Tacticslion wrote:
Not a problem, this has been a very informative exercise for me, so I'm glad I could help others as well. I do agree that sticking with the efreeti removes much of the potential for nay-saying. Though, having a Solar aid us sure would be nice! Tacticslion wrote:
Rather coincidental that you posted this last night, as right around that time I was just stumbling on the magic item creation rule you cited. Thanks for the link though, it's nice to have this all in one place. Do you know if we can accelerate this even further by adding 5 to the DC multiple times? A strict reading of the RAW would leave me to believe no, but I have an idea in mind that would allow us a nigh-infinite Spellcraft check, so being able to expedite Timmy's creation further would be great. I do believe that a construct counts as a magical item in all respects; so that 1 at a time limitation would apply. Additionally, I don't see any differences in the creation of constructs vs. other magical items, save for the individual constructs varied requirements and modification rules. ![]()
ShadowcatX wrote:
That's the same grey area that some people encounter with Wish spells. It all depends on whether or not the GM wants to screw over the players. ![]()
Disagree. Contingency is set to an event. Becoming targeted by Mage's Disjunction is an event and your contingent goes off; just like a ready action to counter a spell. I don't see any difference other than you don't need to ready an action. If it's debatable, tie your contingency to "enemy spell caster tries casting Mage's Disjunction." ![]()
The spells are already there, it's all about how you use them. It's takes a GM that will allow spells to do things outside of their descriptors at times, but justifying them is not difficult. A player of mine once used Ray of Frost to freeze a bunch of water in buckets. Then chopped it up and put their freshly killed game in with it. This let them have "rations" for two days instead of one. Not too shabby for a cantrip. Lullaby was used to help an insomniac get some z's. Prestidigitation's uses are limitless (some have already been mentioned here). Comprehend Languages was used on an infant to hilarious effect! If your love life is stagnant, Disguise Self can be used to get your partner back into "the mood"! Seriously, look at any spell, and I can think of another use for it. ![]()
Cevah wrote: Scorpion Whip: Correct, but that is from Ultimate Combat, not the Core rulebooks. Very useful for when we move outside of Core though. There's a slew of Whip-related feats we can take advantage of at that point. cevah wrote:
Fair enough, that's confirmation enough for me. Not really interested in arguing semantics, so I'll let this lie. cevah wrote:
Correct. To specify from the PFRD Magic Item Creation rules: "In addition, you cannot create potions, spell-trigger, or spell-completion magic items without meeting its prerequisites." We don't currently qualify to take any of these item creation feats anyway, so that's rather moot. Once we incorporate the Ultimate Magic rules of adding spell-like abilities, this will become relevant again. cevah wrote:
Glad to hear this is going to work. Sounds like we have a pretty solid resource-generating scheme via Candle of Invocation to summon Efreeti to create Simulacrum to create more Simulacrum to craft stuff for us. Once I start my next class (it's a mere one-credit Personal Health and Fitness course; easy-mode!) I'll try to draw up an actual detailed, specific sequence of events to attain Tiny Godhood...unless someone wants to volunteer! :) mathwei ap niall wrote:
Does the "rushing" rule apply to magical item creation? Because Timmy is effectively a magic item. ![]()
Ipslore the Red wrote:
Great, thank you! Defining "expensive" would be prudent, but for now I'll take it to mean anything with a material component costing 1 gp or more. ![]()
Tacticslion wrote:
But it then goes on to say: "In the case of a single creature, you can control it if its HD does not exceed your caster level." Which a 20HD Solar does. So, you can call it, but can't make it do anything!? Tacticslion wrote:
I was likewise unable to find any reference stating that Spell-like abilities are keyed to a specific Hit Die of the creature. Ergo, even a 1HD Efreeti should be able to cast Wish. Great points, and thank you for the clarification. ![]()
Ipslore the Red wrote: Summoned creatures cannot use spell-like abilities that duplicate spells with expensive material components, use teleportation spells, or use summoning spells. Can you cite this ruling please? I'm unable to find it. nazerith wrote:
It is widely accepted that the Phb, Monster Manual, and Dungeon Master's Guide are the three Core rulebooks of D&D. Pathfinder being an equivalent, the Bestiary and Game Mastery Guide are considered Core as well (in my experience at least). You can't really play the game without them. Every book in addition to these three, are supplemental rules. The rules for adding Hit Dice are referenced in the Homunculus description, so the Ultimate Magic guidelines are trumped by the specific ruling. tacticslion wrote: ...good stuff... Ok, I understand what your thought process is now and I absolutely love it. The only question I have remaining, is: Can the Simulacrum use the Wish spell-like ability (to then create simulacrum)? Simulacrum states:"It appears to be the same as the original, but it has only half of the real creature's levels or HD (and the appropriate hit points, feats, skill ranks, and special abilities for a creature of that level or HD)" So it only has half of the spell-like abilities of the Efreeti. Which ones does it lose? Perhaps erring on the side of "the most powerful or highest-level abilities are lost first" would be prudent? Also, the CL on the Candle of Invocation is only 17, so it's can't summon a Solar, correct? ![]()
Set wrote:
Hmm, it uses the term "expire" which would imply the duration runs out. Continual Flame has a Permanent duration. Thoughts? Seems a bit of a stretch so I'm not hell-bent on defending it, but I'd like a second opinion. cevah wrote:
Correct, Timmy only qualifies for Craft Magic Arms and Armor as well as Craft Wondrous Item. Going outside of Core allows us to add spell-like abilities to Timmy which would net him a CL to select the other item creation feats as well. His ridiculous Spellcraft check would also allow him to ignore all prerequisite spells and increase the crafting time significantly. ![]()
Vritra wrote: Besides, the AoOs problems are solved by having high Acrobatics. You can easily have +100 or more, enough to avoid any AoO Good call! I've found another money-making venture that appears to be quite lucrative: A 5th level Wizard (the lowest level possible to start crafting Timmy) can cast Summon Monster III at least twice a day to summon Lantern Archons. These creatures can cast Continual Flame at-will as a spell-like ability (this removes the material components, among other things) as well as speak Celestial, Draconic, and Infernal. So, as long as we select one of these languages for Mr. Wizard, we can ask the Lantern Archon to make us 5 ever-burning torches while he's around (5 round duration). Each torch sells for 90 gp, and we summon 2/day for a total of 900 gp per day; or 328,500 gp per year. Selling 3600 torches a year is pretty decent, but would eventually saturate the market. So, use a few of these gp to purchase a scroll or three of Plane Shift (as well as a few ranks in Knowledge The Planes and maxed out Spellcraft) and take your ever-burning torch business around the galaxy. The average Elf lifespan is ~700 years so that would amount to 229,950,000 gp pre-immortality; or 114,900 Hit Dice for Timmy (rounded down to account for food, scrolls of plane shift, and hookers). ![]()
Nazerith wrote:
Indeed. This wizard must hold up in his tower for quite some time. Luckily, most wizards are accustomed to such things. Nazerith wrote:
Timmy also has Lunge and Whirlwind attack, so his reach is increased further and he can attack anyone within it as a full-attack action. Any reach weapon will do. The Whip will negate damage done to anyone wearing armor as well as anyone with natural armor of +3 or better, and Timmy doesn't threaten within the reach granted by it. I'm not sure of the advantage here. fueldrop wrote:
Timmy is an expert at all combat maneuvers in the Core book. His CMB is at least +242, well enough to decimate any and every creature in the Bestiary, using one hand (this assumes Vritra's conservative build at 221HD). Honestly, I don't think he even needs the feats to do them well, but they remove the AoO for attempting them. He automatically provokes an AoO for entering most creature's reach, but his 2000+ HP and 256 CMD will protect him from any AoO I can think of. Nothing can possibly break out of the grapple without Freedom of Movement, and a Timmy can just pin them and then bite them to death should he choose. tacticslion wrote:
I'm in lecture right now, but I'm very curious how this would work exactly. Get the crayons out and explain it to me like I'm five please! 1) Activate Candle and summon an Efreeti
I'm not sure what you do after that. The Efreeti now has a Simulacrum of itself under its absolute command. Do you use your remaining two Wishes to have the Efreeti use its Simulacrum to craft for you or something? How many different demands can you make? ![]()
Ravingdork wrote:
I checked out your thread and, while it's a great exercise, it doesn't appear to contain any Core material. The goal of this thread is to first establish that this is possible with Core-only material, and then branch out into splatbooks. Do any of your wealth-generation tricks work in the Core? wierdoc wrote:
I agree that one could interpret it that way. While it's very close to the cited rule of repairing magical items, there is enough discrepancy to warrant disagreement, so it's back to the drawing board. Immortality (gained via becoming a Lich) combined with Fabricate and Craft skills/feats is the only viable means of generating nigh-infinite wealth that I can think of. It's too slow for my liking :( ![]()
"7heprofessor wrote:
Does anyone disagree with this method or prefer another method? I'd like to hammer out a definitive process before I start sifting through non-core material. ![]()
Persistent Spell is my preferred means of increasing the likelihood of spells working. Definitely look into Magical Lineage for Suffocation and possibly Spell Specialization. Greater Eldritch Heritage: Arcane will boost your Necromancy DCs as well as the standard Spell Focus feats. Other than that, you don't actually have to be a specialist Necromancer if you don't want to. The school powers are meh, unless you're trying to Channel Energy. Might consider Tin Foil's Witch suggestion. Either way...just my 2 cp ![]()
Blackstorm wrote: Hmmmm. She's not the SoS type caster. She have a bunch of spells useful in various kind of situations. Like searing light and dispel magic, she has cure and inflict spells, invisibility and greater (via the alternate racial samsaran, she get the inquisitor spell list), and some other spells. She just taken Debilitating Portent as spell (and my hexcrafter has just taken misfortune hex :)), so she has a wide range of spells, a good bunch against udead, for bg reasons. In addition, for a spontaneous caster I think metamagic are not so efficient, due to the increased casting time. I was searching throug the feats, but I don't see anything that hit my sight... or her. I would suggest eldricht heritage, but it seems she's nt like it... Extend Spell is an awesome metamagic feat if she has any Buff spells that are of a decent duration. Extend spell can make them last for multiple combats, or even all day. Weapon finesse was an interesting choice. I don't see her doing much damage with melee weapons...unless she has a bunch of melee-enhancing spells I guess...? With her high Charisma score, definitely look into the Eldritch Heritage line of feats. I know you said it didn't really stand out to either of you, but the Oracle Handbook might provide some ideas: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WdtrZCESRmVfljXY196wMrMLTnS8Uzk4DEk3oQd VZok/edit?hl=en_US ![]()
SPACEBALL12345 wrote:
As you can see, Mathwei ap Niall addressed this on page one of this thread: Mathwei ap Niall wrote:
Ishpumalibu wrote:
Which Pathfinder planes are Timeless? I am not at all familiar with planar travel in Golarion. ![]()
sgtrocknroll wrote: Craft (alchemy) +6 That's your money-maker at present. In this campaign I would strongly suggest dropping Identify (how likely is it you'll actually see a magical item anyway) and pick up Crafter's Fortune instead. Then, next time you're in a city. Spend that 50 gp you just earned on supplies and post up for a bit crafting alchemical items to sell. Light detectors are only DC 10 so you can increase the DC by 5 to expedite and still make the DC by taking 10. Crafter's Fortune and one more Rank next level will let you make the vast majority of alchemical items by taking 10. It's no get rich quick scheme, but it's probably the best you've got. ![]()
Tacticslion wrote:
Well that's what I get for not reading the entire spell description. Thanks for pointing that out. You raise an excellent point about Efreet/Solar utilizing Blood Money/Fabricate to vastly expedite this process. Though I'm dubious about using Simulacrum as it explicitly states "At all times, the simulacrum remains under your absolute command." That would be the command of the efreeti so I don't know if you could have the simulacrum do anything...unless I'm missing something (again). Do you think this removes the necessity for immortality? I really want to hammer home the nigh-infinite nature of Timmy, and I posit that immortality may still be essential to that. If not, it's possible to achieve Tiny God-hood at 5th level. The minimum level needed for Craft Construct is 5th and it conveniently requires Craft Wondrous Item - which we can use to create the Candle of Invocation for 4,200 gp. Simply increase the Spellcraft DC by 5 for not having the Gate spell. Now let's see if I understand the exact sequence of things: 1) Attain 5th level and select Craft Construct as your bonus Wizard feat.
Does this sit well with everyone? Is there another preferred method of nigh-infinite wealth? ![]()
Vritra wrote:
Correct, which is why immortality is essential. @Ishpumalibu Yes, that would work for removing the costly component. If we use one of the Undead methods of immortality listed above, we are even immune to the ability damage Blood Money inflicts, making it effectively free. ![]()
In my experience the biggest downside of the Barbarian is their lack of multi-targeting. The best way I've found to get around that is using a reach weapon with Combat Reflexes and the Come and Get Me rage power (at lvl12). Your main weapon is mostly irrelevant anyway. You could seriously kill most things with a big stick. I posit that Reach + Combat Reflexes will allow you to kill more enemies faster than a higher damage weapon without reach. Just make sure you also wear a spiked gauntlet for those situations where 5 ft step away is not am option. I'd even bump Dex at level 8 if I were you. As for Superstition being worth it: if your party is doing a lot of in-combat healing, consider that their actions could instead focus on killing the enemy. This is another form of proactive healing. Superstition is amazing at mid levels. I recommend it to every barbarian ever. ![]()
Ishpumalibu wrote: I don't think it's core but it seems masterwork transformation spell could generate cash. It requires material components equal to the cost of creating a masterwork item. All it saves is time. Thanks for the suggestion though. @tacticslion: I'll respond when I'm done with class tonight. ![]()
Gregory Connolly wrote: This whole thread makes me think of a tiny society of gods created by one caster dumb enough to make one of these things able to make more of these things. It snowballs until you have a whole city of 200 HD Homonculi who really rule the world and let the puny Dragons and Humanoids and Undead think they are really in charge. That's actually the premise similar to that of my current Warforged Artificer character. Eventually, he will become aware of how incredibly inefficient mortals are and begin crafting a construct nation in secret. It's gonna be awesome. @Jon Fugi
Tacticslion wrote:
How would this generate infinite wealth? Wish no longer allows you to wish for items or money. ![]()
Great work so far everyone. Timmy has come along quite nicely. Now I'd like to take it to the next level: game-shattering. It would seem that there are few weaknesses as-is, but I would like shore-up those weaknesses and add in more abilities to create a truly unbeatable creature. The only guaranteed method I can see would be to add more HD for more ability score increases and more feats My goal is to generate nigh-infinite wealth which will in turn equal nigh-infinite Hit Dice. There are several methods to accomplish this: 1) Crafting:
Whether it be magical items or mundane gear, the rules for crafting allow for an artisan to turn a profit on the goods she creates. There are two caveats to this:
-Time (it takes a long time to make anything worth a substantial amount, and there are no immortal races in the CRB.)
Time can be circumvented by one of three Core options:
A) Lichdom - becoming a Lich requires Character Level 11, 120,000 gp, and the Craft Wondrous Item feat. Easy enough for an 11th level Wizard. B) Contingency -> Reincarnation - Tie the Contingency to "Death from old age" and you have a permanent, one-time get out of death free card. Sure, you might come back as a Kobold, but who cares!? You're alive and free to keep on crafting. This requires one 6th level Wizard spell and one 4th level Druid spell (scrolls costing 3150 and 700 gp respectively) When you come back to life, simply buy another scroll (or two) and cast them again. C) Become a Vampire - you could find a vampire and strike a deal with it to make you one, but I wouldn't recommend ever being under the thumb of a Vampire...ever...NO, not even then. Supply and Demand can be circumvented by using The following:
A) There are 21 listed Craft skills in the CRB. An 11th level Wizard could conceivably have enough ranks in each to Take Ten and make simple items of each type. There are also eight Item Creation feats applying to Magical Items. An 11th level Wizard could have all of them. This alone would prevent the economy from becoming saturated of any one type of item for quite some time. B) Plane Shift would allow a Wizard to transport herself to new worlds when hers becomes inefficient. She could then begin anew her Crafting regimen until that world is likewise saturated, and move on to the next. 2) Wall of Stone -> Stone to Flesh:
This effectively creates a nigh-infinite supply of food to sell. I'm not sure who would want to eat flesh, but it's a possibility to sell to all carnivorous animal handlers I guess... 3) Mirror of Opposition:
Create/summon a creature that can't possibly kill itself (small zombie or kobold wearing Adamantine Full Plate). Load it up with valuable magic items and have it look in the mirror. An exact duplicate will appear with all of the valuable items on it, and they'll stand there uselessly pounding on each other while you pilfer the items off of both of them. Rinse and repeat. (This costs 92,000 gp to buy the mirror, or 46,000 if you make it yourself). If any one of these options are agreed to have the potential to create nigh-infinite wealth, than we have nigh-infinite money to spend on the creation of our Tiny God Timmy. That means, nigh-infinite HD which translates to nigh-infinite: Ability Scores (1 per 4 Hit Dice)
If non-Core options are allowed, Timmy can gain: Spell-like abilities of all Potion-qualifying spells (remember Summoner list here)
Can anyone think of the lowest level one can attain nigh-infinite wealth? That will directly dictate at what level we can break the world. ![]()
Set wrote:
Same issue as Eldritch Heritage: it requires Character Level 7. Timmy only has racial Hit Dice which don't necessarily count. Great idea though. ![]()
FrodoOf9Fingers wrote:
That quote only mentioned CR, not Hit Dice. There is no precedent set for your animal companion, familiar, or crafted construct having a CR at all. I would say this is a stretch, and that players should seek the approval of their DM. Quite frankly, this thread was not intended for actual play, so I would say we should veer away from any questionable rules interactions. @Capt. Darling, agreed. I think in order to really push Timmy's power level to maximum heights, having both ranged and melee capabilities is essential. Vritra has included both in his stat block. @Chaoseffect, brutal indeed, if only it was a for-sure thing that he can qualify. ![]()
Having Timmy's master take Improved Familiar and designating Timmy would be detrimental to a few of his abilities. His BAB would become +10 and his HP would drop to 1/2 his master's...I don't think that's worth it personally. That said, taking this out of Core-Only would likely create a mini Pun-Pun. I would wager it would become the most powerful creature in the game. Maybe something to work on during my break between classes... ![]()
Harakani wrote:
I knew someone would point to this eventually, so I created this thread in anticipation. That was part of the reason I was pushing for a Core-only build as this rule is cited in an optional splatbook. Mathwei ap Niall does a nice job of summarizing the linked threads findings, including the ever important specific vs general. Thanks for that! As for Evolutions gained via Evolved Familiar, is there a way to designate Timmy as our Familiar? I didn't see Homunculus on the list of available options. cevah wrote: ...awesome combat patrol idea This is really good. But it does require a heavy focus on Dex to benefit from Combat Reflexes. Vritra wrote: If you could give it some form of regeneration, or a way to repair itself, then it becomes pretty self-sufficient as a creature. Here is the section on Repairing Constructs: Repairing Constructs:
Even with the best of care, most constructs will eventually become damaged. Unless a construct suffers some sort of structural damage that radically alters its physical form, the construct continues to function at its full efficiency, and only falls apart once reduced to 0 hit points. Ideally, however, a construct should see some repair before it reaches that point. The make whole or rapid repair spells provide the easiest way to keep a construct in good condition. Both spells repair damaged constructs, even magic-immune ones like golems. Failing that, a crafter can repair a construct with the Craft Construct feat. When repairing a construct, its master spends 100 gp per Hit Die of the construct, and then makes a skill check as if he were crafting the construct with a DC of 5 less than the DC for crafting that construct. With a success, the construct regains 1d6 hit points per Hit Die of the construct. Completing a repair takes 1 day per 1,000 gp spent on the repair (minimum of 1 day). Repair in this way can only be performed while the construct is inanimate or nonfunctioning. At any time, a construct's creator can deactivate a construct under his control with a touch and a standard action. A construct that has been completely destroyed cannot be repaired, though at the GM's option some of the materials may be usable in the construction of a new construct. Additionally, some constructs have special means of repair, usually involving spells related to the golem's nature (such as the use of acid damage to heal a clay golem.)" So, if we give him the Craft Construct feat and ranks in Craft (leatherworking), he can spend 22,100 gp and 23 days to heal himself for 221d6. Not exactly optimal, but it's there. A better means would be an activated item of Make Whole or Rapid Repair. Just make sure his UMD is high enough to activate anything ever, and you're good to go. Vritra wrote: Poison (Ex): Bite—injury; save Fort DC 13; frequency 1/minute for 60 minutes; effectsleep for 1 minute; cure 1 save. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +2 racial bonus. The DC of Timmy's poison is 10+1/2 Hit dice+con modifier+2 racial, or DC122. As was mentioned above, he can fill up his quiver with this poison, effectively coating all of his arrows with this Sleep poison. Anything not immune to Sleep or Poison is done. Vritra wrote:
Do these figures take his bite attack into account? A Power-Attack modified bite does a minimum 133 damage (as noted in your stat block) Vritra wrote: Any further increase to offense are looking miniscule, and I'll focus on building utility like Initiative or AC (Saving throws are high enough that he only fails the highest listed DC [that I know of] on a 1). Saving throws are high enough as it is, but you have Lightning Reflexes listed as a feat. That can be swapped out for Improved Natural Armor. Also consider dropping the Crafting Feats (I don't know if he qualifies, where is the Caster Level coming from?) for more Improved Natural Armor if AC is a concern. Obviously if in melee combat, Combat Expertise makes AC a non-issue. Overall, FANTASTIC work Vritra! With work, accelerated summer courses, my daughter, and gf, time is on a premium for me. I wish I had more time to invest in this idea right now, but you have done an amazing job leading the charge on this. Kudos. ![]()
Mathwei ap Niall wrote:
Negative. As was posted above: "Scaling Powers: Hit dice, base attack bonuses, and saving throws continue to increase at the same rate beyond 20th level, as appropriate for the class in question. Note that no character can have more than 4 attacks based on its base attack bonus." Vritra wrote:
Remember that the TWF route is still only 7 attacks (there were 8 listed on the Doc at the time of this post) As for Pounce, the following are all I know of: Tiger Style
Mathwei ap Niall wrote:
4 from BAB, 1 from Rapid Shot, 1 from Manyshot Where's the 7th coming from? ![]()
Mathwei ap Niall wrote:
The Reach issue can be circumvented with the Lunge feat, and it's possible to make Timmy's AC high enough to make AoO's irrelevant anyway. Nonetheless, you bring up some very good points about multi-targeting. Archery keeps him out of melee as much as possible, and opens up his options for targeting. He's limited to 5 attacks/round, but that should be enough to take down anything in the Bestiary anyway. ![]()
Cevah wrote:
Thank you for citing this! I knew I had read it somewhere, but couldn't find it again in my cursory search. This likely modifies the focus of the feat selection from Archery to Two-weapon fighting. 221HD grants 55 ability score points, so we can easily increase Dex to 20 for Greater TWF, and pump the remaining 50 points into Str bringing it to 58. With Power Attack, Timmy's at -55 to hit, +110 damage. He's pumping out 1d3+134 damage per attack on seven attacks that are very likely to hit (~+180). He can also coat his weapons in his own poison, making each attack force a Fortitude save DC 122 for Sleep for one minute. Vritra, if AC is an issue, remember the Improved Natural Armor feat can be taken multiple times. With 111 feats, Timmy's AC could easily reach 80+ from this feat alone while still accounting for combat capabilities. Also, are you giving him gear? If so, how much are you spending on it? ![]()
Vritra wrote:
If by "other equipment" you're referring to the body, lab, and furnishings, those costs are taken directly from the Homunculus description so I viewed them as in addition to the Creation Cost. I agree that 440,000 is a good benchmark to stat Timmy up at. If a 20th level Wizard decided his life's fortune was worth the creation of an uber little friend, I think he could reasonably be assumed to sell magical items and other properties enough to acheive 440,000 gp. That said, my initial proposal was to stay Core-only with all options related to Timmy. That would limit the potential for unfortunate rules interactions, and keeps it more focused (further, there is a certain level of awesome about doing broken, amazing things with just the Core rulebook). Core-only would remove the "Additional Abilities" section, so no Spell-like abilities, or Acid Breath, etc. This keeps the Craft DC at 12, which any wizard can make with 1 rank in Craft (leatherworking) and take 10 (additional Hit Dice do NOT increase this DC). However, that is an entirely optional approach as this is purely theory-craft. The spell-like abilities would add immense versatility to Timmy, if that is deemed necessary. Your call. As for arrows, Abundant Ammunition is one way to gain temporarily limitless ammo. Planar Travel could be solved via an Amulet of the Planes, though that's pretty pricey and I'm not sure how necessary it really is. ![]()
So, we've established that this is far from likely to happen in a real campaign, but it is allowed within the rules. Can anyone submit a build that can defeat our Tiny God? What are its glaring weaknesses? Can they be patched by feats (since we have hundreds to spend)? Extra credit for a core-only submission. (Anyone have a good name for the little guy?) ![]()
stoolpigeon87 wrote:
Any rules about how one spends their money are house rules as far as I know. But I do agree that having this be possible is pretty ridiculous. Clearly not intended to go this far, but fun that you can. Granted, Interzone's comment is quite relevant. One would likely spend the majority of their wealth just surviving long enough to become 20th level (though, as a Wizard likely less so). Selling off your uber magic staff so you can have a badass little friend might be worth it though... ![]()
If there is no cap on iteratives, and +439 BAB is 73 attacks Rapid Shot makes that 74. Penalties to hit from Deadly aim (-109) and Rapid Shot (-2) = -111 So base to-hit is +328 before dex and other feats. Deadly Aim adds +2 damage per 4 BAB or 219 damage per arrow (right?). Assuming all attacks hit (a big assumption here) that's 185 damage from 74 instances of 1d4 damage arrows with an additional 16,206 damage from Deadly Aim or 16,391 damage in one round! The probability of scoring at least one critical hit is very high, and that adds a base 438 points of damage. Tell me I screwed this up please, because this seems a little off... ![]()
maouse wrote:
Indeed. See [url=http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2r4ie?Tiny-God-theorycrafting-homonculus]this thread[/url} for additional discussion as to how to really ramp up the power of this. ![]()
Hetra Karet wrote:
Do you really need any equipment? I mean, at this point, you're a 20th level Wizard so you can just buff yourself to the nines, and sit back Telepathically communicating your desires for your Mud God to carry out! Hetra Karet wrote: Yeah, with that amount of BaB you get 73 attacks (I think), and even if the last 3(ish) miss, you still get a (fairly) guaranteed 70d(x)-7 damage before any upgrades. Is there anything in the rules that limit your number of iterative attacks to four? Or does it continue past +20 BAB? Mathwei ap Niall wrote: The only thing he'd have to prepare for is undead and constructs. Great suggestions on the archery feats. Any thoughts on how this would deal with Undead, Constricts, and possibly some Oozes? ![]()
Create Mr. Pitt wrote:
Close, Foresight Diviner is superior in my opinion. I don't know anything about Mythic as my group doesn't use them, but a basic skeleton: Elf Foresight Diviner 6 Alternate Racial Trait: Fleet-footed (+2 initiative)
Stats: As Mr. Pitt Feats:
Use three of your four Third-level spell slots on Dazing Magic Missiles. Your initiative modifier is +4 (feat)+2 (trait)+2 (racial)+5 (dex)= +13 You should be able to go first almost every time (even surprise rounds) and launch four missiles at the enemies (thanks to Varisian Tattoo raising your caster level to 7). They take minimal damage, but they're dazed so you can follow up with Empowered Magic Missiles to finish them off (4d4+4 *1.5 = 21 average damage for a 2nd lvl spell). Either way...just my 2 cp ![]()
Browsing through the Core rulebook, I stumbled upon Craft Construct again. I was then reminded of the Homunculus that one of my Wizard PCs created many years ago and decided to look at the Pathfinder version. I was pleased to see it was much the same, including the purchase of additional Hit Dice for 2,000gp each. I'm bored, let's break this. A 20th level character gets 880,000 gp. Let's spend it all on the Homunculus, just to see how ridiculous we can make it: Requirements:
Easy enough. Initial gold investment: 50 gp for body
5350 gp = 874,650/2000 = +437 hit dice So, our little buddy has 439 total hit dice. That gives him: +109 ability score points
Here are the Core Feats he could qualify for: tiny god:
Acrobatic Acrobatic Steps Agile Maneuvers* Alertness Animal Affinity Arcane Armor Training* Armor Proficiency, Heavy Armor Proficiency, Light Armor Proficiency, Medium Athletic Augment Summoning Bleeding Critical* Blind-Fight* Blinding Critical* Catch Off-Guard* Cleave* Combat Casting Combat Expertise* Combat Reflexes* Critical Focus* Critical Mastery* Dazzling Display* Deadly Aim* Deadly Stroke* Deafening Critical* Deceitful Defensive Combat Training* Deflect Arrows* Deft Hands Diehard Dodge* Double Slice* Endurance Eschew Materials Exhausting Critical* Exotic Weapon Proficiency* Far Shot* Fleet Gorgon's Fist* Great Cleave* Great Fortitude Greater Bull Rush* Greater Disarm* Greater Feint* Greater Grapple* Greater Overrun* Greater Spell Focus Greater Spell Penetration Greater Sunder* Greater Trip* Greater Two-Weapon Fighting* Greater Vital Strike* Improved Bull Rush* Improved Counterspell Improved Critical* Improved Disarm* Improved Feint* Improved Grapple* Improved Great Fortitude Improved Initiative* Improved Iron Will Improved Lightning Reflexes Improved Overrun* Improved PreciseShot* Improved Shield Bash* Improved Sunder* Improved Trip* Improved Two-Weapon Fighting* Improved Unarmed Strike* Improved Vital Strike* Improvised Weapon Mastery* Intimidating Prowess* Iron Will Leadership Lightning Reflexes Lightning Stance* Lunge* Magical Aptitude Manyshot* Martial Weapon Proficiency Master Craftsman Medusa's Wrath* Mobility* Mounted Archery* Mounted Combat* Nimble Moves Persuasive Pinpoint Targeting* Point-Blank Shot* Power Attack* Precise Shot* Quick Draw* Rapid Reload* Rapid Shot* Ride-By Attack* Run Scorpion Style* Self-Sufficient Shatter Defenses* Shield Focus* Shield Master* Shield Proficiency Shield Slam* Shot on the Run* Sickening Critical* Simple Weapon Proficiency Skill Focus Snatch Arrows* Spellbreaker* Spirited Charge* Spring Attack* Staggering Critical* Stand Still* Stealthy Step Up* Strike Back* Stunning Critical* Stunning Fist* Throw Anything* Tiring Critical* Toughness Tower Shield Proficiency* Trample* Two-Weapon Defense* Two-Weapon Fighting* Two-Weapon Rend* Unseat* Vital Strike* Weapon Finesse* Weapon Focus* Whirlwind Attack* Wind Stance* Spend them all on Fleet and you have a speed of 1115! In the end, it's definitely not worth blowing all of your cash on this little mud god, but it's pretty funny that you can do this with just the Core book. Anyone have any cool ideas for this little guy? ![]()
Does this rule apply to the Craft Construct feat when creating a Homunculus? From the PRD: Basic Modifications Hit Dice Modification: Hit Dice represent the overall strength and power of a construct. They affect a number of subsequent abilities, including hit points, saving throws, and base attacks. Determine the effects of a Hit Dice modification using the rules for adding creature Hit Dice using the information in Monster Creation. Because a construct's size is limited, a Hit Dice modification cannot increase its size. Therefore Hit Dice modification can never increase the base construct's Hit Dice beyond 50% of its total HD. Some constructs have a defined cost for increasing Hit Dice. To calculate the cost per Hit Die of other constructs, divide the construct's construction cost by its existing Hit Dice. If so, one could only ever create a 2HD or 3HD Homunculus, correct? Or, is this sited rule only applicable to modifying existing constructs? ![]()
Having played a switch-hitter, I can attest to the fact that Quick Draw is overrated. You can move and draw your sword as a free action so it's not needed unless you plan on drawing more than one weapon...take Titan's feat swap suggestion. That said, Boon Companion is amazing. Definitely get it at 5. For your wolf, concentrate on it's tripping ability. This will greatly aid your party by granting not only +2 for flanking, but +4 for enemy being prone. Weapon Focus:bite as it's first feat, then increase its intelligence at level 4 so it can take any feat you can think of. Whatever you do, do NOT have it take the Armor Proficiency feats. Just use barding with zero armor check penalty.