Jaxtile's page
Organized Play Member. 77 posts. No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character.

Our 3rd level group has just received inconvertible proof a succubus wants us for... something... Our witch rolled a sense motive high on the dominated prince she is serving and gave him a few rerolls on his condition with a couple casts of detect magic and leading questions. Lucky thing too, because our party was split between a devil cult, an inn, and a demi-human rebel hideout. A few teleports from the succubus later and the party was under suggestions and dominates that the witch managed to get us to reroll on with bonuses. I feel like next session she will obtain a means of casting magic aura and begin hunting in earnest.
The gm doesn't want us dead, I hope. Teleport into +11 claw with +6d6 vampric touches is a dead level 3 caster. I've instructed the party to stick together from now on (none of us really trust one another which makes this harder) and will beg the devil cult for cold iron weapons and a scroll of dimensional lock.
Party is a human superstitious barb, fear based witch, fey bloodline sorc, catfolk ranger, teifling Druid and dwarf paladin, all 3rd level. We have 25 alchemists fire eating up wealth from a previous mission the now dominated and dangerous werewolf Druid rebel leader sent us on.
What other precautions can we take with under 1000 liquid cash? Rob a potion store for protection from evil?
I'm unsure where the problem begins...
Vital strike is for weapon attacks.
Weapons are manufactured and natural.
CRB wrote: Touch Attacks: Touching an opponent with a touch spell is considered to be an armed attack and therefore does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Considered armed and therefore you don't provoke by touching.
Seems clear to me you can't vital strike a touch spell.
As for holding your charge and natural attacking, the correct interpretation has already been stated. Your vital strike affects the natural attack, not the spell.
Comon guys we have fighter threads to argue about the usability of vital strike in. Don't turn it into another caster feat.
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Second using a reach weapon, at least until your CL gets higher and your buffs last longer. You do not want to run into a situation where you buff up for 2 or 3 rounds and don't get to hit anything. Buff > move to position > wait for AoO fixes that. You want at least 12 dex so Combat Reflexes does something for you.
I'd roll with... exactly what Fruian said.

Blakmane wrote: You absolutely can take 10 on stealth checks. SKR already qualified this:
"Let your players Take 10 unless they're in combat or they're distracted by something other than the task at hand" (emphasis mine)
It's also totally irrelevant to the discussion at hand.
And the DC check for a stealthing, invisible wizard with no ranks is extremely high: actually a lot higher than you calculated, ninja, due to the extra bonus the spell gives. If he isn't moving, the perception DC is 20 base + 20 (not moving) + 20+10+40 (stealth base, plus the spell's bonus to stealth for not moving) = DC 110. Simply not achievable.
As an aside, it is worth pointing out that RAW being out-of-sight behind a door or wall makes it more difficult to detect an invisible creature. You don't get bonuses because the invisible creature is out of sight: you actually get penalties in these cases.
0 Base DC to notice a creature.
+40 for being invisible and not moving.
+stealth check.
So should be around 52 or so for a hypothetical wizard at level one casting from a scroll.
What the hell is tossing death effects a you at level one?
Being below level 3 sucks. You can die from one crit. You have maybe 5 spells a day, tops. You have one feat, unless you are human or a class that gives bonus.
You don't see people spending weeks at 1-2 because it's no fun.
Afterwards, when your martials don't fall over in two hits from mooks and your casters can cast a flashy stone call once in a while you could spend longer.
My last campaign had us at level 3 for 7 sessions. I think thats a good number. Get used to new feats, spells, features. Enjoy them for a time. Then hit level 4 and do it all pber again.
You get pretty comfortable with your stats and can rattle em off without looking. That's pretty cool too!
I love reading these. I know it all already, but it's great for newbie friends
Remember that big parties (5 or more) will likely wallop any cinematic villains who prefer to fight singlehandedly. Add trusted lieutenants and minions in fights! Use terrain! Weather! Concealment! Traps! Tactics!
Is this a PFS game or homebrew?
Rolling for stats or point buy?
Go 2hander with power attack and anything else.
Stats whould go STR>CHA>DEX=CON>WIS>INT, unless you want to try and be skillful.
For a TWF build, or a sword n sheild, you need minimum 15 dex at level one and should expect to grab a dex belt or put your level up stat points into dex. Go down the TWF chain as you meet requirements, slide up the shield mastery chain as you can.
Use lay on hands as a swift on yourself, smite the scary things, channel after fights. Congrats, you are deadly in combat and hard to kill.
Ruin, Anguish, Decay, Madness, Corruption.
Go Prime Evils: Terror, Destruction, Hatred.
Any negative noun or adjective can be a horseman!
Make their cohort the Horseman on Stubbed Toes!
Grab a reach weapon and be the rally point on the battlefield. Your survivability is top notch, so you can take a low Con and grab some Sec to use with combat reflexes. Get your casters and archers to stand behind you with your fight beside and let everything impale itself on your spear, while you chant hymns to your god.
Or just hack things apart with your bastard sword and enjoy the cover bonuses of the tower shield. Other than the crippling lack of skill points its hard to make a paladin suck.
For stats, I like
Str > Cha > Dex = Con = Int > Wis
Your class skills blow mostly, I suppose you can grab diplomacy and Knowledge (Religion)
Zen archer with UMD so he can read those scrolls then wallop fools with adamantium arrows. Kite the slow fighter with tanglefoot bags. Run towards the wizard and trip him. Laugh at the paladin who can't smite you and can't LoH either.
Definitely grab a dice set and roll those stats, 5d6 drop 2 is MUCH better than 25 point buy.
The human reroll feat chain could work.
"What? I missed? Impossible! I AM THE CHOSEN ONE!"
*reality rearranges itself so you did stab the orc*
You don't need toughness, thats what LoH is for. Grab a race feat, maybe?
Fey Foundling is superior to toughness in every respect.
Power attack if you dont want to be ignored when you aren't smiting
What sourcebooks do you have??
What if two characters both have butterfly sting? Do they crit every hit, but if they also crit on thier roll could they pass another crit along?
Don't forget that wearing armor removes your Wis to AC. Late game when you're rolling with a 22 or so in Wis you want to be naked.
Bonus synergy: you can dump Str because armor is the heaviest item you have!
Zen archer out-feats the Fighter until 19.
His innate class abilities leave nearly all his mid and late game feat slots open for whatever you want.
Clustered shots hurts, but you can usually get a weapon buff to pierce DR. Like blunt arrows.
In melee, no problem. ZA can pew pew at 5 feet no problem.
Sunders suck for all archers.
Highest perception in the game.
Use Riposte on your First attack at full BaB, then use crane to eat the Firegiant/pit fiend's Primary and your Riposte on the iterative. Easy with your bard buddies bonus, and your l33t gear.
Or try to Disarm him with the Crane strike.
Screw sneak attacks.
MoMs 2 and Lore warden 5
grab fighter first 2 level so you can get Crane style as a fighter feat and Crane wing and riposte with Monk bonus.
Grab dervish dancer at 5, squeeze in mobility with a bonus.
Dump Str, pump Dex > Int = Wis and grab your dueling gloves.
Enjoy your Dex, Int, and Wis to AC, Dex to attack and damage, Negate and counter 1 attack/round, fighting defenisvly for -1 to attack and +4? 5? to AC
Human probably best for it (extra feat needed with all the cheese you doing early) but if you delay Duelist entry for a level or 2 you can use any race.
With your mobility, you can standard action attack the meatshield, fighting defensively, then walk around him (+8 to AoO) and stand near the caster/archer. Grab step up ASAP and enjoy your good/great saves, high CMB from the Lore warden levels, and 1 point from full BaB.
I like this idea. While a bit feat intensive, seems to handle itself pretty well, and the flavour is awesome.
Shoot n stab!
He means 2 Balors *or* 2 Pit Fiends *or* a Solar.
Use one skill point on Profession: Tailor.
Spend a Sunday making your custom huge wizard hat.
Fold it up.
Cast Shrink Item.
Unfold on head.
Walk into AMF and enjoy your cozy abode.
reddit has ongoing updates, along with offers of help if you're in the area.
http://www.reddit.com/r/inthenews/comments/1cfdwa/boston_marathon_explosion s_live_update_thread_4/
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Drizzit would help!
So today My friends, whom are much less invested in pnp games than I, got their first peek into what higher level characters have available to them.
Our party is involved in a internal dispute amongst the crime lords of the city we're in. Things have come to a head and we ended up riding with the eldest sibling to her sister's enormous brothel to spring the brother and the guard captain out of captivity. She gave us access to her potion and scroll supply.
I handed out Heroism potions and eyes went wide. I popped a haste potion and jaws went slack. Mage armor and left the armor at home. Barkskin on top of it. Bull's strength, Cat's Grace all over the place.
It got me thinking. What buffs do you pathfinders all roll around with? Stoneskin? False life? Non-detection?
If you could only have one, which would you never skip out on?
My mind exploded reading this thread.
This is 3.5 splat book territory.
But it is awesome.
You have the answer right there. Warp wood, heat metal, etc.
2 arch-fiends 6 balors and Charon teleport to the squares around you and whisk your soul away to the Styx.
Weapon focus?
Shinigaze makes a compelling counterargument to Dr Greko's and Ashiel's excellent postings on this topic.
I must side with Ashiel on this. +3 bonus is far in excess for the benefit granted. An unhasted fighter should take steps to disengage, as he is obviously ambushed, or separated from his good friend Mr. Wiz.
Besides, the mind boggling investment of 2 speed weapons should count for something...
Insult? How so? Everyone loves Ravingdork!
Color spray might have a low save on a wand, but a wizard with 18 int is rolling with a 15 DC. Your average goblin is likely to have a 50/50 chance at best to make his save. Target a group and you are nearly guaranteed to hit at least one.
Every creature hit is dead. Fullstop.
Or you could plink away with a magic missile. Sure.
Glitterdust isn't the monster it was in 3.5 but blind is one of the worst conditions out there. Lower AC, 50% miss, cannot target spells.
Anyone hit by it isn't doing much until it clears up.
Ain't nothing more satisfying then a ice cold bottle of Fort Garry Dark.
I think I'll have one right now!
Ravens and crows are crazy awesome.
That old Spider-Man villain had it right all along!
Give the Druid improved cover! 4 AC and reflex saves, half concealment, or something similar.
Just give all the enemy casters move earth.
Yeah in open terrain a 20ft spread is no different from a 20ft burst. Pick an intersection and count out 4 square verticies.
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DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote: Make two groups of 4 and run separate games for two groups where every player gets more spotlight time and GM time is saved by running and building adventures closer to baseline assumption. It's not that long a thread man. Read to the end.
In a solo fight, give that cleric double health minimum. 8 standard actions to every one of his means he dies quickly.
Craft Wondrous Item totally replaces brew potion. Make Candies of Haste.
Kthulhu wrote:
Addressing adamantine arrows: Only the head is going to be made of adamantine...the shaft is going to still be wood. Thus, still breakable. So the rules of the arrow being destroyed if it hits, and 50% being destroyed or lost if it misses would still apply.
Durable is pretty cheap to throw on an arrow. Shoot some Adamantine arrows at the castle drawbridge chains. Charge with battering ram.
Could a monk use tiger style with his feet, if his hands are full? Why not?
My REDACTED are so awesome everyone will vote for them and love me. Soon everyone will be able to play a REDACTED in PFS using them.
Remember folks, vote a vote for REDACTED is a vote for Jaxtile!
I'd say the divine influence of the oracle's curse ("The oracle’s curse cannot be removed or dispelled without the aid of a deity.") means it overrides the handy haversack.
I'd say getting something with a move action counts as removing or dispelling.
Otherwise there is no downside to your curse after level 2.
On the plus side, I'd say you don't provoke.
Freeze some poinsettias and throw them like shurikens.
Hello ub3r_n3rd.
So you seem a little hung up on the IUS prerequisites for style feats, and perhaps your mental image of someone using the style.
A question: How does a Paladin using Archon Style act? Why shouldn't he use style feats if he wants?
Also, several other style feats (Boar and Janni) explicitly state, in their Benefits: clauses, that you must perform an unarmed attack to gain the benefits of the feat. Most do not. Why is the clause included in those styles, but not all? Why even have them at all if the intent was understood to be used only by unarmed individuals? Unless,s the developers intended for the feats to be used by anyone who qualified?
You already said you allowed crane style in a previous post, so why can't a fighter hold his sword in a claw like fashion, all fingerlocked or whatever.
Perhaps I'm just a lemming or lacking in moral clarity, but I don't see what you see.
Animate dead. Grappler creatures for base skeletons. Hide them in the moat.
Great topic!
I think unseen servant has a range it has to stay in, however.
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I watched this video last week. I was shaking my head in amazement. Guy's a g$+#@$n machine gun.
Another option, if you're willing to suck for a couple levels, dump str and take lore warden to 3, picking up IUS, dodge, crane style, weapon finesse and dervish dance.
4 and 5 are MoMS taking the two crane styles you are missing.
lore warden till you qualify for duelist, retraining the copy of IUS at 4.
unfortunately you can't power attack.
You have enough feats to grab a crit chain or trip build (combat expertise for free!)
Good amount of skills from your int keeps you useful even if you can't do anything else.
If you don't have a high wisdom, you wear light armor and dodge one hit. Screw shields!