If you were a Golarion deity what would your domains be?

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And, if you're feeling talkative, why?

Mine would be Animal Community Good Knowledge Liberation.

Entropy, Strength, Love, Luck and Travel

Darkness, Fire, Knowledge, Law, Rune

Animal, Plant, Weather, Earth.

Only a demigod huh? =)

Dark Archive

Animal (grew up on a farm, have broken horses to ride, trained dogs, and even raised big cats for an animal park / zoo)
Knowledge (I'm literary. To read makes my speaking English good.)
Water (born in the sight of water, and it's there I feel my best)
Weather (Big fan of storms. I was in a tornado once! Auntie Em, Auntie Em! It's a twister!)

Four sounds about right. So, demigod, eldest, psychopomposity, whatever. :)

If I had to pick a fifth, Air, but I don't think I've had enough Air-centric stuff in my life to earn that one. I have flying dreams all the time, and my desire to hang-glide, parachute, etc. is only hampered by my paralyzing fear of heights...

Set wrote:
"...born in the sight of water, and it's there I feel my best..."

Little River Band sighting! :)

I would have no other gods before me, so ... all of them.

Knowledge: I'm a teacher.
Beer: for obvious reasons. (if there is not a beer domain in Pathfinder I will take mine from Midgard)
Freedom: I'm an American ...
Travel: I like to travel although I also like to make money so perhaps the Trade subdomain.
Imagination: I do spend a lot of time playing RPG's so ....

Dark Archive

Jaelithe wrote:
I would have no other gods before me, so ... all of them.

And yet, maybe it's smarter to have all those other gods 'before' you.

Would you really want all those chuckleheads *behind* you? Some of them look pretty shifty...

Liberty's Edge

Chaos, Evil, Good, Law

Because I enjoy breaking stereotypes hard.

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The black raven wrote:

Chaos, Evil, Good, Law

Because I enjoy breaking stereotypes hard.

"Yeah, I remember The Black Raven. He was a fun god ... 'til he exploded." :D

Liberty's Edge

Jaelithe wrote:
The black raven wrote:

Chaos, Evil, Good, Law

Because I enjoy breaking stereotypes hard.

"Yeah, I remember The Black Raven. He was a fun god ... 'til he exploded." :D

Aha. Already they are worshipping me !!!

My fame will go on for eons. Eat that, Razmir !!!

Artifice, Community, Fire, Madness, Trickery

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Knowledge and a new subdomain of Charm called Sarcasm, lol!

Silver Crusade

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Don't wanna presume on Alignment domains... Best to leave that to outside judges.

Kinda hope I'd wind up with:


If there's room for four non-alignment domains...Community or Water...torn...

Artifice, Community, Good, Knowledge, Liberation

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Animal, Knowledge, Law, maybe Travel

Fire, Darkness, Knowledge, Travel, Death

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Orthos wrote:
Only a demigod huh? =)

Didn't want to seem pretentious.

Liberty's Edge

Good (I show up as strongly NG in just about every test I take. People I know think this is accurate. Verging more towards Chaotic than Lawful, but not enough to really be CG.)

Charm (I'm very likable, at least in person, and very persuasive. So there's that.)

Knowledge (Giant geek, read a lot, have a bunch of random knowledge.)

Luck (I'm seriously the luckiest person I've ever met, to the point where a friend once decided that if Good Thing X happens they'll pay me money, just so my luck would make Good Thing X happen. It worked, I got money. I'm pagan and literally revere Lady Luck as my patron goddess for this reason among others.)

Maybe Liberation (I care a lot about personal freedom) if I was a full God. Maybe Protection, Healing, or Glory instead, though they're more the least inappropriate than most appropriate.

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Knowledge: I am an information junkie
Art: I am an artist, and I love art in its various forms from music and stoytelling to sculpture.
Dreams: I do love dreaming, and I'm a lucid dreamer
Games: I love games in their many forms as well from sports and computers to table top RPGs
And last but certainly not least Faith or Truth: which may seem like an odd choice for a goddess to believe in a greater being which created even her. But the spread of truth through faith is certainly something I would devote myself to if given such raw power.

Lets see...

Animals( always get along well with animals)

Darkness(I perfer the night to the day)

Luck ( I have always had really bad luck...with moments of really good luck)

Protection (I tend to be protective)

Trickery (I perfer to outwit people than to out fight them)

Law, Evil, Death(and Undeath), Fire, Darkness, Strength, and War.

I don't really know how many gods/demigods get, so I listed all that I'd want.

In Golarion full gods get five, demigods get four.

Who gets 6?

Ahhh. Thank you for your wisdom.

Take Darkness and Fire off.

That leaves me some kind of evil, war-loving, god.

Like an angry Gorum.

Scarab Sages

protection, war, trickery, glory, darkness
God of special forces...

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Oh I didn't assign myself an "of"

goddess of truth and symbolism

MagusJanus wrote:
Who gets 6?


Orthos wrote:
MagusJanus wrote:
Who gets 6?


Anyone with a loyal speratist cleric.


Madness (I'm not going to go into detail on this, but I'll just say "three separate mental disorders")
Artifice- (the line of work I'll be going into is repair work.)
Travel- (I've spent most of my life moving from place to place)
Law- (i usually score within one step of lawful good on alignment tests.)
Good- (see above)

Artifice, Knowledge, Luck, Magic, and Rune, with the Arcane, Fate, Imagination, Language, and Thought subdomains.

Artifice, because I appreciate what technology has done to change our lives, as well as make those lives tend to last longer. Architecture, machinery, wagons and boats, waterwheels, and so on and so forth. If I was a deity in Golarion, I would probably try to promote technology.

Knowledge, because it is valuable both in the form of academic knowledge, allowing us to utilize the knowledge our ancestors had gathered, and in the form empirical knowledge, allowing us to shape our view of the world. In general, I think it's important to pass on knowledge to future generations. Thought as a subdomain because the mental digestion of both forms of knowledge is something I view as important as well.

Luck, because the cosmos is vast, complex, and inscrutable. You can't perfectly predict what will and won't happen, so sometimes you just have to accept that what has happened has happened, that things will happen that will come out of left field. Take advantage of good luck, prepare for bad luck. Fate for pretty much the same reason. What is, is, no point in railing against an uncaring existence for being 'unfair' from your perspective. That's not the same thing as passively accepting it and not trying to change it, it means accepting what is, understanding what it is, and moving on from there. And Imagination, because imagining a different future is the first step to change, because imagination is a wonderful thing, because I love seeing the products of other people's imagination...well, some of it.

Magic, because magic is just another tool that mortals and deities can use to understand the world we live in, and to change it. A very potent tool at that, allowing mortals to overcome some of the most fundamental limitations they labor under...ie, I really wish I had a ring of sustenance. And a handy haversack. And a cloak of the hedge wizard (either conjuration, divination, evocation, or transmutation). But anyways! And arcane because I want to encourage people to seek out their own magic rather than just channel mine. Not that I'm saying I would refuse to grant my clerics spells so long as they used them in ways I approved of, but I support trying to understand and unravel magic.

Rune, because the written word is special and magical, allowing us to pass on knowledge to people we will never meet and benefit from the knowledge of people long since gone, and runes are even more special and magical, representing potent magic, language that is something more. And language because it is the life's blood of civilization, allowing us to communicate complex notions, evolving new language if need be to describe the worlds both inside and outside of our heads and have that be at least sometimes understood by others. Spoken or written, it allows us to communicate across time, across race, and in a D&D world, across species or even types of existence...sometimes. Some things are still too alien, I suppose.

Hmm, was that too talkative?

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Good, Law, Freedom, Insanity, Healing. I realize that looks kind of odd, but it's what I could see.

Nice list.

I would go with:

Plant: I like to garden. Took it up a few years ago.

Back in the day though...

Water: like the cold and water, and survived being washed away in a flood. Did not become Aquaman, damn.

Don't know that I excel at anything to really qualify in representing those realms. Guess it'd be

Complexity: Yeah, life's not simple in my eyes, and I tend to overcomplicate everything.
Acting: Aspiration! I've been told I have a lot of raw talent.
Voices: Can do half a million of them!
Jungles: Spent half my childhood in one. Had a big impact on me.
Videogames: Yeah. Totally.


Conflict, Strength, Plants, Knowledge.

I think deities with non-neutral components to their alignments automatically get the appropriate domains? In that case, assuming I at all live up to my supposed values, my domains (and subdomains) would probably end up looking something like this:

Chaos (Azata) – Because good faeries! And idealistic anarchy!
Good (Friendship) – In all honesty, friendship is probably the arena in which I most demonstrate any goodness.
Knowledge (Thought) – I’m a perpetual student hoping to turn that into a teaching gig eventually. My memory’s rubbish, but I can fret about minutiae quite easily.
Magic (Arcane) – If abracadabra was a thing, I would be so there, because it would make science that much more interesting, if the sheer wonder weren’t enough.
Madness/Trickery (Insanity/Deception) – I’m not sure which of these fits better, but I can be fairly unobtrusive, occasionally present arguments that make perfect sense to me but no one else, and generally leave confusion in my wake whether deliberately or not.

Hmm... Maybe a friendlier, more magical, but not as... umm, charming sort of Calistria?

Rage, Luck, Healing, Knowledge and Liberation.

icehawk333 wrote:
Orthos wrote:
MagusJanus wrote:
Who gets 6?


Anyone with a loyal speratist cleric.

Eh, that doesn't count. That's the cleric cheating a bit to get a domain the deity doesn't have, not the deity snagging a sixth domain ;)

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Chaos: I'm bad with authority to an unreasonable degreee.
Travel: Grew up traveling (an Army brat) so much that the idea of living all my life in one place is abhorrant.
Fire: Love heat so much my husband accuses me of being ether a reptile or hellspawn, or both.
Animal: I have a way with animals that can calm wary strays and I tend to like them more than people.
Destruction: I don't MEAN to surround myself with devistation it just... happens.


Trade, Exploration, Catastrophe, Fur, Feather

So.... Goddess of flaming nomadic rampaging griffons I guess?

Flaming rampaging griffon goddess, somehow I will add this to a new setting.

Liberty's Edge

Knowledge, Charm (Lust subdomain), Travel, Community, Madness.

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Awesome, Kickass, Winning, Verility, Awesome

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Dudemeister Lawful Neutral God of Games
Titles: Master of Games, The Arbiter of Rules, The Cool Guy
Holy Symbol: A d20
Domains: Community, Law, Knowledge, Luck, Trickery
Subdomains: Home, Inevitable, Memory, Curse, Deception

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Destruction(Rage subdomain): Sometimes, Evil makes you angry.
Good(Friendship subdomain): Your friends are who you fight for.
Law: "It's not the severity of the punishment that deters the crime, it's the certainty."
Strength(Ferocity subdomain): Goes along with Rage.
War(Tactics subdomain): You still need a plan.

So a LG deity of literally destroying evil and not letting it have a chance to get back up.

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death [undead]
healing [restoration]

Theoretically, Bad Powers, Good People would be in play..

Oh, huh, I misread the title... woops. There's no "Acting" or "Voices" domain 'x_x

Redoing that.

Travel: Oh, yes, pretty extensive
Knowledge: Yep.
Good [redemption]: Strong believer in it, though not naively so.
Darkness [night]: Favorite time of the day.
Water [ice]: Don't know why I identify with this so much. I just do.

Huh. Guess I'm nega-Sarenrae, now that I look at it... still good, though.

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Abyssal Lord wrote:



Party hard.

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DM Under The Bridge wrote:
Abyssal Lord wrote:


Party hard.

That's what I would do if I were a deity. I wouldn't get into all that angst like that Iomedae.

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Umbral Reaver
Alignment: True Neutral
Holy Symbol: The Thorn-Wreathed Eye
Domains: Artifice, Darkness, Knowledge, Madness, Void
Subdomains: Dark Tapestry, Loss, Nightmare, Stars, Thought
Portfolio: Creativity, Depression, Dreams, Literature

Umbral Reaver is an unfathomable, alien thing clad in human form. Some say she is a little-known Outer God that was somehow bound inside not only a human body, but a human mind as well. This binding gives the numinous horror the context and capacity for reason of a mortal, yet backed by an inhuman vastness that writhes within her minescule prison. She is torn between desire for release from the tortuous prison, yet at the same time fears such freedom would cost her the humanity she has come to love.

Umbral Reaver favours those that create creatures, worlds and stories, both by actual magic and with mere imagination. It is said that to her, the waking world and dreams are equally real; she traverses either with unfettered ease. After all, is she an alien god dreaming of being human or a human dreaming of being an alien god? Perhaps she is both at once.

Umbral Reaver's faithful are enemies of bigotry and spitefulness (regardless of actual alignments involved). For this reason, she doesn't get along with Erastil or Calistria.

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