What's Your Most Commonly Played alignment?

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A question for the people that use them, at least a roleplaying tools. In my neck of the woods, alignment doesn't come into play much beyond helping people roleplay and providing some good ol' party friction, so mechanical/spell benefits aren't a deciding factor for me, but for you:

What is your most commonly played (or favorite to play) alignment and why?

For me it's gotta be Lawful Evil. I've always been a "planner" and it's a nice release to be able to cut loose and use that part of my self for completely selfish reasons without actually hurting anyone IRL. In other words, let's me be the ruthless, methodical villain I always could be but never would.

d20pfsrd.com--Alignment Descriptions wrote:

Chaotic Neutral

A chaotic neutral character follows his whims. He is an individualist first and last. He values his own liberty but doesn't strive to protect others' freedom. He avoids authority, resents restrictions, and challenges traditions. A chaotic neutral character does not intentionally disrupt organizations as part of a campaign of anarchy. To do so, he would have to be motivated either by good (and a desire to liberate others) or evil (and a desire to make those others suffer). a chaotic neutral character may be unpredictable, but his behavior is not totally random. He is not as likely to jump off a bridge as he is to cross it.

Chaotic neutral represents freedom from both society's restrictions and a do-gooder's zeal.

For me it is always this one. It provides the freedom for my characters to do whatever they d@mn well please, without regard to anyone's rules or laws. If one moment I feel like rescuing the damsel in distress, and the next moment I actually shoot her myself, it doesn't matter. That kind of ethical freedom is liberating to be able to play with, and also, much as yourself Burma, not something I would ever be okay with IRL.

Neutral good. Easiest mindset for me to get into.

Well...if we want to talk about the people in my group they call themselves a lot of things...but in reality they're mostly Neutral Greedy.

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Claxon wrote:
Well...if we want to talk about the people in my group they call themselves a lot of things...but in reality they're mostly Neutral Greedy.

With Monsters being Chaotic Hungry.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Neutral Good.

I prefer to play along with a GM for good-PC oriented plot hooks. It's simple to make plot hooks work predictably with good characters. (Any group might save the NPC in peril, yet good PCs tend not to do unpredictable things like hold the NPC for further ransom, or imprison their fellow group PCs in the NPC's place.)

I have a history of playing characters that help the group out, so I have a good cross-group reputation. I don't like getting hung up on the Lawful/chaos polarity (word of law vs intention).

Sovereign Court

I have had characters all over the alignment wheel but I tend to play chaotic the most. I like characters that act on instinct and feel over experience and tradition.

Silver Crusade

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NG, both in frequency and in averages.

I generally prefer to play compassionate heroes. Some might be rough around the edges, some might be somewhat jaded, some might be relative innocents. But across the board, playing a character that's genuinely out to help people and make the world a better place and has a shot at really making a visible difference has a lot of appeal.

Neutral Good. Sometimes liberty is good, sometimes order is. Whatever benefits people.

Chaotic good or neutral. I like to champion freedom

I usually play Neutral/Chaotic good, since they are very similar in my eyes. It makes it easy for plot hooks and promotes a nice team attitude and game.

My favorite to play is Lawful Evil, because that's my inherant nature and its fun to let it out. People don't like my version of evil, because its the suck the fun out, I can't belive you just did that game ruining type. Thinking about it, it's kind of odd that my favorite villain is the Joker. I guess some shred of humanity in me still wants to have an out by pointing to the laws and process when I do bad things, so I can deflect the blame.

Chaotic Good. Fits my idea of the heroic adventurer best.

Chaotic Good, because I like doing good on my own terms.

All my characters seem to drift towards good, no matter what I play. I don't know why; even the ones I make Neutral tend towards good.

I have two go-to alignments:

If I want to play an average Joe kind of character, or an antihero, I play Neutral.

If I want to play a hero, I play Neutral Good.

KestrelZ wrote:
I have a history of playing characters that help the group out, so I have a good cross-group reputation. I don't like getting hung up on the Lawful/chaos polarity (word of law vs intention).

Yeah, interpretation of the law/chaos axis varies so wildly depending on DM that it doesn't even enter into my decision making process. In other words, my characters are always neutral with respect to law/chaos, unless I'm playing a class with an alignment requirement. In which case I play the character exactly the same as I otherwise would. ;)

The Exchange

My usual default is Neutral Good; I've run characters of most other alignments from time to time, though (except LG, CN, and CE.)

I'd play CG more often if it weren't so popular. After all, you Chaotics in the party wouldn't have half as much fun if there were nothing and nobody to rebel against. ;)

I tend to play Neutral characters, all across the Law-Chaos spectrum. Contrary to the above post, I tend to find more useful character building concepts in law and chaos than I find in good and evil.

I find that such characters fit the adventurous lifestyle most often presented as the status quo. I really struggle to tie being a 'good' person and being an 'adventurer' into the same mindset. The sheer amount of violence usually required just seems like it would darken the souls of most involved in that type of life. Neutrality lets me personally explore those types of concepts a lot further than I feel I can with 'good'.

Everything is better in gray for me, it allows my suspension of disbelief to go further with games.

In fantasy games, I tend to play CG and NG primarily, since that is the way I lean in my own life. In darker games (my group also plays Vampire occasionally), I tend towards NE, which to me basically boils down to selfishness, which is pretty easy to play.

CG and NG.

I think I've had one or more long term character of every alignment except CN, LE and LN.

Neutral Good. Doing whatever is necessary for the greater good.

Definetly Neutral Good. I've played almost all non evil alignments but Neutral Good is where I feel at home.

Chaotic Good for heroic types, chaotic neutral (not chaotic crazy) for more "free spirit" types.

You can tell I'm not much for authority.

If the GM actually understands that lawful != legal, sometimes I'll play Lawful Good with an appropriate personal code.

Franko a wrote:
Claxon wrote:
Well...if we want to talk about the people in my group they call themselves a lot of things...but in reality they're mostly Neutral Greedy.

With Monsters being Chaotic Hungry.

Usually neutral sleepy, until I mess up, and then I become neutral angry.

.....great, now I am thinking of the sins as -y adjectives. So Neutral Envy, neutral ho..... um, wait, let's move over onto pride. Ah, thank you thesaurus: Neutral Vanity.

In all seriousness, I lean lawful neutral. With interesting takes on the definition of 'lawful'.

LG-NG is the most common for me, followed by N-NE.

So, either a fairly disciplined fellow devoted to goodness, or someone that is perfectly fine doing evil things to achieve their goals. Regardless, I always try to play my characters as pleasant, empathetic, and a good neighbor. As my soul-drinker witch put it, "I like nice people. I think they should be happy. I don't like mean people. If you're mean, I'll kill you, take your soul, and turn it into something useful for the nice people. So, be nice."

Neutral Good or Neutral for PFS that way I fit in with most tables.

Chaotic Good for home games with more of a freedom/anti-establishment bent.


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Chaotic good.

The official alignment of ADVENTURE!!!

True Neutral. I like to keep my options open. If a Lawful response is needed, then let's do that. Did something evil? Whoops. Missing the feel good feeling of good-doing? Make it happen. It matches my mindset very closely.

Mikaze wrote:

NG, both in frequency and in averages.

I generally prefer to play compassionate heroes. Some might be rough around the edges, some might be somewhat jaded, some might be relative innocents. But across the board, playing a character that's genuinely out to help people and make the world a better place and has a shot at really making a visible difference has a lot of appeal.

Agreed. NG characters tend to be my favorites.

CG extremists also hold a fond place in my heart.

I like NN I like using chaotic means towards lawful ends and evil means towards good ends.

NG or CG usually, though I have been playing more neural, in the Good/Evil sense characters. Also I often like to add some shading to my character alignments. For example my latest character is CN with a strong NE leaning; my first evilish pc.

NG/LG, NG is a best fit, although CG used to be. I had ONE decent NE character in AD&D but since then the only evil characters which work are LE ones - the rest wind up betraying the party too early to have much play time.

NN and LE tand to be my favorites. NN allows me to be a "good guy" but still lets me get done what needs to get done in a way that seems best at the time.

LE is just fun and more on par with my general attitude.

I tend towards evil, but I mix it up a lot.

I have a serious case of altitis, but DMing alleviates the pain. As does Leadership.

True Neutral mostly. I like having some moral leeway, but also generally being the good guy. and being able to get good-aligned results through some more questionable non-chaotic means.

I play all the non-evil alignments, but my default is Neutral Good.

Scarab Sages

Lawful Neutral and Chaotic Good are my favorite two alignments to play. Both seem pretty cut and clear for how they see the world. The LN's know how the world works, or at least how it *should* work, and the CG's just want to make their lives and by extension those around them better.

Mikaze wrote:

NG, both in frequency and in averages.

I generally prefer to play compassionate heroes. Some might be rough around the edges, some might be somewhat jaded, some might be relative innocents. But across the board, playing a character that's genuinely out to help people and make the world a better place and has a shot at really making a visible difference has a lot of appeal.

I agree with Mikaze here. Neutral Good for me is my most chosen alignment. LG sometimes. Breaking away from my comfort zone and going with a NE character in a 3.5 edition game after a TPK happened and we all agreed to try out an evil campaign (my first ever).

If you would have asked me this 10+ years ago, it would have been True Neutral or Chaotic Neutral. I played it the typical way people always play Chaotic Neutral: Walking the very thin line from CE. You know, the giant douche who decides to join a quest to rescue someone, then attacks them when the prisoner won't pay them for rescuing/healing them. I look back on those days with shame, with the question "WTF?" always being asked.

It's why I tend to not play with people who go Chaotic Neutral. "The GM says no evil, so I will go CN and just play it evil anyway"

I tend to play Chaotic Good. It fits more with my playstyle, where I want to be the good guy, free prisoners, save the villagers, etc., but at the same time not be constrained by their ridiculous laws at times.

Asurasan wrote:
I tend to play Neutral characters, all across the Law-Chaos spectrum. Contrary to the above post, I tend to find more useful character building concepts in law and chaos than I find in good and evil.

Hm, interesting! Is law/chaos more clear to you than good/evil, or is law/chaos just more interesting?

For sure, it's difficult to play a truly Good character in a For Gold And Glory! kind of campaign, while it can be...tiresome for others to play an antihero in a Save The World! kind of campaign.

I guess I find law/chaos rather ill-defined and subjective from the metagame PoV, and so I don't find it useful for investing my characters with personality.

That said, whoever my current DM is may decide that my current character is Lawful or Chaotic despite what's on my character sheet, and that's cool.

Silver Crusade

Definately CG, unless alignment restrictions force something else. If I'm playing a paladin (often) then it's LG, when playing a monk (less often) then also LG. I save NG for times when the concept absolutely can't be L or C; N seems wishy-washy to me. : )

I can't remember the last time I played a LN, TN or CN PC, apart from my current PC who started as CG and just changed to CN (at 14th level) in response to an imposed template which isn't allowed to G creatures. : /

I've never played an evil PC. I'll never say never, but it holds no attraction for me.

I think I tend to play a lot of Neutral Good and Lawful Good characters, with a smattering of Chaotic Neutral antiheroes, but I've been all over the board. The only alignment I've never played is Chaotic Evil, in part because GMs have never allowed it, but mostly because I really enjoy playing heroic characters (reluctant or otherwise).

Unless it's important to my character concept, I just put Neutral, regardless of how I actually play the character. I don't like alignment, so this is my way of removing it as a factor from my perspective.

Liberty's Edge

Neutral/Neutral Good.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
archmagi1 wrote:
Lawful Neutral and Chaotic Good are my favorite two alignments to play. Both seem pretty cut and clear for how they see the world. The LN's know how the world works, or at least how it *should* work, and the CG's just want to make their lives and by extension those around them better.

This is me, too. I think it says a lot about my view of morality that I enjoy doing Good and I enjoy following Law, but I find it very difficult mixing the two at the same time.

Silver Crusade

Lawful Neutral (LN) is my most preferred. I still tend to play a mostly "good" character, just not really enough to be good aligned. I like to play leaders, champions of civilization, and characters with a predictable set of values and responses.

Occasionally I'll break into lawful good (LG) or neutral good (NG), but I generally avoid chaos. I may be biased by the strong majority preference in my group towards chaotic neutral (CN), which gets regarded as the "right" alignment for adventurers, stating they just wanna do what they wanna do without any restrictions. I also avoid evil unless the campaign/adventure specifically notes it as ok.

Silver Crusade

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Lawful Good, even on non-paladins.

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Hrothdane wrote:
Lawful Good, even on non-paladins.


My non-LE characters are exclusively good-aligned of one kind or another. Then again, I don't often get the chance to run a PC (only ever had 2 characters that lasted more than a single session).

To put out another question to follow-up:

How often does the alignment of your character change mid-campaign? When it does change, is it typically your choice (you feel this is what you've become) or the GM's (you've done a lot questionable stuff, you're shifting from NG to N)?

Depends on who the GM is. With one of the GM's I play with on occasion, I will never be a good alignment, as it tends to become a straight jacket.

My two favorite alignments as a player are probably LN and CN. Lawful Neutral because I enjoy playing the by-the-book zealot. CN can be fun to play the out-for-himself guy who has a mean streak if so desired.

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