How many natural attacks can we give a Skinwalker Barbarian?


Skinwalkers are a race described HERE AT PFSRD. They can change shape into a beastly form and gain natural attack(s). So our little boar Barb gets a gore attack to start. The feat Extra Feature can net him two hoof attacks. Aspect of the Beast(feat)can grant him two claw attacks. Lesser(!) Beast Totem means another set of claws.

So by my account, our little raging cuisinart has:

Gore + 2@Hooves +2@claws +2@Claws for seven attacks for a full round attack. Maybe one day he'll even pounce.

Do I have this right? But the reason I'm submitting this under Advice instead of Rules is the insane request:

How can I get even more?

He can't have 2 sets of claws and hoof attacks, that would mean he has 4 arms and 2 legs. But, to add to the build, he can take the animal fury rage power to get a bite, and he can acquire a few levels of alchemist to get tentacles.

This guy would look freaky.

Synthesist summoner

There are a few ways to get a bite attack, but most have a race requirement. Animal Fury (via extra rage power if needed) gets a bit, but I'm not sure if a bit and gore are the same "limb".

If he's taking alchemist for tentacles anyways, can't he also grab Vestigial Arm twice and add the claws there?

Cloak of the Manta Ray for a tail attack.

Aspect of the beast requires wild shape, lycanthropy (doesn't say shapeshifter subtype, specific to lycanthopy infected, which shifters are not), or ranger 2.. also, as said, there's a limit of 1 natural attack per limb, so 4 claws are right out, and indeed bite with gore could be argued..
I know there's threads arguing about it, but vestigial limb says you don't get extra attacks with it.. so, makes sense to not allow the limb to grant an extra natural attack, even if you grow claws on it..

So, ranger 2 (if nat wpn style chosen) or barb 2 (only while raging) can give claws.. barb 2 can also get a bite attack, apparently as a secondary although that's certainly arguable, and it's also arguable if you can both bite and gore.

Racial Heritage - aasimar would let you spend 2 feats about lvl 11 to get 2 secondary wing buffets..
i've seen RH-kobold argued that you can take tail terror to get a tail attack, but as i read it, you need a tail to get the benefit, it's not a prereq to taking the feat, but it is the effect of the feat, you get to use your tail as a natural attack, not that you gain a tail or gain a natural attack with no conditionals..

Tentacle cloak gives 2 tentacle attacks for 1 minute, 1/day.

I believe there's a lamashtu spell in Faiths of Corruption that grants a natural attack..

The best natural attacker is polymorph into great lake octopus, i believe, don't recall which book it's from but it's 8 tentacles and a bite.
If you awakened one of those, or polymorphed into one, you could barb 2 or helm for gore (if allowed with bite), do same RH for wings, although level 11 is even further away with racial HD..

Not sure I'd be comfortable combining gore and bite - they are pretty much the same attack physically (tusks being elongated teeth). It would be similar to claiming a punch attack with a hand wielding a sword.

Adopted trait: toothy for primary bite, beast totem for claws nets you 6 total when raging and shifted.. At lvl 2. I would take multiattack at 3, then use a 2h weapon with 4 natural attacks at -2.

I would be looking for a way to gain a slam or two.

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I don't see a problem with Skinwalkers as lycanthropes thus qualifying for Aspect of the Beast feat. However, since it doesn't combine with Lesser Beast Totem, it doesn't matter.

Obsidian, I didn't think of TH'ing a melee weapon- nice catch.

I'm trying to think of a way to get wing attacks without being an aasimar.

Yep I have a beast totem IR barbarian who has gore, bite, hoof, hoof, greatsword and uses them all to wonderful effect. His pounce really hurts.

If you were crazy you could even go twf urban barbarian with agile amulet of might fists and agile kukris.... That would be really scary.

Except you can't claw and kukri at the same time

No claws. You would get claws from beast totem but you opt not to use them. Instead you use the TWF chain plus multiattack to give yourself at lvl 12 5 attacks with kukris, and 4 natural attacks at -2 so... 10/10/5/5/0/10/10/10/10... Kind of rediculous. However my barbarian merely has 12/7/2/10/10/10/10...

Obsidian wrote:
Adopted trait: toothy for primary bite, beast totem for claws nets you 6 total when raging and shifted.. At lvl 2. I would take multiattack at 3, then use a 2h weapon with 4 natural attacks at -2.

Toothy is a racial trait, not a "Race" category trait.

Mother's Teeth gives a bite, but it's goblin only.

Take Tusked, not Toothy.

Rynjin wrote:
Take Tusked, not Toothy.

While there's debate whether a bite and gore attack would work since they are both from the mouth, I think tusked and gore, which comes from the tusks, is out. Unless I'm reading this incorrectly.

Tusked is a bite. But yes, I'm pretty sure bites and gores are incompatible.

One level of witch can give you a hair attack. The archetype White Haired Witch gives you constrict at level 2 which qualifies you for Final Embrace.

Search "bite gore", read and make your conclusions.
I say you can bite/gore full attacking, search and you can make an ansver yourself.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Considering a horn can be used for gore, I'd say gore and bite are separate.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Gore is also the attack for spearing someone with a horn, and there are loads of monsters who combine the two.

Actually not a lot do unless it has changed with recent books. In beastiary 1 there is just the gargoyle I think.

On the bite and gore thing the game seems to allow it but it seems to contradict the whole 1 attack per limb thing.

Not sure if its relevant but pretty sure there are no modern rl examples. However given the rather diverse prehistoric arms race it may exist in the fossle record.

Page 222, Advanced Race guide. Gargoyle is stated out as a player race and has both gore and bite.

Fleshwarped scorpion tail gets you a tail attack.

EpicFail wrote:
I don't see a problem with Skinwalkers as lycanthropes thus qualifying for Aspect of the Beast feat.

I think it's reasonable, and so I at least allow it as a house rule for skinwalkers (but not others with the shapechanger subtype)

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Your head isn't a limb. I see no problem with gore and bite attacks used together. Take tiefling alternative racial trait maw for bite attack and lesser fiend totem for horned gore attack. I envision leading attack with horn and as you are pulling your head back and following through with hore attack your head snaps back down to perform bite attack.

(Edit: If they wanted to limit the attack in such a manner they could had said "only one natural attack per body part" instead of "per limb." This would take care of the matter.)

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