Adventuring Party Names

Mummy's Mask

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Silver Crusade

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So this might be a big thing in this AP, what with the recommendation in the PLayer's Guide to have one. Which possibilities are sticking out to you at the moment?

The Wind Serpents - probably geared towards a local divine-heavy group

The Dune Glassers - Foreign and probably disruptive group heavy on fiery evocations and bombs

Band of the Scorpion - Teamwork-focused group with members embodying each of their namesake's attacks in combat

Sovereign Court

The Laughing knives is a good one even if I borrowed it. :) I picture a skills group for this one.

Grand Lodge

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I have a party whose initial concept had them as a traveling band of acrobatic/carnival style mercenaries led by a Gypsy woman. They were going to go with Court of Miracles.

Silver Crusade

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Shicil wrote:
I have a party whose initial concept had them as a traveling band of acrobatic/carnival style mercenaries led by a Gypsy woman. They were going to go with Court of Miracles.

Hot damn that name with that concept just sings.

Grand Lodge

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Both figuratively and literally. Theme song by Disney included.

Party/Group's theme song, Characters's theme songs, Party/Group's Dramatic Pose's theme song, battle theme(s), Villains's theme songs, Boss Battles's theme songs, etc...

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After realizing everyone in the group had high charisma, we pretty much had to go with The Wati Hotties.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Puns involving the word "company" come to mind...

Four's Company - A four-person party led by someone (nick)named Four. Obviously, any number but two works (or three if you're avoiding dated references).

In Good Company - An all-good party.

Keep Company - Maybe the leader's surname is Keep or maybe all the characters come from Lastwall or something equally absurd.

The puns are limitless...

EDIT: Also, the Misery Loves Co. and the Part[ing] Co.


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The Honey Badgers

Enough said

A party of five...

- Kids Next Door.

- Power Rangers.

- Jackson Five.

- Five Fingers.

- The Away Team.

- The Five Man Band.

- The Five Bad Band.

- Teen Titans.

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The Sandlot.

I think the group I'm running for is going to name their team The Misfits since their a hodgepodge of different races: Half-drow, Aasimar, half-elf synthesis, kitsune, and two others who still haven't picked out a race as far as I know.


My group went with The Nimble Jackals.

I think "The Grognards," has a certain ring.

They drive the enemy crazy comparing them to foes they have faced in the past.

Grand Lodge

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My other party decided to go with "Warriors of the Sapphire Lotus" or some variation thereof. Contrast with the Ruby Prince, and the blue lotus is a Nile flower, so it's thematically appropriate.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

My group went with "Crusaders of the Deathly Hallows". They based their characters on Indiana Jones and Harry Potter, if you couldn't guess.

Scarab Sages

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In a Werewolf game I run, the players have named their pack Daddy's Little Angels.

Liberty's Edge

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I have an all-female party that might end up being called the Sand Sirens.

Grand Lodge

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I think I will propose our group be called the Posse of Companions, also known as the PCs. Interestingly the book talks about us specifically by name! :)

Dotting this for shameless stealing for NPC adventuring groups

I'm running this for my roommate. It is him and a GNPC. Although he hasn't found the GNPC in the first tomb yet.

His character is a pahmet dwarven undead scourge paladin of Anubis. His companion is going to be a kind of risen mummy* human warpriest of the ancient gods as a whole whose personal patron is Anubis.

May the Jackal's Wrath or maybe just the Jackals?

*I basically took human, add the half-undead template, and am using the warpriest and later pestilence eldritch heritage feats to represent his mummy powers.

The NPC wrote:

I'm running this for my roommate. It is him and a GNPC. Although he hasn't found the GNPC in the first tomb yet.

His character is a pahmet dwarven undead scourge paladin of Anubis. His companion is going to be a kind of risen mummy* human warpriest of the ancient gods as a whole whose personal patron is Anubis.

May the Jackal's Wrath or maybe just the Jackals?

*I basically took human, add the half-undead template, and am using the warpriest and later pestilence eldritch heritage feats to represent his mummy powers.

I thought of an All Ghouls party, after reading the first book, this would circumvent too many things, and modify many of the challenges/encounters.

Guy St-Amant wrote:
The NPC wrote:

I'm running this for my roommate. It is him and a GNPC. Although he hasn't found the GNPC in the first tomb yet.

His character is a pahmet dwarven undead scourge paladin of Anubis. His companion is going to be a kind of risen mummy* human warpriest of the ancient gods as a whole whose personal patron is Anubis.

May the Jackal's Wrath or maybe just the Jackals?

*I basically took human, add the half-undead template, and am using the warpriest and later pestilence eldritch heritage feats to represent his mummy powers.

I thought of an All Ghouls party, after reading the first book, this would circumvent too many things, and modify many of the challenges/encounters.

I just realized I wrote that wrong. I meant to write the half-undead subtype. So while he'll have some advantages against feeling the affects of undead he won't be circumventing the challenges.

Grand Lodge

Is the choice of an Adventuring Party Name just an early team building exercise for the players or will the name chosen have something to do with the plot of the AP?

Will the players be penalized if they choose the name Company of Adventurers or Pathfinder Society Expedition rather than Rashid's Roughnecks or the Sand Scorpions?

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In an old game of shadowrun my players were left unattended with no one feeling resposible, and after somehow choosing to all be dwarves...called themselves...

The Lollypop Guild...picture 5 dwarves in studded black leather and chains swarming a lone security guard...beating the hell out of him...merrily singing...

"We represent the lollypop guild" song from Wizard Of Oz.

Sometimes I just sigh heavily at their antics and shake my head.

Gentle Repos (not sure what the plural of Repo is)

Gentle Repossessors

The Pharaoh's Men (sounds like Pharasmin)

Were just a couple ideas I had for my players. They are still working on it.

Shadow Lodge

My group's running gag name for any module or AP, The Goblin Knights. It is by far the most appropriate name for us. We tend to be the group that leaves the place just a hair better than if we would have just let the bbeg just win.

The Shadow Daggers.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

My players had a really hard time deciding on an adventuring party name. Finally they decided on a similar naming convention to RWBY (for those that watch the show) and are calling themselves Team ZORA (based on the last letters of their characters names instead of the first like RWBY, mainly cause they couldn't make anything that actually sounded like a word with the first letters.).

The Dust Company

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In Jade Regent my players were a named party. The dwarven fighter came up with the name by asking everyone to give him a word (not telling them what he was going to use the words for) and then rearranging them into something he thought sounded good.

And thus the party was named 'Blue Streak the Unstoppable Vanity'; a name which all the other PCs insisted did not refer to them. Was pretty funny to hear the shouts of "NO!" cutting him off whenever he tried to introduce the group by that name.

The Moist Foot

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

My group is going with Blakros Antiquities and Museum Foundation (BAMF). The archeologist in the group is part of the family.

Liberty's Edge

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Just out of curiosity, does the group consist of blue tiefling swashbucklers?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Haha. No, but that was my first thought. They were going for the Urban Dictionary definition of BAMF instead of the Marvel Comics version.

Perhaps you guys can suggest a name for my group cause I'm drawing a blank.

Party is:
--Elsa from Frozen (Winter Witch)
--Jasmin from Aladdin (Dervish Dancer)
--Big Slamu (Were-shark Rogue)
--Squidly-Diddly (Whale-Man Summoner with a Giant Squid for an Eidolon)

Basically Jasmin is the only one that fits the setting, and everything else is a Cluster %($*. It's either going to be amazing, or terrible and we are all eager to find out which!

Aldarionn wrote:

Perhaps you guys can suggest a name for my group cause I'm drawing a blank.

Party is:
--Elsa from Frozen (Winter Witch)
--Jasmin from Aladdin (Dervish Dancer)
--Big Slamu (Were-shark Rogue)
--Squidly-Diddly (Whale-Man Summoner with a Giant Squid for an Eidolon)

Basically Jasmin is the only one that fits the setting, and everything else is a Cluster %($*. It's either going to be amazing, or terrible and we are all eager to find out which!

The Sand Sharks

The Sand Waves

Sand Waves is interesting. A friend of mine suggested Frozen Seafood, but that doesn't account for Jasmine. Perhaps Jasmine's Frozen Seafood?

Frozen sushi

Shadow Lodge

The Gravedrake Tribe

An all-kobold group! We'll probably end up not caring about the ancient religions, instead determined to reverse-engineer all of the humans' traps and tout our own as far superior. Also, culture shock and conceited posturing will be a given.


My players changed their name to the Emerald Leopards. I fear they may get involved with the Purple Parrots, Silver Snakes, or Blue Barracudas.

donato wrote:
My players changed their name to the Emerald Leopards. I fear they may get involved with the Purple Parrots, Silver Snakes, or Blue Barracudas.

So long as they don't go hanging around with that strange Olmec fellow. We don't like his kind 'round these parts.

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These are all awesome hehe

My group went with The Sand Worms (or maybe Wyrms, not sure) They're all my friend's and mine's kids, 12, 13, 14, and 16 so I thought they did pretty good coming up with that.

So, my group settled on:

Architects of Fate

Based on the PC's interests in the Ancient Osirion structures and engineering and the in and out of party Pharasmin influence.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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My group went with "Wati's Up?"

Then we all died in like the 3rd or 4th room. Back to the drawing board...

Mine went with the Ruby Scarabs - should be interesting.

Sorry to hear about your group Jiggy!

The Lords of interesting group that was actually a mix of alignments but chaos was dominant.

Mikael Sebag wrote:
Four's Company - A four-person party led by someone (nick)named Four. Obviously, any number but two works (or three if you're avoiding dated references).

While I'll be avoiding this thread in the future to avoid spoilers (I didn't realize that this wasn't a generic thread until after having clicked on it, and then glancing up just now to re-read the title), having just come up with a party recently (more as a thought-exercise than anything else), we* settled on the (somewhat tentative) highly unimaginative title, "The Company of Six" - I dunno, in a group with two fighters, two barbarians, a sorcerer (who thinks he's a priest), and a cleric (the nominal leader), it just seemed to kind of fit.

* My wife and I. We don't have any other players 'round here, dang it! Give us more players in Ocala!

Scarab Sages

The party in my game has named themselves the "Double D's." At some point it actually meant something, but after two months of planning, that's went out the window for the joke meaning...

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Tacticslion wrote:
Mikael Sebag wrote:
Four's Company - A four-person party led by someone (nick)named Four. Obviously, any number but two works (or three if you're avoiding dated references).

While I'll be avoiding this thread in the future to avoid spoilers (I didn't realize that this wasn't a generic thread until after having clicked on it, and then glancing up just now to re-read the title), having just come up with a party recently (more as a thought-exercise than anything else), we* settled on the (somewhat tentative) highly unimaginative title, "The Company of Six" - I dunno, in a group with two fighters, two barbarians, a sorcerer (who thinks he's a priest), and a cleric (the nominal leader), it just seemed to kind of fit.

* My wife and I. We don't have any other players 'round here, dang it! Give us more players in Ocala!

You could go the Alias route and call the group SD-6 or to borrow a little strictly The Alliance of 6.

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