
Resurrectionist's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


Shadow Lodge

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Ring of Feather Fall has saved many a character!

Shadow Lodge

Just came across this...couldn't leave without giving you a huge thumbs up! Such an incredibly useful tool; thanks so much!

Shadow Lodge

If this ever comes to fruition, I would be VERY interested in hearing more! I think it is an absolutely great idea that could wind up being one unforgettable SR experience.

Shadow Lodge

Every single time I take the skill points. Class does not matter; I can't ever have enough skill points! Even on my sickly mage with a Con score of 8 I took the skill point.

Shadow Lodge

I have always felt the primary use for Grease is of course as battlefield control...but not necessarily how that first comes to mind. Grease is great control not in the sense that the caster use it to turn things into a Slip 'n Slide for both the enemies and his own party as well; rather, that you can viably cut off areas of enemy movement, areas of enemy cover and the like.

Use it behind the enemy to make them think twice about retreating, to keep ranged attackers from falling back out of your reach, to make reinforcements think twice before jumping in. Toss one into areas where enemies could seek shelter and force them to stay out and play. Casting Grease where your enemies ARE NOT is often better then trying to knock them all down by throwing it at their feet.

Also useful is the fact that no SR makes Grease situationally useful against opponents even in mid/late game. Think huge golem with tons of DR and magic think same golem lying on his back.

Also, never discount the last sentence of the spell description...
"A creature wearing greased armor or clothing gains a +10 circumstance bonus on Escape Artist checks and combat maneuver checks made to escape a grapple, and to their CMD to avoid being grappled."
Grease yourself as a buff of sorts and keep yourself from being so easy to grapple.

All in all, I think grease is a pretty great spell to have on hand. Usually the only time I think it is NOT a viable tactic is when it is going to anger your melee teammates by ruining their effectiveness.

Shadow Lodge

I have just created a Wizard character for an upcoming campaign and am in love with this idea of Arcane Tomes vs. Spellbooks. I would welcome this as an added difficulty and challenge to playing my character as what I see him...a powerful manipulator of reality and knowledge hungry intellectual. Whether I feel that it is a "weakening" of my character or not isn't important to "me" as a player because it adds a good deal of flavor and RP possibilities all while addressing a very real and questionable issue with the ease of expanding a wizards repertoire.

Find a player like me and there is nothing at all wrong with this idea. I can see that for other players this idea would be loathsome. I fully intend to show this idea to my GM and see what he thinks of it!

Shadow Lodge Goblin Squad Member

Too late for a test?