>>Apologize to *Chris Lambertz* for ALL your Misdeeds Here!<<

Off-Topic Discussions

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This year I participated in a "paladin of other alignmet" threads...twice, I also laughs with cosmo´s jokes, really sorry for that one.

I once used time magic to evade a lock.

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In fifth grade, I pushed my sister down the stairs, and blamed it on the dog.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I exist. Sorry for that, won't happen again.

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No, just no. I'm not getting sucked into another "follow this Paizo employee" thread. I'm just not. It's really starting to get on my (expletive deleted) nerves.

Wow, I'm sorry Chris. I'm just a little tired I guess...wait....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!


Sorry for that time I was smited for heresy by the Prophet of Sara Marie and I didn't clean up the mess. Its hard to wipe away the blood stains when you're blinded, sickened, and deafened but I'll try harder to do a better job next time.

Silver Crusade

Many many apologies for the Warpriest discussion.

I once asked a rule question in the jason bulmahn thread.

I'm sorry for that thing I said that one time. scuffs floor

I am sorry for freaking out when I see a mirror.

And for my inner monologue being in French.

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I'm sorry that I prefer BBC Television over my American counter-parts. But in my defense, I can't resist watching Dr. Who. I guess it's my alck of willpower.

BluePigeon wrote:
I'm sorry that I prefer BBC Television over my American counter-parts. But in my defense, I can't resist watching Dr. Who. I guess it's my alck of willpower.

This reminds me... I apologize to Chris for watching marathons of Gordon Ramsay's shows on BBC America when I housesit. I also apologize that this is on a satellite setup, so my watching adds to the ratings, which makes BBC America execs think showing hours of Ramsay reruns is a good idea.

Well..... I guess I have enough to apologize to Chris about. Sorry.


So if we apologize to Chris, who does Chris apologize to?

Shadow Lodge

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Sara Marie.

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Gorbacz wrote:
I exist. Sorry for that, won't happen again.

Collects drool for the korean knockoff cloning factory sweatshop..

Don't be so sure...

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I'm sorry that I don't do enough rabble rousing on the threads to warrant your attention.


Feros wrote:
I'm sorry that I don't do enough rabble rousing on the threads to warrant your attention.

That's a good thing. Chris Lambertz is like an Outer God; you are as insignificant as an ant before him and should you somehow manage to attract his attention, you bring unspeakable doom upon yourself and the ant hill you call a forum thread.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

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I'm sorry I lol'd when I saw this thread and woke the toddler snuggling in my arms earlier than he usually finished his nap.

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Alexander Augunas wrote:
Feros wrote:
I'm sorry that I don't do enough rabble rousing on the threads to warrant your attention.
That's a good thing. Chris Lambertz is like an Outer God; you are as insignificant as an ant before her and should you somehow manage to attract her attention, you bring unspeakable doom upon yourself and the ant hill you call a forum thread.

Fixed those for you AA.


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Orthos wrote:
Alexander Augunas wrote:
Feros wrote:
I'm sorry that I don't do enough rabble rousing on the threads to warrant your attention.
That's a good thing. Chris Lambertz is like an Outer God; you are as insignificant as an ant before her and should you somehow manage to attract her attention, you bring unspeakable doom upon yourself and the ant hill you call a forum thread.
Fixed those for you AA.

... well poopy.

I guess you can infer that I haven't incurred HER wrath yet.

Except maybe this will. If so, I'm sorry for dooming you all.

Braces for the arrival of Shub-Labergoth.

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I'm sorry that I'm reading the off topic forum instead of working

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I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

Digital Products Assistant

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I have no words. But, today I *did* make a vanilla bean apple pie with a turkey and cornucopia made in crust.

Paizo Employee Sales Imp

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...have nothing to apologize for, of course.

You're welcome.

Cosmo wrote:


...have nothing to apologize for, of course.

You're welcome.

You should at least apologize for this and this.

Chris Lambertz wrote:
I have no words. But, today I *did* make a vanilla bean apple pie with a turkey and cornucopia made in crust.

And of course your pie crust was perfect. I apologize for feeling slightly resentful of you for that. *Sits sown with back to Chris, ears slightly flattened, twitches tail.*

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Chris Lambertz wrote:
I have no words. But, today I *did* make a vanilla bean apple pie with a turkey and cornucopia made in crust.

That... sounds... godly.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Cosmo wrote:


...have nothing to apologize for, of course.

You're welcome.

You should at least apologize for this and this.

Yikes. Scarily close to where I live.

(I apologize for living so close to it)

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At a store I once knowingly went through an express checkout line that limits people to 20 items or under with 21 items because the other lines were packed. It took an atonement, seven deadly quest, and an extra 3 years of extra good deeds to get my paladinhood back. I'm very sorry Chris.

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I apologize for those who are unwilling to seek forgiveness. Mostly reality TV people and fan fiction writers, but I like to cast a wide net. Also, WotC. They know what they did.

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I apologize for appearing in every political/alignment/rules/monk/rogue/.... thread


I apologize for being impossibly hard to shop for.

I apologize for posting in every "alignment ramifications of infernal healing" thread.

Dark Archive Software Developer

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I apologize for [redacted] and the last time I [redacted].

Project Manager

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Gorbacz wrote:
I exist. Sorry for that, won't happen again.


Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

I'm sorry for any posts of mine you've had to remove. Seriously I try to play nice so I feel bad any time I inadvertently run afoul of the post assassin.

Actually, Post Assassin would be a pretty awesome title. You know, going around, removing posts that don't behave. The Red Mantis of the messageboards.

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Is it possible to get a preemptive pardon? I have some business to take care of later.

Grand Lodge

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I won't apologize. It would be insincere.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
The NPC wrote:
Is it possible to get a preemptive pardon? I have some business to take care of later.

Oooh...the indulgence system. It usually comes with a fee...

Sovereign Court

Sorry for anything I had done, am doing or will do that would otherwise make you cross, Chris (not to be confused with Kris Kross). Gods know I am still dealing with that pun tax Liz hit me with ... and I think Liz may up that tax now ...

I wrecked myself because I did not properly check myself beforehand.

I'm very sorry, Chris :(

I'm sorry that the pun tax isn't greater.

I apologize for buying a few things for myself via the Great Golem Sale that had been on my Christmas list.

Actually, I should be apologizing to my wife about that...

Sovereign Court

Sorry about the time I made that post ... in that thread ... responding to that poster ... about that topic ... like 5 minutes ago ...

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Sorry about that same topic I posted on that zylphryx posted on! I promise it won't happen outside of PM again!

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Sorry for not flagging the poster that zylphryx is referring to before trying to respond to him/her. My bad.

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I regret nothing(?)!

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Sorry for linking to this picture at the drop of a snowflake.

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Thank you Chris for all your hard work.

And mea culpa, I *DO* like to debate....

Oddly, since I am such a out in the open Paizo cheerleader, this means trolls will report all my posts..... even the few that don't deserve it... ;-)

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