Who else uses the favored class bonus exclusively for extra skill points?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Silver Crusade

All the time, every time, no exceptions?

Can't recall ever using it for extra hp at any point...

Dark Archive

The exception for me is for some racial favored class bonuses, other than that it is all skill points.

My players and I tend to choose skill points all the time - with an exception for wizards, rogues, and druids which sometimes actually take the HP instead.

Depends on the build. Of my 6 characters in play, 2 of them take skill points every level. A ninja and a skill starved summoner. 2 others take HP every level, while the last 2 mix. I didn't mean for them to be symmetrical in that respect. It just depends on what the build's priorities are.

Sovereign Court

Bards and Rogues I actually dont they have enough skill points.

Me. I think I would use it even with a rogue. Currently I have ranger/inquisitor and int 15, a still use my inq's favored bonus for skill pts.

I would have to go do a survey of my characters to be sure, and I'm far too lazy to do that, so I'll have to just guess and say that since I started playing Pathfinder, I've been about 50/50 on skill vs hit points, and it boils down to the personality and backstory of the character I created.

Of my active characters I'd say that my druid has put all of hers into hit points, my bard has put half of his into skill and half into hit points and my witch has put all his into skill points.

Grand Lodge

Most of the time? Its skill points.

I enjoy being able to DO things and KNOW things, as opposed to 'Nup... don't know nuffin' 'bout that'

Sovereign Court

Really? Most of the people I play with go the complete opposite and always take extra hit points when not taking a racial bonus.

Scarab Sages

Usually skill points. Occasionally racial favoured class bonus. Never, ever hit points.

It's not optimal, but I do the skill points. It's purely for flavor. Heck, my diviner is keeping Linguistics maxed just for really knowing the languages. Does he need it? Not at all, since he can easily cast a spell. But I like the flavor of knowing things.

I mean, I like putting a rank in a few craft skills and some miscellaneous stuff just because. But my cursed DM is resistant to me taking Craft(Cooking)! The outrage!

Kind of sucks when the game makes you choose between flavor and effectiveness like that. Oh well.

Almost always the racial favored class options

I chaned.

Originally I always went extra hp. But then I started playing PFS, buck when each scenario had cool faction missions. From there I kept taking skill points over hp.

More skill point means my characters can actually do more :)

Shadow Lodge

Every single time I take the skill points. Class does not matter; I can't ever have enough skill points! Even on my sickly mage with a Con score of 8 I took the skill point.

Pretty much skill points every time except for my human barbarian and human sorcerer.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Skill points, unles I can get extra spells.

Mix of hp, skill points and racial bonus, depending upon race and class combination.

If I'm playing a human inquisitor I use it for spells, but otherwise, yeah, skill points. Even my ninja!

All depends on the character I'm building. Quite often I take alternate favored class though. Some of those are great. Like Half Orc Inquisitor.

Dark Archive

I'm about 90% hit points and about 10% racial bonuses. Who ever heard of wanting more skill points? You can't use them to hit or be hit harder.

Right here. All the time, every time.


Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Mikaze wrote:

All the time, every time, no exceptions?

Can't recall ever using it for extra hp at any point...

The first three levels always go to HP's for those characters of mine who are designated as front line, Paladin, Fighter, Magus, Rogue, (he's got tons of skill points anyway)

So will the first level of wizard and sorcerer.

The later levels tend to go towards skills.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Hm, I almost always spend it on HP. Because I am a pansy. ;)


Depends. If I like the racial option, I choose it. But I'll always pick skill points over hit points. In my experience, it's much harder to get skill points than Hit Points.

I've unilaterally always chosen the extra skillpoints. Every character, every level.

90 percent of the time skill points... exception being extra known spell for spontaneous caster... I even take orisin/cantrip over skill points there.

Depends on what I'm trying to do but I'd say 65% of the time HP 20% an alternative option and 15% of the time Skill points. Usually if I'm going to take skill points it's for one of two reasons either I'm level one and want to have fluff options or I'm a 2 skills per level class that doesn't depend on int and I want to have something to do. Or the outlier I'm a multiclassing half elf and just wanted to fill in skill ranks.

Almost always HP for me. But then I usually play classes with decent skill points to begin with, or good int.

I don't usually mix with a single character just so I don't have to keep track. Enough of that already.

Dark Archive

Looking at my 3 PFS characters:

Fighter/Monk (Favored class fighter) 2 times +1 to CMD for grapple/trip (mostly to make grapple harder to escape early levels), 3 for hp

Paladin/Wizard/Eldritch Knight: hit point (but only got 1 level of favored class bonus)

Bard (Aasimar): 2 times hit points, rest (until 12) will be favored class bonus (+1/2 bardic performance: Naturalist).

So I'd say overall my order is 75% "other", 25% hp. But all of my characters have 6-8 skill points/level, which is more than most get (I do enjoy skill points conceptually; though mechanically they tend to not be as good as we want).

I almost ALWAYS get HP, unless theres a skill falling behind, or a class skill i have yet to train.

I live by the adage, work smarter not harder, so I always take the skill points.

Hit points are boring.

so is the grave

Roberta Yang wrote:
Hit points are boring.

Agreed. It's a rare situation that, at 9th level, I would be dead if not for 9 extra HP. But 9 extra skill points can enable me to do a LOT of cool stuff.

Democratus wrote:
Roberta Yang wrote:
Hit points are boring.
Agreed. It's a rare situation that, at 9th level, I would be dead if not for 9 extra HP. But 9 extra skill points can enable me to do a LOT of cool stuff.

I've had plenty of circumstances where by 9th level I would be unconscious but for X=levels hit points. If we assume that I am a useful member in combat(which I really should be) then me being unconscious could easily result in a TPK or some other significant problem.

It is relatively rare that a situation arises where having one more skill maxed for my level would make the difference between life and death for my character or more importantly the rest of the party.

Now this is said with the assumption that I am playing a 4+ skills/level class and haven't dumped Int and have at least one skill heavy character in the party like a bard, Rogue, Wizard etc who can cover some of the other important skills for me.

But just because I think HP is the better choice in general doesn't make it any more fun which is why I can see people picking skills.

I am somewhat intrigued by the folks who say they ALWAYS take skill points.

To me it's always a role play choice. What sort of character am I playing, and what sort of skills would that character have picked up, or be interested in?

There are a few really important skills in the game. Perception. UMD. Spellcraft. Knowledge: Something.

Other than that (and even those, to a point) skills begin to become overshadowed by spells at a pretty low level. Equipment also makes up for a lot.

I am infamous in our group for being the skill-monkey even when I'm NOT the skill-monkey, so I tend to invest in very useful skills. But I've never really found the extra skill point per level afforded by the favored class bonus to be a big deal for the majority of my characters. I can think of several characters I've played over the years, primarily full casters, who would snicker at the need for skills when they can just wiggle their fingers and be assured of success on most things a skill check could fail on.

I'm rolling a witch for book 4 of RotRL. Having seen 100+ damage crit attacks, I'm going all HP for this build and I still feel squishy with 76 HP.

I am really surprise to see the responses. I am an "always hit point" guy and I just assumed everyone else thinks the same.

Interesting. Not at all what I expected.

Depends on class & level. IMC the sorcerer with 9 Int takes skill points and the rogue with 12 Con takes hp. Otherwise it's typically hp at very low levels where a couple of hp can save your life, and skills thereafter because healing is cheap.

Grand Lodge

Most of my characters go with the HP for survivability, but then the games I'm playing are PFS and Slumbering Tsar.

I'll tell you my darkest secret: not only I never even considered assigning those points to something different than skills, but when I did my personal errata-revisions for Bestiaries 1, 2 and 3 (most of which you can see in the related threads), whenever I found a creature with class levels who assigned the favorite class bonus to HP, I ripped off that page of the book and burned it over a pentagram.

Mikaze wrote:

All the time, every time, no exceptions?

Can't recall ever using it for extra hp at any point...

I can't recall not using it for hit points. Except on human sorcerers.

Shadow Lodge

Class isn't really being mentioned much.

If it's a 2+int class, skill points are likely going to be better. If you're a player who likes playing those classes all the time, you'll fit into this category.

Very subjective.

*Puffs in*

Always skills. I like being able to do something outside combat

*Puffs out*

Grand Lodge

If I'm running a rogue or bard, I'll usually add HP. If I'm running a fighter or barbarian, I'll usually add SP. If there is something really nifty like kitsune adding half level to Bluff and Gather Information checks, I might go with that. I don't really have any exclusive choices.

I don't think I've ever taken hp or skills. I use racial all the way.

We just pretend the racial options don't exist.

My fighters and paladins always use either skill points or racial bonuses. My fighter can take toughness for more HP, and the paladin has lay on hands. The one rogue I played used it for skills, but that was because there was a barbarian and a ranger. Combat was covered. If I played non-combat characters, they'd probably take the HP. But fighting without using a sword isn't my thing.

I like characters with skills, but I have gone the hit point route before. Sometimes I just want to do damage.

Grand Lodge

I usually do a racial.

Except when I'm not allowed, or the racial is stupid. Like Human Alchemists.

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