
Tenth Doctor's page

11 posts. Alias of Braingamer.


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Deranged_Maniac_Ben wrote:
Maneuvermoose wrote:
Well, except by the passage of time.

Though there was that once when even that didn't work...

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*Sonics spam posts*




Who deadlock seals a SPAM POST?!

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Anyone tried reversing the polarity of the neutron flow?

Flagged some more, from the same user, now on the General Discussion forum.

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Ra, Alien Overlord wrote:
there are entirely too many alien entities on this forum!

Oh, hello there!

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Pillbug Toenibbler wrote:
That's right, Cosmo manipulated Earth history to found Canada—beginning with the lost Viking "explorer", Ostog the Over-inebriated—using his stolen SEGMIST (Schadenfreude, Ennui, and General Misery In SpaceTime) X-7 Dimensionizer time booth (currently stuck in appearance as an office cubicle due to a damaged doppelgänger circuit).

Not only that, but now that point in time is FIXED. Managed to swing by a few centuries later to clean things up a little, however, and overall I think it worked out well enough.

Oh, but I think I may have accidentally imprinted some of my behavioural patterns on the populace. If any Canadians out there find themselves apologizing profusely... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. At least you're better behaved than the Americans.

Eric Clingenpeel wrote:
Hey, who turned out the lights?


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7 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

Cosmo wrote:
I can't go to any of the Day of the Doctor screenings. I blame Sara Marie.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.