Hawkmoon269 |
Yes. All characters are intended to be playable in the other Adventure Paths. Though how well may be questionable (i.e. there is a Gunslinger in Skull and Shackles. There are no guns in Rise of the Runelords. She might not play well, but she could still be played.)
http://paizo.com/paizo/blog/v5748dyo5lfjc&page=2?Shiver-Me-Timbers-A-Ne w-Pathfinder-Adventure#86
Vic Wertz Chief Technical Officer |
Monsters, barriers, and boons other than loot could easily be used with either set. (You could *use* loot with either set, but technically, you'd never be given the opportunity to *earn* it outside of its original set. Same thing with villains, henchmen, and locations—mechanically, they would work, but they'd never actually be called for by a scenario.)
KingNate |
Monsters, barriers, and boons other than loot could easily be used with either set. (You could *use* loot with either set, but technically, you'd never be given the opportunity to *earn* it outside of its original set. Same thing with villains, henchmen, and locations—mechanically, they would work, but they'd never actually be called for by a scenario.)
Which is good news for those who like to create our own scenarios and adventures.
Silverhelm |
http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2qddl&page=2?Next-Adventure-Path-is-Skull-a nd-Shackles#53
Ahh nice Ty
The_Napier |
(I don't *think* this has been asked/answered before, but apologies if it has)
When starting characters from outside the AP they came in, can they start with a deck of cards from their 'home' AP, if that makes sense? Cards which would subsequently be returned the the box they came from if/when they get banished or discarded in the post-scenario?
To me, a gunslinger rocking up in Sandpoint would do so with his pistol rather than a light crossbow, even though he's probably going to end up discarding it for a deathbane bow or something after not very long...
(Actually, the same question applies to pre-existing characters moving between sets - at appropriate levels, obviously. For example, if someone wanted to come into a game at the start of S&S A3, could they use a RotR character that had finished A2 in that set and port it over, deck and all?)
Hawkmoon269 |
There isn't much "official" guidance on moving characters from one Adventure Path to another. But I think both of the things you are talking about would be more House Rules than officially playing the Adventure Path you are in. I think when you play an adventure path, all the boons and banes are intended to come from that adventure path.
But, I don't think swapping a few Guns for some other weapons would break RotR or anything. So if you want to be the gunslinger and you want guns to exist for her, go ahead and mix some in.
Orbis Orboros |
There isn't much "official" guidance on moving characters from one Adventure Path to another. But I think both of the things you are talking about would be more House Rules than officially playing the Adventure Path you are in. I think when you play an adventure path, all the boons and banes are intended to come from that adventure path.
But, I don't think swapping a few Guns for some other weapons would break RotR or anything. So if you want to be the gunslinger and you want guns to exist for her, go ahead and mix some in.
What he said. I'd go further and say that you could add every gun from S&S and have things be fine, as long as you added them during the appropriate times (match up the adventure decks).
The_Napier |
Oh no, I'm afraid you're missing my point entirely - the only cards I'm talking about porting would be ones in the starting deck, either at the beginning of the whole AP or whenever a character begins. 'Starting equipment', as it were. From that point onwards, all cards encountered should be appropriate for that setting.
Orbis Orboros |
Oh no, I'm afraid you're missing my point entirely - the only cards I'm talking about porting would be ones in the starting deck, either at the beginning of the whole AP or whenever a character begins. 'Starting equipment', as it were. From that point onwards, all cards encountered should be appropriate for that setting.
I get that, I think you may be missing our points. I'll elaborate.
To the best of our knowledge, there is no set rule for porting things over; the game is designed to allow it in a balanced fashion, but it's not in the rules. Therefore, one can port over any number of cards from one set to the other, as is desired by the players. You could take nothing, and design your own starting deck. You could take the starting deck from one set and use it until you replace it's cards with cards from the other set. Or you could take any number of cards from one set to the other, and still not hurt the game as long as you only introduce cards during the appropriate adventure paths.
Hawkmoon269 |
Exactly. Given that the second adventure path is still waiting to be released, I don't think anyone has really thouroghly tested the idea of mixing boons and banes from one AP into another AP. The characters themselves, maybe. But Paizo has tried to take the approach to make them generally compatible. But is is a general thing. There are bound to be cards in Rise of the Runelords that haven't been tested with cards in Skulls & Shackles that might make for some interesting results.
But in general, treat cards like the adventure deck # is a level and you should be pretty good mixing and matching. So if you want to start with some "Basic" guns from S&S when you bring a Gunslinger into RotR, go right ahead.
The_Napier |
Thanks, I can live with 'no set rule'.
I think, for me - and I imagine it's what I'll stick to when S&S comes out, unless there is some set rule outlined in it - that 'gunslinger turns up in Sandpoint carrying a couple of guns' *is* logical, while 'gunslinger continues to find guns scattered liberally throughout the various locations of RotR' is not (obviously that makes the gunslinger almost entirely impractical in RotR, but it's just a good illustrative example. Plus I'm going for thematic over practical anyway...)
Cheers then
Orbis Orboros |
Thanks, I can live with 'no set rule'.
I think, for me - and I imagine it's what I'll stick to when S&S comes out, unless there is some set rule outlined in it - that 'gunslinger turns up in Sandpoint carrying a couple of guns' *is* logical, while 'gunslinger continues to find guns scattered liberally throughout the various locations of RotR' is not (obviously that makes the gunslinger almost entirely impractical in RotR, but it's just a good illustrative example. Plus I'm going for thematic over practical anyway...)
Cheers then
If you're going for thematical, guns could plausibly be found in certain locations, such as the general store.
You could also make a loot rule of some kind.
Nefrubyr |
Will there be a symbol or icon showing which set the cards come from for quicker clean up? Incase we do mix them a bit.
It's funny, the things you stop noticing after a while. Until I followed Calthaer's link I'd forgotten that every card so far has had "Rise of the Runelords" written right across the top of it!
Mike Selinker Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer |
The goal is to make all cards compatible with all other sets, and (at the outset) to allow free mixing with the "buyer beware" caveat. That is, your Gunslinger would normally get no other Firearms in Runelords, because Runelords doesn't have any Firearms, unless you just dump the two sets together. If you do that, you may dilute what makes each set special, and maybe cause some strange power-balance consequences, but it should work.
We have theorized a rule which says that you can't play a card with an adventure deck number higher than the one you are playing. That is, if you have played Runelords all the way through and have no card in your deck with an adventure deck number lower than 5, you are limited on which cards you can play in S&S's adventure 1. But I haven't come up with how to make that work, or even if it's desirable. We might fall back on the social contract here: Play a game that you think will be fun, and don't complain to us when you play one that you know won't be.
motrax |
One thing I can't wait for is to see if there is a similar card to Holy Candle in S&S. To me, Holy Candle is perhaps one of the most powerful unique items in the game.
If there is, I would think that the ability to acquire both of these items (if there is one) in one party would be really powerful. Not necessarily game-breaking, but really powerful.
Of course, the chances of acquiring both items in a item deck that is twice as thick help mitigate that power... if it happens it happens!
Mike Selinker Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer |
Orbis Orboros |
We have talked about making a list of "Cards we might not want to repeat." Holy Candle sometimes gets brought up in that conversation.
I would like it if, at some point, you guys posted a list of cards that should never be in quantities larger than X.
This could, for one, allow for official combining rules for multiple sets, but still allow things like multiple candles without breaking the game.
It would also be helpful for nuts like me who buy two of every set/expansion so that they can play some adventures with extra copies of different things.
(For those who are curious about this idea, I mark the cards from the second set so that they can be seperated for regular games. I also use this to increase the difficulty by weeding out the pathetic banes and adding more of the tough and annoying banes)
The_Napier |
The goal is to make all cards compatible with all other sets, and (at the outset) to allow free mixing with the "buyer beware" caveat. That is, your Gunslinger would normally get no other Firearms in Runelords, because Runelords doesn't have any Firearms, unless you just dump the two sets together. If you do that, you may dilute what makes each set special, and maybe cause some strange power-balance consequences, but it should work.
Thanks for that Mike. I'm starting to appreciate that the Gunslinger was a really bad example for this!
I just knew that we'd already established characters could be used outside the AP they came with, but I didn't know whether the cards they had in their deck had to be from the AP one was playing at the time. I wouldn't want to mix in any sets - as you say, it would 'dilute what makes each set special' - but, in my head, the equipment a character brings into an adventure would derive from from where they do
The_Napier |
We have theorized a rule which says that you can't play a card with an adventure deck number higher than the one you are playing. That is, if you have played Runelords all the way through and have no card in your deck with an adventure deck number lower than 5, you are limited on which cards you can play in S&S's adventure 1. But I haven't come up with how to make that work, or even if it's desirable. We might fall back on the social contract here: Play a game that you think will be fun, and don't complain to us when you play one that you know won't be.
...and I wouldn't really want to bring over an existing character (as compared to a new one) that wasn't at the same level as the adventure they were coming into. So, for me, no character that has completed RotR is going anywhere near a game of S&S 1, but I'd be happy for a character that has completed, say, RotR 4 to join a campaign that reached S&S 5 and bring his/her deck with him/her
Orbis Orboros |
Mike Selinker wrote:We have theorized a rule which says that you can't play a card with an adventure deck number higher than the one you are playing. That is, if you have played Runelords all the way through and have no card in your deck with an adventure deck number lower than 5, you are limited on which cards you can play in S&S's adventure 1. But I haven't come up with how to make that work, or even if it's desirable. We might fall back on the social contract here: Play a game that you think will be fun, and don't complain to us when you play one that you know won't be....and I wouldn't really want to bring over an existing character (as compared to a new one) that wasn't at the same level as the adventure they were coming into.
This seemed common sense to me once we learned that S&S was a different campaign, so to speak, rather than a sequel to RotR. It never occurred to me that people would want to port over already levelled characters...
Mike Selinker Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer |
I would like it if, at some point, you guys posted a list of cards that should never be in quantities larger than X.
Seems unlikely that we would ever tell you restrictions on your deck list, but stranger things have happened. Anyway, we know from reading these boards and others which cards are getting the concerns, so a simple solution is to not make any more of them.
That said, if you dump six copies of Runelords together and mine them for six Holy Candles, I will not be ruling on the results.
Orbis Orboros |
I don't see what your fuss is. 95% of the time you don't care what it is, you're exploring into it, so one (out of what, every 10 explores?) being able to be auto evaded and put back on top (basically that's what she does) is not that great, to me. I mean, granted, it's better than just straight up exploring, but still.
And if you're just using her to scout and recharge every time so she comes back up, an Eagle is better, I think.
Personally, I'd have to say Poog is the best ally in the game.
Mechalibur |
I don't see what your fuss is. 95% of the time you don't care what it is, you're exploring into it, so one (out of what, every 10 explores?) being able to be auto evaded and put back on top (basically that's what she does) is not that great, to me. I mean, granted, it's better than just straight up exploring, but still.
And if you're just using her to scout and recharge every time so she comes back up, an Eagle is better, I think.
Personally, I'd have to say Poog is the best ally in the game.
A bit off topic, but well over half the time I use Shalelu, I recharge her rather than use to explore after seeing what it is. I play with a small group, and time is almost never a concern, so I generally go with the approach that doesn't discard her.
Orbis Orboros |
A bit off topic, but well over half the time I use Shalelu, I recharge her rather than use to explore after seeing what it is. I play with a small group, and time is almost never a concern, so I generally go with the approach that doesn't discard her.
Then wouldn't an eagle be better?
Mike Selinker Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer |
Mechalibur |
Mechalibur wrote:Then wouldn't an eagle be better?
A bit off topic, but well over half the time I use Shalelu, I recharge her rather than use to explore after seeing what it is. I play with a small group, and time is almost never a concern, so I generally go with the approach that doesn't discard her.
I dunno, I have yet to encounter one.
KidDangerous |
KidDangerous wrote:Sandara and Tessa will more than make up for ShaleluAgain, please don't discuss cards from the playtest.
Oh I'm not in the playtest, I have no idea what the mechanical effects of these cards might be.
I was referring to the characters themselves in the S&S AP being (IMO) cooler than Shalelu.
Mike Selinker Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer |
Orbis Orboros |
as a quick aside, Ameiko is my favorite Rise of the Runelords rpg character, but I never take her in the card game (it makes me kinda sad, really). Her abilities are decent, but I tend not to like banish abilities on allies, especially if then can't explore.
Maybe they'll release a different version of her, like they are with Lini and Valeros.
:DKidDangerous |
When Aldern Foxglove showed up in 'Local Heroes' I knew I had to grab him as it followed the AP story perfectly. I held on to him for the entire of Burnt Offerings, knowing something important would happen when I got to Skinsaw Murders. I never used the card once but it was worth it when those Haunts came up!
Fenris235 |
In the meantime, has anyone created a "custom" hero? If so, did you just tweak an existing character, or did you build one from scratch with custom powers?
I suppose I could have made a new thread, but meh. :)
Just look in the Homebrew and House Rules section, there are quite a lot custom made heros.