What character ideas do you have for Iron Gods?

Iron Gods

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Anorak wrote:
I'm hoping to play Ando Lloyd (Male? Android) a devout operative (Inquisitor-Monk) of an Iron God, armed only with his spiritual training and his skill in martial arts, as he seeks his destiny in the Numerian Wastes...

Lloyd here now!

(Will be amazed if anyone gets THAT reference!)

Grand Lodge

This AP sounds so cool, id want to play a Gunslinger or a cat person rouge. Ill probably GM it but my players are resisting playing it.

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If I wasn't so dead set on running it rather than playing it, I'd probably be either the tech-hating, good ol-fashioned barbarian I mentioned forever ago in this thread, or I'd be an aasimar sorcerer with the Nanite bloodline that People of the River just revealed. Cue everyone thinking that, because I'm an aasimar and a sorcerer I must obviously have the Celestial bloodline! And when they're writhing on the floor from my scorching ray, I say to them,

"Nanomachines, son."

Shadow Lodge

Teifling Skald based on Eddie Riggs. Possibly mixed with Sound Striker bard - we'll see how the ACG shakes out.

Probably won't happen though, as I'll be the GM.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Depending on the level of tech wahoo in this AP, I could see one cribbing character concepts/flavors from RIFTS

Crazies: A mutagen focused alchemist/master chymist build, with the alternate alignment representing bouts of trauma induced changes in thinking.

Cyberdoc: Given the nature of Numeria, having somebody from one of the cities who runs a seedy "body-chop" shop might be fun. Dunno how I'd do this one mechanically though.

Glitterboy/girl (or perhaps other power armor users): A synthesist summoner or aegist (psionics expanded I think) with a particularly gimmicky/ostentatious manifestation.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I don't know if I have any set character ideas per se, but I definitely want a chance to use a line like this:

"I'm told this is a Mag-Tech MGx-7 anti-materiel rifle, designed to penetrate up to 3 inches of solid ceramite plating. Now, I don't know what any of that means, but it sounds darn impressive, so I'm eager to find out. How about you?"

Android Ranger (Galvanic Saboteur Archetype)-I have met the enemy, and it is myself.

Grand Lodge

We play a 30 point buy system, but you have to subtract your races cp from the total points. So with this in mind, I'm going to be rolling on a kasatha cloistered cleric of Brigh. He's focused on discovering the tech and putting it to use for the greater good of his faith.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

After a comment Ambrosia Slaad made over on People of the River, Halfling Ranger (Galvanic Saboteur) w Childike (and eventually Pass for Human).

Radiant Oath

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

A ratfolk Gunslinger (Experimental Gunsmith) who tinkers and messes with technology, looking for any scrap he can find to repair and sell. And if it isn't scrap yet...he's not averse to MAKING it scrap so he can sell it then. He gets away with it because of the hood of his brown robes obscures his face...apart from his glowing, beady little eyes..."UTINNI!"

Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal wrote:
After a comment Ambrosia Slaad made over on People of the River, Halfling Ranger (Galvanic Saboteur) w Childike (and eventually Pass for Human).

so essentially, a human child with the mind of an adult…. very sadistic!

Pendagast wrote:
Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal wrote:
After a comment Ambrosia Slaad made over on People of the River, Halfling Ranger (Galvanic Saboteur) w Childike (and eventually Pass for Human).

so essentially, a human child with the mind of an adult…. very sadistic!

I had something more innocent in mind, but whatever Irnk and his group (or anyone else) enjoy playing is HavingFunRight.

My character idea (although I doubt I'll ever play her, cause Im the only person I know that GMs Pathfinder, and even if one of my friends did GM Pathfinder, none of them do APs) is a space pirate that is not actually from Golarion, however she crashed her ship on Golarion and while she was able to do some minor repairs, it's too damaged for even her knowledge, plus parts... so hey... maybe she can find something in Numeria.

She's an Aasimar (Musetouched, Deathless Spirit, Immortal Spark, Scion of Humanity) Gunslinger (Buccaneer) (which is legal by RAW due to Scion of Humanity, but not in PFS) / Witch (White-Haired) (Plan being 5 levels gunslinger, rest to witch) and she's taking Eldritch Heritage (Void-Touched) (or Starsoul if the GM didn't use my house rule that bloodlines are bloodlines... I throw out the Wildblooded archetype and just use the bloodlines) Her campaign trait is Numerian Archaelogist, because 1 that gives her some tech knowledge she'd have as a former space pirate, plus also represents her attempts to try to figure out Numerian tech and how to incorporate it.

Something like Ronan the Accuser. Well a bit more angry and a bit more martial arty.

Here are my build ideas:


Aerodus Hellcaller wrote:
We play a 30 point buy system, but you have to subtract your races cp from the total points.

That's a really good idea!

Vegepygmy Savage.

Scarab Sages

Possibly a samurai with the amateur gunslinger feat.
(I want a ray gun)

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

If I were playing this, I'd probably adapt one of my old characters.

Billy Canary, Halfling.

A slave of the Technic League since childhood, Billy was used as a "canary" for Leaguers exploring ruined technological dungeons and spaceships. During one fateful mission, Billy accidentally activated an unstable energy reactor of some kind. His technic league owner left Billy for dead by locking him in the reactor. As the alien countdown timer ticked down Billy grew more and more desperate to escape. The light from the reactor grew impossibly bright and hot...

Billy woke up in the centre of a shattered ruin. Much of his face and body were badly burned. He picked up the gas mask off the mangled remains of the Technic Leaguer who sent Billy to his almost certain doom. Billy doesn't know how he survived but something changed in him in that moment. A power unlocked in him that he does not understand.

Class Choices Oracle, Sorcerer or Psion.
Trait: Against the Technic League
Feat: Technologist

Lemartes wrote:
Aerodus Hellcaller wrote:
We play a 30 point buy system, but you have to subtract your races cp from the total points.
That's a really good idea!

race point totals aren't even balanced with each other, you are better off eyeballing the race than counting the totals, because some of the higher RP races are actually less powerful than some of the low RP races, for example, humans and dwarves are better than most of the races despite having lower total RP.

Auren "Rin" Cloudstrider wrote:
Lemartes wrote:
Aerodus Hellcaller wrote:
We play a 30 point buy system, but you have to subtract your races cp from the total points.
That's a really good idea!
race point totals aren't even balanced with each other, you are better off eyeballing the race than counting the totals, because some of the higher RP races are actually less powerful than some of the low RP races, for example, humans and dwarves are better than most of the races despite having lower total RP.

Yeah I know I thought of that after I posted.

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Dragonchess Player wrote:
How can you go wrong with a catfolk monk of the empty hand (with a dip into ranger), a human invulnerable rager barbarian, and human arcane bloodline sorcerer? ;-P

With the new archetypes in the Technology Guide, I think a savage technologist barbarian would be more fun than an invulnerable rager.

Damn... A lot more fun.

Lantern Lodge

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I want to adapt the Nanite bloodline to Bloodrager. Trying to figure if I want Thundaar or He-man or if I want to recreate Shining Force characters.

Liberty's Edge

Made a (probably final) decision tonight, and of course it wasn't any of the options I'd been considering before. The Against the Technic League trait, the masked avenger archetype and the monowhip item all bounced around in my head for awhile, and produced Killswitch, the Defender of Torch! By day, he is mild-mannered guardsman Connir Milestine. By night, he is the android vigilante Killswitch, Defender of Torch! Although he seeks out crime and villainy throughout the village, he saves his greatest efforts for the Technic League, whose perfidy has weighed so heavily on the good citizens of Torch for too long.

Killswitch is a CG android swashbuckler (masked avenger) with a human cover identity and a slightly skewed idea about how to go about undertaking social change. This should be fun!

Lantern Lodge

I had an idea for an Android soulknife, but reasonably enough the psionic rules were deemed too outre.

Then I thought Oracle, heavens mystery, stargazer trait. Go for deaf curse, somehow tie this in to a language disability (maybe tongues would be a better avenue). Android is tough to make work for Oracle, because of that cha hit.

Other than that I'd consider a Kellid barbarian of some sort.

My initial concept was an ex-Technic League summoning wizard. This got scrapped in favor of a dwarven bloodrager. May I present Havock Steelclaw:

Physical Description: Red Hair/Beard, unlike most Dwarves, Havock is remarkably trim and fit. Shaped into a lean slabs of muscle by the harsh wilderness, Havock stands a mere 4ft 5in and wields a mighty dwarven waraxe forged from a strange gleaming metal.

Personality: Tough and quiet, Havock is quick to anger and slow to calm down. Always full of energy, he feels the need to always be working on a weapon, training or traveling to the next location. The death of his adoptive clan weighs heavily on his mind.

Background: Meet Havock Steelclaw, the finest smith any Kellid Tribe has ever known. He has traveled far and wide, searching for the finest materials and metals to forge into his weapons. Now his journey brings him to the town of Torch, in search of these legendary "sky metals".
Raised by a small tribe of barbarians in the wastes of Numeria, Havock took to weapon-smithing as the Soricos take to digging. Soon after his 22nd summer his tribe was attacked by a horde of strange creatures. These abominations shone in the sun like a freshly polished blade and made quick work of any that stood in their way. Mysterious beams of sun leapt from these creatures into his clan-mates, sending ribbons of charred smoke into the sky. Left for dead among the burnt and cut corpses of his clan-mates, Havock swore revenge on those strange creatures and took up a question to forge a weapon strong enough to avenge each of his slaughtered clan-mates.
tl;dr: Technic League dunked his clan, Havock wants to dunk the Technic League.

Got a basic framework for a character for Iron Gods right now.

Race: Elf

Class: Alchemist (no archetypes, just explosives)

Traits: Warrior of Old, Local Ties

Deity: Brigh (this elf is really into tech)

Feat: Technologist (did I mention this elf is really into tech?)

I do have a PFS equivalent in the works with a name and everything. Will likely make that one be a Dark Archive character.

Also have a thought for an Elven Spellslinger. Android Spellslinger would also work, simply because I can have a lot of fun with more gun.

My players are tossing around concepts for an all Android party.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Weslocke wrote:
My players are tossing around concepts for an all Android party.

Rockman (Gunslinger)

Elecman (Air bloodline sorcerer)
Fireman (Flame Oracle)
Iceman (Winter Witch)
Gutsman (Barbarian)
Cutman (Slayer)
Bombman (Alchemist)

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DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
Weslocke wrote:
My players are tossing around concepts for an all Android party.

Rockman (Gunslinger)

Elecman (Air bloodline sorcerer)
Fireman (Flame Oracle)
Iceman (Winter Witch)
Gutsman (Barbarian)
Cutman (Slayer)
Bombman (Alchemist)

Their concept for the party is a group of SilverMount Androids who have been running from the Technic League since day one and have formed a "gang" for self-protection purposes.

They have tossed around ideas for two of the PC's (a slayer and an investigator) who have the skills to pass as human most of the time and who usually are the "go to town" guys.

The other two pc's classes have yet to be determined but current leanings are towards a Druid and a nanite-blooded Sorcerer.

I think they want to see if it is within the scope of the AP's story to redeem the android race in the eyes of their Numerian neighbors so that their kind are no longer viewed as second-class citizens (or first-class slaves!). It sounded like a fun idea to me so I told them to run with it.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Someday I'll see or run a game with all Megaman characters... someday.

Dragonchess Player wrote:
Dragonchess Player wrote:
How can you go wrong with a catfolk monk of the empty hand (with a dip into ranger), a human invulnerable rager barbarian, and human arcane bloodline sorcerer? ;-P

With the new archetypes in the Technology Guide, I think a savage technologist barbarian would be more fun than an invulnerable rager.

Damn... A lot more fun.

Yeah I'll probably do this with a few levels of Mutagenic Mauler.

Lord Marshall/Ronan The Acuser in look and fighting style...way different background...Android. :)

Im gonna run a Dwarven Inquisitor of Brigh X Guntank 1 as my Support GMPC. I gave him Nimble fingers keen mind, Heresy Inquisition and the heretic archetype. Meant to be party healer and Skill monkey. Im looking foward to running him

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It's probably wrong, but I don't want to play Iron Gods so much as show up for the first session with an android so on day 2 I can ask the GM if I dreamt of electric sheep...


Dark Archive

Unfortunately for me I'm gonna have to DM this campaign, so no character for me. If I would play a character, it would be an orc barbarian with the feral racial trait, 13 years old. He joins the party, the first group of humanoids he has contact with, when he falls in love with one of the other characters. (Preferably a beautiful android, but I guess that doesn't matter much.) He'll learn to speak at level 2.

Some aberration... Or a Transformer, or some other ET.

Using my preferred technique, I have just created a neutral evil halfling sorcerer. No idea what to do with him just yet...Maybe a hot blooded halfling exploder wizard type? Iron Gods could have a very BASTARD!! type feel to it in the right places. Maybe I should take him in a Laharl direction since he's a halfling...Hmm....

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Freehold DM wrote:
Using my preferred technique, I have just created a neutral evil halfling sorcerer. No idea what to do with him just yet...Maybe a hot blooded halfling exploder wizard type? Iron Gods could have a very BASTARD!! type feel to it in the right places. Maybe I should take him in a Laharl direction since he's a halfling...Hmm....

Will you try reaching level 9999?

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I seem to have gone in the exact opposite way from everyone else on this thread and went old school for my idea.

Dr. Roderick A'Mac'Dowall
Race: Vanara - Monkey-like race from ARG
Class: Gunslinger (Musket Master), with a custom mental-enhancing archetype added to the class since we play w/o any major magic items

He's a scientist first and an adventurer second, who wishes to study (and venerate) mechanical life, believing science is the key to the universe, and can supplement or even surpass magic altogether. I even chose the Tree-Stranger alt racial trait just to make him seem more civilized.

It took a few days before anyone even realized the inspiration for the character, and I'm still disappointed my brothers didn't know Dr. Cornelius from Planet of the Apes.

Scarab Sages

You Maniac!

Orc fighter with the martial master/mutagen warrior/ gladiator archtypes.
And a chainsaw yeah baby hail to the king.

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Orc Barbarian 1/ Fighter (Cyber-Soldier). Originally a member of a tribe far from Numeria, he was captured by low templar during a skirmish and sold to slavers from Nisroch, where he eventually was given over to the tender cares of the kyton who live beneath Numeria. After months of experimentation, they eventually tired of him, and allowed him to escape, but unbeknownst to him, with a tracker chip embedded under his skin..and only after taking an arm during a particularly horrific test of orc physiology. This one armed-orc wandered blindly, before stumbling into one of the other two party members I have envisioned, who saw the missing arm as an opportunity to begin constructing a perfect weapon...which is all this Orc wants to be now. He now wants to perfect his body with metal and return to the kyton vaults to unleash his vengeance...

Human (support class of some kind / party face / arcane spellcaster) - A former member of the Technic League, he was raised in Starfall and his talent was apparent from an early age. He was sent (along with his brother) to live and train under a senior Technic League member, his uncle, to harness his ability . Rare amongst members of that organization, his uncle was mostly interested in plumbing the depths of the wondrous technology found in and around the Silver Mount, and wanted merely to study...until the day he ran across a cybernetics lab that was unknown even to the League..he feared if he revealed its existence, the League would appropriate it (a justified fear) so he kept it hidden...until the day his nephew returned from afield with a certain one-armed orc with a League-allied kyton tracking chip under its skin...the vengeance of the League was swift and terrible. His kindly uncle was dismembered, only the head was saved and incorporated into a horrid undead robot monstrosity (for those of you who have read Terry Brooks' novel Antrax, you know what I'm thinking of here.)..both as an experiment, and as a lesson to those who would withold secrets from the League...

...and Human Gunslinger (Techslinger) - the face's brother, a carefree "black sheep" who was sent away mostly so the family would have one less mouth to feed, times are hard in Starfall after all. Having always had uncanny accuracy with the old family crossbow, he took naturally to the guns of a traveling merchant from Alkenstar who happened through Starfall. He was so good, in fact, that in exchange for demonstrating the merchant's wares (more accessible than the jealously guarded weapons of the Technic League), he was given an old, valueless, beat-up weapon to have for his own when the merchant departed (or was forced from by the League) Starfall for more lucrative markets..always the outsider, he adopts an "I don't care" attitude regarding the opinions of others, yet he resents the approval given his brother by his late uncle due to his arcane talent...likely to put himself at risk to prove himself in a fight, he wants to fight the League both for the murder of his uncle, and to tweak an elitist society of which he can't be a part...

So there are a number of side plots available for this party, finding a cybernetics lab will be key later on, as will the acquisition of whatever tech weaponry the Gunslinger focuses on. Fighting the kytons, I have no clue if that factors in to the AP at all, but if it does, that's going to be awesome as well... and adding the undead uncle as a later challenge (think an iron golem that can cast spells) will be a powerful moment for them all.

I'm likely to be running this AP as the GM, and if the players want to play this party (I think they'll jump at the chance), I'm going to give the orc a cybernetic arm for free.

I do have an idea for a Swashbuckler/Paladin Half-Elf- her mother's the elf (and taught her the whole 'Swashbuckler' thing), while her father's a Paladin. They met when her mother spent some time near the Worldwound, and she's travelling there to meet up with/learn from her father when she gets... side-tracked.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I´m going crossblooded sorcerer impossible/air, then arcanist taking bloodline developement impossible, then at level 8 technomancer.
Loosing out two spell levels, but it´s just awesome and crafting wondrous items should more then balance that.
Also can use all kinds of guns later ho ho ho.

I wonder why no one is playing a savage technologist barbarian or techlinger gunslinger though, both from Technology Guide. Those would have been my other favorites clearly.

Scarab Sages

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I don't know whether I'll ever find a group to play this AP with, but I'm thinking of a Numerian Kellid tribal chirurgeon/crypt breaker alchemist. "I heal the living, and destroy the machines."

It might be a little tricky to bring this character around to the idea that it's okay for him to become part machine to better fight the machines. (That's unfortunate, because as a player, I'd love to cyber up a character.) Maybe as he's exposed to more technology, he gradually comes to realize that it isn't inherently evil.

From a game mechanics standpoint, alkahest bombs should be great in this AP. Chirurgeon is one of the few archetypes that doesn't conflict with crypt breaker, and it sets up that nice heal/harm combo. Some archaeologist bard levels might complement the alchemist levels nicely.

If the character ever interacted with the Pathfinder Society, or if my GM allowed me to remove the Society connection, then Pathfinder Delver might be a fun prestige class for this character.

Scarab Sages

Thinking about it a little more, the alchemist and the archaeologist turned delver are probably two separate characters.

Once the alchemist found a gun, if he didn't destroy it, he could certainly dip into a couple of levels of savage technologist. The arachaeologist could do the same with picaroon, musketeer, pistolero, or musket master. Or straight gunslinger, I suppose. (Yes, I love archetypes.)

I'm trying to decide between a handful of concepts including but not limited to:

Falgar an half-elven sacred huntsman inquisitor of Brigh with a wolf companion determined to wipe the blight of the Technic League and their alien machines off the face of the Inner Sea,


Gallimor the Soul-knife/picaroon swashbuckler aasimar dedicated to journeying to Silver Mount to find a way home to the stars,


Thorvald the Liberator, a Kellid savage technologist determined to liberate the Kellid people from the oppressive rule of the Technic League,


Kuno the Psionic Half-Giant, a local half-giant psion metacreationist that is fascinated by the technology of Silver Mount and hopes to learn more about the Technic League and their abilities


Trancmar the Trustworthy, a steel hound investigator hiring out his services to the highest bidder in the town of Torch,


Keth the Star-chaser, a tiefling spellslinger wizard determined to learn the secrets of the Silver Mount.

Molok-Kath, a kellid Bloodrager from the Sunder Horn tribe.
Crossblooded of Abyssal and Black Blood bloodlines, Molok has been exposed to the nightmare technologies of Numeria, and as such has parts of the Nanite Eldritch Heritage bloodline.

He frequently has nightmares and dreams of dark caves of terrible vastness, the size of continents, and of great skinless warriors...

He has so far, out of homebrewed weapons and such, managed to get his hands on a greataxe designed by the Technic League, made from an advanced alchemical alloy similar to how the Null Blades were formed. This one is made from Inubrix and Adamantine, and shares the qualities of Adamantine with necromantic energies that, when he bloodrages, go all sorts of crazy.

Rad "Skyborn"

Male Android investigator (empiricist) later dipping into Gunslinger with the Mechanic archetype (3rd party).

Rad just wandered into Torch one day without any memory of who he is. He was quickly taken in by Khonnir Baine helping him in his workshop, but is full of questions about his identity and purpose. Khonnir named him Rad after the faint radiation that radiated from Rad when he found him, and Skyborn from the legends that Androids come from the stars. He has started experimenting with the strange fluids sometimes found in Numeria, mixing them with more common reagents and even his own blood to make magical extracts and is currently planning on building a crude gun based on designs he found in one of Khonnir's notebooks.

I'm actually thinking it would be really cool to play an Androffan, but I can't seem to find any information on them, other than that one liner in the Tech Guide that says they are "humans from the crashed space-ship"

It would be neat if they actually had slightly different biological traits than regular human(oid)s...

GarThor wrote:

I'm actually thinking it would be really cool to play an Androffan, but I can't seem to find any information on them, other than that one liner in the Tech Guide that says they are "humans from the crashed space-ship"

It would be neat if they actually had slightly different biological traits than regular human(oid)s...

Androffans are identical to humans, as they are just that, humans. They're not human-like humanoids, they're plan and simple humans. This does the mystery of why humans are so widespread in the universe (3 different galaxies to count). I know some people don't like this and the fact that Androffans are just another human ethnicity, but I personally like it and think it adds a nice, mysterious quality.

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