What other Green Ronin products would you love to see Kickstarted to Pathfinder?

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Silver Crusade

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cough Hamunaptra cough

Advanced Bestiary got one heck of a start last night. But what other old favorites would you like to see brought back, not just to have them updated to Pathfinder but also to give them higher visibility?

I'm not sure it needs to converted to Pathfinder, but seeing Blue Rose brought back in an age of general grim dark grimdarkness would certainly be welcome.

But even more than that, Hamunaptra. Expanded Hamunaptra. Fulltilt ancient Egyptian fantasy, with the core races re-envisioned as setting appropriate incarnations.

For a long time the Hamunaptra boxed set was available here for a steal at five dollars. Now it's unavailable*...and that makes me sad. :(

Heck, having it available in pdf form would be beyond sweet.

*The sorta tie-in product, Desert Heroes, is still available as a pdf though.

Dark Archive

My favorite Green Ronin products;
Freeport anything, pretty much
Book of the Righteous (paladins for every alignment you say?)
Plot & Poison (hands down, best Drow supplement ever)
Wrath & Rage (some very interesting Orc related stuff)
Fang & Fury (lots of interesting vampire lore)
Psychic Handbook (a very cool feat/skill based 'psionic')
Book of Fiends
Temple Quarter (very neat ritual concepts)
Advanced Player's Manual (the thanemage and eldritch weaver would be very interesting classes to adapt / upgrade to Pathfinder)

There's already a Freeport Guide to Pathfinder, but a revamp of the original Freeport Trilogy could be neat.

(Not just a conversion. Anybody can add a CMB/CMD score to the encounters in the original Freeport Trilogy, and be halfway done with a straight conversion anyway. An actual revamp, totally taking advantage of new ideas and new creatures and new classes and new mechanics, etc.)

True Sorcery for me. Pretty much my favorite alternate magic system


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Book of Fiends!!!!
Every Freeport adventure upgraded to PF in one DELUXE book.

I'd rather see new Freeport adventures and overall, new deluxe books than rehashes/conversions of old books...but that may just be me. ^^

Exception: Hamunaptra. Want this to add more to Osirion and my conversion of Necropolis.


Hamunaptra, yes. I do want new Freeport adventures, yes, but I'd love to have a deluxe collection of the others.

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Book of the Righteous, Book of Fiends, and Mindshadows are the three Green Ronin books I would like to see updated and expanded.

Set wrote:

Psychic Handbook (a very cool feat/skill based 'psionic')

Book of Fiends
Advanced Player's Manual (the thanemage and eldritch weaver would be very interesting classes to adapt / upgrade to Pathfinder)

I thought I was the only one who like the Psychic Handbook!

The other 2 are interesting also.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

I'd also love to see the Psychic Handbook.

I'd probably drop money on any of these, even if I haven't seen them before.

I'd like them to finish Pathfinder Freeport before considering anything else.

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Plot & Poison. As Set pointed out, easily the best Drow suplement ever produced. I'd love to Dezzavold updated too, along with this book, with possibly better maps too. Hey, if we're dreaming....

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

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Definitely Hamaunaptra. I still have my PDF, my open box and at least one unopened box... :-)

I'd like to see Mindshadows cleaned up and Dreamscarred.

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I know this isn't really possible but in a perfect world I would love t see Green Ronin reacquire the rights to make a Black Company sourcebook for Pathfinder.

Liberty's Edge

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Psychic Handbook and Hamaunaptra!

Shadow Lodge

RE: The thread title...a Kickstarter isn't REQUIRED in order to convert something to Pathfinder, you know. And the more Kickstarters a company tries to handle at once, the more likely it is that they fail to deliver on any of them.

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Psychic's Handbook*: In my opinion, still the best d20 treatment for mental powers.

Shaman's Handbook*, because I think it is a better treatment than we are getting with the playtest version. I would also like to see several of the PrCs converted to archetypes

Witch's Handbook*, because I think it is better treatment than the existing class. Again, I would also like to see several of the PrCs converted to archetypes.

Unholy Warrior's Handbook

Book of Fiends: excellent book and I like the Thaumaturge class.

Book of the Righteous: Great book and I would love to see the Holy Warrior class updated.


Eternal Rome

*Books I would like to see Steve Kenson update as he was the original author.

I'm going to echo others and say I'd love to see Book of Fiends, Book of the Righteous, and Hamunaptra updated for Pathfinder.

Psychic Handbook.

Book Of Fiends and Psychic Handbook. And as much completely new material as possible.

Book of Fiends.

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None. Show enough confidence in your products to fund their conversion yourself.

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Book of Fiends and Book of the Righteous.

People who are not in the RPG publishing business (which are most of us who post here) (and when I say NOT in the business I mean not managing, planning and organizing the day to day of an actual BUSINESS) dont understand how much money it takes to get a book published. They tend to think that these companies and the people working in them are rolling in the dough and it should be a cinch.

I'm not in the RPG business but I DO pay attention whenever someone in the RPG business talks about the actual workings of the business and not some fantasy scenario that fanboys have in their head.

Green Ronin have more than a few successful product lines but there are obviously people clamoring for this other Pathfinder product. How many people? Well enough to get this Kickstarter funded. Enough for people to put their money where their mouth is so that GR isnt funding this product on faith. Enough so that when they pour all of this money into a product, get it released and then all of these fickle ass fanboys nitpick their reasons as to why it's not what they want and DONT BY IT. Or even worse go and find torrented copies of the PDF for use anyway.

I love my hobbies and am pretty much willing to throw a portion of my disposable income to support my hobbies. I'm sure if GR had $55K of disposable income just laying around to potentially crap away they might just release stuff all willy nilly. But they're a business. A SMALL business and while they produce stuff that people want they also have mortgages and other bills to pay as well as the need to maintain said small business.

So Chris Premas if youre reading this, I support what you're doing via Kickstarter and I'm glad that you dont have to worry about things happening to you like with what happened with the original AB. It sucked to hear about that and I'm sorry that happened to you guys.

Anyway, GR has been around since 2000 and they still are and I'm fairly certain that's because they've done what's smart for them and their business and not snarky fanboys who have not vested interest in you or your product.

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Distant Scholar wrote:
None. Show enough confidence in your products to fund their conversion yourself.

I don't think confidence has much to do with it. A 3PP, even one as popular and established as Green Ronin, still faces the same cold harsh financial realities of being a tiny publishing company in 2013.

I'm weary of all the kickstarting myself, but I recognize that it does help 3PPs more accurately gauge customer interest levels and to secure backing, ensuring that the freelancer writers, artists, and editors can all receive payment for their hard work. I'd rather see kickstarted projects than see 3PPs go under from debt and unsold products.

Edit: Ninja'd by time-traveling ninja ShinHakkaider.

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+1 to Shin and Amby.

Dark Archive

Book of Fiends

Shadow Lodge

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Distant Scholar wrote:
None. Show enough confidence in your products to fund their conversion yourself.

Like I said before, not every bit of conversion HAS to run through the Kickstarter process. My favorite 3PP is Frog God Games, and while they've had a few Kickstarters, they've also used the regular process to publish other PFRPG conversions, from 1e, 3.5, and S&W.

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Thieves World!!!!!!

Grand Lodge

Skull and Bones.

Psychics Handbook.

Sovereign Court

All of them.

But yeah, ... thieves world ... you have me here

Webstore Gninja Minion

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Armies of the Abyss, The Assassin's Handbook, The Black Company Campaign Setting, Book of the Righteous, all things Freeport, Egyptian Adventures: Hamunaptra (great add-in for Mummy's Mask), Legions of Hell, Mindshadows (especially if combined with Dreamscarred Press's material), Plot & Poison, Thieves' Quarter, and Thieves' World.

...In no particular order. :D

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I loved the way that psychic powers enabled the early (pre-3.0) feel of psionics where characters of any class could have those abilities. I'd love to see that rebalanced and released for Pathfinder (possibly with an open playtest period first, given how much complexity has come about already rules-wise).

I'll second the call for Skull & Bones.


Liberty's Edge

Fiendses... we likes fiendses, we do!

Head Honcho, Green Ronin

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I am reading along. And Owen and I have had a couple of conversations about things we might want to update. Of course, we want to do new stuff too, not just play our old hits. :)


Grand Lodge

*COUGH* Skull & Bones *COUGH*


The Hamunaptra book is so popular, I might need to get my PbP campaign going sooner rather than later.

I would like to not only see that expanded, but also consider how some of the advanced classes would work.

Layout and Design, Frog God Games

Book of Fiends is pretty much it for me.

Layout and Design, Frog God Games

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As an aside, I think that a series of outsider books would be fantastic.

There aren't a ton of summonable good creatures to be found across all of the monster books ever created.

Grand Lodge

Skull & Bones & Psychic's Handbook.


Also Hamunaptra.
Plus Mindshadows.
But Testament revisited with current Pathfinder classes, and possible archetypes/revamps for the base classes from Testament.
And the same for Hamunaptra and Mindshadows.

Liberty's Edge

Book of Fiends & Old Freeport Adventures



Alex Smith 908 wrote:
I know this isn't really possible but in a perfect world I would love t see Green Ronin reacquire the rights to make a Black Company sourcebook for Pathfinder.

I would SOOOOOO love a Pathfinder version of the Black Company sourcebook!

Black Company also had a really interesting magic system that I'd definitely want to see translated to Pathfinder.

Dark Archive

Honestly, I would prefer them to release those products without kickstarting them. They have excellent material, both old and new, but they fail at stuff like meeting deadlines or communicating to backers.
I'd like a PFRPG version of the Book of Fiends, but at this point, I'm extremely hesistant to become a backer on a GR kickstarter again.

While any additional Green Ronin Pathfinder-Compatible Kickstarter is going to have to wait until we've fulfilled all the major elements of the Freeport and Advanced Bestiary Kickstarter campaigns, and there's not likely to be any practical way to redo the entire Black Company book (no matter how big a fan I am of the book series and the work Rob Schwalb and I put into that rpg), it's *possible* that the magic system, divorced from the setting, could be adapted and released somehow.

The question is, would it sell well by itself? Would it sell as part of a book of alternate Pathfinder systems?

Grand Lodge

Pramas wrote:
Of course, we want to do new stuff too, not just play our old hits. :)

Glad to hear it Chris. I've got all I need and don't need you to release 3.5 material to PF. (Backwards compatibility is a thing, isn't it?) I'd rather see what new stuff you can come up with.


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The world surrounding Freeport would be a great project.

I'd like to see the Book of Fiends done, too.


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And Thieves World!

Owen KC Stephens wrote:

While any additional Green Ronin Pathfinder-Compatible Kickstarter is going to have to wait until we've fulfilled all the major elements of the Freeport and Advanced Bestiary Kickstarter campaigns, and there's not likely to be any practical way to redo the entire Black Company book (no matter how big a fan I am of the book series and the work Rob Schwalb and I put into that rpg), it's *possible* that the magic system, divorced from the setting, could be adapted and released somehow.

The question is, would it sell well by itself? Would it sell as part of a book of alternate Pathfinder systems?

I'd buy it in a heartbeat. I loved the original system.

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