"Cheap" yet decent items?


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Earlier on the board I saw a mention about a cheap mask that's actually pretty cool. I was wondering if there is anything else for say, 2500 or under that's solid, fun, or useful?

You guys are always pretty helpful, so I thought I'd ask.


A custom thing here but an item that cast 'Swift Girding' by command 1/day would cost:

Swift Girding Item (preferably a ring or small inconspicuous item of jewellery):

Spell Level x Caster Level x 1,800gp= 1 x 1 x 1,800gp= 1,800gp

Useable 1/day (command word) = divide by (5 divided by 1=) 5

= 1,800gp divided by 5 = 360gp

360gp to be able to get your armour on instantly - works for me.

Lantern Lodge

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Boots of the Cat are 1000 gp worth of awesome.

Ultimate Equipment wrote:

These high-soled blue boots provide a great deal of comfort and arch support while also making the wearer appear a little bit taller than normal. The boot's wearer always takes the minimum possible damage from falls (as if the GM had rolled a 1 on each die of damage incurred by the fall) and at the end of a fall always lands on his feet.

Especially useful if you've got overzealous "Create Pit" wizards in your party.

1. Ring of Sustenance
2. Robe of Infinite Twine
3. Quick Runners Shirt
4. Eyes of the Eagle... it's like that mask you're talking about exact not as "wait what" worthy.
5. Deathwatch Eyes
6. Stalker's Mask is 3,500 but it's still cool. Disguise yourself as anyone 1/day, get bonuses against that person, plus a bonus to stealth.
7. Muleback Cords so your strength 7 Wizard can still carry more than his spell book.
8.Book Plate of Recall

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Bracers of Falcon's Aim, makes any bow or crossbow a 19-20/x3 weapon (doesn't stack w/ keen).

Boots of Feather Stepping: Cheap footwear to ignore difficult terrain.

Quickrunner's Shirt: IIRC, is 1000 gp and 1/day lets you move as a swift action. Buy whole set to change in/out of between fights.

Adaptive property: Can add to any composite bow for a flat 1000 gp cost to auto-adjust to the user's strength.

Boots of Friendly Terrain: Gives a +2 favored terrain or increases an existing one by +2. Indispensable for the price to any Horizon Walker.

Ring of Ferocious Action: ~3000 gp, so a bit above what you wanted. But being able to take a full round of actions 5 times/day when otherwise limited to a standard can be very handy.

+5 skill items are 2500 gp and totally worth it sometimes, especially +5 perception.

StreamOfTheSky wrote:

Ring of Ferocious Action: ~3000 gp, so a bit above what you wanted. But being able to take a full round of actions 5 times/day when otherwise limited to a standard can be very handy.

You had me excited for a moment there. By RAW it only works with staggered. Am I missing something?

Rope of climbing is 3000, but is one of the most useful items for that cost.

Any Quaal's Feather Token.

Those boots of the Cat are awesome.

This is an awesome list so far!

Thanks, I didn't realize so many things were so helpful.

Havoq wrote:
StreamOfTheSky wrote:

Ring of Ferocious Action: ~3000 gp, so a bit above what you wanted. But being able to take a full round of actions 5 times/day when otherwise limited to a standard can be very handy.
You had me excited for a moment there. By RAW it only works with staggered. Am I missing something?

No, sorry. I was just briefly summarizing. I mostly knew of it just because I had a goblin with Roll With It feat, so it was quite handy for him. Also useful on a Diehard using character, I suppose.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

traveler's any-tool and robe of infinite twine are easily two of my favorites. There isn't much you can't do with those two items.

The cloak of the hedge wizard comes in several different flavors and is also extremely good. I often get the transmutation cloak for my fighters so they can use a 1/day enlarge person and expeditious retreat effect (really saves on potions) as well as being able to utilize mage hand and prestidigitation at will!

Ravingdork wrote:

traveler's any-tool and robe of infinite twine are easily two of my favorites. There isn't much you can't do with those two items.

The cloak of the hedge wizard comes in several different flavors and is also extremely good. I often get the transmutation cloak for my fighters so they can use a 1/day enlarge person and expeditious retreat effect (really saves on potions) as well as being able to utilize mage hand and prestidigitation at will!

This is a really cool cloak. Wow. Mage hand seems useful as well. Thanks

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The only probelm with it is that it competes with the cloak of resistance. Fortunately, it is cheap enough that you can usually combine the two with little trouble (unless you have a stinker of a GM).

Silver Crusade

After having seen it on so many of Ravingdorks wonderfull characters, I have to mention Jingasa of the Fortunate Soldier

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Efficient quiver (any bow-using character)
Handy haversack (anyone)
Traveler's any-tool (very handy gadget)

Liberty's Edge

Robe of needles, can force a caster to make a concentration check for every spell or be forced to spend a full round action to remove the needle. And you get 6 shots a day, so no reason you can't just shoot him again.


3000 gp, so a bit over 2500, but Horseshoes of Speed. Make your mount (or yourself if you're a druid in animal form) 30' faster (enhancement). This is exceptionally powerful as speed (especially coupled with range) is usually the means to control an engagement.

The ioun torch is only 75gp. Not bad for a permanent torch that still alows you to keep both hands free for murdering.

^Thankfully there are no mechanics for how annoying it is to have a light source rotate around your head.

Dragonchess Player wrote:
Efficient quiver (any bow-using character)

What can be stored is actually pretty broad, making it useful for more than archers though the nerf to quickdraw hurt it (in 3.5 quickdraw could be used for anything, but handy haversacks gave a minimum of 1 move action)

Scarab Sages

Iron Spike of Safe Passage - Create a 10x10 illusion of rubble, hill, crates, house, etc. Use it to blend into the scenery. Will save is only if they interact with it.

Clamor Box - Makes noise equivalent to a riot, massacre, fire, or battle. Set it in the other side of the room with you inside the Spike zone. Get that ambush when they are trying to find where the sound is coming from.

Clockwork Key - Unless everyone else has a Clockwork Key, you can not be attacked by a construct, unless you attack them, are the only target, or they are specifically commanded to attack you.

First Aid Gloves - Not under the gold limit (4500g), but it WILL save lives. Has 10 charges, 5 on each hand. Use a full hand's charge to cast Breath of Life as a standard action. You know what this means? ANYONE can save people's lives, twice! This is now pretty much a required item for any adventurer.

Gloves of Reconnaissance: See through up to 15 feet of walls/doors/whatever 10 times a day.

Where is my drink wrote:

Earlier on the board I saw a mention about a cheap mask that's actually pretty cool. I was wondering if there is anything else for say, 2500 or under that's solid, fun, or useful?

You guys are always pretty helpful, so I thought I'd ask.


I dont know how you feel about 3rd party material, but super genius games has a line of products called loot4less that is specifically designed for this purpose.

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chaoseffect wrote:

1. Ring of Sustenance

2. Robe of Infinite Twine
3. Quick Runners Shirt
4. Eyes of the Eagle... it's like that mask you're talking about exact not as "wait what" worthy.
5. Deathwatch Eyes
6. Stalker's Mask is 3,500 but it's still cool. Disguise yourself as anyone 1/day, get bonuses against that person, plus a bonus to stealth.
7. Muleback Cords so your strength 7 Wizard can still carry more than his spell book.
8.Book Plate of Recall

I had a strong character with Muleback Cords. I hauled a pirate ship onto land after being enlarged.

This probably ain't news, but don't leave home without it:

-Cloaks of Resistance!
Big, big, big, BIG deal these ones. You will want ANYTHING that improves your saves. And these improve all of them.

1,000 gp (+1), 4,000 gp (+2), 9,000 gp (+3), 16,000 gp (+4), 25,000 gp (+5)
This is dirt cheap based on how good they are. Cloaks of Resistance pay for themselves again and again and again.

I almost never leave home without my Hat of Disguise. OP social manipulation here you come.

Bump to anyone using the Traveler's Any-Tool and/or Robe of Infinite Twine.

I've always like small mirrors (50 gp) for looking around corners or using for flashing light signals. Similarly, I have used the Signal Whistle (8 sp) to great extent in RP communicating between seperated or subterfuging PCs.

I also tend to bring paper, ink, oil of some kind, adhesive (tangle foot bags or just glues) and gunpowder.

Handy Haversack is my first purchase if at all possible. Its just so... Handy!

ioun torch, 75gp ioun stone with contunal flame cast on it. that floats around your head and takes up no magic item slot or has to be held. great for none darkvision PCs who need all there hands free. Save wizard and other caster from having to learn light or preparing it.

Its got good HP, AC and Saves if is ever targeted by sunder or spell. best 75gp ever.

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Honestly, if I have the money, I buy a haversack, or a bag of holding (I often ask to have the bag of holding made into a MW backpack, as that makes more sense to me than a big sack I carry around). Either way, I buy every mundane tool I can reasonably fit into the item of holding.

Spyglass (if I can afford it)
Ink (multiple vials)
200 ft of spider silk rope
8 man tent
camp set
dozen daggers
waterproof case
3 weeks rations
climbing kit
dozen flask of oil
3-4 flask of alchemist fire
3-4 flasks of acid

After about level 5 or 6 I never want for ANY mundane item. Then I drive my GM nuts by pulling stuff out of my container whenever we need something.

what i think is awsome is that most of them are awsome and I got craft wonderous item!! :-P

Grand Lodge

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Net, and Sling.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The 75gp price tag for the ioun torch is undoubtedly an error.

The everburning torch is 110gp because you need to pay someone to cast continual flame for you, as well as purchase the expensive material component. The ioun torch is the exact same item, but the spell is cast on floating rock instead, yet for some reason, they didn't charge you the spellcasting fee--just the component costs.

Therefore, I posit that the actual price of the ioun torch, should you obtain it the same way you would an everburning torch, is 135gp.

Everburning Torch:
00gp - Stick
50gp - Material Component Cost
60gp - Spellcaster cost (caster level 3 x spell level 2 x 10gp)

Ioun Torch:
25gp - Burnt out ioun stone
50gp - Material Component Cost

Grand Lodge

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Continual Flame counters Darkness.

Ioun Torch is just fine as is.

The Custom Magic Item guidelines, are not a hard formula, that all items follow.

Many forget that.

Mundane items: Some of my first purchases are always hand mirrors, spyglasses, ten foot poles (particularly of the collapsible persuasion for easy storage) and so on. If your DM is fond of ambushing you while you rest, a simple length of twine or rope strung with thirty or forty bells makes a cheap and quick alarm system that might save your life. These are all things that're easily within the grasp of even a level 1 character (except for the Spyglass).

Traveler's Any-tool: As has been already stated, this is a fantastic item. For 250 GP you get a lightweight object that counts as a masterwork tool for almost anything you could need - this item is clearly designed to cut down on the amount of items a party needs to keep track of. "Well, let's start digging guys!" "Did anyone actually buy a shovel?" "... Crap."

Campfire Bead: Grab a pair of these, at 720 apiece, and you never need to worry about finding firewood or getting a fire sparked up again. Instant bonfire, even in poor conditions (but you might need to create some kind of shelter to protect it, then). A bit niche, but I've had some DMs who've improved the amount of HP/attribute damage we can have restored by simply resting if we took measures to make our campsites more comfortable.

Arrow Magnet: A cheap little item that might end up meaning the difference between your group's wizard being a pincushion or a cannon.

Snapleaf: Another one of my favorites. I should probably point out that the lack of a use limit on this item is very clearly a misprint, it's obviously meant to be a limited use item. That said, having some way to very quickly hide or arrest a fall can and will save lives. All the better if it's a slotless item that can be activated as an immediate action.

Handy Haversack/Efficient Quiver: Both have been mentioned here already. Fantastic items, relatively cheap. Must-haves for most adventurers.

Stone of Alarm: It's just 200 GP over the limit, but this is the magical version of the "rope and bells" trick I mentioned earlier. DMs might get a little less tiffed at this, since you're investing a lot of hard earned gold into it.

Sleeves of Many Garments, Cloak of Human Guise, Hat of Disguise: Cheap ways to magically enhance your subterfuge. These're a must in any campaign that regularly features skullduggery.

Aegis of Recovery: A cheap item that provides saving throw bonuses to help you stop poison, disease, and overcome mental effects that have you down. As an added bonus, it might just end up being the difference between being dead as a doorknob, or being alive or only unconscious.

Movement Rings: Climbing, Swimming, Jumping, etc - cheap objects that will help you overcome a deficiency in your character's ability to maneuver themselves.

Ring of Featherfall: I love this for the same reason I love the Snapleaf.

Rod of Lesser Extend Spell: It's a little more expensive (3000 GP) than the limit, but it's a must-have for any spellcaster. Double the duration of three spells of L3 or lower, each day? Hello, all-day Protection from Arrows/Mage Armor.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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Shield cloak, from UE. You can grab the edge of it as a move action and wield it like a shield (free action to release) and you can put shield enhancements on it. Horribly inefficient (compared to a real shield) as far as price, slots, and actions... but actual shields are just so ugly!

boots of the cat
ring of sustenance
gloves of reconnaisance
quick runner's shirt
blood reservoir of physical prowess
pirate's eye patch
mask of stony demeanor


I have to add a "Oh HEEEELLL yeah" vote to the Handy Haversack and Traveler's Any Tool. I'm surprised no one has yet mentioned,

Earplugs - When you need them you REALLY need them. And come on, who cant afford 5 copper?

Bandolier x 2 - Dirt cheap (1 gp for 2) and up to 16 items you can use a move action to retrieve.

Spring Loaded Wrist Sheath - Yeah, you can use it with a knife but these things really shine with wands. Buy two.

deuxhero wrote:

^Thankfully there are no mechanics for how annoying it is to have a light source rotate around your head.

Dragonchess Player wrote:
Efficient quiver (any bow-using character)
What can be stored is actually pretty broad, making it useful for more than archers though the nerf to quickdraw hurt it (in 3.5 quickdraw could be used for anything, but handy haversacks gave a minimum of 1 move action)

not to mention due to size-equivalency, you can store wands, rods/scroll cases, and staves in the various compartments--great for casters!

Also dotting.



blackbloodtroll wrote:

Continual Flame counters Darkness.

Ioun Torch is just fine as is.

The Custom Magic Item guidelines, are not a hard formula, that all items follow.

Many forget that.

Sure, same goes for every other "rule" in PF, they are all guidelines. Don't really see how that's relevant though.

Grand Lodge

137ben wrote:
blackbloodtroll wrote:

Continual Flame counters Darkness.

Ioun Torch is just fine as is.

The Custom Magic Item guidelines, are not a hard formula, that all items follow.

Many forget that.

Sure, same goes for every other "rule" in PF, they are all guidelines. Don't really see how that's relevant though.

It's relevant, as many are confused by the price of some items, when they look up the "Estimating Magic Item Gold Piece Values Table" in the Custom Magic Item Guidelines section, and then notice that not all existing items are priced exactly as the formula indicates.

Which is silly, in itself, as the table is there for estimating the end price.

It is not a hard formula, and it is noted as guidelines.

@bbt you really love superfluous commas don't you?

Grand Lodge

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meatrace wrote:
@bbt you really love superfluous commas don't you?

Some English styles prescribe that two independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) must be separated by a comma placed before the conjunction.

Your particular English style may cause you to view my use of commas to be excessive, unnecessary or needless.

It is a matter of preference, and as such, it's superfluous nature can only be proven to be opinion, and not fact.

You use more commas than the rest of the boards combined.

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blackbloodtroll wrote:

Continual Flame counters Darkness.

Ioun Torch is just fine as is.

Really? It makes sense that I should pay an extra 35 gp for the privilege of not being able to have a two-handed weapon available to me?


The Custom Magic Item guidelines, are not a hard formula, that all items follow.

Many forget that.

Which is not incompatible with the idea that there is an error in the published price, either because the printer screwed up or the designer forgot to account for a factor.

While I disagree with BBT's position that it's irrelevant how they got the price, his use of commas is nearly flawless. Gotta separate those clauses.

While I understand RD's position and the want for consistent pricing, I just don't care enough to...well, care.

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Isn't one of the 3.X design principles "have trap options to reward system mastery?"

Grand Lodge

Well, the Everburning Torch can be used with the Torch Handling and Firebrand feats.

Ioun Torch cannot.

Ioun Torch is a Dull Gray Ioun Stone, which costs 25gp, with Continual Flame cast on it.

Continual Flame, is a 2nd level sorcerer/wizard spell, meaning the minimum caster level is 3rd.

So, in Spellcasting services section, we see that the cost, Caster level × spell level × 10 gp, would give us a total of 50gp.

So, 50 + 25 = 75.

All is in order with the universe.

The only odd thing, is the Construction Requirements listed.

Now those, seem very wrong.

In regards to Continual Flame, you are forgetting the 50 gp material component required to cast it.

Grand Lodge

Maybe they did too.

That seems to be the most likely explanation.

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