[Legendary Games] Mythic March Mania Kickstarter announced!

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I'm gonna be really pissed if we don't make it to $40,000!
Not because of the hardcovers, since I don't really care about those (since I'm PDF only), but because of the huge amount of bonus material in the stretch goals.

I'm curious: why are we not allowed to sponsor feats/spells from Rite books? Not even the OGC ones? I would have thought that even if you can't get Rite involved you could use their OGC?

137ben wrote:

I'm gonna be really pissed if we don't make it to $40,000!

Not because of the hardcovers, since I don't really care about those (since I'm PDF only), but because of the huge amount of bonus material in the stretch goals.

I'm curious: why are we not allowed to sponsor feats/spells from Rite books? Not even the OGC ones? I would have thought that even if you can't get Rite involved you could use their OGC?

Personally, I wanna see this go as high as possible :) Can never have too much goodness, after all! And anything more that can come in from Deep Magic, Psionics, and Genius is extra icing on the cake.

I would wager that Rite's materials are not being included due to not having a particular agreement and/or contract with them with regards to this KS (see upthread where the Legendary Team talked in general about the launch being slightly delayed due to making certain everything was groovy with the partnesrship contracts and whatnot)

Liberty's Edge

137ben wrote:
I'm curious: why are we not allowed to sponsor feats/spells from Rite books? Not even the OGC ones? I would have thought that even if you can't get Rite involved you could use their OGC?

They of course technically could do their own version of mythic feats or spells, but a) why step on the toes of another company who might want to make their own mythic product and b) why promote a product (the one containing the original spell or feat) for a company who otherwise is uninvolved in the Kickstarter.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

A quick update today with a new podcast link, some news on HeroLab, and a little tiefling cheesecake just for good measure!

Is there an automatic process to sponsor a feat, or do sponsors just have to up their pledge and contact you separately?

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

137ben wrote:
Is there an automatic process to sponsor a feat, or do sponsors just have to up their pledge and contact you separately?

The latter. Increase your pledge and post your sponsored items in the comments and/or email them to makeyourgamelegendary@gmail.com.

I'm sure we'll also have a section in the Backer Survey at the end of the Kickstarter to detail items that you've sponsored.

Are you willing to let us in on the stretch goals necessary for the other two hardbacks? (For that matter, is it time yet to unveil some more stretches in general?)

Liberty's Edge

Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
Are you willing to let us in on the stretch goals necessary for the other two hardbacks? (For that matter, is it time yet to unveil some more stretches in general?)

Monster Manual is at 35k and the Hero's Handbook is at 40k. They have been announcing the smaller stretch goals every 5k, so we'll learn more once we hit 25k.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

One of the things I thought was fun in how we set up this Kickstarter was frequent opportunities for backers to participate. One of those ways was for them to vote on which mythic monsters they most wanted to see included in the Mythic Monster Manual we are creating. Well, with 25 days left to go, I just posted up our TOP 25 - the leading vote-getters so far in fan balloting!

All backers get to vote, from now through the end of the Kickstarter on May 5. Here are the results so far, but keep on voting; you can help push your favorites over the top! If you want to hope on the voting bandwagon, back the project, and encourage your friends to do so too! If you've already backed it, get out and vote! The current leaders:

Fairy ring (new monster) (CR 8/MR 3)
Mythic black pudding (CR 8/MR 3)
Mythic demon, balor (CR 25/MR 10)
Mythic demon, gulgerak (new monster) (CR 22/MR 9)
Mythic demon, shadow demon (CR 8/MR 3)
Mythic demon, succubus (CR 8/MR 3)
Mythic denizen of Leng (CR 10/MR 4)
Mythic dog - riding dog (CR 1/MR 1) and advanced riding dog (CR 4/MR 1)
Mythic fungus queen (CR 12/MR 5)
Mythic gelatinous cube (CR 4/MR 1)
Mythic genie, noble djinni vizier (CR 10/MR 4)
Mythic genie, noble efreeti malik (CR 12/MR 5)
Mythic genie, noble shaitan pasha (CR 16/MR 6)
Mythic gibbering mouther (CR 6/MR 2)
Mythic greater byahkee (new monster) (CR 8/MR 3)
Mythic horse - light horse (CR 2/MR 1) and advanced heavy warhorse (CR 6/MR 2)
Mythic invisible stalker (CR 9/MR 3)
Mythic myceloid (CR 5/MR 2)
Mythic nightmare (CR 6/MR 2) and nightmare cauchemar (CR 14/MR 5)
Mythic pegasus (CR 4/MR 1) and pegasus champion (CR 8/MR 3)
Mythic plasma ooze (CR 20/MR 8)
Mythic shoggoth (CR 23/MR 9)
Mythic sorcerous cube (CR 13/MR 5)
Mythic vegepygmy (CR 1/MR 1) and vegepygmy chieftain (CR 2/MR 1)
Quicksilver ooze (new monster) (CR 12/MR 5)

That's a pretty awesome list already, and I must say that I'm tickled to see a number of Legendary Games original creations on there as well! Thanks to all of our backers who have participated, and we look forward to even more of you jumping on board soon!

How about a Mythic Durdalis? :) I rather liked that fellow from Road to War...

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After the GREAT response I got to running some of the AP plug-in adventures, and just how absolutely gorgeous the Gothic Campaign Compendium I got from that Kickstarter is; I wanted to support this one. Someday I want to run a Mythic Campaign and these would be a great assett to that, but I can't get it in the budget.

So, I supported at the $5 level. I may be able to increase to get a PDF towards the end. But I hope that support for this Kickstarter goes through the roof!

RPG Superstar 2009, Contributor

Itchy wrote:
So, I supported at the $5 level. I may be able to increase to get a PDF towards the end. But I hope that support for this Kickstarter goes through the roof!

Thanks for the testimonial on the quality of the Gothic Campaign Compendium and the support for Mythic Mania, Itchy. Every little bit helps. And though the pledges slowed down a bit from the super-heated first couple of weeks, we've still got 25 days to try and get this thing where all three books can be produced as hardcovers with an even higher page-count.

What we need at this point is for everyone to help out with the marketing of the Kickstarter so it'll reach more people and help us attain those higher goals. Word of mouth among all your gaming friends is helpful. Sharing links to the Kickstarter via all your social networks online definitely helps, too. Even encouraging posts like what you've done here can go a long way toward calling attention to the effort.

At this point, we're just a little over $1200 away from hitting our first hardcover (i.e., the Mythic Spell Compendium). And then we'll just be $15K away from putting the other books into hardcover. That's our ideal goal. We've got a little over 3 weeks to do it. So, if you're following along, help us out in one (or each) of these three ways:

1) Pledge what you can. Every backer helps push us that much closer to our goal.

2) Market the opportunity to everyone you know or can reach (via messageboards, social networking, local gaming groups, etc.).

3) Advertise the quality of what we've already done and what we're all about at Legendary Games. If you already own our products and you like them, help those who don't know about us (much less the Kickstarter) better understand our committment to producing the highest quality stuff we can.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I hung up a flyer at my FLGS; it was going to go on their bulletin board, but instead the owner placed it right beside the existing PF products. After I told him that the first KS was geared towards getting things in print so that they could hit the shelves at brick-n-mortar stores, he was considerably more interested, and said he may mention something in one of the upcoming e-mail newsletters (which go out as new product comes in). Of course, he also needs to see if he get get any of the books via HIS distributor in DE, so... yeah. It may be a hit-miss situation on that end. (fwiw, we're still waiting on some Paizo products released in January.)

He'd asked if there was any Retailer level, and I told him I wasn't sure (just checked again, I didn't see one). But now that we're past the point of all products in print... is that something that could be added? Although, I'd wager that amount of shipping the Central Europe would be murderous...

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

Changing Man wrote:

I hung up a flyer at my FLGS; it was going to go on their bulletin board, but instead the owner placed it right beside the existing PF products. After I told him that the first KS was geared towards getting things in print so that they could hit the shelves at brick-n-mortar stores, he was considerably more interested, and said he may mention something in one of the upcoming e-mail newsletters (which go out as new product comes in). Of course, he also needs to see if he get get any of the books via HIS distributor in DE, so... yeah. It may be a hit-miss situation on that end. (fwiw, we're still waiting on some Paizo products released in January.)

He'd asked if there was any Retailer level, and I told him I wasn't sure (just checked again, I didn't see one). But now that we're past the point of all products in print... is that something that could be added? Although, I'd wager that amount of shipping the Central Europe would be murderous...

We'll be adding a retailer level shortly - after we kick over to $25,000. For overseas shipping, there are break-points when it comes to shipping, and a box of 8-10 books is probably only 3x as much as shipping a single book.

If your retailer would like to stock some print product, he can also contact us directly at makeyourgamelegendary@gmail.com and we can deal directly with his store and ship print product directly to him at a an appropriate wholesale discounted price.

That said, by all means have him also contact his distributor. If he's in Europe, we do have some product already with a German distributor Ulisses-Spiele, so we could possibly connect them.

It's kind of a catch-22 for indie publishers - stores have to ask distributors for the book, but stores will often only ask for what the distributors say they have. If we can move from both sides - us talking to distributors who are also hearing from stores, that would be great. If he is contacting distributors, I'd love to hear which ones so Rachel and I can make sure to follow up with them after the store has done so.

Thanks for helping spread the word!

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

NEW UPDATE - Recapping the rise to include all the spells from Ultimate Magic and looking at the lovely results of some recent Kickstarters! SHINY PICTURES!!!

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

Just $265 away from unlocking the hardback Mythic Spell Compendium and revealing the next five bonus goals! COME AND GET IT!

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games


Check out the latest update to see what's new in the land of bonus goals and new pledge rewards, including super-fancy-deluxe the MAGNIFICENT edition of the Mythic Spell Compendium!

what are mythic class features? is it things like mythic Familiars

1 person marked this as a favorite.
xavier c wrote:
what are mythic class features? is it things like mythic Familiars

Wizards get Mythic Spells - and spells are one of their class features. Mythic Class features are mythic version of standard class abilities (Armor Training, Weapon Training, Bravery etc for the fighter, for example)

I like 'em.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

Lord Mhoram has it right. Check out Bullet Points: Mythic Fighter Class Features from Rogue Genius Games to give you an idea of what you'll see in terms of mythic class abilities.

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Yeah, I was pretty much summing up the intro to that specific PDF for my last comment. Too lazy to pull up the PDF and quote it directly. :D

199 backers:O

137ben wrote:
199 backers:O

And now 200!!

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

YAY BACKERS! I'll be posting up the 200 backers surprise reward soon, but right now we're already celebrating ANOTHER bonus goal reached! Check out the latest update, but in a nutshell we just added almost 200 MORE feats, all of them from the PFRPG Advanced Race Guide, and since we're already well on our way to the NEXT bonus goal I laid out your next candidates for HERE THERE BE MONSTERS - the foul fellows of Mythic Monsters: Abyssal!

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

And here it is - the 200-backer surprise(s)!

How do you make a good thing even better? By adding even MORE great people to work on a project that's already awesome! Sean K Reynolds and Carolina Eade and interviews, OH MY!

Liberty's Edge

I wont lie my enthusiasm dulled a little bit when you announced skr. I am still very interested in the project but I am not a fan of skr's design philosophy.

Just my two cents

Jason Nelson wrote:

And here it is - the 200-backer surprise(s)!

How do you make a good thing even better? By adding even MORE great people to work on a project that's already awesome! Sean K Reynolds and Carolina Eade and interviews, OH MY!

Carolina Eade cover art might be what actually puts me over the top. Absolutely love her work, and I feel like I haven't been seeing her as often in Paizo products of late. Kudos to you on that great catch of an artist!

Edit: also, awesome to see SKR onboard. More incentive when there was already so much. But no money... resistance failing...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

If Carolina Eade's work on the cover is even half as good as the one picture she created that you're showing as an example of her work it will be worth it. When I saw that piece when it came out some time ago I immediately thought it was one of the best pieces of fantasy artwork I have seen.

I am ecstatic SKR will be doing some of the work for the Monsters, I just built up too much hype for Bill Webb doing up some mythic traps, I was kinda hoping to see his name on the list...

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

BTW, just because we love you: FREE SAMPLE TIME!!!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Terokai wrote:

I wont lie my enthusiasm dulled a little bit when you announced skr. I am still very interested in the project but I am not a fan of skr's design philosophy.

Just my two cents

He's on board only for new monsters, if I read that post correctly. That and religion fluff are the two areas where most people seem to agree on his approaches.

Outside of those areas, yeah, his addition is bound to be controversial.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

Kvantum wrote:
Terokai wrote:

I wont lie my enthusiasm dulled a little bit when you announced skr. I am still very interested in the project but I am not a fan of skr's design philosophy.

Just my two cents

He's on board only for new monsters, if I read that post correctly. That and religion fluff are the two areas where most people seem to agree on his approaches.

Outside of those areas, yeah, his addition is bound to be controversial.

Sean will be contributing some new monsters to the Mythic Monster Manual, which I hope you'll find agreeable.

Liberty's Edge

thanks for taking time to confirm that i wasnt sure if the bestiary would be his main area of focus.

That said i cant wait for us to hit 30,000 to get that sweet sweet mythic psionics!

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

Terokai wrote:

thanks for taking time to confirm that i wasnt sure if the bestiary would be his main area of focus.

That said i cant wait for us to hit 30,000 to get that sweet sweet mythic psionics!

No problem. It was actually rather an amusing irony when I asked Sean about it... me offering HIM some work instead of the other way around when he was my usual designer contact at Paizo.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games


We've just added another monstrous bonus goal, including backer voting for their four favorites from Mythic Monsters: Abyssal! Next stop, EVERY spell from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Race Guide!

Then more monsters, including mythic undead!

And then... MYTHIC PSIONICS!!!

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

Changing Man wrote:
How about a Mythic Durdalis? :) I rather liked that fellow from Road to War...

Creatures from prior products by Legendary Games (or any of the partner companies) are definitely a possibility for addition to the Mythic Monster Manual.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

137ben wrote:

I'm gonna be really pissed if we don't make it to $40,000!

Not because of the hardcovers, since I don't really care about those (since I'm PDF only), but because of the huge amount of bonus material in the stretch goals.

I'm curious: why are we not allowed to sponsor feats/spells from Rite books? Not even the OGC ones? I would have thought that even if you can't get Rite involved you could use their OGC?

In theory we could add OGC feats from anywhere, but we definitely want to start with official Paizo feats and then support for the products and content created by the partner companies.

Also, even though there's a legal right to use OGC from different companies (including, for that matter, the rules content already included in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Mythic Adventures rulebook), I generally shy away from just using existing content without permission. That's certainly a conversation we could have with the Rite folks, but there's a lot of water to cross between here and there.

TL;DR - It could happen, but I'm focusing on what's already in front of us first.

Any chance any of Kobold Press's New Paths materials getting a Mythic makeover? (I'm meaning, of course, aside from those relevant things coming in via Deep Magic. Spells are wonderful, but there's some cool class things there for the Hero's Handbook as well).

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

Changing Man wrote:
Any chance any of Kobold Press's New Paths materials getting a Mythic makeover? (I'm meaning, of course, aside from those relevant things coming in via Deep Magic. Spells are wonderful, but there's some cool class things there for the Hero's Handbook as well).

There's certainly a chance. It depends on how well things continue to progress as well as how much bandwidth Wolfgang and Co. can devote to the project. There are many MANY things that we *could* do, but a finite number of hours in the day and dollars to pay, so we will see in the end how far we can extend our reach.


I'm trying to decide between a couple different Kobold feats to mythicize,
currently I'm thinking of sponsoring one of
Barreling overrun*
Defensive Sunder
Near and Far*
Pull Blow*
Shielded Move*
Throw and Charge
*strongly considered

If I can't decide I might open it up to a forum vote:)
I should probably save those $25 for other PF stuff...well, I'll make up my mind at some point.

What happens if two monsters end up being tied for inclusion via the voting? Do they both get in, or will there be a sudden death vote?

RPG Superstar 2009, Contributor

Monkeygod wrote:
What happens if two monsters end up being tied for inclusion via the voting? Do they both get in, or will there be a sudden death vote?

Most likely, Jason will just ensure they both get included. Aside from the top-4 vote-getters, I believe he's going to be selecting 4 others from those offerings. So, if the backers voted a fifth that highly, it'll probably get a slot in the next 4 he'd select.

But that's just my two cents,

I see the list includes "Mythic cairn wight (CR 5/MR 2)".
The actual Mythic Monsters IX: Undead, however, contains "Mythic Wight (CR 4/MR 2)". Is this a mistake or is it a beefed up version of the already boosted mythic wight?

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

137ben wrote:

I see the list includes "Mythic cairn wight (CR 5/MR 2)".

The actual Mythic Monsters IX: Undead, however, contains "Mythic Wight (CR 4/MR 2)". Is this a mistake or is it a beefed up version of the already boosted mythic wight?

Yeah, I was going through the list of monsters and the CR 4/MR 2 wight from Mythic Monsters: Undead is in error. You shouldn't have a monster with CR 4/MR 2. A wight's base CR is 3, so its MR should be half of that, rounded down (i.e., 1), which you add back half to its CR (and round up, in one of the rare cases in Pathfinder), so it should have been 4/1. But, if we start with a cairn wight at CR 4, we get 2 mythic ranks for CR 5/MR 2. Besides, cairn wights are just cooler versions of regular wights, so why not?

If there are places we notice in compiling and revisiting our past products where quick edit is in order, or where we after considering the broad sweep of what we are doing we decide there's a better way to do something, that's what we'll do. This is one of those times.

Hey, nobody's perfekt! :)

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

Neil Spicer wrote:
Monkeygod wrote:
What happens if two monsters end up being tied for inclusion via the voting? Do they both get in, or will there be a sudden death vote?

Most likely, Jason will just ensure they both get included. Aside from the top-4 vote-getters, I believe he's going to be selecting 4 others from those offerings. So, if the backers voted a fifth that highly, it'll probably get a slot in the next 4 he'd select.

But that's just my two cents,

The "other four monsters" could come from the same product or from anywhere else in the codex of all possible Pathfinder monsters. It's not a situation of, say for the next HERE THERE BE MONSTERS, where you pick four of the undead and we pick four more undead from that product.

Once we see who all the voted-in monsters are, we'll select a spread of monsters to include to balance out the Mythic Monster Manual thematically and across creature type and power level, ensuring where possible that closely linked monsters remain closely linked and grouped together.

If we had a tie for slot #4, much as I love the idea of a kinjite monster death match to decide, I would probably just include both.

Hey Jason, since I haven't seen anything specifically about this in the KS, are there going to be any new mythic items, be they armor/weapon properties, rings/staves/wonderous items or even new artifacts?

I would also love for new and more legendary item powers and abilities, especially from the Legends themselves :)

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Some advice gained from the Deep Magic kickstarter: for the love of Ihys, please release the PDFs first and give us a month or two to proofread them for you before sending them to print! ^.^

$15 away from mythic undead!

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games


Dark Archive

What are the chances of the book being available in europe once it's released?
Shipping cost aside, there's also the possibility that I would have to pick up the the books at the customs office which would increase the price to about 225$ for all three books.

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