DM Brainiac’s Reign of Winter
Game Master
Loot List
Current Date: 30 Arodus, 4713 AR
|HP: 194/194 | AC: 30 | F: +23+, R: +20+, W: +21 | Nature +17, Acr +18, Perc +19 [21 for init], Med +23, Ath +25, Stealth +24[26 for init] | Speed 30ft | KB +22, 3d6(+5), 60ft. | HeP: 1/1 | Active conditions:
Lvl 4!
+1 BAB
+1 Fort
+1 Str
+1 most skills
Still need to pick a Rage Power.
Male Aasimar Unchained Rogue/13| HP: 87/87 | AC: 20 T: 17, FF: 14 | F: +9*, R: +15*, W: +7* | Initiative: +12 | Perception: +18 | Darkvision
Level 4
+1 Dex
Bleeding Attack
F Aasimar Witch 13|AC: 15 T:12 FF:13 HP: 24/68|R: +8 F: +7 W:+10|Resist ACE 5|Perc:+13 Darkvision| Init +6 |Hex DC 24| Active Conditions: (Healing hex - )
Lvl 4 Witch
Hex - Misfortune
+1 Int
Spells: Levitate, Burning Gaze
|HP: 194/194 | AC: 30 | F: +23+, R: +20+, W: +21 | Nature +17, Acr +18, Perc +19 [21 for init], Med +23, Ath +25, Stealth +24[26 for init] | Speed 30ft | KB +22, 3d6(+5), 60ft. | HeP: 1/1 | Active conditions: 8c7U90GE/edit?usp=sharing
New loot list. Please check it works and then put in header oh mighty GM? :) 8c7U90GE/edit#gid=0
F Aasimar Witch 13|AC: 15 T:12 FF:13 HP: 24/68|R: +8 F: +7 W:+10|Resist ACE 5|Perc:+13 Darkvision| Init +6 |Hex DC 24| Active Conditions: (Healing hex - )
Sorry the file you requested does not exist.
|HP: 194/194 | AC: 30 | F: +23+, R: +20+, W: +21 | Nature +17, Acr +18, Perc +19 [21 for init], Med +23, Ath +25, Stealth +24[26 for init] | Speed 30ft | KB +22, 3d6(+5), 60ft. | HeP: 1/1 | Active conditions:
Lvl 5!
+1 BAB
Feat: Furious Focus
+1 most skills
That's it. Super easy level!
F Aasimar Witch 13|AC: 15 T:12 FF:13 HP: 24/68|R: +8 F: +7 W:+10|Resist ACE 5|Perc:+13 Darkvision| Init +6 |Hex DC 24| Active Conditions: (Healing hex - )
Level 5
I will update the profile later today, but the summary is:
Gain my first 3rd level spell: Dispel Magic and Fly (already updated) and Inflict Mod for when she is desperate. (FCB)
+5HP (already updated)
Feat: Maybe....Extra Hex (healing)?
Will sort out spells prepared for next day later.
+10 skill points. (will update later)
Male Aasimar Unchained Rogue/13| HP: 87/87 | AC: 20 T: 17, FF: 14 | F: +9*, R: +15*, W: +7* | Initiative: +12 | Perception: +18 | Darkvision
Rogue (unchained) 5
Rogue's Edge: Acrobatics
Sneak attack moves to 3d6
Feat: Dodge
F Aasimar Witch 13|AC: 15 T:12 FF:13 HP: 24/68|R: +8 F: +7 W:+10|Resist ACE 5|Perc:+13 Darkvision| Init +6 |Hex DC 24| Active Conditions: (Healing hex - )
Izolda has lost an AC as somehow she was wearing some Armor without proficiency. Must have kept it from a previous copy/paste char sheet.
I rebuilt her char sheet on hero lab this morning, but obviously nothing changed apart from the drop in AC!
|HP: 194/194 | AC: 30 | F: +23+, R: +20+, W: +21 | Nature +17, Acr +18, Perc +19 [21 for init], Med +23, Ath +25, Stealth +24[26 for init] | Speed 30ft | KB +22, 3d6(+5), 60ft. | HeP: 1/1 | Active conditions:
You can keep the AC, wearing armor without proficiency adds ACP to attacks and skills involving movement. Silk Armor has no ACP so its a non-issue.
Witch 6
Hex: Slumber (acts as cure mod, can do it on each of us 1/day)
New spell from patron: Haste!
Picked up burning hands too.
Skills focused on: Planes, UMD, Arcana, craft jewellery gained.
|HP: 194/194 | AC: 30 | F: +23+, R: +20+, W: +21 | Nature +17, Acr +18, Perc +19 [21 for init], Med +23, Ath +25, Stealth +24[26 for init] | Speed 30ft | KB +22, 3d6(+5), 60ft. | HeP: 1/1 | Active conditions:
Barbarian 6
+10 HP
+1 all saves
Rage Power: Spell Sunder.
Male Aasimar Unchained Rogue/13| HP: 87/87 | AC: 20 T: 17, FF: 14 | F: +9*, R: +15*, W: +7* | Initiative: +12 | Perception: +18 | Darkvision
Rogue 6
Weapon Focus (Dagger)
I also FORGOT I took Bleeding Attack last time as a talent, so I need to add that to my attack macro!
F Aasimar Witch 13|AC: 15 T:12 FF:13 HP: 24/68|R: +8 F: +7 W:+10|Resist ACE 5|Perc:+13 Darkvision| Init +6 |Hex DC 24| Active Conditions: (Healing hex - )
Gaining new spells:
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (13) + 17 = 30
DC 17
Blind/Deaf Spellcraft: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (9) + 17 = 26
Hold Person Spellcraft: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (9) + 17 = 26
DC 18
Blink Spellcraft: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (3) + 17 = 20
F Aasimar Witch 13|AC: 15 T:12 FF:13 HP: 24/68|R: +8 F: +7 W:+10|Resist ACE 5|Perc:+13 Darkvision| Init +6 |Hex DC 24| Active Conditions: (Healing hex - )
Witch 7
Lvl 4 spells learned: Cure serious and Confusion.
5HP gained
Feat: Accursed Hex
F Aasimar Witch 13|AC: 15 T:12 FF:13 HP: 24/68|R: +8 F: +7 W:+10|Resist ACE 5|Perc:+13 Darkvision| Init +6 |Hex DC 24| Active Conditions: (Healing hex - )
Witch 8
+1 Int
Hex: Ward
Spells gained: Heroism, Charm Monster, Black Tentacles
Skill points - lots but I have maxed out Arcana, spellcraft, UMD, Perception, planes
F Aasimar Witch 13|AC: 15 T:12 FF:13 HP: 24/68|R: +8 F: +7 W:+10|Resist ACE 5|Perc:+13 Darkvision| Init +6 |Hex DC 24| Active Conditions: (Healing hex - )
Witch 9.
Feat -Extra hex - fortune
Upped my main skills.
Male Aasimar Unchained Rogue/13| HP: 87/87 | AC: 20 T: 17, FF: 14 | F: +9*, R: +15*, W: +7* | Initiative: +12 | Perception: +18 | Darkvision
Improved two weapon fighting
More skills than I know what to do with.
I can talk to dragons now.
F Aasimar Witch 13|AC: 15 T:12 FF:13 HP: 24/68|R: +8 F: +7 W:+10|Resist ACE 5|Perc:+13 Darkvision| Init +6 |Hex DC 24| Active Conditions: (Healing hex - )
Malkiel the Mischievous wrote: ROGUE 9
Improved two weapon fighting
More skills than I know what to do with.
I can talk to dragons now.
No such thing
F Aasimar Witch 13|AC: 15 T:12 FF:13 HP: 24/68|R: +8 F: +7 W:+10|Resist ACE 5|Perc:+13 Darkvision| Init +6 |Hex DC 24| Active Conditions: (Healing hex - )
Izolda Witch 10
Retribution Major Hex
It gets past immunities and resistances which is good.
She gets an extra 4th and 5th.
2 free spells - baleful polymorph and reincarnate.
Lots of skills but max Kn Arcana, UMD, Survival, spellcraft and planes are most significant.
Male Aasimar Unchained Rogue/13| HP: 87/87 | AC: 20 T: 17, FF: 14 | F: +9*, R: +15*, W: +7* | Initiative: +12 | Perception: +18 | Darkvision
Rogue 10
Talent - Distracting Attack
Rogue's Edge - Escape Artist
|HP: 194/194 | AC: 30 | F: +23+, R: +20+, W: +21 | Nature +17, Acr +18, Perc +19 [21 for init], Med +23, Ath +25, Stealth +24[26 for init] | Speed 30ft | KB +22, 3d6(+5), 60ft. | HeP: 1/1 | Active conditions:
Ze loot!
Nat: 3,262, Longbow, request a Cord of Stubborn Resolve (15k)
Izzy: 22, 042, Cookbook
Mal: 12,792
Party: Wand of Lesser Restoration
F Aasimar Witch 13|AC: 15 T:12 FF:13 HP: 24/68|R: +8 F: +7 W:+10|Resist ACE 5|Perc:+13 Darkvision| Init +6 |Hex DC 24| Active Conditions: (Healing hex - )
Izolda saves all her money as she just needs a little for the rod!
Male Aasimar Unchained Rogue/13| HP: 87/87 | AC: 20 T: 17, FF: 14 | F: +9*, R: +15*, W: +7* | Initiative: +12 | Perception: +18 | Darkvision
Natalya IS a cord of stubborn resolve.
|HP: 194/194 | AC: 30 | F: +23+, R: +20+, W: +21 | Nature +17, Acr +18, Perc +19 [21 for init], Med +23, Ath +25, Stealth +24[26 for init] | Speed 30ft | KB +22, 3d6(+5), 60ft. | HeP: 1/1 | Active conditions:
F Aasimar Witch 13|AC: 15 T:12 FF:13 HP: 24/68|R: +8 F: +7 W:+10|Resist ACE 5|Perc:+13 Darkvision| Init +6 |Hex DC 24| Active Conditions: (Healing hex - )
Izolda 11 witch
Feat - split hex (i can now slumber two things at once!)
Max spellcraft, survival, planes, arcana, UMD, perception and upping some others.
6th level spells added to spellbook: Greater dispel and greater heroism.
Male Aasimar Unchained Rogue/13| HP: 87/87 | AC: 20 T: 17, FF: 14 | F: +9*, R: +15*, W: +7* | Initiative: +12 | Perception: +18 | Darkvision
Rogue 11
Feat - Rogue Talent (Petrifying Strike)
More skills!
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