Adventurer#33 |

I have never GM'd a game before. In fact my experience with roleplaying is limited, and by limited I mean next to none. I have notice that it can be difficult to get into a game here on the forums. There are relatively few GMs and even the most experience ones want to play as a PC sometimes. I figure I have a choice. I can either lurk around here on the forum and hopefully get into a game or I can be a contributing member of this community and try to learn to GM so I can run games for others.
So I want to give running a game a try. If there are any experianced GMs and Players out there that want to play a game and don't mind having to hold the GMs hand let me know. If there are 3or four people interested we can talk about what we want to do and what rules we want to use.

Andreas Skye |

been gaming for damn long number of years, but now on hiatus (work and life). I'd love to be in a game; my particular choice would be to play through a PF Adventure Path. I am also ok with most Old School (not really much into 4e, as recently i've been bound to PbP and it's hard to play that without careful usage of counters/minis). I am the kind of player who enjoys character- and story- narrative development and interaction over the "rules gamer" approach and i try being sympathetic and collaborative with a GM trying to run us through something.
I'm in the Europe side of things and I have a pretty unpredictable job, so I'm personally bound to PbP, but besides that i'm pretty open to anything else.

Professor Rastaban |

I'd certainly be interested, depending on the time when it would take place. I've never played by post before, but I'm a strong believer of roleplaying over 'rollplaying', and I love trying to energize the GM and other players through my character. As a newer GM myself, I can tell you that you've made an excellent choice, running a campaign is just as fun, if not a little more so, as playing in one. Let me know if you need someone for your roster!

Adventurer#33 |

I am looking at doing Pbp because it is more flexible, and I am also in europe. The only rule set I am at all familiar with is pathfinder and I am open to doing an adventure path if that is what you all want. since five people have shown an interest why don't we start talking about what we want to play.

DM Azure_Zero |

Nice initiative, Adventurer#33
For those just trying their hand at GMing I would recommend going with a Modules first, and preferably starting at level 1 or 2, anything higher than Character level 4 will overwhelm a new GM
and with these are a good start point for character Generation
Base creation rules:
Stats: 20-point Buy (Gives Players breathing room, without making them too powerful)
Traits: 0 to 2 (Based on GM)
Sources allowed: Core Rule Book(s) (Starting GMs should only use Core Rule Book to prevent broken characters and from overwhelming the new GM with options)
Starting Cash: Average or Max (GM Preference) (Based on first level)
HP: (Max, 2nd level and above 1/2HD+1) or (Max and then Roll for it)
Alignments: Non-evil (Evil characters cause to many problems)
Character Background: Ideal
3.5 Modules
Hollows-Last-Hope It's Free
Crown-of-the-Kobold-King Good squeal to Hollow's last hope, and is 2nd in a 5 part series.
Hangmans-Noose Scary, Who done it.
PF Modules
Crypt-of-the-Everflame First in a 3-part module series
Master-of-the-Fallen-Fortress It's Free.
The-Godsmouth-Heresy Great Dungeon Crawl
Murders-Mark a Who done it.

Andreas Skye |

the advantage of Hollow's Last Hope and Crypt of the Everflame (both 1st level starters) is that they have sequels which can produce a mini AP of sorts... I have more engagement with APs, but as I said I'm flexible... Only thing is that modules tend to require more "fleshing out" on the side of characters, backgrounds and backstories, whereas with APs Player's Guides and other resources give lots of ideas for a novice GM.
Regardless, I'm open to anything. I tend to play arcane characters, either bards of wizards. If there advanced options, i tend to go with magi.

armlessbaby |

I'm INCREDIBLY interested. I've done a lot of RPGs, tabletop, virtual, and PBP. That being said I've only recently arrived to the Pathfinder scene. I'm in the middle of a homebrew tabletop currently and have been clawing to get into some PBP. I'd like to join you in this venture. I thoroughly enjoy writing and roleplaying. Especially, PBP because of the diverse styles you can encounter and vastly imaginative worlds that can be forged. Whatever the adventure, I'll throw in my hat and make a character. I am quite flexible and available for posting numerous times in the day. Just keep me in mind.

Don Jon Dux |

First, I totally agree with Azure_Zero's thumbs-up on initiative; kudos to you!
Having spent a fair bit of time on both sides of the GM's screen, I'd suggest getting comfortable as a player first. That said, if your players are knowledgeable and willing, they can help you "spin up" and learn your way around GMing. And that's generally the sort you'll find on the forums here, so if you want to dive straight in this is an excellent place to do it.
I'm pretty new to PbP but have about a year in on Pathfinder with three characters in local games. I still consider myself new but I have a fair handle on a lot of it (at least enough that I don't drive our GMs nuts, hah). Depending on how you go with this I might be interested/able to get involved if you want another player.
And regardless, the best of luck to you in your efforts. As you yourself have discovered, we can always use another GM!

Adventurer#33 |

lots of good advice and a lot more interest than I thought. I am looking over some of the adventure modules azure_zero suggested. If anyone has something partiular they want to play let me know. Also does anyone have preffered ways of mapping things out for combat. I have thought some about it but would like to know what you all have found to be the easiest and most effective.

![]() |

I would like to play Murders mark from that list personally (I like who done its).
Another option would be to do something like We Be Goblins and have people play the pregens so that you don't even have to worry about approving characters. That one also has a sequel, and both give everyone a chance to RP some goblins.
I have been doing PbP for about a week (yeah I am new too), only way I have seen a battle map was in a google doc excel sheet. Personally I like that because I can access it from work or wherever, and I don't have to make a new account to another website.

Adventurer#33 |

Okay Everyone! I have been looking at adventure modules and while the modules Azure_Zero suggested are good I have decided to try the first module of the skull and Shackles adventure path "The Wormwood Mutiny" because pirates are just fricken cool! Seriously it may be a bit ambitious for a first timer, but nothing ventured nothing gained, and again pirates are cool! I am just looking at doing the first module but if it goes well and the players want to continue after we finish (if we finish)we could possibly continue with the adventure path. I am going to spend a couple days studying the module I will put up a new recruitment thread on friday. If you are interested in playing feel free to start working on a character.
Character build rules
Stats: 20-point Buy
core races
core classes
Traits: up to 2 traits
Sources allowed: Core Rule Book(s)
Starting Cash: average cash
HP: Max, 2nd level and above 1/2HD+1
Alignments: non-evil but lawful good probably won't be a good fit.
Character Background: Okay the fluff is important to me. a good background is going to be more important than a perfect crunch.
Also give me something about your RPG experience. I am going to focus on experienced players and GMs because this is going to be a learning experience for me and I need brains to pick.
Thank you everyone for your enthusiasm and advice.

Andreas Skye |

Just a query, #33, what do you mean by "Core Book(s)"?? I noticed the "s"!!!! Obivously the PF Core Rulebook and just races and classes in it (no APG). Traits (except campaign traits, one per PC) are in the APG. What about minor things (as opposed to the whole array of new classes and races) like feats, spells and so on?? You mean no stuff at all from PF Players' Companion?? I am ok with any choice, but using stuff from "Pirates of the Shackles" seems pretty appropriate...

Adventurer#33 |

@Don Jon Dux even if you don't have a lot of pbp experience you are welcome to submit a character.
@Andreas Skye that is a very good point, sorry that was unclear.
I want to keep it fairly simple so I am going to limit the sources to the core rule book,the adventure path players guide, and the pirates of the inner sea players companion.

Diabolito Stormbeard |

Oh my gosh! I have a barbarian for this very thing! I need to modify him a bit, but here is my barbarian. :) Cause, honestly, who can say no to an angry dwarf?
But I have a feeling I'll need to change his archetypes, since one is from ultimate combats & the other from the advanced players guide.
Here is an example of the RP with Diabolito and other characters. He has...interesting experiences with putting his foot in his mouth. But they're hilarious.

Wofguy |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Let me post some guides so help you out:
DH's Guide to Play by Post Gaming
Tips on running a successful play by post
What makes a successful PBP game?
Hope that helps.