Heroes of the Fifth Crusade! (post your party here thread)

Wrath of the Righteous

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Liberty's Edge

Was a bit surprised this AP doesn't have one of these threads yet (though a lot of people are starting their own individual ones). So lets give it someplace nice and tidy.

Don't have their names yet but here is my party's makeup.

Catfolk Paladin (Champion)
Human Inquisitor/Trapper Ranger (Trickster)
Human Druid (Guardian)
Tiefling Oracle, Outer Rifts/Sorcerer/Mystic Theurge (Archmage)
Human Cleric/Divine Scion (Heirophant)
Human Oracle, Battle (Marshal)

I am very happy with the party they made, I insisted each player take a different mythic path. Came out nice.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

We just got started recently:

Penthar - Human Monk(Master of Many Styles, will be Guardian path)
Holg - Tiefling Paladin(Empyreal Knight, will be Guardian path)
Maurild - Human Barbarian(Mad Dog, will be Champion path)
Talar - Human Cleric of Sarenrae(Merciful Healer, will be Heirophant path)
Samantha - Aasimar Abjurer (will be Archamge path)

So far, so good. We've made it through the first section of the first adventure. We'll see how the party holds up from there on out.

Our campaign just finished Book 1, Chapter 1, and here is our party:

Aasimar Cleric with Paladin MCA stuff. (Guardian)
Aasimar Synthesist Summoner (my character) (Archmage)
Human Inquisitor (Champion)
Human Zen Archer Monk (Trickster)
Human Cleric (Heirophant)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Dasseem Ulthor, Human Paladin of Iomedae
Panik Ulthor, Human Wizard
Tavarian Nelson, Aasimar Sorcerer (Crossblooded Wildblooded Pit-Touched Empyrial numbercrunch >.< )
Mirei, Aasimar (Plumekith) Ranger
Brother Asmodei, Aasimar (Lawbringer) Cleric of Asmodeus
Thorund Vilgurson, Human Barbarian

We're starting WotR tomorrow, it's just me (gm) and two players so I'll be running a GMPC to round out the group.
We've only met for an hour and discussed the campaign and their pcs, but here's what they were leaning towards.

Player 1: Human Paladin (Divine hunter archetype). We haven't discussed Mythic path/campaign trait yet, but I suspect champion.
He's also expressed interest in the Leadership feat, but we haven't discussed exactly what sort of cohort he'll want.

Player 2: Aasimar Cleric of Iomedae or Oracle (up until an hour ago, he was a cleric, but after telling me about his character's personality over the phone, and me remarking that he sounded like an oracle, it might change). He's expressed interest in the Touched by divinity background but isn't sure that he wants to go the Hierophant path.
Shouldn't be a problem, I'll let them choose trait description and bonuses independently (I'll play fast and loose with the rules if we're in agreement and it makes for better/more fun play, and the background for Touched by divinity should give him a kick when the truth is revealed).

GMPC: Elf Magus (spell dancer archetype, and maybe bladebound), I've decided to make her young and naive, as well as insecure, referring to the more competent and "older" (she's probably older than them, but still), more experienced pcs. Riftwarden orphan trait/background, dual path (archmage/champion).

I don't expect us to get a whole lot of playing done tomorrow, but we should be able to start at least.

Just finished Book 1, Chapter 1.
I too suggested that they each choose a different Mythic Path.

* Angelin, Female Aasimar (Angelkin) Paladin (Shining Knight, Oath against Fiends) of Shelyn, will become Hierophant
* Herion, Male Elf Wizard (Counterspell School) / Riftwarden, will become Archmage
* Elyssar, Female Android Magus (Kensai, Bladebound, Technological), will become Champion
* Svarov, Male Tiefling (Hungerseed) Alchemist (Vivisectionist, Internal Alchemist) / Master Chymist, will become Guardian
* Yandalla, Female Human Bard (Songhealer), will become Marshal
* Nesteruk, Male Half-Orc Inquisitor (Sin Eater) of Sarenrae, will become Trickster

Liberty's Edge

ALright. We finished book one and my party is all settled with what they want including selected Cohorts.

Davor: Half-Orc Inquisitor of Sarenrae (Heirophant/Marshal)
Cohort: Cerberus [Redeeming} Tiefling Rogue

Govad: Aasimar Oracle [Battle] (Heirophant/Champion)

Medeia: Tiefling Sorcerer [Wild-blooded Linnorm Tattoed] (Archmage)
Cohort: Faxon [Redeeming] Tiefling Witch

Raphael Wyvernsbane: Dhampir Magus (Archmage/Champion)
Cohort: Akatsuki Rosae [his wife] Kitsune Druid [Reincarnate]

Govad's player is still debating taking follower. He might if only because everyone else has and he usually follows the status quo if he can find a way to make things more powerful for himself in combination.

Medeia's player has not yet confirmed her selections beyond taking Archmage.

Marshal : Halfling bard/chevalier - Herald, Responds to Harold
Heirophant : Aaismar (racial)Paladin of Iomedae, named Proventus
Trickster : Human rogue - Low Templar - No real name given, responds to Fron
Guardian : Thiefling Alchemist (surgeon), Called Asman

The Marshal and Trickster have leadership and cohorts, Although I couldn't remember their names for the life of me.

I also admit to asking of my players to pick a unique background trait, and stick to the path suggested in it.

Scarab Sages

Starting Wrath either this weekend or next, the lineup.

Kasidra: Tiefling Wizard. Touched by Divinity (Iomedae)

Meredith: Aasimar Paladin. Stolen Fury

Moredekay: Elf Wizard. Riftwarden Orphan

Slippery Pete: Human Fighter. Exposed to Awfulness

Steelhart: Pony Paladin. Touched by Divinity (Iomedae)

Steelhart is a pony, per this.

Mythic Paths are not being forced by campaign trait. And I'm howling with laughter over a pony and a tiefling having Touched by Divinity. I'm looking forward to the reveal.

Silver Crusade

We have played three sessions thus far and are really enjoying the campaign. It has been a long time since I have ran anything this large in scope and cannot wait to see the story progress with the players.

My players consist of:

Shandralyn - Human Scion Aasimar Paladin of Iomadae with the "Exposed to Awefulness" trait, will go Guardian

Alarik - Devil Blooded Tiefling Cleric of Iomadae with the "Touched by Divinity" trait, will go Heirophant

Albho - Elf Divination Wizard with the "Riftwarden Orphan" trait, will go Archmage

I had to play with this one a bit as he is over 200 years old. He described his characte as a very apathetic librarian who really had no drive and no ambition growing up. Once reaching adulthood he was content to stack books in the library for the forseeable centuries. It was only after being fired that he fell in with some would be crusaders and maade the journey to Kenebras. Before leaving he learned that his parents were Riftwardens and had went missing after they left home some 75 years ago. He didn't even noticed they had left for the first 50...

Brandr - Kellid Ranger (two-handed style) with the "Child of the Crusades" trait, will go Marshal

Naketsu - Tian Samurai with the "Stolen Fury" trait, planned to go Champion

Hale - Kellid Ranger (archery) with the "Chance Encounter" trait, will likely go Trickster

Group is listed in detail here, along with the non-Mythic rules I'm going to be using and very likely a campaign journal once we get started. After reading book 3 it looks like I'm going to have to do some minor re-writes to the AP to accomodate the PC's backgrounds.

Michael Shepard, Human Paladin of Cayden Cailean and Mythic Champion/Marshall

Ruby Nox, Tiefling Bard and Mythic Marshall

Samuel Blackstone, Human Rogue/Gunslinger and Mythic Trickster

Gabriel Haywood, Elf Wizard and Mythic Archmage

Posted this elsewhere, but here it is again:

Mattias Willow, Devoted Aasimar Cleric of Vildeis (NOTE: DMPC)

Trait: Exposed to Awfulness


Path: Guardian/Hierophant

Tier 1 - Hard to Kill (Ex), Mythic Power 5/day (Su), Surge +1d6 (Su) / Guardian's Call (Sudden Block), Divine Surge (Inspired Spell), Mythic Feat (Dual Path - Hierophant), Path Ability (Faith's Reach)

Corliss Domarien, the Wrathful Pitborn Paladin of Ragathiel

Trait: Touched by Divinity (I'm going to have a hayday here)


Path: Champion

Tier 1 - Hard to Kill (Ex), Mythic Power 5/day (Su), Surge +1d6 (Su) / Champion's strike (Fleet charge), Mythic Feat (Mythic Spell Lore - Protection from Evil), Path Ability (Mythic Smite) <= Scary Good Ability

Samael Alaion, Inspired Emberkin Summoner of Ragathiel and his faithful companion, Oriax

Trait: Riftwarden Orphan


Path: Archmage/Hierophant

Tier 1 - Hard to Kill (Ex), Mythic Power 5/day (Su), Surge +1d6 (Su) / Divine Surge (Beasts Fury), Archmage Arcana (Wild Arcana), Mythic Feat (Dual Path - Hierophant), Path Ability (Sustained by Faith) <= Already saved the party from being ganked one night

Msimangu, Redeemed Dhampir Monk of Korada

Trait: Stolen Fury


Path: Trickster

Tier 1 - Hard to Kill (Ex), Mythic Power 5/day (Su), Surge +1d6 (Su) / Trickster attack (Surprise Strike (Ex)), Mythic Feat (Mythic Dodge), Path Ability (Wall Running)

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I will be starting this next Friday (31st), with this as the party:

Human Barbarian
Elf Kensai Magus
possibly a rogue
unknown (either wizard, sorcerer, or cleric)
Blue-scaled Kobold Oracle of Life (or maybe Waves) who will be going Dragon Disciple (thanks to that kobold feat).

As for mythic paths, I am not sure. I think the barbarian is going guardian, the magus archamge, and my little oracle could possibly go heirophant. Not sure about the other 2.

Right before the Defender's Heart, which the players can't ever remember so they call it Heartbreak Ridge.

Sword Maiden Elideen - Human/F Paladin of Iomadae (Guardian)
Justicar Braeson - Human/M Inquisitor of Iomadae (Hierophant)
Sister Syrehn GoodHealing - Human/F Cleric of the DM (Hierophant)
Darius Titus - Aasimar/M Wizard (Archmage)
The Green Bomber - Half-Orc/M Alchemist (Trickster)
The New Guy - Human/M Fighter (Champion)

They almost had half the party killed taking on the evil mongrel men. The two clerics came out and commanded two members to flee and next round critted the NPC's...I allowed some metagaming so the pally could comeback and save the party.

My group is on book one, and we've been playing for a few weeks. For the most part we have already decided on our Mythic Paths.

Sacred Shield Paladin of Iomedae (Me) - Guardian/Marshal
Paladin of Iomedae - Champion
Tetori Monk - Champion
Cleric of Torag - Hierophant

There are two players that I'm unsure of, and I doubt they've taken a look at the Mythic Paths yet.

Magus - Possibly Archmage or Champion, maybe both.
Inquisitor of Sarenrae - Possibly Hierophant or Champion, maybe both, if he ever gets an atonement spell for the one session he's been in...

The group did not start off this religious, instead it was a 10 person group, but was eventually split into two separate groups with their own GM and separate universe (in each universe, the other half died). The other party consists of a Wizard, Rogue, Druid, Paladin (I think of Iomedae), and Barbarian.

We've only had one session so far, but here's our current party:

Duster Winddancer: Elven ranger (Champion or Guardian probably)
Shadoe Winddancer: Elven sorcerer (Archmage)
Shivram: Half-elven rogue (Trickster)
Kayleb: Gnome summoner (Trickster, I think)
Melinda "Pinkie" Sparklegem: Gnome alchemist (Trickster)
Lenneth (me): Half-elven Hedge Witch (Hierophant)

There are a number of factors that will likely make our party very interesting to play in this AP:

The two elves are a brother and sister duo.
The two gnomes are cousins.
Did I mention the elven sorceress and the half-elven rogue are neutral evil?
Our group switched from AD&D 2.0 to Pathfinder so the entire party got dumped into a portal and fell out of the sky into the starting town; makes me wonder how our DM will work out the campaign traits since none of us are from around these parts :P

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

The party I am in has just been filled out. They are:

Ragnar - Human barbarian CG (champion path, I think)
Variel - Elf kensai magus NG (archmage path)
? rogue (trickster path, probably)
Elf wizard (archmage path)
Lazurite - kobold oracle NG (heirophant path) - me

The 2 elves are interlocking their backgrounds, and will probably be brothers. I know nothing about the rogue, other than him being a rogue. A couple of us are surprised at the lack of paladins.

Liberty's Edge

Cletic of the DM? Praytell what does the DM provide? Favored weapon falling rocks?

Scarab Sages

We finally started yesterday!

Shakaar - Tiefling Oracle of Gozra, Abyssal Sorcerer into Mystic Thurge with Riftwarden Orphan, planning on dual pathing Heirophant and Archmage.
Lawrence Crow - Catfolk Paladin of Pharasma with Exposed to Awfulness planning on Guardian.
Magnus - Dhampir Spy (Rogue) with Stolen Fury possibly going into Champion.
Madge - Grippli Warrior of the Holy Light, Paladin of Sarenrae with Child of Crusaders heading into either Marsha or Champion.

So far there's been some interesting party dynamics with the Grippli Paladin being a chatterbox, the Catfolk paladin hiding she's a catfolk (she was raised by Aasimars & has identity issues) as well as being afraid of undead and immediately noticing our Rogue is a damphir. The Tiefling Oracle has a long backstory, but basically he tells people he's a cleric and tries to stay by himself but gets excited when people approach him. I'm looking forward to seeing how the party dynamic will form!

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Line-up changed. We lost the rogue, gained a cleric of Pharasma who channels positive energy. So, I changed my Oracle to Metal instead of Life. Not enough people showed on Friday so it got postponed a week.

I start GM'ing this on Friday night and can't wait.

The 3-person party will consist of:
Human Rogue/Inquisitor/Paladin of Iomedae (Chance Encounter)
Tiefling Magus (Riftwarden Orphan)
Dwarf Fighter/Barbarian of Torag (Touched by Divinity)

Sadly, my efforts to create a WotR campaign have failed.

So it's looking like two years or so before I'll get to run this with my regular group, assuming the Reign of Winter campaign lasts. Of course, if that campaign goes belly up but the players are still interested in gaming, I might get something sooner in theory.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hm, how did it "fail"? I guess the players didn't want to play mythic?

No one showed up. I advertised it at the local comic/game shop for a month, I talked to several gamers at the store to try and get people interested, and it fell apart. It's the problem with trying to craft a new gaming group without having any friends in it. Strangers aren't that interested in RPing with other strangers when they can be with their buddies instead.

It's true. Had the same issue myself. Haven't got a group here right now because of it, but gaming online with Roll20 is still going strong on a brighter side. I recommend giving it a shot if you don't see any other options.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Well, that kinda sucks. I hope you still can get a game going sooner than you estimate.

Probably starting mid-December... have to finish Skull & Shackles first.

Shaping up to be:

Tiefling Paladin of Vengeance - Guardian

Human Gunslinger (heading for Noble Scion) - Marshal

Elven Evoker - Archmage

Undetermined Monk/Oracle - Champion

Grand Lodge

magnuskn wrote:

Dasseem Ulthor, Human Paladin of Iomedae

Panik Ulthor, Human Wizard
Tavarian Nelson, Aasimar Sorcerer (Crossblooded Wildblooded Pit-Touched Empyrial numbercrunch >.< )
Mirei, Aasimar (Plumekith) Ranger
Brother Asmodei, Aasimar (Lawbringer) Cleric of Asmodeus
Thorund Vilgurson, Human Barbarian

I imagine you'll get far with an ascended demigod in your party. =D

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Yeah. since he's the Paladin, he probably will be near to that at the end of the campaign, anyway. :p

Dark Archive

Rivalen (LG Male Human Paladin/Guardian)
Annalis Vortk (LG Female Varisian Human Crusader Cleric of Iomedae/Heirophant)
Edriseal "Seal" Aronsu (NG Male Mwangi Human Abjurer Wizard/Archmage)

We are on our way to dresen.

Doing a self-campaign with randomly rolled characters.

NG Female Elf Samurai
CG Male Halfling Bard
NG Female Dwarf Synthesist Summoner
LG Male Dwarf Empyreal Sorcerer

They have.. interesting personalities, thanks to my random-generation. Very fun, though! They're still level 1 XD

Assembled my group yesterday. So far my twin players picked twin characters ;).

Laura Valdemar= Human Crusader Cleric of Ragathiel(Child of the Crusades trait and plans to take the Champion mythic path)

Seraphine Valdemar= Human Order of the Godclaw Paladin(touched by divinity and I think she wants to become a guardian)

Norman= Aasimar barbarian(stolen fury, he wants to try out the Marshal mythic path for some reason.)

Marten Aster= Human Cavalier of the order of the dragon(exposed to awfulness and I know he's the only one that actually stuck to the recommended path)

As you can tell they're a very melee oriented party. The Cleric even gimped her own healing ability so the others wouldn't call her a healbot >.>

Anyway the first casualty was the Paladin in a blue on blue incident. She used Light when the group was reorienting itself. The Cleric still a bit dizzy saw her and one shot KOed the Paladin for her trouble.

Hilarity ensued when she knocked off her victims helm and saw her sisters face.

I just started running Wrath for my group and here is the party.

Arken [Female Android 1st-Level Paladin] Worships Ragathiel was programmed in Numeria to aid the crusade.

Satihela [Female Aasimar 1st-Level Inquisitor] Worships Iomedae and joined to crusade to follow the footsteps of her family.

Trasien [Male Vanaran 1st-Level Monk] Worships Irori he helps tend a small monastery to Irori within Kenebres.

Tyke [Male Hal-Orc 1st-Ranger] Had a dramatic near death encounter with a demon in childhood and now spends his time leanring to hunt them beyond the Wardstones.

Demon Blooded Tiefling Paladin of Arshea (going Marshal)
Angel Blooded Aasimar Paladin of Ragathiel (going Champion)
Aasimar Cleric of Gorum (going Champion)
Peri Blooded Aasimar Summomer synthesist (going Guardian)
Android Gunslinger pistoleer (going Champion)

Monkey Goblin Ranger (going Champion)

So the group I DM for has started this tonight. The cast is as follows:

Brock, a Human Fighter (Archer archetype) who had Stolen Fury in the past. Woke up the morning of the Armasse celebration with a slamming hangover, and his day hadn't gotten any better.

Gram, a Gnome Wizard (Illusionist school) and Riftwarden Orphan. Attended Armasse with a view to make a little coin with his illusions, and ended up with less coin and more caverns than he expected.

Thomas, an Aasimar Paladin of Iomedae (Sacred Servant archetype) who was Exposed to Awfulness. Armasse was meant to be a special day for the Paladin, sacred in Iomedae's eyes, and he is now seeking to get to the surface and make the Storm King pay.

Vanaren, a Tiefling Rogue and Child of the Crusade. Another day in Kenabres, surrounded by bigots of all stripes - until the demons attacked and all manner of man and tiefling were equal in their struggle to survive this day.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mawgrim wrote:
Vanaren, a Tiefling Rogue and Child of the Crusade. Another day in Kenabres, surrounded by bigots of all stripes - until the Fire Nation attacked and all manner of man and tiefling were equal in their struggle to survive this day.

Had to. :P

The game i'm in is just me and the DM. As such i'm playing two characters and there is GNPC.

Menas Xarrin, human Empyrean Knight of Iomedae a Child of the Crusade via his mother and eventual Champion.

Varla, an unfettered Eidolon who shared her deceased master's Chance encounter years ago and will be taking mythic ranks.

Mors, demon blooded elf Rogue/Cleric of Calistria who also had a Chance Encounter and eventual Trickster.

Menas is the spearhead of the group. Mors is there for vengeance against the demons for forcing their way into her bloodline which is an interesting contrast to Varla who is there for justice against the demons for the death of her master.

Krinn wrote:

Just finished Book 1, Chapter 1.

I too suggested that they each choose a different Mythic Path.

* Angelin, Female Aasimar (Angelkin) Paladin (Shining Knight, Oath against Fiends) of Shelyn, will become Hierophant
* Herion, Male Elf Wizard (Counterspell School) / Riftwarden, will become Archmage
* Elyssar, Female Android Magus (Kensai, Bladebound, Technological), will become Champion
* Svarov, Male Tiefling (Hungerseed) Alchemist (Vivisectionist, Internal Alchemist) / Master Chymist, will become Guardian
* Yandalla, Female Human Bard (Songhealer), will become Marshal
* Nesteruk, Male Half-Orc Inquisitor (Sin Eater) of Sarenrae, will become Trickster

After Nesteruk's death, the player prepared a new character

* Poppo, Male Halfling Ranger (Spirit Ranger, Urban Ranger) of Erastil, will become Trickster

We are:

Talorian Ormaster, Aasimar (Angelkin) Paladin/Ranger of Iomedae
Sheroq, Oread Inquisitor of Torag
Xandrim, Half-elf Fighter/Wizard
Erik, Half-elf Sorcerer (Draconic bloodline)

I just started this with my family this weekend. Don't get to play much, as we only come together a few times a year but am really looking forward to GMing this for them.

Halfing Paladin of Iomedea
Halfing Fighter
Human Conjurer
Halforc Barbarian

It's so weird but so much fun!!

Have finished most of book one, onto the upper floors of the Grey Garrison w/ one PC death so far (in obit thread). Party as it stands now:

Ernesto Montague, Elf Conjurer 4/Archmage 0
Min-Sun, Tengu Vermin Shaman Druid 4(own flavor)/Hierophant 0
Wukong a.k.a. Mantis Bro, Min-Sun's giant mantis companion
Martial Damian, Human Cavalier [Beast Rider]4/Marshal 0
Geist (please tell me if you get the joke), Martial's Horse companion
Kronug the Handy, Human Paladin [Divine Hunter] 4/Champion 0
Ionna Pegason, Human Paladin [Divine Defender} 4/Guardian 0

I have 0 intention of letting them re-roll after their Ascension. They can rez for money.

Dark Archive

We are rocking:

Ice Jackson: Paladin [Divine Hunter], Champion
Alexander Dawn: Paladin, Guardian/Marshal
Sin: Monk/Paladin/Champion of the Enlightened, Champion
Isaac: Paladin/Duelist, Champion
Zikon: Inquisitor of Abadar, Hierophant/Trickster

Smite smite errywhere

Scarab Sages

I have a
Human Paladin of Iomedae
A Half-elf sorcerer
A dwarf cleric of Torag
A Human fighter
A half elf rogue.
They all randomly had to draw a card to see what Mythic path they are, and I made them make their back story have something to do with that.

We had our first session last night, it's a blast so far. :D

Ausk Many-Scars, Half-Orc Barbarian (Guardian)
Tural Dawnbringer, Aasimar Cleric of Sarenrae (Hierophant)
Adrianna Martyn, Tiefling Cavalier, Order of the Dragon (Champion)
Averi, Tiefling Wizard of the Conjuration: Teleportation subschool (Archmage)
Hutch, Tengu Knifemaster (Trickster)
?, Human Ranger/Inquisitor (Marshal)

Our Marshal was sick last night and couldn't make the first session unfortunately.

Progress tracker:
We reached Neathhome(spelling?) last night, and have made several allies along the way, in addition to one grumpy dwarf.

Just a player in our group, 2 sessions into the first chapter.

I play a paladin - Aaron Marcovina, son of General Marcovina. Young "admin" paladin after he got almost killed (and his brother was killed) on a training exercise turned ambush last year. Still strong, his health was compromised due to injuries and one of his legs was permanently disabled (below average Dex and Con). He has been studying and meditating the past year while retraining to walk again. Bound to an officer's position within the city, the attack happened at the festival and that has changed a lot of things now.

What has changed? Not sure but Aaron is hoping to find his way out of the depths below and back to Kenabres and to see what defenses his Father has put up and where he can help.

Kahl - half orc urabn barbarian. Had steady work as a mercenary in the ranks of one of the long-serving mercenary troops in Kenabres. Very intelligent for a half-orc.

Brother Overhult - dwarven priest and mercenary. Moves fast for a dwarf, hits hard too. Aaron has decided to put him in for a ribbon or award of some kind for the 3 times he has saved our rag-tag group that got thrown down that chasm.

Ahlundria, halfelven mistress of wizardry - Aaron just realized that he has no idea what she does up in Kenabres. Did she own a shop? Was she studying someplace? She is a wizard so that is known. She worships Desna. She and the half-orc warrior seem to be hitting it off.

Silver Crusade

TheNine wrote:

I have a

Human Paladin of Iomedae
A Half-elf sorcerer
A dwarf cleric of Torag
A Human fighter
A half elf rogue.
They all randomly had to draw a card to see what Mythic path they are, and I made them make their back story have something to do with that.

So... if the Sorcerer gets Heirophant and the Fighter gets Arch Mage they are just screwed?

Scarab Sages

First Mythic feat for those two would be Dual Path then.

Silver Crusade

Like I said, screwed.

DM: You are Mythic Teir 1 now!
Fighter: yeah, but I'm apparently an Archmage... what do I do with that?
DM: Well you get some bonus hit points, not as many as if you were a champion or a defender though. And you HAVE to pick one of these great spell casting powers... well, they won't do anything for you but write it down anyway. Oh, and you get a mythic feat, take dual path.
Fighter: Ok, so I'm mythic... but if I really want anything useful from it I have to take this dual path feat, great... thanks?
DM: Well, you picked Archmage from the deck... you should have made a wizard.
Wizard: Yeah, I got Heirophant... guess I'm taking dual path too.
Cleric: I got Marshal... yay?
Sorcerer: I don't want to hear it... I got Guardian.
Rogue: Ha! You all suck! I got Trickster!

I'm sorry... I just do not see the point in dictating such a vital character development point. This is no different than telling someone what class they will take at level 3.

DM: I know you have been a fighter for 2 levels, but I really feel that you should diversify... draw a card from this deck and it'll tell you what your 3rd class level will be!
Me: Umm... no. *leaves and finds another game*

Not saying you are doing anything wrong, if your players are cool with it great. Just stating that my personal opinion is that it sucks.

Silver Crusade

Well, we have finished book 1 and started book 2 so figured I would update my party information.

My players consist of:

Shandralyn - Human Scion Aasimar Paladin 5/Fighter 1/Guardian 1 of Iomadae with the "Exposed to Awefulness" trait

Alarik - Devil Blooded Tiefling Mendavian Crusader Cleric of Iomadae 6/Heirophant 1 with the "Touched by Divinity" trait

Albho - Elf Divination Wizard 6/Archmage 1 with the "Riftwarden Orphan" trait

Brandr - Kellid Battle Scout Ranger (two-handed style)6/Marshal 1 with the "Child of the Crusades" trait

Naketsu - Tian Samurai with the "Stolen Fury" trait, planned to go Champion *Deceased*

Hune - Kellid Infiltrator Ranger (archery) 5/Rogue 1/Trickster 1 with the "Chance Encounter" trait

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