Mr Jade |

I don't care what class it is, and I have access to "all the books".
A fool of a friend of mine is DM'ing a game at our university. He challenged me to "bring my A game" for his session. I'm bringing everyone's A game.
Level 1. Stats are: either 16, 14, 13, 12, 10, 10; 4d4, dropping the lowest (I don't get this one); and 1d20+2 per stat.

lemeres |

I don't care what class it is, and I have access to "all the books".
A fool of a friend of mine is DM'ing a game at our university. He challenged me to "bring my A game" for his session. I'm bringing everyone's A game.
Level 1. Stats are: either 16, 14, 13, 12, 10, 10; 4d4, dropping the lowest (I don't get this one); and 1d20+2 per stat.
Because I love this idea: Your generic superstitious, beast totem invulnerable rager barbarian....with a dip and a few resources placed into a dip of archaeologist bard.
The arhcaeologist's luck ability, which replaces performance, gives a bonus equal to inspire courage to attack, damage, saves, and skills. Add fate's favor to get the bonuses to +2 on all that at level 1. Take the lingering performance feat to stretch the 4+CHA rounds to 3x(4+CHA)... which should cover just about every fight in the day. Proceed to forget your spell casting except as after battle wand use, and enjoy your many bonuses.
The generic barabrian build was chosen from the rest of the levels since it is already a huge DPS tank...and this just makes it more so. Fairly simple, but being "barbarian, but more so" seems like a decent low benchmark for making GMs cry.

Wiggz |

Without getting into insane cheese (like some sort of pally synth crap), my mounted Summoner is the most powerful character I've ever played from 1st to 16th. Wild caller, actually, with a dip into Dragoon. Orcish bloodline via EH feats. Very fun.
I've made a pretty potent Master Summoner as well as a wicked Tiefling Oradin and an unkillable Barbarian. All play equally well from level 1-20. Let me know if any interest you.

Tarkeighas |

There aren't too many 'broken' builds at level 1
My advice would be barbarian with a 2hd sword and power attack. Carry a composite bow for when you can't get into melee.
With the stats suite provided above (I don't get the 4d4 method, and 1d20+2 might net a big score but will likely end in tears) I'd throw 16 to Str, 14 Con.
So, human barbarian 1, take the human racial Dual Talent (adv race guide) for +2 to two stats, replacing skill points and extra feat.
Str18 (22 while raging)
Con 16 (20 while raging)
Rage for 5 rounds per day
Basic power attack
Hit: +4 (+7 raging)
Damage: 2d6+9 (+12 raging)
If you can stand less rage rounds and less HP drop dual talented and take Cleave (feat). With this you can hit two adjacent opponents per round.
At 1st level nothing in your CR range will live through a raging power attack, and BBEGs will fall like mooks.
This build will hold up for a few levels. If you are going to take the campaign to high levels I recommend a wizard. Weak at low levels they are truly broken at high levels. No special build - they just are.

fictionfan |

Most of the powerful tricks that I can think of can't be done until at least level 9 and in my experience even DM's that say they are going to level up fast the game does not last beyond level 8.
But to give some ideas
Synthesist Summoner might be strictly less powerful then a then a normal summoner or master summoner due to lack of action economy, however it is generally harder for DM's to deal with due to having few to no weaknesses.
The spell blood money allows spells with expensive costs (like permanency) to be done for free however most of the expensive spell are level 5 are higher.
Planner binding can bring in large amounts of help and many outsiders have very powerful abilities when used on behalf of the players (at will greater teleport, detect thought, true sight, wish)
Simulacrum has entire hosts of ways to go about exploiting it even more so then Planner binding because the created stuff is loyal.
The problem with most of these suggestions is the power comes mostly from a matter of play rather then build and many DM"s will blanch and throw up random obstacles to any of these things working. As they say the difference between theory and practice is that in theory their is not any difference.

lemeres |

lemeres wrote:Because I love this idea: Your generic superstitious, beast totem invulnerable rager barbarian....with a dip and a few resources placed into a dip of archaeologist bard.What level should I hop to the Archaeologist Bard?
Any odd level really. This is mostly so you can take the lingering performance feat immediately, since again, that gives you enough rounds per day that you can use it in every battle (well, unless you are facing a slogfest...but no one would do really well in that, no?). Level 3 or 5 might be a good point to surprise it on your GM, since you were just about to move out of the early level god-hood barbarians enjoy.
I do love the idea though, since the trait boosted luck is comparable to, and compatible with, rage at early levels. Double rage, basically. Even if you never take the archaeologist levels further, that is a rather nice boost all around.

Static Hamster |

I dunno about powerful; but I did want to do ridiculous.
A build my DM won't let me play is:
Merfolk Alchemist 4/Paladin 16
Take Strong Tail alternate racial trait to bump up overland movement to 15; find something to get you at least 20 movement...
Get the mutation that will give you 4 arms, do 2 weapon fighting, and double slice....
Take Paladin with an Oath of Vengeance to convert Lay on Hands to Smites by the 4th level of Paladin...
Take Eldritch Heritage (Abysal, Claws) then Greater Eldritch Heritage (Abysal, Strength of the Abyss) to get an eventual +6 to Str.
Get a Ring of Battle Frenzy to give your Paladin 10 rounds of Barbarian Rage a day.
You get 1.5xStr on your first hit, normal str on your second hit AND on your last arm you carry a shield.
I call him Arthur Curry.

lemeres |

I dunno about powerful; but I did want to do ridiculous.
A build my DM won't let me play is:
Merfolk Alchemist 4/Paladin 16
Take Strong Tail alternate racial trait to bump up overland movement to 15; find something to get you at least 20 movement...
Get the mutation that will give you 4 arms, do 2 weapon fighting, and double slice....
Take Paladin with an Oath of Vengeance to convert Lay on Hands to Smites by the 4th level of Paladin...
Take Eldritch Heritage (Abysal, Claws) then Greater Eldritch Heritage (Abysal, Strength of the Abyss) to get an eventual +6 to Str.
Get a Ring of Battle Frenzy to give your Paladin 10 rounds of Barbarian Rage a day.
You get 1.5xStr on your first hit, normal str on your second hit AND on your last arm you carry a shield.
I call him Arthur Curry.
...unfortunately, that doesn't work. I am not going to bother digging up the FAQ again (darn it, my desire for good references; look here), but the general point is that 'no extra attacks' means 'no extra attacks'. So even if you have vestigial arms, you can still only use two at a time for attacking, even with claws.
Sadly, you will have to stick with those synthesists that no one ever gets to play since theya re always banned.

Aziraya |
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We start at level 1. I expect us to clip through a few levels in a few weeks. I am the patient sort. I want to let the destruction rip out of the blue one day.
Take a look at the Monktopus. Put that in the search bar. It may take a little to get there, but at level 12 that thing as a monster.

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I'd go for a Grenadier Alchemist 2, Gunslinger X. At lvl 2, in "normal" combat just shoot/bomb things then when you need to pull out the cheese imbue your weapon with Dreamtime Tea and then put any creature you can hit to sleep for 2d12 minutes, no save, untyped. That should give you enough time to coup de grace them to death. At lvl 3+ you make it a mundane touch attack SoD with no save. For your extracts I might recommend true strike.
Try not to ruin any friendships with McMunchkin. When the rocks fall remember to go out in style, I recommend a Burning Skeletal Dire Badger with Brown Mold tied to its chest (AKA the apocalypse subway)

Static Hamster |

Actually I didn't say he use the claws. He uses two sawtooth blades and a shield. One does 1.5 because it uses two hands. The other does full strength. The claws are a necessary evil to get +6 Str.
It does seem feat heavy so I may have to give up a lot of stuff and prioritise. But I think it works.
Static Hamster wrote:I dunno about powerful; but I did want to do ridiculous.
A build my DM won't let me play is:
Merfolk Alchemist 4/Paladin 16
Take Strong Tail alternate racial trait to bump up overland movement to 15; find something to get you at least 20 movement...
Get the mutation that will give you 4 arms, do 2 weapon fighting, and double slice....
Take Paladin with an Oath of Vengeance to convert Lay on Hands to Smites by the 4th level of Paladin...
Take Eldritch Heritage (Abysal, Claws) then Greater Eldritch Heritage (Abysal, Strength of the Abyss) to get an eventual +6 to Str.
Get a Ring of Battle Frenzy to give your Paladin 10 rounds of Barbarian Rage a day.
You get 1.5xStr on your first hit, normal str on your second hit AND on your last arm you carry a shield.
I call him Arthur Curry.
...unfortunately, that doesn't work. I am not going to bother digging up the FAQ again (darn it, my desire for good references; look here), but the general point is that 'no extra attacks' means 'no extra attacks'. So even if you have vestigial arms, you can still only use two at a time for attacking, even with claws.
Sadly, you will have to stick with those synthesists that no one ever gets to play since theya re always banned.

demontroll |

There is a Cave Druid build that takes advantage of the crystal ooze's powerful slam attack that can do ridiculous melee damage at 10th level. Conquerer Ooze
Otherwise, a Gunslinger is pretty cheesy targeting touch AC for massive DPR. And, Synthesist Summoner combines being overpowered with complex and confusing rules.

Renegadeshepherd |
if ur a power gamer take the 1D20+2. if u only get 2 18+ or 1 20 u can make a ridiculous character. at level 1 a synthesis is king.
At far higher levels take 1 Loracle, 2 Paladin, Synthesist X. 1 stat becomes 3 for practically anything, armor is going to be over 60 before long, u have ur health plus the eidilons, and more. Take Half orc or half elf to make it truly ridiculous. half elf for +2 will ability and +1 eidilon point favored class OR half orc with fates favored and sacred tattoo for +2 to all saves.
Hard to beat by melee standards. Casters will likely beat it in the end but it is twisted :)

lemeres |

Actually I didn't say he use the claws. He uses two sawtooth blades and a shield. One does 1.5 because it uses two hands. The other does full strength. The claws are a necessary evil to get +6 Str.
It does seem feat heavy so I may have to give up a lot of stuff and prioritise. But I think it works.
lemeres wrote:Static Hamster wrote:I dunno about powerful; but I did want to do ridiculous.
A build my DM won't let me play is:
Merfolk Alchemist 4/Paladin 16
Take Strong Tail alternate racial trait to bump up overland movement to 15; find something to get you at least 20 movement...
Get the mutation that will give you 4 arms, do 2 weapon fighting, and double slice....
Take Paladin with an Oath of Vengeance to convert Lay on Hands to Smites by the 4th level of Paladin...
Take Eldritch Heritage (Abysal, Claws) then Greater Eldritch Heritage (Abysal, Strength of the Abyss) to get an eventual +6 to Str.
Get a Ring of Battle Frenzy to give your Paladin 10 rounds of Barbarian Rage a day.
You get 1.5xStr on your first hit, normal str on your second hit AND on your last arm you carry a shield.
I call him Arthur Curry.
...unfortunately, that doesn't work. I am not going to bother digging up the FAQ again (darn it, my desire for good references; look here), but the general point is that 'no extra attacks' means 'no extra attacks'. So even if you have vestigial arms, you can still only use two at a time for attacking, even with claws.
Sadly, you will have to stick with those synthesists that no one ever gets to play since theya re always banned.
Ah, whoops. Sorry, I just get very, very passionate whenever someone uses 'alchemist', 'arm', and 'claw' together. Because I've seen maddening munchkin after maddening munchkin twist the rules far, far past the breaking point. I mean, how does kick,kick, bite, claw, claw turn into just bite/clawx4 without turning apples into oran... no, lets say bacon.

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You want to make the most powerful character in the game? I can help. Sadly, it will not come online until later levels, but this build is literally the most ridicilous thing you can make in PF, most likely. You'll want to be a scion of humanity aasimiar for your race, and Oracle with the Lunar mystery for your class. Your first revelation will be the animal companion, and every level you will put your favored class bonus into increasing the effective level of the animal companion revelation(which is why your an Aasimiar, for this favored class bonus). Congrats, you now have a ridiculously fast leveling and overpowered companion. That, however, is only the beginning. Next comes feats. You will need the following feats: Noble Scion(War), Racial Heritage(Half-Elf), Skill Focus(Any Knowledge), Eldridge Heritage(Arcane). Finally, you will need to grab the prophetic armor revilation and the half-elf racial spell Paragon Surge(which is why you are a scion of humanity and take Racial Heritage(Half-Elf)). Once you have all these things, you get a character who has the following...
- Charisma to AC, reflex and initiative, on a cha-primary character. This is achieved through the Prophetic armor revelation and Noble Scion(War) feat. If you take the enlightened philosopher archtype or dip 2 levels in Paladin or Anti-Paladin you can get charisma to all saves.
- An animal companion stronger then that of a druid of equal level, giving you a powerful melee presence akin to what a summoner can do with their eldion.
- The ability to spontaneously cast ANY spell on the cleric list or wizard/sorc list. This is achieved through Paragon Surge and Eldritch Heritage(Arcane). The trick is to use Paragon Surge to give yourself one of the following feats: Expanded Arcana or Improved Eldritch Heritage(Arcane). Doing this will grant you any spell known you want temporarily from either the cleric list(Expanded Arcana) or the Wiz/Sorc list(Improved Eldritch Heritage(Arcane)) Congratulations, you now have essentially added every spell on the cleric list and every spell on the sorc/wiz list to your spells known!
Note that if your DM is one of those people who rules that racial spells, feats etc.. can only be taken by members of that race and not those with the proper racial subtype that you can still do this with a half-elven oracle. However, if you do go half-elf, you'll lose out on the fast-progressing animal companion which means you'll be slightly weaker then this build. On the plus side, you'll have more free feats, which means you can afford to take things like spell perfection(Paragon Surge), metamagic feats like quicken etc..which are all useful for this build. As far as I have seen, the Paragon-surge abusing Oracle is most likely the strongest character that has been build, and the aasimiar version with the supercharged animal companion is probably the most busted version, but really, any version of the build will be ridiculous once it gets Eldrich Heritage (Arcane) and Paragon surge.
Hope this is munchkin-y enough for you!

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Whole bunch of convoluted stuff to work around the Aasimar FCB and Paragon Surge of a Half Elf...
Or, you can just be a Half Elf from the start.
You get access to the Elf FCB which is the same as the Aasimar for Oracles. (Geez!, does no one look at that before making a Rube Goldberg character progression? :P)
No need to waste a feat on Racial Heritage, you are already there!
No need to waste a feat on Skill Focus for the eventual Eldritch Heritage shenanigans.
Just decide if you want to be a melee centric or caster centric character and pick your curse/abilities accordingly.
Personally I like to go with a caster style build;
Take the pet (tiger) with the favored class bonus;
Take the Cha to AC;
Take the Blackened Curse for the offensive spells;
Use the Ancient Lorekeeper archetype and get your favorite wizard spells of levels 0-8 as bonus oracle spells of one level higher each;
Learn the oracle spells you think you will use most often, then rely on Paragon Surge to get situational spells down the road.
Even before level 11, when the Paragon Surge/Improved Eldritch Heritage: Arcane shenanigans comes on line, the character is basically a beefed up combat pet class with blast spells, healing, 3/4 BAB, medium armor, shield, decent skill points and a casting stat that can be used for AC, Reflex saves and even initiative if you grab Noble Scion at 1st level. It's kind of like an armored Swiss Army sorcerer :P

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I did not know half-elves where allowed to take elf favored class bonuses, which is why I used aasimiar. If they are, though, then that basically negates the need for aasimiar all together as aasimiar was only used for the favored class bonus to the animal companion revelation. Thanks for the heads up! As for the eldritch heritage stuff, you can technically paragon surge your way into expanded arcana before you get eldritch heritage(arcane) so you technically get the entire cleric list as soon as you get paragon surge.

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I did not know half-elves where allowed to take elf favored class bonuses, which is why I used aasimiar. If they are, though, then that basically negates the need for aasimiar all together as aasimiar was only used for the favored class bonus to the animal companion revelation. Thanks for the heads up! As for the eldritch heritage stuff, you can technically paragon surge your way into expanded arcana before you get eldritch heritage(arcane) so you technically get the entire cleric list as soon as you get paragon surge.
Yes, the "half" races get access to everything from both parent races in addition to their own. That includes access to archetypes, feats, FCB, etc.
And yes, while you get to use Paragon Surge to grab Expanded Arcana for the total access to the cleric/oracle spell list, you need to be level 11 to have access to Improved Eldritch Heritage to be able to grab the Wizard list spells. That is why i like the Lorekeeper Archetype, as it gives a small selection of wizard spells as bonuses, basically the ones you really want all the time.

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Yeah, it's a good archtype for that kind of thing, that's for sure. However, the one downside is that the spells are higher level then normal, though for some spells that could be a plus(mainly ones that want a high DC.) so I agree with that recommendation. As for more broken shenanigans, take spell perfection (Paragon surge) and quicken spell and persistent spell. With the former + spell perfection you can cast paragon surge for any spell you want and then instantly cast that spell. With the latter + spell perfection, you can permanently add any spells you want to your spells known for the entire day. Extend is another good candidate with spell perfection (paragon surge) for your third metamagic feat, and there may be some other useful ones too but those come off as the most useful for me.

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Yup. The reason that Lorekeeper is nice despite the higher level for the spells is the fact that the spells are considered the new level in all regards, so you can get some higher DCs out of spells, especially if you have one that fits into a level where you otherwise didn't have much.
Now really, there are far more "broken" builds out there, but this becomes a sort of super utility option. Lots and lots of toys in the toolbox.

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Yeah...I still think having spontaneous access to the ENTIRE cleric list and the ENTIRE wiz/sorc list is pretty busted. Add in the fact you get your casting stat to AC, reflex and initiative and have the bloated animal companion for melee and you got yourself a character who is very powerful. Even further, if allowed, you can take leadership, and with all that charisma you'll be darn good at it too. If you want to get REALLY broken, chain leadership...aka have a cohort with leadership, who has a cohort with leadership and so on and so forth.
Ninja'd: Thats a good level 1 build, but after level 1 becomes much, much, much weaker. White-haired witch is largely considered a terrible archtype and if this game is to last long term that character will become significantly less broken as time goes on.

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I'd say do titan mauler barbarian and a two level dip into vivisectionist alchemist. Get two extra arms, and here's what you do with them:
Arm #1: greatsword
Arm #2: glaive
Arm #3: buckler and composite longbow
Arm #4: empty
Now you're ready for anything. The trick here is to not do two-weapon fighting. You simply have the perfect weapon for every range, plus attacks of opportunity with the glaive's reach. You've even got a shield to stack enchantments on and a free hand to fire your bow or grab stuff out of your pack. Plus you can really "hulk out" with rage and mutagen stacking.

Gregory Connolly |

Takhisis, I know you don't want to continue being a witch in this build, It goes Witch 2/Barbarian X because you want all those primary natural attacks with big to hit and damage bonuses. For a game going at high level you play an Aasimar with wing buffets and early entry Eldrtich Knight for mid level spellcasting to go with Rage powers to get 6 natural attacks, combine with Improved Unarmed Strike and Multiattack for lots of use out of your Amulet of Mighty Fists. It isn't the strongest build out there, but a natural attack build is viable.

Gregory Connolly |

Taking EK at level 13 gives you a bonus combat feat at the exact point you need it, it allows you to pick up Metallic Wings and Multiattack at the same time. While Barbarian is a good class, after you pick up Greater Beast Totem for d8 claws and pounce there isn't anything to keep you there, Go EK at level 13 and then pick up more Barbarian if you like the powers more than out of combat utility.
Aasimar White Haired Witch 2/ Barbarian 10/ Eldritch Knight 1
1 White Hair, Improved Unarmed Strike
2 Constricting Hair
3 Power Attack
4 Lesser Beast Totem
5 Final Embrace
6 Reckless Abandon
7 Angelic Blood
8 Beast Totem
9 Angelic Flesh
10 Animal Fury
11 Angel Wings
12 Greater Beast Totem
13 Metallic Wings, Multiattack

Mystically Inclined |

You could just mimic the AM BARBARIAN build, presuming you can get RageLancePounce rolled back to its pre-existing condition. That's about the most broken melee build I've ever seen.
Outside of that, be a straight wizard. Even better- be a straight Arcanist (assuming you can get an agreement that the GM will let you use the playtest document version even after the book comes out). Mind control ALL the things!

Mr Jade |

Kasatha, Wyrwood, Centaur, Ogre, Trox, Drider, Gargoyle. I would never try to balance any of these against a standard PC.
I don't think that anything of Large size or greater, or quadrupedal or with four arms would fly enough under the radar to not get some attention right off the bat.
I think that I'll have to bide my time until the moment is right to release the OP.

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@Mysticly Inclined & the OP: Or be even better then a straight wizard. Be the half-elf paragon surge abusing oracle mentioned before and be a wizard with medium armor and a shield, 3/4 BAB, a bloated OP animal companion, cha to AC, reflex and initiative and spontaneous access every spell on both the wiz/sorc list and cleric list. Pure wizard is strong, but if your going for a broken "caster" then nothing beats the paragon surge abuser oracle as through paragon surge abuse they ARE a wizard, who happens to be able to spontaneously cast EVERY spell on the wiz sorc list...and have all those other goodies mentioned before. Not saying wizards are't OP, and before paragon surge + improved eldritch heritage (Arcane) comes on line the wizard will be equally competitive(and stronger before paragon surge + extended arcana comes on line), but once it does the paragon surge-absuer oracle comes out ahead of the wizard for all the reasons mentioned.
However, if you know the game is not going to reach level 11+ when that trick comes online then straight wizard is certainly a viable choice and is competitive with the paragon surger oracle in spellcasting and totally blows it out of the water before it gets access to paragon surge.(Though the paragon surger may still be slightly ahead once it gets paragon surge as a spell due to basically being a better cleric then the cleric at that point via paragon surge + expanded arcana)
@OP: As for OP races, yeah, there are some pretty...nasty ones out there. Oh, also, one more question, does your DM allow 3rd party content? If so, then there is some REALLY ridiculous stuff you can do. First of all, there is the infamous cheese that is the dragonrider dip. Literally for one class level you get a dragon pet that levels up with you despite the fact you only have one level in dragonrider. Also the eldritch godling, as the name suggests, is literally the most broken spellcaster class printed for pathfinder. If you want to be broken without any unique build, simply play that class and you'll be golden. Don't believe me? Check the SRD entry for it and you'll see what I mean quite quickly.

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One Power builder in the area did a Zen Archer, a year later there where like 4 at a table. Have yet to try it out.
I'm running a 1/2 Orc Druid in both PFS & Skull and Shackles that's pretty broken (One has Fire Domain, other a big ape with Improved Bull Rush), I only wild shape for tactical advantages because an 18 str and a great axe (or Shillelegh (sp?)) plus the tusked trait is fine in melee.
My half orc fighter was AC 24 at creation (think it was Chain Mail, Tower Shield, Ironhide, Dodge, 15 Dex) and is at 28 at 6th and still in the chain mail. With his lucky halfling bard/luck cleric behind him, he's an immoveable object.
I have a goblin cert in PFS, I was cracking out 33 stealth rolls at first level with the goblin ninja... he has Roll With It! too, but has yet to use it.
But my favorite is the Half-orc Sorcerer (orc blooded) (Yes, I like 1/2 orcs, and I like axes): Its all about anything that adds to caster level for Fireball. I think the feats included (Varisian tattoo, and Spell Specialization? A friend and I had an email chain about this over year ago) Take the 1/2 hp damage per level on fire spells racial bonus. I think we figured out how to add 4 Caster Levels (10d6), Orc Blooded is +1 per die (so +10), +3 for favored racial bonus, then *1.5 for the MM rod. Blunt, to the point.

Mechanical Pear |

Similar to the above, I'm playing an oracle paladin divine scion. A one level dip in sorcerer cross blooded (Orc and gold draconic). That's +1 damage per die on all spells, another +1/die if it's a fire spell, and +2/die if it's against an evil guy (and it'll leave him staggered possibly). +4 damage per die is more that maximising the spell, and stacks with the metamagic rod. He can also smite evil with his spells. Eldritch heritage for a few good wizard spells (I didn't feel like cheesing with paragon surge). He's a nature oracle with a flying Dino mount, thrush familiar. Blackened curse for a nice chunk of fire spells. I'm enjoying him thoroughly.

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The best I could do at level 2 was +10 to hit, 4d6+12.
That's basically what my half-giant barbarian psychic warrior did when he was using expansion and rage.
The downside of this would be his low AC, and being the prime target for murderous command.
He had extra rage so he could rage for 12 rounds per day, and he could manifest expansion by expending his psionic focus.

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Half-Elf Melee Nature Oracle.
You can boost whatever revelation you like with the FCB for Elves, getting you that.
You get Paragon Surge+Eldritch Heritage+Expanded Arcana for Sponaneous Cast Everything.
At low-levels, all you really need is d6+6 damage to One-Shot most things, and at higher levels you have Magic.
Perhaps I should repeat that. Magic.
Finally*, a way to end all competition if you get to level 20, turn into an animal with the capstone and Awaken yourself 600 times, using poison to lower INT to low enough. You get ridiculous AC, HD, DCs, Attack Bonuses, Damage Bonuses, etc.
Or, if you want a less-cheesey build, you can go with a Witch for Slumber [which is amazingly powerful], or you can go with Master Summoner for the Action Economy.

Onyxlion |
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Half-elf evolutionist summoner. Take serpent base, the get grab and constrict asap for finial embrace at 3rd lvl. Once you get finial embrace drop the constrict evolution for more heads and bites.
Note: You can either keep the grab evolution or drop it as well but it gives you +4 cmb which is better than any feat.
Note: Finial embrace gives you both grab and constrict so you can drop your evolutions since one you gain the feat you will always qualify for the feat.
Now it gets fun, grab final embrace horror at the next opportunity. Once you hit 8th level change your base form to quadruped for pounce. Then change out your attacks to claws or something, though heads will still work. If you go claws you can add rend and stuff.
Your attack tactic is always the same attack -> grab -> auto constrict -> release. The only thing that can change is if you can pounce, rend, ect..
Note: Every constrict with finial embrace horror shakens the target meaning you can fear stack the crap out of your multi-headed snake of doom.
Note: Max out your primary natural attacks because it's just key to the horror.
Finale Note: Finial Embrace Master is awesomely nice but it by raw requires a dead feat so it's up in the air.

davidvs |
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My favorite overpowered first-level character is Conrad the Con Man who optimizes gladhanding with a +28 Bluff skill modifier.
However, your goal is to playfully tease the GM. May I instead suggest Horace the Helpful Halfling.
Horace is a Dual-Cursed Oracle who uses the feat Additional Traits to get the Helpful race trait, the Helpful combat trait, and the Fools for Friends campaign trait. Most rounds of combat Horace uses Misfortune as immediate action and Aid Another to give an ally +6 to hit. (That ally is probably using Power Attack and Two-Weapon Fighting.)
To make Horace even worse, use Rich Parents as his fourth trait and buy several Gloves of Assisting to give to his ally.

Rocket Surgeon |
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Will your group be covered in the spellcasting department?
If yes, then I made my GM contemplate arbitrary character murder with a Gunslinger/Magus. The build revolve around the less-than-humble pistol and - if you plan ahead to level 16, some 11 touch attacks a round.
Start out Gunslinger, focus everything on the pistol. At level 3 or 5, depending on your personal tastes, you shift to Magus to add some melee capabilities to your character.
Take 1 level of Magus if you shifted at level 3, then go back and take the last 2 levels of Gunslinger. Otherwise take at least 5 levels of Magus.
Go Alchemist 4, take the extra arms discovery. You can now enchance one of your pistols with a +2 bonus to it's usual enhancement, two-weapon fight with pistols and cast second level spells - which should be used on utility as far as possible.
Go Magus until the end of the campaign, or no more than a total of level 8, then back to Gunslinger.
You need: Pistols <- Should have as high an enhancement bonus as possible and the distance enchantment, possibly keen. A "pouch of endless bullets" with alchemical (paper) cartridges, there's and endless ammunition spell in UC, it will cost 10.000 gp. Armor, mithral breastplate is to be prefered.
At level 20 you will have: +17 base attack, 3rd level spells, 11 touch attacks a round with weapon specialization, arcane strike, and deadly aim. If done right this build will work from level 1 and put your GM in a vengeful mood around level 10, at level 14 you should be prepared to either leave town or apologise ;)