Mesmerist False Flanker: the mesmerist can trigger this trick when the subject moves into or begins her turn in a square where she threatens an enemy. An illusory duplicate of the mesmerist appears in any unoccupied space adjacent to that enemy. This duplicate counts as threatening the enemy for the purposes of determining flanking, but can’t actually make attacks. Inquisitor Solo Tactics: all of the inquisitor’s allies are treated as if they possessed the same teamwork feats as the inquisitor for the purpose of determining whether the inquisitor receives a bonus from her teamwork feats Would the illusion created trigger the Inquisitors Solo Tactics assuming the other feat requirements were met. I would say yes, but I am looking for some confirmation on my understanding. example feats:
Precise Strike: Whenever you and an ally who also has this feat are flanking the same the creature, you deal an additional 1d6 points of precision damage with each successful melee attack. This bonus damage stacks with other sources of precision damage, such as sneak attack.
Starting a new campaign soon and I wanted to try a class I have not played before. In doing some research I thought the idea behind the Kineticist was cool. I started building a Elemental themed character. Rolled for stats: 18/16/15/15/14/8
I had the idea of doing Elemental Ascetic and Druid combo. I am not sure if I should go primary Kineticist or Druid and what the mix should be. My role would be role support (helping melee and magic) and primary rogue/scout.
Quick question for you fine folks. Under the varient multiclassing rules wizard grants a familiar as a full wizard. Witch also gains the same. So for the sake of argument a level 4 character would be a level 4 wizard and level 4 witch for familiars. The familiar rules say these levels from multiple levels stack for abilities dependant on the masters level. Now the rules also say that these benefits from multiple sources stack and are cumulative. So would this Witch/wizard 4 be (in regards just to familiar) have the level 4 or level 8 abilities. Cannot find a clear wording that the familiars level is capped, and beast bonded witch gains a +1 to the level of the familiar.
Lets start off by saying that the point of this is to see if the build actually works. It started as a joke because of my Fighter/Gunslinger/Inquisitor leveled and I joking said I would multiclass further (party is my F/G/I, Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer/Dragon disciple, Rogue, Magus). Out of curiosity I began to build. Race: Aasimar (Archon Blooded)
Targeted Build completion: lvl 11
BAB 9/4, Saves 10/10/4
Feats: 6 regular progression, 5 bonus feats, 3 free (weapon focus, Point Blank master, Perfect Strike) and 1 temporary feat. My question, How Effective/Crazy would this build be. I don't know the party make up or the Campaign setting. The idea of the character is to be a Range/Melee mix to cover all Mundane attack bases. Also to fulfill the parties need for stealth. Had thought of taking one level of Spontanious Arcane caster then Dragon Disciple for stat boosts too, rather than Prestige into Assassin. Tell me what you think.
Deadmanwalking wrote:
A friend suggested the same, ill take a look at it. Thanks for the tip
So, starting a new campaign thursday, and i have a little bit of a conundrum. For story reasons the character is a unnanturaly light tiefling, prehensile tail, does cold damage when grappled (highly customized tiefling thanks to the chart on varient tieflings). The provlem is I dont know what class to be. The part is a human spell slinger, human monk, human fighter (based around dirty trick and improvised weapons), an oracle whos race i dont know. So we have a decent mix of mundane and magic. I was wanting to go Two Weapon fighter. When i read the New gods pdf that came out, i decided i want to try my hand at being an Evangelist of Serenae. Though i dont know if i am keen on going the full fighter route either. I know multiclassing is frowned upon, because it doesnt work in most cases. I was tempted to dip into something with a little magic.....dont know what to do
Fortunately I do not have to play with this GM, but my friends have had pathfinder ruined because of it, if we didnt already have 6 players i would invite them to our game. About the 20, wasnt talking Bout skills....just rolling 20s for any reason. Though I didnt know about the skills not applying for it, it does and doesnt make sense in some ways. How you solved the issue makes sense to me, and your alternatives would be acceptable, if only the gm was that good. I play with 2 other Gms who do this well. They dont hold your hand but every once and a while they throw you some bread crumbs. One even allows the sense motive check against GM to determine what to do (gives a vague push in the right direction). Several times we have missed out on big quest rewards because we didnt investigate or use skills properly. Like the time we lost getting a tenuki follower who would have watched our wagon in exchange for booze., all because our druid didnt stealth or perception becore going to visit him at night.....and kinda tortured the captive tenuki. Second part, when i say leveled for the wizard, i meant their defense and damage output is such that only the wizard deals enough damage to take them out fast enough.
1) My Friend's GM said "Just because you roll a 20 doesn't mean you succeed. The enemy might have a higher bonus than you" and that defeats the entire purpose of the 1/20 auto fail/win system. So avoid that. 2) If a PC wants to roll a new character because their rogue is doing nothing compared to the other three players, find a way to help them. MY friend started having her rogue attack people to get killed. GM just stuck her character in prison and will not let her out. All she wants is to roll a new character (Tiefling Witch most likely) 3)Don't level the enemies for your strongest character. One reason my two friends are thinking of giving up on Pathfinder is their GM levels the enemies for the Wizard. So The Rogue mentioned in #2 is having more trouble than she can handle, even the Paladin is finding things tough at time.
MichaelCullen wrote:
We were on the fence about whether or not applied. I more agree with your interpretation. This counts as indirect damage as a result of an action, rather than a direct attack.
Thats helpful, thank you. We were not sure on how destroying exploding objects effected the spell. Even other rulings ive seen on forums were even on whether it did or didnt. One person said it doesnt need an attack roll to hit the enemies, so it wasnt a direct attack. I csn see where you are coming from and will begrudgingly notify my GM that my plan wont work anymore.
So playing a game and my character was invisible and flying. I threw a barrel of gunpowder at the feet of my enemies, and our sorceres wall of fire did damage to the barrel and blew it up. Would this break MY invisibility. I did not directly target the enemies. I targeted the ground, an ongoing spell effect caused the explosion. Invisibility calls out spells, but this is not a spell. This is indirect damaged from me throwing the keg of gunpowder at the ground. Am i right?
Severed Ronin wrote:
Reaver says less about the class than Bloodrager (BLOODline RAGER). Reaving is 1. To seize and carry off forcibly.
Somebody pointed out Tempest earlier, that is a storm type, more fitting on a weather (lightning/wind) specialized caster. Bloodrager is perfect for what the class is, everything else I have read is just cliche words for "big", "Barbarian", "Destruction", and "Violent" Warpriest is also okay, but I wouldn't mind Templar. Beastlord and Stalker are nice alternatives
haruhiko88 wrote:
It supposed to be a Barbarian who's power comes from magic/ancient bloodlines not physical rage. If you want more magic go play a sorcerer and optimize for melee combat (I have seen it done, it works nicely). The bloodrager is an alternate class option like the ninja or Samurai, and nobody looked at the ninja and said "Its too rouge"
Googleshng wrote: I'm still confused why there's so much talk about making this class more of a caster. Is that coming from anywhere beyond a weird fixation on the pitch of these all being "hybrid classes?" Has anyone actually been playing it and found it to just outright suck compared to older classes? From where I sit it just looks like people are setting their expectations way too high, and trying to either outright replace the barbarian, or possibly even just play some kind of d10 HP sorcerer. I think most people want the d10 hp sorcerer. The point of the Bloodrager is a barbarian who gets his powers from magic in his blood rather than pure physical exhertion. Lets say you get the spells bears endurance and bulls strength at level 1 and have learned to simultaneously cast them on yourself for a few rounds per day. That is the basis of the class, not "they should be casting spells most if the time" attitude some have adopted. The new spell list should help clarify this., unless they have touch and range touch as the majority. Thoughh the bloodrager spell list will likely be all the buff spells under the sun. I am playing a bloodrager/monk,with a dip into Inquisitor for RP flavour. They stack well. Monk armour bonus and high amount of attacks, Bloodrager extra health and at level 4 abyssal, extra damage. The other day i Raged/Judgement/flurry of blows in a round. Also looking into getting spell tattoos and wands to use the buff spells before battle that i wont have to UMD to activate thanks to bloodrager
Adjule wrote: Even though it has been said many times before, I wish Jason Bulmahn would update the first post saying "Bloodragers are able to cast outsite of bloodrage" so people would stop saying that they can only cast while bloodraging. Where does it say they can. The pdf i downloaded says they gain the ability to cast spells WHILE bloodraging. I read people saying otherwise but cannot find the source, maybe I'm just missing the post.
"You only get the bonus spells if your class level grants you access to those spell levels. You can't even use them for lower-level spells. See page 16, Abilities and Spellcasters section: "In addition to having a high ability score, a spellcaster must be of a high enough class level to be able to cast spells of a given spell level. " It answers the long asked question of do I get bonus spell slots even though I can't cast level 2 spells yet. My question is, in older printing they specifically stated "In addition to having a high ability score, a spellcaster must be of a high enough class level to be able to cast spells of a given spell level or use the spell slots of a given level" So why did they remove part of the sentence, which has since caused confusion? Also at one point I remember being shown a passage on the that stated you DO get the spell slots, but can only put lower level spells in them until your class can cast that level. Now the PRD just says you dont get the SPELLS, making no mention of the slots...why all the changes? Why change it one way then change it back? or was it just a short lived tpyo? and why not allow the extra spells...1-3 extra level 1 spells have never unbalanced our games (me as a fighter/Tactician still out-damaged the party till about level 3 or 4)
In the rules on drawbacks on items it states that drawbacks are in place only when the item is in your possession, unless otherwise stated these effects are not permanent. Now the drawback for losing or gaining 6 inches says it only happens once. Does this mean once for every character who picks it up, once while its in your possession (rather than each time drawn) or once per item, as in first person to touch it wins the drawback and the rest are safe?
Velocinox wrote:
I just added it for people, like myself, looking for the right answer in the future.
I cannot find one reference stating it only changes appearance when the Summoner levels. Its evolutions stay the same, but the book says its appearance is up to the summoner. So you have a quadruped eidolon and lets say its evolution points are spent on improved armor, improved damage and could summon it as a unicorn looking creature, then next time summon a medium sized badger...the aspect of the creature is the same a quadruped, bu its appearance changes based on your desire. That is why the line about "cannot look like a specific creature" is so important. now assuming you had a biped... You cant summon your Eidolon to look like the mayor and give your friend a pardon...but you could make it look human enough to go bail out your rouge friend who got arrested without landing yourself in hot water. Though it would still look fantastical, like an angel or according to Ultimate Magic a bodyguard. |