Hawktitan |

Forewarned (Su): You can always act in the surprise round even if you fail to make a Perception roll to notice a foe, but you are still considered flat-footed until you take an action. In addition, you receive a bonus on initiative checks equal to 1/2 your wizard level (minimum +1). At 20th level, anytime you roll initiative, assume the roll resulted in a natural 20.
So at level 20 they are looking at 30 in init baseline. Before level 20 they can be beat by other classes depending on rolls, but afterwards it would be really really tough.

Gregory Connolly |

The short version of this argument is that an Elf Diviner with the Fleet-Footed alternate racial trait, Warrior of Old, 16 dex, a scorpion familiar and Improved Initiative nets you +16 at first level with a maximum casting stat and is very close to what you would build if initiative were irrelevant. None of those other characters are anywhere near that fast at first level.

Shasf |

Because they are wizards without archetypes.
Also, did you mean lose instead of loose?
With a quicken spell-like ability feat, they might also be able to use Diviner's Fortune before combat to give them an additional +10 on their next initiative.
Diviner has +40 without any other help.
+4 Familiar
+4 Feat
+5 from high dex score
+1 luck
+1 drug
+1 drug (Dex)
+4 cat's grace (+4 bonus, +4 more from discovery)
so at 20th level after the surprise round the diviner wizard has an initiative check of: 60

Imperium Knight |

Ifrit Diviner w/ familiar, wildfire heart racial trait, reactionary, and improved initiative comes in at +19 at level 1; if you really want to max out your dex you could start with an 18 dex and get +20 at level 1 but most point buys would make this impractical for a caster. The only downside is you would start with a 16 Int instead of the 18 being an elf would likely net you.

insaneogeddon |
Ifrit have no int bonus so unlikely to be a optimized wizard.
All classes can get reactionary, improved init and items so mentioning them is just misleading.
Diviners get familiar and 1/2 level.
Other classes get 1/2 level or equivocal boons.
Any chr character can get a familiar with arcane heritage.
Dex focused characters can spend more points then a wizard who needs to focus on int to be good once they go first.
An ifrit gunslinger at 1st level 20 dex (no other stat REALLY needed), wildfire heart (gunslinger ifrit are very likely), reactionary, improved initiative is +15
At 3rd they get gunslingers initiative for an extra +2 and due to their racial gunslinger bonus get +1/2 their level to initiative.
Divine Strategists get all the diviner benefits but the familiar (unless taken)
And its been proven on beastmass optimizations that kensai beats the diviner.
So pvp sooner then later the diviner would get dropped by a gunslinger or kensai.

avr |

Any character with a decent charisma and spare feats can get a familiar via Eldritch heritage, true. However CHA based classes tend to be short on feats. Mysterious stranger gunslingers included.
Also while a wizard can do something to control multiple targets (or save themselves with a defensive spell) with their surprise round a gunslinger gets to drop one target max. The situation is slightly better if no surprise is involved.
Edit: yeah, 1v1 PvP games maybe. That's a fairly exotic situation though.

Gregory Connolly |

I think that outside of Ifrit Gunslingers, nobody is gonna match up to the Elf Diviner. All beastmass proves is that you need to nerf the ever loving bejeezus out of casters for anyone else to have a chance. Contingency beats initiative every time. So while some of the other speedster archetypes can compete for a while they perma-lose after level 11 or so to literally anyone who can cast Contingency and some type of escape spell. Between 3 and 8 an Ifrit Gunslinger or Kensai has coin flip odds, but needing a bigger racial bonus to almost keep up is telling.

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You seem to be forgetting that all other bonuses being the same, most of these other classes and archetypes other than the Kensai still have to roll to get their final initiative, the diviner just assumes a 20.
And yes, whilst other classes can get those same feats and traits, many of them have competing options that are vital to their builds (especially at lower levels; Precise Shot, Power Attack, Deadly Aim, etc etc). A Diviner really doesn't have much they need feat wise and so are far more free to buy abilities that help them go first, hence in general Diviners are considered one of the fastest builds around.

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I believe some multiclassed Rouge had +80 initiative in his Favored terrain cause of "Terrain Mastery" - Rogue talent, combined with something which multiplied the bonus.
Something like Terrain Mastery (17 times), through rogue talents and "extra rogue talent feat". = +34, then I don't remember what was posted... Somewhere in the whining rogue guides.

7heprofessor |
The Diviner wins this one (even vs. gunslingers and/or kensai in my book) not only because of innate bonuses, but because they are entirely self-reliant. They don't even need WBL, they have spells.
A naked 20th level Diviner, given a few rounds to buff (some of which will last all day), will win initiative nearly every time. It's built into the class.
Oh, and you can also create demiplanes, stop time, summon demons, see the future...

insaneogeddon |
The Diviner wins this one (even vs. gunslingers and/or kensai in my book) not only because of innate bonuses, but because they are entirely self-reliant. They don't even need WBL, they have spells.
A naked 20th level Diviner, given a few rounds to buff (some of which will last all day), will win initiative nearly every time. It's built into the class.
Oh, and you can also create demiplanes, stop time, summon demons, see the future...
No WBL, naked... that's a tough commoner.
No spell components is no spells !!
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7heprofessor wrote:The Diviner wins this one (even vs. gunslingers and/or kensai in my book) not only because of innate bonuses, but because they are entirely self-reliant. They don't even need WBL, they have spells.
A naked 20th level Diviner, given a few rounds to buff (some of which will last all day), will win initiative nearly every time. It's built into the class.
Oh, and you can also create demiplanes, stop time, summon demons, see the future...
No WBL, naked... that's a tough commoner.
No spell components is no spells !!
You should take a look at just how many spells don't require any material or focus components.
Also, Eschew Materials is a feat, not just a sorcerer class feature. ;)

Shasf |

7heprofessor wrote:The Diviner wins this one (even vs. gunslingers and/or kensai in my book) not only because of innate bonuses, but because they are entirely self-reliant. They don't even need WBL, they have spells.
A naked 20th level Diviner, given a few rounds to buff (some of which will last all day), will win initiative nearly every time. It's built into the class.
Oh, and you can also create demiplanes, stop time, summon demons, see the future...
No WBL, naked... that's a tough commoner.
No spell components is no spells !!
Eschew Materials
Feat to use divine focus for any material component of 100g or lessCould argue that your body is a divine focus for Iori?

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7heprofessor wrote:The Diviner wins this one (even vs. gunslingers and/or kensai in my book) not only because of innate bonuses, but because they are entirely self-reliant. They don't even need WBL, they have spells.
A naked 20th level Diviner, given a few rounds to buff (some of which will last all day), will win initiative nearly every time. It's built into the class.
Oh, and you can also create demiplanes, stop time, summon demons, see the future...
No WBL, naked... that's a tough commoner.
No spell components is no spells !!
Unless you took Eschew Materials and/or False Focus + a Holy Symbol Tattoo...
Edit: Ninja'd by 19 seconds

Lastoth |

It's been said, but every one of those other classes can do some damage on winning initiative, wizards completely cripple encounters when they go first. This is a lot like complaining that ants can lift much more than humans, relative to their body weight. The non caster types sure can eek out an initiative win every once in a while and do relatively little with it :-)
Also by RAW the wizard could have a completely legitimate Efreeti at his service granting wishes, so you need to assume +5 to all stats, he can have this via normal binding, via a discovery (true name), or via a Simulacrum. Also, the wizard can have a +4 profane bonus to his main stat and a +2 bonus to his Dex for initiative help via his simulacrum succubus profane gift and the greater named version of the succubus.
The wizard has even more tricks for this you're not including.

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The Kensai Magus has the BEST initiative in the game (No joke!)!
Auto 20 for initiative, acting during surprise round, and isntead of 1/2 level added to initiative (which caps at 10), they add intelligence to initiative (A recent Kensai build has 14 intelligence).
Both of the Kensai's typical main stats add to AC and Initiative, meaning amazing initiative is common.
2 (reactionary) + 4(improved initiative) + 4(greensting scorpion familiar) + 14(intelligence) + 8 (dexterity) + 20 (automatic die roll) = 52 for every initiative roll, even surprise rounds.
The only thing I can see adding to this would be an inquisitor dip for the wisdom to initiative, but you'd be giving up the automatic 20 ability.

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The Kensai Magus has the BEST initiative in the game (No joke!)!
Auto 20 for initiative, acting during surprise round, and isntead of 1/2 level added to initiative (which caps at 10), they add intelligence to initiative (A recent Kensai build has 14 intelligence).
Both of the Kensai's typical main stats add to AC and Initiative, meaning amazing initiative is common.
2 (reactionary) + 4(improved initiative) + 4(greensting scorpion familiar) + 14(intelligence) + 8 (dexterity) + 20 (automatic die roll) = 52 for every initiative roll, even surprise rounds.
The only thing I can see adding to this would be an inquisitor dip for the wisdom to initiative, but you'd be giving up the automatic 20 ability.
Kensai gets the automatic 20 at level 19.
Level 20 is weapon master, which I would never trade for a few extra points of initiative.

insaneogeddon |
Seems divine strategist with tactics inquisition wins.
There is the usual.
familiar can be gained by ifrit and beaten with dex focus and a gunslinger deed but the strategist... no chr need (give up channel) means can totally wis focus (could get a +14 as above).
Also gets the 1/2 level and 20.
Warrior priest for a +1 extra
Eldritch Heritage (bugger familiar) go for sense motive skill focus and dream spun bloodline (+1 at 3rd,+1 per 4 levels) = +5 by 19th
+ spellshenanegans and age stuff (if dm allows)

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It's been said, but every one of those other classes can do some damage on winning initiative, wizards completely cripple encounters when they go first. This is a lot like complaining that ants can lift much more than humans, relative to their body weight. The non caster types sure can eek out an initiative win every once in a while and do relatively little with it :-)
Also by RAW the wizard could have a completely legitimate Efreeti at his service granting wishes, so you need to assume +5 to all stats, he can have this via normal binding, via a discovery (true name), or via a Simulacrum. Also, the wizard can have a +4 profane bonus to his main stat and a +2 bonus to his Dex for initiative help via his simulacrum succubus profane gift and the greater named version of the succubus.
The wizard has even more tricks for this you're not including.
So you're saying that the wizard has all the advantages his DM will let him cheese?

Gregory Connolly |

I suppose the fastest I can think of is Ifrit Diviner 1/ Cavalier 1/ Bandit 6/ Inquisitor 2/ Horizon Walker 10 at Mythic Tier 10 with all feats not named Improved Initiative retrained into Extra Rogue Talent: Terrain Mastery, high as you can get dexterity and wisdom. Has the benefit of being able to reactively beat everyone else's initiative and then grant all allies that initiative as well as the ability to take a swift, move and standard action in the surprise round.
Or that insane Nature Oracle 20 infinite charisma from Awaken loop, if it hasn't been nerfed yet.
EDIT: Looking at Lookout I don't think you can actually grant the swift action, but you get it yourself from Bandit. The whole point is to be standing next to someone who CAN one shot everything like a full caster or someone who can do 500 DPR.

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Yeah... That cleric would beat the Kensai by 11.
The age stuff was already taken into account, along with a mantle of immortality :P.
But Wait! There's more!
Kensai has Monstrous Physique, and with the proper equipment can function normally as any Elemental (O.o, that's by RAW, though a lot of DM's say no to it). That's another 3 to the bonus (dexterity increases by 6 from being a diminutive Monstrous Humanoid)!
In addition, A samsaran Kensai or a Kensai with spell blending can get Anticipate Peril, another +5 on the check.
Neither of those two spells (anticipate peril and monstrous physique) are available to clerics, even samsaran clerics.
So, 3 (extra dexterity) + 5 (anticipate Peril) + 4 (dueling weapon) = 12, just enough to once again take the lead :P.
Also, Irifit would get the Cleric a net increase of 3 (because of the -2 to wisdom) whereas the magus would not lose any of the +4 bonus :P.
EDIT: This was in reply to insaneogeddon... took too long to respond O.o

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Or a rod of extend, casted every so often when going through that dungeon when you know you'll be expecting encounters.
Or pearls of power, as cheap as 500 gold with the draft wondrous item feat :P. That's 24,000 gold in pearls of power to keep the +5 bonus continuously up for 16 hours (or 48,000 without the crafting feat).

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Lastoth wrote:It's been said, but every one of those other classes can do some damage on winning initiative, wizards completely cripple encounters when they go first... The wizard has even more tricks for this you're not including.So you're saying that the wizard has all the advantages his DM will let him cheese?
A man can dream... a man can dream.

insaneogeddon |
Divine Strategist > Kensai > Ifrit Gunslinger > Diviner > Sohei > Rogue/Ranger in their maxed favored terrain > Battle and Time Oracles > everyone else !
15 point buy Divine Strategist and Gunslinger pull in front as can single stat focus. This just increases if cannot choose own items and limited to random generated shop lists etc.

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Not clear on why the divine strategist is so high on your list since he gets all the same bonuses a diviner gets, except no familiar to add a free +4 initiative at 1st level.
If he's got the Tactics Subdomain he can roll twice and pick the better. He could theoretically also get a Familiar with Eldritch Heritage.
EDIT: Ah! Forgot the Tactics Inquisition. Those'd stack...

7heprofessor |
Uri, a small-town's resident druggie-fortune teller, is approached by the town sheriff one day.
"Uri, this here Mysterious Stranger is claimin' he be the fastest fingers in Faerun. He's a callin' you out for a duel at noon tomorrow! You gotta come, or I reckon he'll raise all sorts a' hell."
Uri contemplates this for a moment, smiles coyly, and says “Tell him I’ll be there” with a sigh. He then begins to make a few preparations.
First, he summons a lilitu demon, Dominates it and forces it to give him a +4 profane bonus to his Dexterity (this replaces the one Uri had previously applied to his Intelligence score).
[Dominate Monster DC: 10+9th lvl spell+12 int = 31 Lilitu fails half the time]
Next, he Plane Shifts to a plane with faster time, releases whatever super awesome familiar he has and summons a dodo bird that he names Geller (this takes one week and 200 gp, but is totally optional as we can just say Uri had a dodo bird to begin with...this simply highlights some of the additional flexibility granted by being God...er, a Wizard)
Finally, he removes any Contingency spells he has in place because that would just be cheater.
Then, he Plane Shifts/Teleports home, and takes a nap.
Ifrit Foresight Diviner 20
Familiar: Dodo
15 pt buy
Str 7 (+4)
Dex 16 (10) +2 racial +5 inherent = 23
Con 11 (1)
Int 16 (10) +5 lvls +5 inherent = 26 (temporarily +4 profane and +4 Fox’s cunning)
Wis 10 (2) -2 racial = 10
Cha 7 (+4) +2 racial = 9
Relevant Feats:
1. Scribe Scroll (wiz bonus)
1. Improved Initiative
3. spell focus: divination
5. metamagic feat (wiz bonus)
5. Varisian tattoo: divination
7. bloatmage initiate: divination
9. (Leadership) - [cheater if used to have an 8th lvl Inquisitor cohort to give you their Wis to init)
10. metamagic feat (wiz bonus)
11. open
13. open
15. metamagic feat (wiz bonus)
15. Spell Perfection: Moment of Prescience
17. open
19. open
20. open (wiz bonus)
Relevant Traits:
Alternative Racial Traits:
Wildfire Heart
Relevant Skills:
Knowledge (The Planes)
AEther [drug]: +1 caster level for 1 hour (20 gp)
Blood Sap [drug]: +1 alchemical bonus to Dex (150 gp)
Manual of Quickness of Action: +5 (137,500 gp)
1500 gp diamond for Limited Wish
Tome of Clear Thought +5 (137,500)
200 gp for a new familiar (optional)
The big day rolls around, and Uri waits until about 11:45 before he casts a few spells on himself, does a bunch of drugs, strips naked and wanders into the center of town. Here’s a breakdown of exactly what he does:
Cat’s Grace (2nd lvl): +4 enhancement bonus to Dex for 20 min
Limited Wish (7th lvl): emulate Good Hope for a +2 morale bonus on ability checks for 20 min
Beast Shape IV (6th lvl): take the form of a tiny magical beast for +8 size bonus to Dex
Snorts some Aether to raise his Caster Level by 1
Shoots up some Zerk to raise his Dex by at least 1 pt.
Moment of Prescience (9th lvl): +25 insight to one ability check
His dexterity becomes:
23 base +4 profane +4 enhancement +8 size +1 alchemical = 40 (+15)
His initiative score:
20 (automatically rolls a 20 thanks to Diviner)
+10 (forewarned)
+4 (familiar)
+4 (improved initiative)
+2 (trait)
+2 (good hope)
+25 (m.o.p.)
+15 (dex)
= 82
When it’s over - if he’s still alive-, he stumbles home, dismisses his stupid dodo bird (cuz it was all his fault if he lost) and then starts telling random people their futures until he sobers up.
He then dresses and dismisses any spells still remaining on himself he doesn’t like. He buffs himself with a completely different suite of spells and flies off to murder demons, create new demiplanes, and otherwise dominate the world with his awesomeness...after apologizing to everyone for making an ass of himself of course!

7heprofessor |
Moment of prescience only works on "opposed" ability checks; initiative isn't an opposed ability check.
http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?31513-Moment-of-Prescience-on -Initiative-Yes-or-No
Initiative of 1d20+118:
http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17185279&postcount= 2
Meh, it was funny anyway. Initiative 57 is pretty damn smooth for a naked dude. :)
Initiative not being an "opposed check" is rather dubious, especially since that link doesn't cite the source of this ruling. You roll, I roll, whoever gets higher wins...that sounds pretty opposed....
The build you linked to uses optional Mythic rules. Impressive nonetheless!