RJGrady |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |

It's not that the construction is silly. I wouldn't mind the class being called Kriegspriester in the german book. What is silly however is the completely out of place use of a foreign language "because it's cool". From the perspective of a native speaker that always looks ridiculous.
Well, to a native English speaker, random foreign words looks normal. :)
As the saying goes: English doesn’t borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, knocks them over and goes through their pockets for loose grammar.

Joyd |

Yeah, Samurai actually IS an English word. It's the English word for "Samurai". It just happens to be a word that made it into English directly with the same basic meaning and a pronunciation that's only moderately adjusted for English phonology. Kriegspriester isn't the English word for anything, and it's not even a simple compound of English words.
The only name on the list that really feels "off" to me is Hunter. Even in a setting where some class words that in our world don't refer to people with overt supernatural powers (Ranger, Inquisitor, Bard, etc.) refer to people who do have overt supernatural powers, "Hunter" seems like it really undersells just how hugely magical the class is. It's a class that's spending the vast majority of its power budget on spellcasting and whose signature ability aside from that is (Su). I don't think that there's necessarily a better name for the concept - largely because it's a nonresonant pile of nothing that doesn't represent anything from fantasy or a fantasy version of something from another genre, so there's no name for it because it doesn't exist - but I don't like "hunter" for it. If "Bloodrager" represents a softening of their position that base class names have to be one-word real words, I think you could do something with that.
Otherwise - and I know this an archetype name already - "Beastmaster" at least sums up two of the three major aspects of the class and has some ties to the third, while "Hunter" only really hints at the weapon proficiencies and one of the auxiliary abilities.

Kekkres |

My naming issues come down to the fact that they've stated they don't like compound words for base classes.
As such:
Bloodrager - Dreadnaught, Warlock, Primalist
Warpriest - Champion, Templar, Crusader
+1 for warlock and templar for me

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When I saw the hunter's class features my jaw dropped.
A class name should intuitively point to what the class actually does. When I think of hunter, the last thing I think of is the ability to supernaturally take on the forms of animals and cast spells. I was so hoping for the ultimate spell-less ranger variant.
The fact that its a stronger spellcaster than the ranger and just...The combo of Druid/Ranger being called 'hunter'...Ugh.

Kekkres |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

When I saw the hunter's class features my jaw dropped.
A class name should intuitively point to what the class actually does. When I think of hunter, the last thing I think of is the ability to supernaturally take on the forms of animals and cast spells. I was so hoping for the ultimate spell-less ranger variant.
The fact that its a stronger spellcaster than the ranger and just...The combo of Druid/Ranger being called 'hunter'...Ugh.
the funny thing is this test has a class that could easily be called the hunter, which is called the slayer.

Tiny Coffee Golem |

I think he means for class names.
And I agree. Speaking as a German, seeing "Kriegspriester" in the english book as a class name would make me laugh before anything else. People in other languages using german words, especially if it involves the word "Krieg" (because i has become such a cliché) always just ends up looking extremely silly to native German speakers.
unsure of the spelling. Pronounced (Far - Fig - New - Gnen)

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Barbarian was strictly a roman term for the less advanced people of iron age germany and gaul. These people didn't go on frenzies in battle.
Actually the origin was Greek. It came from the Greek's mocking of foreign languages in saying all that came out of a foreigner's mouth was "bar bar".
So in essence, Barbarian means "Not Greek".

Threeshades |

Threeshades wrote:I think he means for class names.
And I agree. Speaking as a German, seeing "Kriegspriester" in the english book as a class name would make me laugh before anything else. People in other languages using german words, especially if it involves the word "Krieg" (because i has become such a cliché) always just ends up looking extremely silly to native German speakers.
unsure of the spelling. Pronounced (Far - Fig - New - Gnen)
I think you mean Fahrvergnügen. Which would be pronounced Far-fair-g'new*-gen
*there isn't actually a sound in the english language that equals "Ü", although a few accents occasionally come close to it.

Tiny Coffee Golem |

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:Threeshades wrote:I think he means for class names.
And I agree. Speaking as a German, seeing "Kriegspriester" in the english book as a class name would make me laugh before anything else. People in other languages using german words, especially if it involves the word "Krieg" (because i has become such a cliché) always just ends up looking extremely silly to native German speakers.
unsure of the spelling. Pronounced (Far - Fig - New - Gnen)
I think you mean Fahrvergnügen. Which would be pronounced Far-fair-g'new*-gen
*there isn't actually a sound in the english language that equals "Ü", although a few accents occasionally come close to it.
I tried for 10 minutes to figure out how to phonetically spell the last sound in that word. I failed. ;-(

SamxFIN |
Some of you guys had really good suggestions already. So im just throwing in my thoughts here about the names:
Arcanist - Warlock or Channeler, then again Arcanist doesnt sound that bad.
Bloodrager - Someone mentioned Primalist, sounds good.
Brawler - Pugilist? But since he is using heavy armor then it should sound something like a juggernaut. Geesh i'll say Juggernaut. Brute doesnt sound that good.
Hunter - Poacher
Investigator - Maybe Vigilante/Detective. Investigator is okay-ish.
Shaman - Shaman is ok already
Slayer - The already suggested Stalker sounds alot better. I support
this. Since slayer sounds childish mmorpg name.
Skald - Im fine with this.
Swashbuckler - This is also okay
Warpriest - Also okay. Suggested Templar and Crusader sound also good.

Joyd |

It was already stated that the Hunter was going to get a nice overhaul, so let's just back off on it. The Arcanist would have been a great candidate for the name "Warlock" however.
I'm guessing that they're avoiding calling any of the new classes "Warlock" for the same reason that they didn't call the Magus that: Confusion with the wildly different 3.5 Warlock class.

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

When I saw the hunter's class features my jaw dropped.
A class name should intuitively point to what the class actually does. When I think of hunter, the last thing I think of is the ability to supernaturally take on the forms of animals and cast spells. I was so hoping for the ultimate spell-less ranger variant.
The fact that its a stronger spellcaster than the ranger and just...The combo of Druid/Ranger being called 'hunter'...Ugh.
Yeah. Building one for a playtest, I suddenly realized the class had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with hunting -- at least no more than the druid or ranger do (and the ranger is better at it because of favored enemy).
I THINK it's supposed to be more like a Green Man/Wild Man/Forest Hermit sort of archetype (as in character archetype, a literary term, not the game mechanic). I'd probably be able to come up with a better name for it if it, by its mechanics, actually had some more definable flavor other than more-different-ranger.

Davick |

When I saw the hunter's class features my jaw dropped.
A class name should intuitively point to what the class actually does. When I think of hunter, the last thing I think of is the ability to supernaturally take on the forms of animals and cast spells. I was so hoping for the ultimate spell-less ranger variant.
The fact that its a stronger spellcaster than the ranger and just...The combo of Druid/Ranger being called 'hunter'...Ugh.
Maybe I can help

VargrBoartusk |

Kekkres wrote:I'm definitely apart of this camp. The name Warlock seems to gel with the concept of the class (much better than the Magus and it has that blood connection the 3.5 Warlock did). Also, like Kekkres says, the Warlock is a great name and sounds a lot better than Bloodrager.Kryzbyn wrote:Bloodrager: Warlock.i actually really agree with this, as stated in the barbarian class name thread, bloodrager evokes more of a gore brutality imagery rather than anything really magical, in addition warlock is an amazing name that is too good not to be used. plus i think its fairly close to how warlocks are generally seen; bulkier mages who can fight. A good match if you ask me.
Really ? I hear warlock and I keep thinkingn of Julian Sands or some other quasi effeminate villiany as a virtue perhaps mustache twirling evil worshipper.

Kekkres |

Gentleman Alligator wrote:Kekkres wrote:I'm definitely apart of this camp. The name Warlock seems to gel with the concept of the class (much better than the Magus and it has that blood connection the 3.5 Warlock did). Also, like Kekkres says, the Warlock is a great name and sounds a lot better than Bloodrager.Kryzbyn wrote:Bloodrager: Warlock.i actually really agree with this, as stated in the barbarian class name thread, bloodrager evokes more of a gore brutality imagery rather than anything really magical, in addition warlock is an amazing name that is too good not to be used. plus i think its fairly close to how warlocks are generally seen; bulkier mages who can fight. A good match if you ask me.Really ? I hear warlock and I keep thinkingn of Julian Sands or some other quasi effeminate villiany as a virtue perhaps mustache twirling evil worshipper.
Generaly warlock in fantasy speak refers to a magic user who gets their powers from demonic, eldritch or otherwise unnatural sources. In game terms they are generaly bulkier than normal mages and are more compatent at combat then a normal wizard. in addition they are generaly based in pure combat when it comes to spells having little to no noncombat utility magic. and from that perspective i think warlock fits this class.

ArenCordial |
I realize that lots of words have other meanings, but "Stalker" doesn't sound like something I want to be (or have around). Is that meaning just more salient for me than it is for other people?
Maybe it doesn't bother me because its been a DND Ranger build for a while. But similarly call me a Slayer and I expect to be able to rock my Favored Target which for the most part the Slayer is lacking on since Favored Target and the class damage feature have zero interaction.
Shadow maybe?

Dysseus |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Bloodrager - Reaver
Hunter - Beastlord
Slayer - Stalker
Warpriest - Templar
Everything else I'm fine with.
Reaver says less about the class than Bloodrager (BLOODline RAGER).
Reaving is
1. To seize and carry off forcibly.
2. To deprive (one) of something; bereave.
To rob, plunder, or pillage.
Somebody pointed out Tempest earlier, that is a storm type, more fitting on a weather (lightning/wind) specialized caster. Bloodrager is perfect for what the class is, everything else I have read is just cliche words for "big", "Barbarian", "Destruction", and "Violent"
Warpriest is also okay, but I wouldn't mind Templar. Beastlord and Stalker are nice alternatives

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Templar I'm in favor of simply to do away with the portmanteau bane of Warpriest.
For Bloodrager, also simply because it's a portmanteau, let's see:
Reaver, mostly because it sounds cool.
Warlock, due to the Bloodline.
Fury, I thinks it blends both ok.
Berserker, plays off the rage, and there is the historical ideas of the trance being supernatural/drug induced, but this migt put it too close to Barbarian.

Kekkres |

Templar I'm in favor of simply to do away with the portmanteau bane of Warpriest.
For Bloodrager, also simply because it's a portmanteau, let's see:
Reaver, mostly because it sounds cool.
Warlock, due to the Bloodline.
Fury, I thinks it blends both ok.
Berserker, plays off the rage, and there is the historical ideas of the trance being supernatural/drug induced, but this migt put it too close to Barbarian.
Warlock is my #1 with reave as a second, Fury has the same issue that reaver has that when you think of the word it doesn't really.... mean anything, at least as regards to a class.
As i mentioned in the other thread the issue with there not being a name for the "fighting mage" is because in myth mages and wizards and sorcerers normally could, fight. some extremely well. the feeble squishy wizard was introduced as a point of balance. so a fighting wizard would have just been called a "wizard."

Kekkres |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'm happy with Bloodrager. Warlock always makes me think of a stooped man with a grey and black beard wearing a brown robe. Full BAB smashy guy? Not so much.
im curious who you are refrancing because i have no idea. I always think of warlocks as mages who are somehow "unnatural" and less squishy than normal mages.

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QuidEst wrote:I'm happy with Bloodrager. Warlock always makes me think of a stooped man with a grey and black beard wearing a brown robe. Full BAB smashy guy? Not so much.im curious who you are refrancing because i have no idea. I always think of warlocks as mages who are somehow "unnatural" and less squishy than normal mages.

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Arcainist: this is fine in my opinion. I mean really it is a blanket term but I really don't like "warlock" as warlock is actually the term for a male witch.
Brawler: I'm ok with this but kinda like Pugilist
Warpriest: definitely templar or crusader
Bloodrager: I like marauder better
everything else i am cool with completely and don't care about....While I agree that naming a base class the same thing as an archetype is a bit confusing I think they should change the name of the Archetype instead. You could easily change the rogue swashbuckler to scalawag

Kekkres |

The only one I feel strongly about is the Bloodrager, renaming it the Berserker. The Berserker name has some wonderful historical significance, and it's a really, really cool name.
Beastmaster also works for the Hunter, which frees up the Slayer to be called a Bounty Hunter.
the problem with brezerker is that it sounds perfectly descriptive to the barbarian. a barbarian IS a brezerker, and we need to differentiate the two more as it stands. and while brezerkers where rumored to be vaguely magical, the extent of their magic would be equivalent to damage reduction or something simieler rather than fireballs.

Googleshng |

Templar still strikes me as the way to go for warpriests (maybe Zealot or Crusader).
Bloodrager's trickier. Calling them Furies is a bad move, because that evokes a very different sort of thing in a historical/mythological/fantasy sense.
It would be nice to change the name a little though. "Bloodrager bloodline" is just awkward to say, and there's a rather nasty bit of misogynistic wordplay potential it wouldn't hurt to nip in the bud. Maybe get out of the viking headspace completely and just focus on the ancient heritage angle? Just call them Scions or Battlegifted or something along those lines?

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I can't say I like either Templar or Crusader for Warpriest. Both of these carry marks of an organized order or war effort, and warpriets can just as well be battle lords of chaos.
You can have organized Chaos, it's pretty much the Worldwound's whole thing.
And they probably wouldn't name it Champion since that's also the name of a Mythic Path.

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Well if we go by what they probably wouldnt name a class we wouldn't need this thread since it has already been stated that paizo has no intention of renaming any of the new classes.
Actually it's been brought up that they're thinking of renaming the Warpriest and Bloodrager due to their portmanteau names.