![]() For example, an alchemist bomb Acid Flask for 1d6 persistent acid damage hits a target. The target fails the DC 15 flat check, and the damage persists. Then the target gets hit with a second Acid Flask on the following round. Would this count as two separate persistent effects affecting the target? Or does it simply not stack? ![]()
![]() Compared to the ability modifier, the level modifier, and the spread of numbers on a d20 roll, the proficiency modifier is minuscule. An extra +1 doesn't mathematically represent the logical differences between these levels of proficiency. The whole point of classes is to make some characters good in some things, yet lacking in other areas. This makes the group have synergy, where other characters make up for others weaknesses. With this system, the legendary skill is only +3 better than the trained skill, which is only marginally better. Depending on the d20 rolls, the trained person will often score better than the legendary person. The math of the system should make the legendary skill nearly always better than the trained skill. Untrained skills getting the whole character level bonus, is silly too. Untrained skills should maybe get half the level bonus, at best. ![]()
![]() CR 11 is 12800 XP. A level 1 Sorcerer is 200 XP. So that is 12800/200 = 64 level 1 Sorcerers. Each sorcerer knows magic missile, which if they all cast it does 64 x (1d4+1) = 224 automatic damage per round. They can focus fire one target at a time. Ideally they are in a large room where they can spread out to avoid area attacks and to take advantage of using ranged attacks. A shadow is CR 3, uses a +4 touch attack and does 1d6 STR damage, and at 0 STR the character dies. 12800/800 = 16 Shadows. Shadows are so broken. Rust Monsters are also CR 3. They won't kill the group, but nothing invokes fear in the Players like a Rust Monster. Have a pit trap combined with a dispel magic targeting flight. Victims fall into a pit full of hungry Rust Monsters. ![]()
![]() Rods, staves, and wands must be held, in order to be used. Tattoos don't need to be "held" in order to be used. To me, it seems that magical tattoos are allowed to mimic metamagic rods, as the Caster's Tattoo, made with Inscribe Magical Tattoo, allows the use of Still and Silent metamagic with spell casting. ![]()
![]() I like the idea of story feats, but when I read the actual story feats, they are lacking. I could make something for the individual characters to fit the present/past story. And then, let the player know what they need to do to unlock the full power of the custom story feat. Actually, that might be what I need for the initial characters. Give them each a custom story feat which is unlocked when they have produced a viable heir. Alternatively, setting up a 'wizard academy' or something similar, would count, where an apprentice is trained to continue the master's life quest. This would take some time talking with the players to see what they would have in mind. I know one player who would probably be satisfied to sprinkle illegitimate children throughout the kingdom, rather than actually raising a heir properly, so these story feats would need to be flexible, and the reward based on the character class, and the difficulty of the objective. ![]()
![]() Maybe an intelligent magic sword that keeps going on about how your father was so much better. Alternatively, the magic item may like the younger heir better. Or the magic item gives occasional 'flash backs' like Darth Vader's old lightsaber. Magic items could be passed down, and may have abilities that still need to be unlocked. Or the new character needs to advance in their training before they can use the more advanced powers of the magic item. AKA Scaling. That would be good, so they get to keep a nice item, but it isn't way overpowered at low level. Although part of the fun, would come from being low level with really good hand-me-downs. If someone had a special familiar, maybe it would bond with the younger master. Yeah, I want to take advantage of the Kingdom building and downtime rules. I'd like for the players to start at the bottom and work their way up, as they go through the generations. Another idea would be to have long lived enemies like a vampire that may hold a grudge against the heirs. Or maybe a terrible villain was defeated, but their fragmented minions and organization still holds a grudge. Or a long lasting curse that transfers to the heir when the parent dies. ![]()
![]() Yeah, getting rewarded with land and titles instead of the normal bag of gold will definitely be part of it. Or, maybe local nobility have a daughter or son who could be married off to one who can prove their valor on some quest. I'm not sure what scenarios I intend to run, either. I'd like to focus on local politics and business, so maybe not quite the traditional dungeon full of monsters and loot. Like if the PC's open up a tavern, the nearby tavern may use some underhanded tactics to try to remove the competition. ![]()
![]() I'm planning to have a campaign with a lot of downtime. So much downtime, that eventually the characters get old and need to pass the torch to the next generation. Ideally, characters marry into influential families and raise children that can grow their estate. Alternatively, a character could adopt an orphan, and train them in the ways of their class to continue the 'mission'. Parents would try to arrange lucrative marriages for their heirs, and other such machinations. First, I would need to normalize the lifespans of the different races, as having elves live so much longer than others would wreck things. I'm interested in ideas that would encourage the characters to have an heir or two to carry on for them. Increased starting wealth from inheritance would be one. Along with inherited social status. I need a 'carrot' to get the players to be motivated to participate with their characters in such an endeavor. If things go well, the story could continue with a third generation. I can't seem to find advice or rules that would support such a campaign, beyond the basic down time rules which don't get into heirs and such. ![]()
![]() Charon's Little Helper wrote:
I want the players to have effective characters, characters that can do more than stand there and not be hit. Sure, a monster will attack the high AC character, but unless the monster is mindless, the monster moves on to easier targets. The main point I am trying to make, is that as the GM, I try to persuade the players not to make a character with obscenely high AC, letting them know the monster's attack will scale upwards if they do so, and that it will just make the others in the group more vulnerable in comparison. A character built solely to have an unhitable AC is not a 'good character'. So much of Pathfinder is based on AC, that such a character breaks the game, making the game pointless. Without a challenge, there is no game, and there is no fun, at least for me. It would be like playing a video game in 'god mode', it would be fun for a few minutes, but then you would get really bored with it. As a GM, or a player, I don't want to play in 'god mode' all the time, it isn't fun or challenging, and there would be no sense of accomplishment. ![]()
![]() When I GM, I bump up the attacks of the more challenging monsters so they can, at the very least, hit the highest AC character in the group on a roll of '18' or higher. Then I have those monsters ignore the high AC character, and attack the squishier targets. I let the players know in advance that I will do this, and it tends to discourage the creation of characters with obscenely high AC. ![]()
![]() Give the Boss levels in Magus, and have him cast Mirror Image on himself, while keeping a full attack. For added bonus, buff with Displacement and Shield. Re-cast Mirror Image, when too many images are lost. Have the group first meet a Boss 'stand in', some inconsequential chump made to imitate the real Boss. Have some miscellaneous treasure guarded by a few mundane traps, that will have the group pass the time after the fight. Then 15 minutes later, when the group's buffs have worn off, the real Boss shows up, all buffed to the gills with potions like Bark Skin, Bull Strength, and so on. ![]()
![]() Wolf seems like a fairly vanilla animal companion, I'm not sure why that would be a problem myself, or be out of the context of a pirate game. I've seen a lot of cheesy things in Pathfinder, but a ranger with a wolf pet doesn't seem like a problem. Pirates are supposed to have exotic animal pets, along with their eye patches, peg legs, and hooks for hands. But, if you decide to take away the character's option to have a wolf companion, you should offer a suitable replacement animal companion that you deem acceptable and appropriate, while having about the same power level. Personally, I think you have some other problem with this player, as the wolf companion 'issue' seems a bit weak. ![]()
![]() Clandestinely sell a treasure map that leads to a distant dungeon to a group of adventurers. The journey is long, so they will need horses. Sell them horses. Then for bonus profit, have an accomplice outside the dungeon waiting for the adventurers to enter the dungeon. The accomplice then steals the horses that the adventurers left behind. Alternatively, the accomplice could pose as a henchman offering to "watch" the horses for a nominal fee, while the group goes into the dungeon. With a high enough bluff skill, one could possibly scam the same group of adventurers multiple times, each time selling them the same horses. ![]()
![]() A swarm of orphans descends on the shop. One of them steals something, and the other 24 orphans are distractions. They scatter in different directions. Someone buys everything in the shop, paying with bars of gold. Too bad the bars are gold plated lead (or they used a Fools' Gold spell). A respectable customer claims that one of the items for sale is theirs, and that it was stolen from them. They call for the town guard to apprehend the group. A dubious character buys an apparently innocuous item, as they leave the shop, they are over-heard mumbling, "Finally, I will be able to complete the ritual! No one will stop me this time." Someone offers to buy something, but they want to trade in barter. The offer is an exceptional deal, but the trade goods will prove difficult to sell. Adventurers come in and want to sell their items at 50% of value, of course they were stolen from someone powerful who is using magic to track them down. Adventurers come in and want to sell their items, when they can't sell their items at 100% value, they set up shop next to the group, and slightly undercut their prices, but take away all of their business. ![]()
![]() Rynjin wrote:
If the ranger put lots of points into WIS, which wouldn't help to maximize their archery damage, then they deserve to make their Will save. Now a Zen archer can maximize Wisdom and Archery damage. Dominate won't kill the character who gets dominated. It would be more of a problem for the remaining characters who are about to be filled full of arrows. So dominate wouldn't work for GM ego revenge. For GM ego revenge, I suggest a room jam packed with first level sorcerers who only know Magic Missile. A CR 13 encounter has 25600 XP, so that is 128 level 1 sorcerers at 200 XP each. If they all cast magic missile at the same target, they would do 128 x (1d4+1) = 448 damage. Thinking on the original subject, I'm guessing the bard and cleric spend the first round buffing, the ninja moving into position, and the archer making a full attack for lots of damage. So it makes sense that the archer is the target. Either the rest of the group needs to be more of an immediate threat, or the archer needs to spend a round or two self-buffing so they are not the primary target. ![]()
![]() Advice for the GM who needs to deal with the Ranger Archer: Cast Dominate Person on the Ranger, and then force the Ranger to mow down the party. Rangers have weak Will saves, so even if they get a +2 bonus for doing something against their nature, they have a good chance of failing. Make sure the 'bad guy' is true neutral, so Protection from Evil won't thwart this tactic. ![]()
![]() Play a character who is cowardly and manipulative. Try to get others to do the dangerous stuff, while you stay safe. A character who can summon monsters of some sort, can send them in to the danger to sacrifice themselves for your ends. Don't play a good character, helping others will just get you killed. Look at what got your previous characters killed, and take steps to prevent it from happening again. Are other players having their characters killed, or is it just you? Mirror Image. Cast this the first round of every combat, if you don't already have it up. If you get down to only one image, cast it again, or retreat. Get a follower who can heal. Ideally, get them to cast Shield Other on you, effectively doubling your hit points. Have an escape plan. This could be as simple as an invisibility potion. You need a way to escape when things get bad. Be really paranoid. Overly super paranoid. Take lots of precautions. Always assume someone is watching or following you. People pretending to be friendly, are out to get you. Take defensive feats like Dodge and Toughness, don't worry about not being effective, just worry about survival. ![]()
![]() When I play a character, I try not to metagame, but instead play the character based on the character's personality, and what they know. So, my character would have gone along for the ride, similar to how the other characters acted. Also, good aligned characters shouldn't be killing everything on sight, especially creatures that present themselves as friendly. As a rule, I don't play characters without darkvision, so the lack of light wouldn't have been a problem, although I can see why the night blind characters would want to turn back. I'm not sure why you are calling your adventure a 'flop'. It sounds like it would have been fun. ![]()
![]() Enforcer feat is nice. Your unarmed attacks count as light weapons that can do nonlethal damage, if you choose. So it lets you get a free chance to apply the Shaken condition with Intimidate. I'd go Brawler + Hexcrafter Magus, myself. Then you could add Hex Strike to put people to sleep or to stack on layers of Evil Eye. Then combine with the spell Frostbite for extra damage and debuffing. ![]()
![]() A 4th level Bard with the Voice of the Wild archetype can know how to cast a single second level Druid spell. Would knowing this singular second level divine spell count as "being able to cast second level divine spells"? The intent would be to qualify for the Divine Protection feat as a 4th level bard, multi-classed with one level of oracle, and taking 5 ranks of KS Religion. ![]()
![]() Since you will be in dark dungeons a lot, I'd go with owl. You don't want to travel in the desert by day, it's cooler at night, so owl wins there too. Initiative bonus familiar lacks the utility of a flying scout. And if you fail your perception check, you won't be going first, regardless of your initiative. ![]()
![]() Specialize in Conjuration: Teleportation. This gives a swift action multi-use dimension door supernatural ability that you can use to get out of grapples, escape from jail cells, or just get out of combat reach so you can cast your spell without interruption. As a supernatural ability, it does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and can be used while you are grappled. For opposed schools, take Abjuration and Necromancy. Since you will be exploring the wilderness a lot, a familiar that can fly would help you with scouting and seeing whats up ahead. A hawk would be good for scouting during the day. But, I'd probably take an owl to watch over me at night when camping/sleeping outdoors. ![]()
![]() thegreenteagamer wrote: Meh, put a potted plant in with 'em. That'll give 'em oxygen, for, like...a while... When plants are not exposed to light, they convert their sugar reserves to energy, and when they do so they convert O2 into CO2. So you would need some sort of continual light spell to supply the plants with light. Too bad Continual Light isn't a spell anymore. ![]()
![]() The babies don't have an alignment yet, and if you allow them to be raised by humans, half of them will become evil. Unfortunately, you don't know which half will turn out to be evil. The solution is to have the babies raised by wolves (or some other mammal animal other than humans, like bears, foxes, etc.) Then all the babies will grow up to be feral and have a neutral alignment, similar to wild animals. This way none of babies will become evil, and you didn't have to kill any of them. ![]()
![]() Interesting thread. It makes me want to play a character whom attempts something like this. The attitude improvement from diplomacy only lasts 1d4 hours, unless the GM rules otherwise, so Hypnotism is certainly an improvement. It would work as a permanent 'love potion' as well. If your character is interested in things other than ruling the world. ![]()
![]() People don't always play the way you want them to. Maybe it is about expectations on how the game should be played, or maybe it is about not wanting to be railroaded into doing something they don't want to do. I'd suggest in character negotiations, such as, "If you help us in the tunnels, we will help you follow those tracks in the graveyard." Not every player is a combat murder-hobo. Some players have characters that are either grossly sub-optimal, or spend the whole fight self buffing and moving into safe positions. Some players read a book or play on their phone, unless someone tells them to roll some dice. It sounds like it wasn't a TPK, so I don't see the problem with her being sub-optimal. If the GM is one to balance encounters, then they should take into account that her character is not an over-optimized DPS machine. Considering she was hiding behind an illusionary wall, yet still got attacked by summoned monsters, you can't blame her for being paranoid. Do you like spending time with this person? If so, work things out. If you just plain don't like her for some reason, than stop hanging out with her. ![]()
![]() Magus have high DPR and good defense with spells like Mirror Image. With a pocket full of Pearls of Power, they can Intensified Shocking Grasp all day long. Zen archers are also pretty good at DPR and have good saves and CMD. Paladins smiting evil are very potent too. All 3 of these have good will saves. A rogue or fighter is just going to suck in comparison, especially when a monster casts dominate, confusion, or some other save or suck spell requiring a Will save. Let the players who now realize their characters are grossly inferior have the option of rebuilding their characters, or possibly playing new characters with equal wealth and experience.