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You know you're in trouble when you get to the table and ...
... you're 20 minutes into the scenario doing some investigative work, when the guy playing the clownish, over-the-top goof character says "I'm bored" in that character's piping voice.
About a minute into Farkle's side quest, one of the players turned to me and asked if I could make a spellcraft for the group. The GM said "You look around but Farkle appears to be missing." This particular player has journeyed with Farkle a few times, and his look of horror was priceless. I just grinned and went back to scribbling on my piece of paper.
The adventure called for the party to investigate several monuments at different parts of the city. The party became quite confused when they were traveling to a new part of the city and began to see odd grafitti on the walls. Upon close examination, the grafitti appeared to be several copies of a very poorly drawn arcane mark, but drawn in the style of a gang sign. The party shrugged, added it to the list of puzzle clues, and moved on.
A bit later they saw an odd flash of color moving through the crowded street. This would prove to be the first of several odd sightings. Street urchins were roaming the area dressed in jester outfits. They moved 'stealthily' through the crowds, always in a hurry to be somewhere. At this point the party had several avenues to investigate and they decided to split up a bit. Two members decided to chase one of the Jester clad street urchins after the next sighting. The pair were easily able to catch up with the child in an alley. With a fierce snarl, the young jester turned on pair and threatened them with a pair of knives. "Gimme your money!"
The two adventurers in question were a Monk who specialized in grappling (a non-lethal, less violent form of combat) and a Paladin. Both were Silver Crusade. Both were lawful good. So you can imagine the rest of the party's surprise when they finally caught up to the pair and found them looming intimidatingly over a scruffy looking boy in a clown suit. The scene became all the more bizarre as the boy began answering the group's questions inbetween attacking the heavily armored Paladin with his pair of knives.
"Who are you?" *Stab Stab* (*Clink Clink*) "I'm Joey."
"Why are you dressed up like that, Joey?" *Stab Stab* (*Whoosh Clink*) "Because I'm in a gang." *Stab* (*Whoosh*) "We're the Blade Clowns."
(By this point, the group's Chaotic Neutral Sczarni Rogue had made it to the scene. His groans of pain at the sheer unprofessionalism of the scene made a lovely counterpoint to the interrogation.)
Given that children are not in the habbit of walking the streets dressed as clowns in this particular city, the group was pretty sure that Farkle had to be involved somehow. The group tried convince Joey to take them back to his gang's home base, but he refused to break faith with his brothers and tried to run away instead. The monk easily grappled to restrain him, at which point Joey began yelling for the city watch as loudly as possible.
One poor decision and some awkward conversation later, our Paladin and Monk were being escorted into a local station "to clear this matter up" while the rest of the party stared in dumbfounded amazement. The players themselves were too busy laughing their asses off as the two moral compases for the party were arrested for kidnapping. At this point I turned to the Paladin's player and promised in my most somber voice that I would pay for half the Atonement cost. We had to break for 15 minutes so everyone could calm down. Everyone was laughing too hard.
Meanwhile, Farkle was running into problems. Finding information hadn't been so bad at first. He'd just paid the nearby street urchins and they found out all there was to find. Forming the gang hadn't been hard either. After all, if a few random street urchins could be so helpful, then a small organization of them would be even better, right? And at least this latest venture was new and interesting. He could already feel his Gnomish blood stirring. This would be good for at least a few days of activity without having to worry about the Bleaching.
Of course, forming a gang came with a few necessary tasks. He had to mark his territory, supply the gang with equipment, and find a home (dubbed "The Crypt of Fools," which is only appropriate for the Blade Clowns) but all of that had gone smoothly enough. The problem was that one his kids had gone missing. Surely, Farkle imagined, this was the cause of one of the other local gangs. Someone had heard that he was taking territory and was striking pre-emptively. Well, if the Blade Clowns were going to war, he'd need some more muscle. Luckily, Farkle new just the party of seasoned adventurers for the job...
All of which explained how Farkle and two other jester clad youths appeared just in the nick of time to talk the city watch out of arresting the party and get this adventure back on the rails. Of course, Farkle took every available opportunity after that to get various party members to join up with his gang, but we were able get the scenario done within the given time slot. We even finished 15 minutes early!
And somewhere in the city of Cassomir, young Joey sits amidst the Crypt of Fools and proudly names himself leader of his gang, the First Farkle of the Blade Clowns. Farkle even spent 2 prestige for the Contacts boon so the Blade Clowns could help him on future adventures.

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You wouldn't just ask him to tone it down in future?
** spoiler omitted **
Usually, I would. This particular action, would be the exception.
For me, this is as bad as flipping a table, throwing dice at another player, or loudly, and cruelly, verbally abusing a player.
Some things, will remove the option of a second chance.
The game would be ruined for me, no matter how they acted afterward.
I come to have fun, and when that is no longer possible, I leave.
Hopefully, the player would learn to not act that way next time.

Bathor |
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When me and my cleric are moved to another table I haven't played before because out of 20 people not including gms that showed up too play that day noone else is playing a cleric >.<
The rogue in the party instead of tumbling into flanking so he can sneak attack the troll picks up a nearby small boulder and tries to hit the troll with it missing horribly.
You have 3 clerics in the party and 2 of them are killed in boss fights when the bosses critical them.
My monk had a 7 charisma and managed to roll a 19 for a diplomacy and was aided by other party members and avoided the party being attacked by a strong evil spirit.
You're playing a cleric and he is doing more melee damage then the 2 hand wielding barbarian in the party.
people in the party trying too make untrained umd checks for wands they cant use in the first place.
A swashbuckler starting a pvp fight during an adventure with my monk over a magical item he can't gain any benefit from anyways (it was a +1 amulet of mighty fights). So he tried too stab me rolled a 4 on the die and missed terribly and I flurried with a ki point and knocked him out and the rest of the party responded by laughing hysterically.

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... your Magus is the party healer, and is the only one with any sort of healing, and that requires rolling UMD... With a +5...
There is a problem with this?
I've successfully healed more than one 7-11 scenario with my magus.
Most recently, I even saved on the wand charges and did most of the healing with the Heal skill.

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kinevon wrote:... your Magus is the party healer, and is the only one with any sort of healing, and that requires rolling UMD... With a +5...There is a problem with this?
I've successfully healed more than one 7-11 scenario with my magus.
Most recently, I even saved on the wand charges and did most of the healing with the Heal skill.
Odds are pretty good you'll get a 1 before the scenario is over and tap out the wand.
Of course if people get 2 or 3 wands going...

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Artanthos wrote:kinevon wrote:... your Magus is the party healer, and is the only one with any sort of healing, and that requires rolling UMD... With a +5...There is a problem with this?
I've successfully healed more than one 7-11 scenario with my magus.
Most recently, I even saved on the wand charges and did most of the healing with the Heal skill.
Odds are pretty good you'll get a 1 before the scenario is over and tap out the wand.
Of course if people get 2 or 3 wands going...
Why would I roll to use Infernal Healing.

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Artanthos wrote:kinevon wrote:... your Magus is the party healer, and is the only one with any sort of healing, and that requires rolling UMD... With a +5...There is a problem with this?
I've successfully healed more than one 7-11 scenario with my magus.
Most recently, I even saved on the wand charges and did most of the healing with the Heal skill.
Odds are pretty good you'll get a 1 before the scenario is over and tap out the wand.
Of course if people get 2 or 3 wands going...
This is why people need to carry wands of Infernal Healing, it's on the spell list of every arcane caster, except bard, so between Infernal Healing and Cure Light Wounds, only non-casters can't use a level 1 wand that can heal.

Snuggles: Destroyer of Worlds |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
...When you play with socially ackward people that have charisma based characters and are the ONLY ones with social skills... but always lock up in a brain freeze whenever they have to talk.
... when a guy with ZERO social awareness talks CONSTANTLY and sits right next to the GM so that every single thought in his head can be broadcasted to EVERYONE at the table, drowning out anything that the GM is saying.
... when the guy mentioned above has to use his lesbian elf to talk to a female tavern wench and gets completely tongue tied and brainlocked, FINALLY silencing him for a good 3 min. It was pathetic that he couldn't even speak to a male GM RPing a femle NPC, but the silence was GLORIOUS!!!

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Artanthos wrote:Paladins, good clerics, people that don't like being infused with demon blood...
Why would I roll to use Infernal Healing.
Don't have it prepared in any of my spell slots, and did not, at that point in time, own a wand of it, so stuck with a single wand of CLW and the only person who can use it can only use it with UMD...

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...When you play with socially ackward people that have charisma based characters and are the ONLY ones with social skills... but always lock up in a brain freeze whenever they have to talk.
Really happened: At the seven person table, the adults were playing a barbarian, a fighter, a gunslinger, a cleric, and an alchemist, none of whom I think even had ranks in Diplomacy. The bard and the sorcerer were played by middle-school-aged boys. One of whom I'm pretty sure falls somewhere on the Asperger's scale. And was playing his second or third PFS session.
(To his credit, the kid insisted on donating some of his gold to a temple that was being extorted earlier in the scenario. The GM made sure to note it on his chronicle, which I thought was cool. And we came through the scenario just fine.)

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Artanthos wrote:Paladins, good clerics, people that don't like being infused with demon blood...
Why would I roll to use Infernal Healing.
Paladins and good clerics can use cure wands.
Plus when infernal healing is the only reliable healing ability at the table, people shouldn't complain if no one can heal them without it, as they are ultimately responsible for their own healing.

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Can I pre-emptively predict tonight's fiasco? 10 gp says I'm right about this particular player giving me problems, though I'm just guessing on exactly how he'll do it.
You know you're in trouble when you get to the table, and ...
... the GM specifically reminded everyone on the game sign up web site to bring their chronicle sheets from past games so he can review them (which everyone should be doing anyway), and one of the players shows up to the table without a single piece of paper of any kind (chronicles, character sheet, etc). He'll insist that his character is on his laptop, which he may or may not have with him and/or working that night.
In this case, I'm the GM who specifically wants to review chronicles tonight to see if anyone played a previous scenario that's related to this one, and could provide a bonus boon for PCs who have. I usually don't bother with chronicle reviews. One of the players signed up at my table is infamous for this sort of thing. He really did pull "My character is on my laptop, but it won't boot up right now, so I'm just going from memory" one time when I was GMing for him. I made him play a pregen.

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BigNorseWolf wrote:EXCUSE ME! It is devil's blood! Do you think I would be caught dead pouring demon blood all over my wounds?Artanthos wrote:Paladins, good clerics, people that don't like being infused with demon blood...
Why would I roll to use Infernal Healing.
I use my own blood.

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Akasha Tezora wrote:I use my own blood.BigNorseWolf wrote:EXCUSE ME! It is devil's blood! Do you think I would be caught dead pouring demon blood all over my wounds?Artanthos wrote:Paladins, good clerics, people that don't like being infused with demon blood...
Why would I roll to use Infernal Healing.
I don't even use blood, or unholy water, people just complain that my healing makes them feel evil.

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Can I pre-emptively predict tonight's fiasco? 10 gp says I'm right about this particular player giving me problems, though I'm just guessing on exactly how he'll do it.
You know you're in trouble when you get to the table, and ...
... the GM specifically reminded everyone on the game sign up web site to bring their chronicle sheets from past games so he can review them (which everyone should be doing anyway), and one of the players shows up to the table without a single piece of paper of any kind (chronicles, character sheet, etc). He'll insist that his character is on his laptop, which he may or may not have with him and/or working that night.
In this case, I'm the GM who specifically wants to review chronicles tonight to see if anyone played a previous scenario that's related to this one, and could provide a bonus boon for PCs who have. I usually don't bother with chronicle reviews. One of the players signed up at my table is infamous for this sort of thing. He really did pull "My character is on my laptop, but it won't boot up right now, so I'm just going from memory" one time when I was GMing for him. I made him play a pregen.
I'd also be interested in seeing where his alignment changed to allow that particular class combination.

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Fromper wrote:I'd also be interested in seeing where his alignment changed to allow that particular class combination.Can I pre-emptively predict tonight's fiasco? 10 gp says I'm right about this particular player giving me problems, though I'm just guessing on exactly how he'll do it.
You know you're in trouble when you get to the table, and ...
... the GM specifically reminded everyone on the game sign up web site to bring their chronicle sheets from past games so he can review them (which everyone should be doing anyway), and one of the players shows up to the table without a single piece of paper of any kind (chronicles, character sheet, etc). He'll insist that his character is on his laptop, which he may or may not have with him and/or working that night.
In this case, I'm the GM who specifically wants to review chronicles tonight to see if anyone played a previous scenario that's related to this one, and could provide a bonus boon for PCs who have. I usually don't bother with chronicle reviews. One of the players signed up at my table is infamous for this sort of thing. He really did pull "My character is on my laptop, but it won't boot up right now, so I'm just going from memory" one time when I was GMing for him. I made him play a pregen.
I just checked the sign up page to see what you're talking about. I don't think I missed that earlier. I think he changed his character info since the last time I looked. Forget the barbarian/monk combo - His character was an elf before, and now he's got it listed as a gnome. I've actually played with him with that PC before, so I know it was an elven barbarian back around level 1 or 2, and I'm pretty sure that's how it was listed when I looked at the signups yesterday.

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redward wrote:Fromper wrote:I'd also be interested in seeing where his alignment changed to allow that particular class combination.Can I pre-emptively predict tonight's fiasco? 10 gp says I'm right about this particular player giving me problems, though I'm just guessing on exactly how he'll do it.
You know you're in trouble when you get to the table, and ...
... the GM specifically reminded everyone on the game sign up web site to bring their chronicle sheets from past games so he can review them (which everyone should be doing anyway), and one of the players shows up to the table without a single piece of paper of any kind (chronicles, character sheet, etc). He'll insist that his character is on his laptop, which he may or may not have with him and/or working that night.
In this case, I'm the GM who specifically wants to review chronicles tonight to see if anyone played a previous scenario that's related to this one, and could provide a bonus boon for PCs who have. I usually don't bother with chronicle reviews. One of the players signed up at my table is infamous for this sort of thing. He really did pull "My character is on my laptop, but it won't boot up right now, so I'm just going from memory" one time when I was GMing for him. I made him play a pregen.
I just checked the sign up page to see what you're talking about. I don't think I missed that earlier. I think he changed his character info since the last time I looked. Forget the barbarian/monk combo - His character was an elf before, and now he's got it listed as a gnome. I've actually played with him with that PC before, so I know it was an elven barbarian back around level 1 or 2, and I'm pretty sure that's how it was listed when I looked at the signups yesterday.
Maybe he has a doppelganger boon?

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BigNorseWolf wrote:EXCUSE ME! It is devil's blood! Do you think I would be caught dead pouring demon blood all over my wounds?Artanthos wrote:Paladins, good clerics, people that don't like being infused with demon blood...
Why would I roll to use Infernal Healing.
Most sorcerers have Eschew Materials so they don't use devil's blood in their casting

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I know it was an elven barbarian back around level 1 or 2, and I'm pretty sure that's how it was listed when I looked at the signups yesterday.
In fairness, if it was back at level 1 then changing race is legal.
Although that does sound unlikely its at least POSSIBLE he hasn't broken the rules :-)

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Fromper wrote:I know it was an elven barbarian back around level 1 or 2, and I'm pretty sure that's how it was listed when I looked at the signups yesterday.
In fairness, if it was back at level 1 then changing race is legal.
Although that does sound unlikely its at least POSSIBLE he hasn't broken the rules :-)
Yes, anyone who doesn't know this guy might think it's possible he just kept forgetting to change his character information on our signup web site for roughly a year while legally leveling the character all the way to level 7 (and not forgetting to change his level information on the same web site). And I'm just returning to this group in the last few weeks after not having played there in over 6 months, so it's possible he actually learned the rules of the game and stopped inventing characters on the fly in that time. But I highly doubt it.

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pauljathome wrote:Fromper wrote:I know it was an elven barbarian back around level 1 or 2, and I'm pretty sure that's how it was listed when I looked at the signups yesterday.
In fairness, if it was back at level 1 then changing race is legal.
Although that does sound unlikely its at least POSSIBLE he hasn't broken the rules :-)
Yes, anyone who doesn't know this guy might think it's possible he just kept forgetting to change his character information on our signup web site for roughly a year while legally leveling the character all the way to level 7 (and not forgetting to change his level information on the same web site). And I'm just returning to this group in the last few weeks after not having played there in over 6 months, so it's possibly he actually learned the rules of the game and stopped inventing characters on the fly in that time. But I highly doubt it.
You may want to bring some pregens with you.

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Fromper wrote:You may want to bring some pregens with you.pauljathome wrote:Fromper wrote:I know it was an elven barbarian back around level 1 or 2, and I'm pretty sure that's how it was listed when I looked at the signups yesterday.
In fairness, if it was back at level 1 then changing race is legal.
Although that does sound unlikely its at least POSSIBLE he hasn't broken the rules :-)
Yes, anyone who doesn't know this guy might think it's possible he just kept forgetting to change his character information on our signup web site for roughly a year while legally leveling the character all the way to level 7 (and not forgetting to change his level information on the same web site). And I'm just returning to this group in the last few weeks after not having played there in over 6 months, so it's possibly he actually learned the rules of the game and stopped inventing characters on the fly in that time. But I highly doubt it.
Do we have level 7 pregens in the folder at the store? I don't think I have any of those printed out, and I may not have time to print them.

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redward wrote:Do we have level 7 pregens in the folder at the store? I don't think I have any of those printed out, and I may not have time to print them.Fromper wrote:You may want to bring some pregens with you.pauljathome wrote:Fromper wrote:I know it was an elven barbarian back around level 1 or 2, and I'm pretty sure that's how it was listed when I looked at the signups yesterday.
In fairness, if it was back at level 1 then changing race is legal.
Although that does sound unlikely its at least POSSIBLE he hasn't broken the rules :-)
Yes, anyone who doesn't know this guy might think it's possible he just kept forgetting to change his character information on our signup web site for roughly a year while legally leveling the character all the way to level 7 (and not forgetting to change his level information on the same web site). And I'm just returning to this group in the last few weeks after not having played there in over 6 months, so it's possibly he actually learned the rules of the game and stopped inventing characters on the fly in that time. But I highly doubt it.
They should be there in the PFS folders, yep.

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Can I pre-emptively predict tonight's fiasco? 10 gp says I'm right about this particular player giving me problems, though I'm just guessing on exactly how he'll do it.
So color me shocked. Too bad nobody took me up on the 10 gp bet - they would have won.
This guy actually brought all his chronicles with him for this character. And from what I could tell without a full audit, the character seems legal, though knowing this guy, I'm sure he made some bookkeeping mistakes somewhere. That said, I've been away from the group for a while, and he really does seem to have improved quite a bit.

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...and the cleric of Cayden Cailean joined AA and lost the ability to cast any spells, at least until he walks into the tavern and orders a nice frothy mug of atonement. And I am convinced now that Atonement needs to be the name of some sort of booze that clerics of Cayden Cailean drink.
Also, no this didn't really happen, I was just thinking what if.

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You know you're in trouble when you get to the table and ...
... you're playing a murder mystery, nobody in the group has Sense Motive trained, and the best Perception is +5.
After last night, I wish that one was hypothetical. Also, the "wisdom dump brigade" didn't do so well on the Survival check to look for tracks at the scene of the crime. I was playing my skill monkey bard who had +7 or better on something like 15 different skills, but Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival aren't among them. And I rolled a natural 2 on the most important knowledge check of the session, so even bardic knowledge couldn't salvage that one.

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Brom the Obnoxiously Awesome wrote:Would you be okay with it for 3 Scooby Snacks?When you get into a dungeon, are faced with a fork in the road and you jokingly say: "Let's just split up."
And everyone thinks it's a great idea.
Uh-Huh! Ya, Ya! Brom love Scooby Snacks!
Lol. Laughing so hard.
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You know you're in trouble when you get to the table and ...
... there are 8 players signed up for your table, plus 2 unscheduled walk ins.
It happened last night at our low level table. Luckily, there were two other tables scheduled for higher level adventures, so we sent a couple of the newbies to PFS who had other D&D/Pathfinder experience to the higher level tables with level 4 and 7 pregens, and played with 7 at our table.
It just made mustering very difficult, since we thought some of the 8 signups wouldn't show, but they kept walking in late, just at the exact moment we were about to start with the people we had. Not ultra-late, so no justification to tell them they're too late and send them away, but late enough that we thought we had everyone sorted out, then someone else gets added to the mix.

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2 people marked this as a favorite. |

You know you're in trouble when you get to the table and ...
... there are 8 players signed up for your table, plus 2 unscheduled walk ins.
It happened last night at our low level table. Luckily, there were two other tables scheduled for higher level adventures, so we sent a couple of the newbies to PFS who had other D&D/Pathfinder experience to the higher level tables with level 4 and 7 pregens, and played with 7 at our table.
It just made mustering very difficult, since we thought some of the 8 signups wouldn't show, but they kept walking in late, just at the exact moment we were about to start with the people we had. Not ultra-late, so no justification to tell them they're too late and send them away, but late enough that we thought we had everyone sorted out, then someone else gets added to the mix.
Issues like this are solved by a spiked portcullis.

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Fromper wrote:Issues like this are solved by a spiked portcullis.You know you're in trouble when you get to the table and ...
... there are 8 players signed up for your table, plus 2 unscheduled walk ins.
It happened last night at our low level table. Luckily, there were two other tables scheduled for higher level adventures, so we sent a couple of the newbies to PFS who had other D&D/Pathfinder experience to the higher level tables with level 4 and 7 pregens, and played with 7 at our table.
It just made mustering very difficult, since we thought some of the 8 signups wouldn't show, but they kept walking in late, just at the exact moment we were about to start with the people we had. Not ultra-late, so no justification to tell them they're too late and send them away, but late enough that we thought we had everyone sorted out, then someone else gets added to the mix.
Ironically, this store does have something like that. Ok, no spikes, but they have a gate blocking the entrance to the stairs down to the basement. They're currently redoing the store, and I've heard we may be moving our sessions down to that basement once they're done.

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You know you're in trouble when you get to the table and ...
... there are 8 players signed up for your table, plus 2 unscheduled walk ins.
It happened last night at our low level table. Luckily, there were two other tables scheduled for higher level adventures, so we sent a couple of the newbies to PFS who had other D&D/Pathfinder experience to the higher level tables with level 4 and 7 pregens, and played with 7 at our table.
It just made mustering very difficult, since we thought some of the 8 signups wouldn't show, but they kept walking in late, just at the exact moment we were about to start with the people we had. Not ultra-late, so no justification to tell them they're too late and send them away, but late enough that we thought we had everyone sorted out, then someone else gets added to the mix.
I like this problem.