wrote: I don't really care how old the thread is. As long as I haven't seen it before, I might learn something. If not me, then some newcomers might. This. And what TerraNova said too. I've discovered many good thread because of necromancy, and so have others.
Ishmell wrote: I blame the rap music. i blame the democrats/republicans.
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Dotting to come back and necro this thread in 12 months.
IT LIVES!!!!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Doug OBrien wrote: Dotting to come back and necro this thread in 12 months. Dr. Kreiger wrote: IT LIVES!!!!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ಠ╭╮ಠ
Too soon, too soon.
Kazaan wrote: This can mostly be fixed if they just default the search to Recent rather than Relevant. Any "Relevant" search organization that prioritizes older material over newer material is failing spectacularly at its only job. Eh. In my experience the Relevant threads are often indeed relevant to what I was looking for.
Maybe the Reply box for old threads should have a different color? Or a big flashy sign warning that you're posting to a thread that's been slumbering for over X time? A lot of necro seems to be accidental.
It's a little-known fact that many posters are indeed devotees of the Whispering Way.
Or Uragotha, I forget which.
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By Urgathoa's bony buttocks, must we criticize those who, to their credit, have searched for an answer to a question before posting?
Eindridi wrote: FuelDrop wrote: The stars are right.
R’lyeh rises from the deep, the herald returns, Cthulhu stirs from his eternal slumber. Flee from the madness to come. Ia! Ia! Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. Dude, spellcheck before you post.
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Thread necromancy is permitted on the boards, FWIW, though I am putting in a recommendation for some sort of indication letting a poster know the thread they're about to post in is over X days old.
I've always been of the opinion that necromancy is morally superior than cloning. I always try to search for something before I start a new post. I also try to read (most) of the thread before adding to it and usually notice the age at that point, which tempers my expectations.
Threads never die. They merely hibernate.
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I'd personally rather see 10 necro'd threads than 100 new threads all devoted to the same topic.
Necromancy is underrated.
I think it's most important to make everyone aware that it's an old thread before they post any further.
I have seen precious few threads necroed that did not contain one or two comments about the necroing.
Also, I recognize most of the necroed threads from when they were active. is that bad?
Sissyl wrote: I have seen precious few threads necroed that did not contain one or two comments about the necroing.
Also, I recognize most of the necroed threads from when they were active. is that bad?
eh, that or realizing that you posted in that thread years ago, even though your "dot" isn't showing.
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