Vorpal Laugh's page
Organized Play Member. 154 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.
your proficiency modifier includes your level by definition.
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I can not see Paizo just not having any iconic half elves or half orcs. Jason said that there is still internal debate and disagreement about the best way to do these two ancestries. This tells me that they are passionate about them.
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I am hoping fighters get some thing like a flexible skill feat that can be switched out every morning.
I am most worried about the alchemist because of seperation from the spell list. My PF1e alchemist was focused on buffing and utility instead of bombs and mutagens.
I am least worried about wizards druids and bards.
I think there will be a lot less tracking of charges by the end of the playtest. I believe it was Mark Seifter who said they were iffy on things having charges per day greater than 1, besides staffs and wands. Also wands being similar to PF1 wands and just bulk price scrolls seem to be something they are super willing to move away from. Those changes would leave only staves that need to be tracked.
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If two days ago if I was forced to guess if any class would start with a untrained save I would have said, Yes. I would have been wrong. Mark's post shows why this for the best. Thanks Mark.
I do stand by other two points. Non numerical bonus are going to more important in this game. Things could be broken in the playtest
Also I don't see people who are untrain in a save as clumsy or weak willed just not train. For example early Spider Man could be untrain in Will Saves but early Cyclops would be trained.
Voss wrote: Tholomyes wrote: Fuzzy-Wuzzy wrote: Chest Rockwell wrote: Azouth wrote: Orichalcum that’s new. It sounds a bit like a dental term. Now I want to know what each of the special metals does when used as a cavity filling. All I know is don't use Cold Iron, unless you want to have to explain to your kids that you accidentally killed the Tooth Fairy. That raises a good question. What is even the point of cold iron? No benefits are mentioned, it is just... worse. Unless it ignores magic bonuses to defense or can cleave through walls of force, not sure why anyone would bother making a cold iron weapon. For stabbing Faeries and Demons.
edit. @Sideromancer. temporary buffs such as weapon oils or trinkets might help with that.
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Firstly why are you assuming that the other classes will have no untrained saves at 1st level? I see people doing this kind of thing all the time. Now let me try to address your actual concern
Things like feats, class options, ability modifier, spells and magic items can help differentiate between a character's three saves. This can include both simple higher numbers and riders like evasion and rerolls. Those two could be just the tip the iceberg.
Of course it might end up still being an issue. Luckily we have the play test to track down such flaws.
"Iron_Matt17 wrote:
.... Thanks for the reply Mark, any chance you can give the reason as to why Seelah has two?... If not, I'm quite happy of that confirmation. =^D
My first guess would be via a Human Ancestry Feat. It could either give you a class feat directly or give you a general feat that can be further traded for a class feat. Unless we know what her Ancestry feat is.
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I am really liking how skills work for the most part. I was concerned that there might not be enough granularity in ranks nor enough differences between the ranks. This blog has lessened those concerns. The way higher ranks give you more ways to use a skill even without skill feats makes having a higher rank meaningful even if the numerical differences are slight.
With Signature Skill my guess would be either they give you expert for the cost of 1 rank increase or they allow you to take a rank at a lower level than normal say Master at 5th and legendary at 13th.
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I think feats of strength should fall under the Athletics skill. Technique can really help you apply the strength you got. Look at Olympic weight lifters or field events like the hammer throw.
I recommend talking to the cleric's player and seeing where he see his character going.
Qayinisorouse wrote: OK
First of all, everyone - Huge thanks! DMing is hard alone (start CC i forgot about a few monsters DR and that my party has panelties from cursed items... sheesh there is a lot to remember!)
So how does this sound:
limit the "what's available" using the settlements page, scrolls are "buy whatever you want" but a wizard with a spellbook, there will only be one, i can make him a 4th level magus as well and random his spells or something so my magus can learn from him.
@voska66, you said:
So one 1st level spell would take 1 hour, cost 15 GP, and require DC 21 Spell Craft to read the spell and DC 16 to write the spell in your spell book. That spell will use up 1 page, a spell book as 100 pages. The cost is 10 GP to write and 5 GP get it from another wizard. A rare spell can be 2 or 3 times that price or more.
What is the calculation here? can you please dumb it down for me? trying to understand it alone from all the info (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicOverview/arcaneSpells.htm) but i am lost
also - "can't take 20", can they take 10?
One probably huge source of your confusion, is that the site your using is for 3.5 and not Pathfinder. Try The PRD..
Free access to a spell book can be a great boon for a NPC to award the character too
Am I missing something. It says under Bardic Knowledge, that you can make "all knowledge skill checks untrained". Anyone can make DC 11+ knowledge check with a single rank.
Edit: When reading the rule you need to insert "unless an ability or other rule changes this" after every sentence.
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I have an Idea for a melee bard. He would me highly muscular and I would describe his performance as flexing his muscles and doing body building poses, so basically Major Armstrong from Full Metal Alchemist. Mix in some Macho Man style trash talk.
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ORChids are for puny elves. Real warriors fight with ORChards. A battle tORC sounds awesome to me.
I would be inclined to give him another chance after having a talk and getting an explicit aknowledgement of wrong doing. But if the other players are against it, sorry maybe next campaign.
Yep, Bard and alchemist are great choices. Oracles also allow very different builds
I am currently reading Turn Coat from the Dresden Files and The Graveyard Book. I read the first Dresden book last week, but the main library in my town is going through renovations so most of the fiction is packed away until next month.
I know The Graveyard Book is a children's book, but it is Neil Gaimen so it creepy, funny and imaginative. I read a third of it in an hour last night.
I agree that these unchained classes will be more broadly different from the originals.
Even if you make a new, evil character wouldn't that just delay the pvp fight. I'm pretty sute that evil people don't take kindly to people stealing from them.
Sanctuary seems like an appropriate spell. Since you are not planning on attacking much its limitation will have little effect.
My elven witch considered himself a diplomat/spy. I did have bard who was the local "witch". Probably the only characters I have played that will refer to themselves as their classes were my 1 of my clerics, they other uses priest.
Majuba wrote: Call the +3 bonus the synergy between the class abilities and skills.
You cast spells a lot? You're 'training' in Spellcraft if you give it any attention at all (min: 1 rank).
This is the way I look at it too.
One house rule I want to try is you get 1 build point each level instead of an ability boost every 4. Another option is simply make higher stats cost a greater share of your build points.
DrDeth wrote: Steve Geddes wrote: Lincoln Hills wrote: DrDeth wrote: ...the old trick of wanting the thread locked so he insults as many posters as possible, which leads to Flagging of course and eventually to locking. I must confess I see neither the utility nor the entertainment value of such a thing.
I'm not giving Chris Lambertz a ham for Christmas - Chris is gettin' a voodoo doll instead. ;) Maybe we could all chip in and give her a well behaved forum. (Opens wallet) Ok, how much is my share? First we need to price a minor miracle than divide by number of forumites.
Arachnofiend wrote: Vorpal Laugh wrote: Marthkus wrote: MrSin wrote: Marthkus wrote: Is this real? Black Marketeer is real yes. That is 1/9 half a feat
extra traits
rich parent
Which is generally considered an awful trait. At first I thought Black Marketeer allowed you to do it more than once, but it, nope. It might be good if a very helpful item is illegal and hard to acquire, for example if a town was ruled wererats and silver weapons were illegal. Still very very very subpar It doesn't even make you better at acquiring illegal items. There is nothing in that feat that implies that using that 100 gold will get you your fix better than all the other gold pieces you already have from your honest living as a murderhobo. The way I read it, you automatically get the item with rolling or roleplaying, but I can see how I could be reading it wrong (again). I seem to have a tendency to misread things so they actually work.
Imbicatus wrote: Dwarf Ranger. Use a waraxe and shield, and take the Sword and Shield fighting style to get the good shield feats without prerequisites. It's pretty straight forward. I had that character for a oneshot and he worked great.
Marthkus wrote: MrSin wrote: Marthkus wrote: Is this real? Black Marketeer is real yes. That is 1/9 half a feat
extra traits
rich parent
Which is generally considered an awful trait. At first I thought Black Marketeer allowed you to do it more than once, but it, nope. It might be good if a very helpful item is illegal and hard to acquire, for example if a town was ruled wererats and silver weapons were illegal. Still very very very subpar
Avatar-1 wrote: Maybe make haste a 3rd level spell, or even 4th level to maintain balance.
Have spells only affect the eidolon (similar to the alchemist without infusion).
To begin with.
My idea is make haste 3rd level but give them a 2nd level single target version.
ErrantX wrote: Vorpal Laugh wrote: This is probably a dumb question, but here it is anyway. Was there a beta version of the stalker of warder playtests? I can only find alphas. Secondly was version 1.0 the last one for the warlord before it was released for sale. It still has "rakes" The classes do look awesome and fun even in these earlier forms.
Thank you for your help and a huge thank you to Chris and all other's who worked/are working on this and all the people playtesting. I hope to join your ranks soon. The versions that are available for free are -not- the final versions, to be sure, and a lot of changes have been made from feedback from the retail run of the classes (which were sort of the beta?). The final version is going to incorporate all of these changes. Rakes are still a thing, but it's just a universal rake (enjoy only getting 1 maneuver back and -2 to your rolls for a round). Thank you for your response. It seems, that the version I am using is the latest free version. I am tempted to grab the pdf but might wait until everything is released.
This is probably a dumb question, but here it is anyway. Was there a beta version of the stalker of warder playtests? I can only find alphas. Secondly was version 1.0 the last one for the warlord before it was released for sale. It still has "rakes" The classes do look awesome and fun even in these earlier forms.
Thank you for your help and a huge thank you to Chris and all other's who worked/are working on this and all the people playtesting. I hope to join your ranks soon.
anthonydido wrote: Vorpal Laugh wrote: EvilMinion wrote: ghostbane dirge is a waste of a spell.
Its chances of working are so small, that you're typically better off doing something else.
2) 50% chance it just doesn't work (vs incorporeal)
The chance it will ever actually do anything useful are small.
As a house rule, I'd add the [force] descriptor to the spell, to negate item 2, but RAW-wise, it sucks.
This does not apply. Being incorporeal doesn't have a 50% miss chance in Pathfinder but halves the damage. It does apply. He wasn't talking about damage. He was referencing this:
Incorporeal subtype wrote: Corporeal spells and effects that do not cause damage only have a 50% chance of affecting an incorporeal creature. I agree it is useful if it works but there are a lot of barriers to get through for that to happen. Thank you for pointing that out to me. Quick question; Are all spells corporeal unless stated otherwise even mind effecting ones?
EvilMinion wrote: ghostbane dirge is a waste of a spell.
Its chances of working are so small, that you're typically better off doing something else.
2) 50% chance it just doesn't work (vs incorporeal)
The chance it will ever actually do anything useful are small.
As a house rule, I'd add the [force] descriptor to the spell, to negate item 2, but RAW-wise, it sucks.
This does not apply. Being incorporeal doesn't have a 50% miss chance in Pathfinder but halves the damage.
Like a lot of other people here I often choose to be a human when I want my background to not be overshadowed by my race. `
There is nothing inheriently evil about evil eye, no matter the name, and misfortune. How is evil eye then baleful polymorph any more "evil" than running someone through with a sword or blasting them with lighting?
The only spells she can't use are one with "evil" descriptor and a few hexes like "eat people". Actually she can cast the "evil" spells it would just, by raw effect her alignments
I have a with in a game right now, he works just fine and is not evil at all.
My elf witch took this as an language. Haven't got to use it yet though.
I would say either CN or CG depending on the character's motivation.
If he did it to prevent other people from being violently mugged then CG. Otherwise I would say CN.
In other words what Phantom1592 said.
Pathfinder allows two people to do two opposite things and have their actions be considered the same alignment.
Battle Cleric, paladin, or oracle are all good choices. Lunar oracles are pretty bad-ass but there is a paladin in the group who the main front liner. I would look at Battle or metal oracles as options too. For all those choices, Eldritch Heritage is very tempting, especially if you are going human or half-elf.
A last minute idea, what about the War Priest from the
That was something I noticed was missing from the alchemist immediately after reading it. I don't know if should be free to alchemist or a discovery though. It would have to be stronger if it cost a discovery.
I am leaning towards a scaling DC bonus for free and a discovery to have increase effects.
This just came to me, but it would also make a great rogue talent, maybe even opening up a few other discoveries.
NG or CG usually, though I have been playing more neural, in the Good/Evil sense characters. Also I often like to add some shading to my character alignments. For example my latest character is CN with a strong NE leaning; my first evilish pc.
The Crusader wrote: But, marking something "Under Review" or "FAQ Pending" will be a lot more palatable and understandable to people than not tagging it at all, or tagging it "No response needed" or "Answered in FAQ" just to clear duplicates from the board. If I understood the OP, that is mostly what started this. His question was inappropriately tagged to clear it, because a similar question from a different thread was already in the queue. That to my understanding is big source of confusion. An "Under Review" or "Already asked" or etc tag for duplicate questions would be a good idea.
Sarrah wrote: fatbaldbloke wrote: my friend only has the core rulebooks at moment, so I'll be sticking with the classes and feats from those. I am assuming you are responding to my post. Yes, I noticed that hence my first sentence. I then gave additional information. The OP might not have known how easy it was to use the SRD and how little work it would be to integrate an archetype or at least those archetypes.
In case there was any confusion, I was not recommending a multiclass urban ranger/urban barbarian. Someone could easily read my original post that way.
If you are only using stuff from the CRB I would go Ranger. On the other hand I would ask the GM if I could use an archetype from the SRD both
Urban Ranger. and Urban Barbarian will be good choices. You can easily print them out on a single piece of paper.
I would like a book that gives gives advice and new optional rules to simulate a specific mood or genre such as high magic or Noir. It could have suggestion on names or kinds of challenges. It should also explain why those suggestions work. Preexisting optional rules that would fit will also be examined. I
I also really like Ambrosia Slaad's 3rd idea.
When I first started playing pathfinder we used roll and if less than half then you get half the max. Now, new GMs, but same group, we do keep rolling till you get half or better. Max hp at 1st always.
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Dennis Deadsky wrote: I don't understand why you want to bother to change this part of the rules. it's likely to have some weird unintended consequences, and i don't see that it gets you anything at all. Whats the point? If you want to limit the number of mechanically different options available for weapons, go from 3 to 2 damage types consolidates several choices.
Actually, if used the weapons on the srd and take out the slashing ones that are direct copy of piercing or bash weapons. not a lot are removed.
Personally I don't think it is needed and I feel having both slashing and piercing weapons are appropriate.
Drakkiel wrote: If you increase the intelligence to 3 no
Quote: An awakened tree or animal can speak one language that you know, plus one additional language that you know per point of Intelligence bonus (if any). This spell does not function on an animal or plant with an Intelligence greater than 2.
Thank you. I didn't catch that part.
I would only allow remove disease to terminate the pregnancy if the pregnancy was harming the mother and she would have to be willing or unconscious.
Atarlost wrote: I definitely do not recommend Oracle. You should never play an oracle unless you intend your curse to dominate your roleplay. I also have to disagree with this. I have a dual cure oracle and I feel that the curses dominate my roleplaying with her. I would roleplay her the same even if a different class. Yes they influence me, but so does her skills, stats and most importantly background. I have a greater effect on my tactics. Since I have Haunted and Wasting.. I don't get stuff out of bag during combat or use many non intimidate charisma skills.