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Organized Play Member. 386 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 9 Organized Play characters.


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Grand Lodge

I need advice and suggestions for choosing a prize to award my player characters in the "Fists of the Ruby Phoenix" adventure path after they win The Ruby Phoenix Tournament of 4721 AR.

Besides the famous Hao Jin Tapestry, has Paizo ever documented, or suggested, the magic items, wealth, and treasure that may be found in the Hoard of Hao Jin, the Ruby Phoenix. The hardcover adventure path "Fists of the Ruby Phoenix" makes no suggestions of the prizes that the player characters may select for winning the Ruby Phoenix Tournament. The book just suggests that the Dungeon Master give the player characters what they WANT as a prize. No references to the "Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide", "Treasure Vault", or any other Second Edition book for suggested magic items, wealth, or treasures that would be sufficient prizes to be found in the Hoard of Hao Jin.

Knowing my players, they will need a lot of help choosing a prize and given the choice cold they will just draw a blank. What did you offer your players as a prize or what did your players choose as a prize? Do you have any thoughts or or suggestions of treasures equal to the Hao Jin Tapestry that could be used as a desirable prize? What would Hao Jin give the players?

If it would help with your suggestions, I am requiring that all my player characters be 11th-Level members of the Pathfinder Society assigned to the Pathfinder Society Lodge in Goka reporting to Venture-Captain Amari Li. The intent is to bring the prize to the Grand Lodge in Absalom

The method to my madness is that I want to start my campaign with the Hao Jin Tapestry scenarios from Pathfinder Society at Level 1 and work up to the start of "Fists of the Ruby Phoenix" at 11th Level.

Thoughts? Suggestions?

Grand Lodge

Has anyone continued a "Crown of the Kobold King" mini-campaign past 6th level? Any recommendations for Paizo, d20 Systems, OSR, or Dungeons & Dragons scenarios and adventures that are a good fit thematically to continue the campaign in Falcon's Hollow, Darkmoon Vale, Arthfell Forest, and/or the Five Kings Mountains? Thoughts?

Grand Lodge

Have you, or someone you know, created a character concept that has worked especially well in the "Extinction Curse" Adventure Path? Have you successfully integrated the circus theme and performance with an adventuring character? Have you successfully used circus weapons such as the juggling club, poi, fire poi, throwing knife, scorpion whip, bladed diablo, and/or bladed hoop? Have you successfully used the new archetypes introduced in the "Extinction Curse" Adventure Path--Juggler, Staff Acrobat, Animal Trainer, Golem Grafter, or Turpin Rowe Lumberjack? Has an ancestry worked especially well in the adventure path, such as the Pug-faced Shoony? Please share your characters and concepts that you found to be fun and successful.

Grand Lodge

Did you need to re-name the "Snow White" adventure by AAW Games for your players? Did you use the Aventyr campaign setting or did you relocate it to Golarion? If you relocated it to Golarion, where did you relocate it to? The River Kingdoms? Ustalav? Ioboria? Did your players figure out they were playing an adventure based on the "Snow White" fairy tale too soon? Was it fun for your players?

Grand Lodge

Was fan work on Arcadia just abandoned in 2018? Any new development since December 29, 2018? Did it move to a new thread?

Grand Lodge

I am still learning the lore of Eberron, though I was curious if the "Way of the Wicked" Adventure Path by Fire Mountain Games might work in Eberron. Breland?

Grand Lodge

With the recent publication of "Eberron: Rising from the Last War" and Keith Baker's "Exploring Eberron" coming November 2020, my interest in Eberron has been rekindled. I believe that this thread was abandoned not long after the publication of "Wrath of the Righteous". Since then Paizo has published "Mummy's Mask", "Iron Gods", "Giantslayer", "Hell's Rebels", "Hell's Vengeance", "Strange Aeons", "Ironfang Invasion", "Ruins of Azlant", "War for the Crown", "Return of the Runelords", "Tyrant's Grasp", "Age of Ashes", and "Extinction Curse." Can any of these Adventure Paths be relocated to Eberron? Thoughts?

Grand Lodge

Rakshaka wrote:

Loving this path so far, but since Golarion is a new setting for some of my players, I wanted them to know about some of the events that shaped the land where they are adventuring. I felt that there should be someone to explain some of the reasons why things are the way that they are, as well as providing background information on some of the people that the PCs meet. Somewhat inspired by the Prologue of Fellowship and the Erebor scenes from 'The Hobbit' I thought a Galadriel-like narrative detailing the history of Ustalav would prove enlightening to my players. I plan on reading this history as a narrative from Alpon Caromarc at the beginning of the third module, helping me foreshadow some of the things that they'll face in modules 3-6. What is below is taken from the Inner SeaWorld Guide, Rule of Fear, and the AP itself. I'm pretty sure the content is accurate to canon, though if anyone sees any errors, let me know!

** spoiler omitted **...

According to "Rule of Fear", Soividia Ustav established the nation of Ustalav in 2361 AR. The events of "The Haunting of Harrowstone" occur in the year 4711 AR. This means that the nation of Ustalav has existed for approximately 2,350 years, not the "Over 7 millenia ago" as claimed in "A Brief History of Ustalav."

Tar-Baphon rose as the lich-king "The Whispering Tyrant" in 3203 AR, meaning that Ustalav was relatively peaceful for approximately 842 years. Or for the 341 years since the establishment of the sixteen counties by King Kaldemov in 2862 AR.

Grand Lodge

"Dwarf Blooded (Oread)
You have dwarven blood coursing through your veins.

Prerequisites: Oread.

Benefit: Your dwarven heritage manifests in two ways. First, your speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance, as the dwarf slow and steady racial trait. Second, you gain the stonecunning dwarf racial trait."

Grand Lodge

Can Oreads take the Dwarf Blooded (Oread) feat and be considered members of the Dwarf race for purposes or racial specific archetypes? Specifically, can a Dwarf Blooded (Oread) use the Stone Lord archetype?

Grand Lodge

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Mr. Jacobs,

Can you please tell me where cigars originate in the Inner Sea region of Golarion? Are these cigars made of tobacco? Is tobacco grown in Sargava? Or is it found outside the Inner Sea region? Such as somewhere on the continent of Arcadia? What would be the cost of a stogie?

Are there also equivalents of chocolate and coffee on Golarion?

Warmest regards,


Grand Lodge

Do rough drafts of the "books" exist? Any Arcadia Bestiary materials available?

Grand Lodge

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"Pestilence" from the Black Death motion picture soundtrack composed by Christian Henson


"You Must Leave Us" from the Solomon Kane motion picture soundtrack composed by Klaus Badelt


"The Ninth Gate" from the Ninth Gate motion picture soundtrack composed by Wojciech Kilar


Grand Lodge

Looking for a bed for PaizoCon, arriving Thursday night May 21 and then checking out Monday May 25. Middle-aged male, non-smoker.

Grand Lodge

The PaizoCon hotel room reservation block appears to be sold it. Have there been cancellations or will a block of more rooms be made available?

Grand Lodge

Has any one thought of adapting the new Dungeons & Dragons hard cover adventure Princes of the Apocalypse to Pathfinder? As for relocating the adventure, which nation on Golarion looks best? Katapesh? Around the Obari Ocean? Any other thoughts on conversion?

Grand Lodge

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There's also the unanswered question of how the Azlanti civilization influenced the native peoples of Arcadia and what races reside on the continent.

Grand Lodge

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Why do people have such a low opinion of the Maztica campaign setting in the Forgotten Realms world? It seems that it successfully synthesized Meso-American culture. Does Meso-American myth not fit well in a high fantasy setting?

Grand Lodge

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My take on the Varisian wanderers of Varisia is that they are similar to the Spanish and Portuguese Romani people or "gitanos" who speak the Caló language. I wanted to make them culturally distinct from their cousins who live in the gothic horror nation of Ustalav. This allows me to add "gitano" culture to the Varisian wanderers like Flamenco music and Sevillanas. I have the Varisian wanderer characters speak broken Common with words in the Caló language that have been appropriated in Spain as slang terms like parné for money.

As for Mexicans on Golarion? Wouldn't they be the offspring of the native Arcadians, which I presume will be the pre-Columbus Meso America culture(s), and the colonists from the Inner Sea?

Grand Lodge

I am very disappoint with "Rum Punch." Who puts a foot race dedicated to Cayden Cailean in a pirate adventure? Is this a Hayes Code pirate adventure in which the players never engage in piracy? "Plunder & Peril" replaces the actual piracy of "Raider of the Fever Sea" with yet more Island Crawls. If I purchase a pirate adventure I want swinging from the rigging, cutlass and pistol wielding pirate tropes. I want splinted hulls and collapsed rigging. Not this Island Crawl for "good" pirates.

Grand Lodge

A Chelish invasion force consisting of 48 warships could not have been assembled and outfitted in secret. The whole backstory of the bargain of Geryon with Admiral Druvalia Thrune and Ezaliah Thrune and the sun orchid elixer just lacks credibility. This is the assembly of a major military operation in a nation of informers. Her Infernal Majestrix, General Gorthoklek, the Church of Asmodeus, and fleet headquarters at Ostenso will most certainly be aware of this massive military operation. Perhaps even the Gray Corsairs of Andoran?

Why the involved exposition? The Empire of Cheliax wishes to destroy the Free Captains of the Shackles and then move on and recover her colony of Sargava. Remember that the Free Captains of the Shackles helped Sargava breakaway from the Empire of Cheliax. Isn't that enough to hate the reigning Hurricane King and the Free Captains of the Shackles?

Is seems to me that the Empire of Cheliax intends to execute every last pirate in the Shackles. Death by Gibbeting or Crucifixion seems like something that would appeal to the Empire of Devils and would serve as an example to others.

Grand Lodge

I was thinking of rewriting From Hell's Heart and set the action aboard Impervious rather than Abrogail's Fury. Have the Chelish Armada under the command of Paracountess Vorrea Talminari instead of Admiral Druvalia Thrune and have the other NPCs aboard ship.

It would seem to me that an invasion of the Shackles would be a major Celish military operation that could not be performed in secret from Her Infernal Majestrix, General Gorthoklek, the Church of Asmodeus, or senior officers of the Chelish Navy.

Grand Lodge

It makes sense to make the PCs members of the the Kyonin Guard and then bring them into the Lantern Bearers at 5th level.

Grand Lodge

I really like the idea of restricting character races to elf and half-elf for this Adventure Path. I like the idea of starting them out as Kyonin militia and then as they progress making them agents of the Shin'Rakorath (Lantern Bearers). Preferred classes for the Lantern Bearers are druid, ranger, and wizard. I would make Swallowtail an NPC "Morris the Explainer."

Grand Lodge

Iblydos might be a great location to run the updated module "Caverns of Thracia 3.5" by Judges Guild.

Grand Lodge

Perhaps Ibyldos has territory on the mainland of Casmaron where we believe the territory of the Padishah Empire of Kelesh to be?

Grand Lodge

Iblydos seems quite small if the Golarion world map is correct and to scale. Could most of the land mass of the country lie under the Obari Ocean as it too was mostly destroyed during Earthfall? Iblydos is described as an archipelago.

Grand Lodge

I was thinking that for my Jadwiga characters, I would affect a Russian accent and speak a combination of both English and Russian words as my approximation of Common. Because they are descendants of Baba Yaga, I like to imagine that the Jadwiga are Slavs who came to Irrisen. I give Jadwiga characters and NPCs Slavic names.

Grand Lodge

I don't quite understand all the hate directed at the "Iron Gods" adventure path, Numeria, and the efforts to tie-in the Pathfinder Society scenarios. These folks never loved "Expedition to the Barrier Peaks" or shown any appreciation to Paizo's loving homage to one of the greatest adventures in the history of "Dungeons & Dragons" and the RPG hobby.

Grand Lodge

Helikon wrote:

Just a tiny thing. How can you skill focus an ability. Do not get me wrong, but I have not found under the skill list... evil eye.

And do you have any idea what an spireborn elf is? I do not. Maybe they are strict pacifistic?

I got my wires crossed. It wasn't Evil Eye, but Sleight of Hand that was the Ability: Skill Focus. Sorry for my confusion.

Grand Lodge

I am starting a "Rise of the Runelords" campaign at 2nd level with a half-elf Cartomancer (Witch). My question is should I keep the standard Adaptability: Skill Focus Trait currently assigned to Sleight of Hand or should I use the alternate racial trait from "Bastards of Golarion" of "Spireborn":

"Spireborn characters may select the following racial trait
instead of standard half-elf racial traits.
Mordant Envoy: Spireborn add +1 to the caster level
of any transmutation spells they cast. Spireborn with a
Charisma score of 11 or higher also gain the following
spell-like abilities: 1/day—comprehend languages, detect
secret doors, erase, read magic. The caster level for these
effects is equal to the user’s character level. This racial
trait replaces the adaptability racial trait.
Languages: All Spireborn begin play speaking Azlanti
and Elven. These replace the default half-elf languages."


Grand Lodge

I just joined a "Rise of the Runelords" campaign at second level. To allow my character to enter the campaign seamlessly, my character is the daughter of Madame Mvashti--Koya Mvashti. Due to the character's age, I decided to make her half-elf rather than the canon human and created a new backstory for the character. Character was built with the 20 point build.

STR: 7
DEX: 16
CON: 12
INT: 18
WIS: 7
CHA: 8

Alignment: CG
Deity: Desna
Faction: Harrowed Society

Languages: Aquan, Common, Dwarven, Elven, Goblin, Shoanti, Thassilonian, Varisian

Hex: Evil Eye
Patron: Ancestors

Ability Focus (Evil Eye)
Deadly Dealer
Simple Weapons Proficiency - All
Skill Focus - Sleight of Hand

Harrow Chosen
Scholar of the Ancients


+1 Ring of Protection


Heavy Mace
Masterwork Heavy Crossbow

I would like this character to have a day job as a Harrow fortune teller and purchase a shop per "The Harrow Handbook"/"Ultimate Campaign."

Thoughts? Suggestions for Ability score optimization, spells to add to the Spell Deck? Must I take Harrowed in Feats right away? Do I need to increase Charisma ability to be a successful Harrower? Skills suggestions? The intent is to make this character a combat controller and buffer or de-buffer.

Grand Lodge

I would build Paralictor Audara Drovust based on Paralictor Valeria Asperixus in the Skull & Shackles adventure path finale From Hell's Heart. Probably no less than as a female human Fighter 6 (bastard sword specialist)/Hellknight 6, CR 11, HP 121.

Grand Lodge

James Jacobs wrote:
Ikufube's music kinda plays in my head all the time, whether or not I'm thinking about kaiju.


James Jacobs wrote:
And you'll note that King Mogaru has a "Susceptible to Song" weakness. Which would mean that if there WERE tiny signing faeries... they could in theory call Mogaru to help.

"Mosura No Uta"? ;-) I presume that Lord Varklops is a homage to King Ghidorah.

Grand Lodge

Does anyone else have Akira Ifukube's "Japanese Army March", aka "Gojira's Theme", playing in their heads thinking about kaiju?

I was hoping that at least one of the varied tales of their genesis would be told. :-) I try to be thorough in checking canon and any tidbits that the authors and creators might be willing to share. James Jacobs has made it pretty clear that kaiju don't originate from Casmaron or the Pit of Gormuz and are wholly unrelated to Rovagug and Spawn of Rovagug.

While I wait for the kaiju stories to be told in greater detail in Pathfinder products, it looks like I can take inspiration from the Japanese daikaiju genre of films. I wouldn't be surprised if there are miniature faeries, like the Elias, who sing a prayer to summon a kaiju. ;-) I wonder if I can work in an atomic bomb metaphor? ;-)

Grand Lodge

Do the Kaiju in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 4 also originate from the Pit of Gormuz like the Spawn of Rovagug? Or do the Kaiju have different origins on Golarion? I've noticed that Kaiju are larger and have a chaotic neutral alignment rather the chaotic evil alignment of the Spawn of Rovagug.

Grand Lodge

I will look into getting Nightglass. Right now, my interpretation is colored by The Hellbound Heart and Clive Barker's inspiration for the novella and later Hellraiser film. Is Zon-Kuthon, the kytons, and the Church of Zon-Kuthon only interested in inflicting actual or potential tissue damage and the resulting sensory and emotional experience? Or is it broader than that? Do kytons also feed on emotional and mental suffering--depression, frustration, grief, humiliation, and/or fear? Things that most of us would consider to be the opposite of pleasure. Could kytons binge on the fear and suffering of the wounded and dying on a battle field or feed on the guilt or post traumatic stress of the survivors? Or feed on the suffering and grief in the aftermath of a natural disaster such as a flood, earthquake, volcanic eruption or other natural disaster?

In addition to sadism and masochism, BDSM includes capital D Dominance and little s submission which fits into a Lawful Evil alignment. I presume that kytons have a big D little s hierarchy in which Zon-Kuthon dominates the Demagogues and the Demagogues dominate the next level of kytons (Eremite?) on down motrals.

Grand Lodge

Although player characters may not be familiar with The Hellbound Heart novella, the Hellraiser series of films, or images and lore of Pinhead and the engineers/cenobites, players will instantly recognize a kyton as a similar creation to an engineer/cenobite. So I am looking for ways to surprise players by using kytons in ways that they don't suspect so the adventure doesn't seem like a Hellraiser sequel. Puzzles or puzzle boxes would be recognized as, or variations of, Lemarchand boxes. A PC would never just play with a puzzle box or be seduced by the half-truths or the honeyed lies of an Ostiarius. Players are much more knowledgeable than their PCs.

Grand Lodge

Thanael wrote:

Hopefully, Wes Schneider, if he is available, the creator of kytons might give some insight into the care and feeding of kytons. :-)
Kytons predate Pathfinder...

Pathfinder kytons share similarities to Dungeons & Dragons kytons, or "chain devils", like Pathfinder goblins share similarities to Dungeons & Dragons goblins. Pathfinder kytons are more influenced by Clive Barker's engineers/cenobites and reside in the Plane of Shadow. Does Jangling Hiter "City of Chains" and the fetid bogs of Minauros exist in Pathfinder's version of Baator? Do kytons serve as the city’s constabulary?

Grand Lodge

Afer re-reading the "Zon-Kuthon" entry in Inner Sea Gods, the Church of Zon-Kuthon sounds like an extreme BDSM club.

Grand Lodge

Does the Church of Zon-Kuthon inflict misery and pain only amongst its members? Are sacrifices to Zon-Kuthon in The Joy Making or The Eternal Kiss always members of the Church of Zon-Kuthon? Or does the Church of Zon-Kuthon also resort to kidnapping and then inflicts pain and misery on these unwilling subjects?

Grand Lodge

According to Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 2, kytons are "evil fiends who feed on the fear and suffering of mortals through painful supernatural means." Has it ever been established how kytons feed on the fear and suffering of mortals through supernatural means? Do kytons only feed on their chosen prey on the Plane of Shadows? Or can, or do, kytons feed on the Prime Material plane? To feed, do kytons have to be in physical contact with their prey or do kytons use the "supernatural means" to feed on mortals from a distance? If kytons can feed from a distance, how far can their prey be? Could kytons feed on the fear and suffering of mortals in the path of wars, famines, or natural disaster(s) or feed on the sorrow of survivors from these or other tragedies on the Prime Material plane? Hopefully, Wes Schneider, if he is available, the creator of kytons might give some insight into the care and feeding of kytons. :-)

Grand Lodge

It makes more sense to make Kyuss a worshiper of Yhidothrus. That is what James Jacobs recommended:

Yhidothrus = Kyuss, right ? :)

Perhaps Kyuss could be the first Worm That Walks on Golarion? Per Demon's Heresy there are other Worm That Walks on Golarion: The Lurker of the Woods, Malkay Enrili, Rhenmari Thot, Urea Namat, and the The Wriggling Man are mentioned as Worm That Walks. In Golarion there are also variants of Worm That Walks that consist of army ants, cockroaches, wasps, and locusts.

What about including Ghlaunder "the demigod of parasites and disease" in the Ebon Triad?

Grand Lodge

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"From Hell's Heart" adventure 6 in the "Skull & Shackles" Adventure Path in the "Continuing the Campaign" section.

Grand Lodge

There is Ifestus, the Titan, slumbering under Mount Keeba in the Shackles.

Grand Lodge

Thank you for sharing, Bobson.

Grand Lodge

deathbydice wrote:

Of course that Hellboy-version is fictitious - but I like the tone, gestures and arrogance conveyed. If I would ever GM Reign of Winter ( I presumably won't), I will look to that malevolent arrogance sans humour and moderate to low tonal inflection as something to go by.

On the other hand, I find your certainty about the way the factual (historic Rasputin) acted and spoke quite surprising^^
Mike Mignola's/de Torro's depicition of him seems just as valid as your take or that of any television documentary.
And I highly distrust "play acted" documentaries which inevitably represent the "zeitgeist" at that time

I apologize for the tone of my message, deathbydice.

Grand Lodge

Did anyone create names for the ships that constituted the Chelish Armada?

Grand Lodge

Though maybe the spice in question is flavoring rather than Melange or Glitterstim. ;-)

Grand Lodge

Siberian Rifleman's March

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