how to make a crazy strong fighter character


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so my friends have recently introduced me to pathfinder and I am way into it now, But in our group there is this guy who has been playing for years and he recently joined the group and he is a total douch bag. he has ruined half of the game so far and I have had to make two new characters because he keeps killing my guys. So I need some advice on how to make a level 10 super crazy strong fighter that is impossible to kill. CAN ANYONE GIVE A NEW GAMER SOME ADVICE!!??

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This sounds like a problem that needs to be solved in a way other than making a super powered character. If this guy is ruining your fun by killing your characters, you may want to have a private discussion with your GM about him.

I'd have to agree with Mr. Cat here. I'm actually surprised the GM is cool with him killing off other players (or at least you).

In any case are we talking hard hitting high damage? Or super tough difficult to kill?

Also. Point buy or rolled?

Lantern Lodge

I also have to agree with the posters above me. There is some thing wrong with that picture that PvP is allowed amongst the group with out a structured environment like a coliseum or cage match.

What class is the guy exactly and i can try to come up with some thing that can easily counter and whoop his @$$. Also i will need to know if it is roll or point buy and what the point buy is along with the books allowed.

Grand Lodge

So, he is a fellow player?

Your DM allows PvP?

Have you talked to your DM about this?

PvP sucks.

Silver Crusade

Agreeing with the others, you should solve something like this out of game.

...but the world doesn't always work like that, and sometimes the sweet revenge of rocking a guy's face after he's trounced you a few times can be worth it.

To build something like that, we need to know the parameters of which you're working with (point buy, gold, content allowed, etc) before something of arrogance smashing destruction can be made.

Also, does it have to be a fighter? I'm pretty sure I could whip up an Alchemist that would manage to wipe the smirk off this person's well as wipe the face off this person's face.

Lantern Lodge

Grimmy wrote:
PvP sucks.

Its fun if handled properly. The Dueling rules exists for a reason and it is a fun way to test your self against your allies or earn a few coins on the side depending how well your DM rolls with it.

Grand Lodge

PvP sucks as an introduction to Pathfinder.

That's a double dick grayson move in my book.

Lantern Lodge

blackbloodtroll wrote:

PvP sucks as an introduction to Pathfinder.

That's a double dick grayson move in my book.

That i do agree with.

Psion-Psycho wrote:
Grimmy wrote:
PvP sucks.
Its fun if handled properly. The Dueling rules exists for a reason and it is a fun way to test your self against your allies or earn a few coins on the side depending how well your DM rolls with it.

Of course you're right. But this guy is talking about getting killed by a PC. Like... killed, killed.

Scarab Sages

You should talk with the DM to see if they can handle the situation. Inform them that it is upsetting you and that it is not of the overall enjoyment of the game to have the PvPer keep killing you.

Your DM must have a really low WIS score... How can he/she/it not realize that it's wrong for this loser to kill your characters?!

Be a synthesist or roll up an antipaladin. Heh...

Silver Crusade

What kind of character is the new guy playing. That will have a lot to do with making a character he will have a tough time to kill. More important making a character that can kill him if he attempts to kill you again.

Liberty's Edge

This needs to be handled out of game, Passive aggressive never works.

If your DM lets this PvP stuff go on, find a new game

Agreeing with many above: the problem isn't in game, it is a game where the 'dm' allows this kind of stunt. The Player is the problem. Nigh 40 years of gaming tells me he is doing this to disprove his own inadequacies.

You have two real options, the out of game discussion trying to get down to what is his REAL problem or double tapping EVERY character he creates early in every session without explanation. Neither works every-time, but if he won't respond to the carrot, there are some folks here that can creaft awfully mean sticks.

Having had to deal with two of these types swapping the 'dm' chair back and forth, I feel for you.

Tiefling retribution paladin. Favored class bonus into Lay on Hands. Get your GM to tag him as evil(which he is), then smilte him and give him a beat down he'll never forget.

Okay, we need to know the parametes: what level, how much gold, attributes are rolled or point buy, the books allowed by the DM, what the other guy is playing. Then we can start building a PvP monster to humble the jackanapes.
And, yeah, talking with the DM might be a good idea. At the very least warn him, if he's going to allow him killing your PC, you're going to have to bring the big guns.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

I have seen it in games, but not very often since High School. Most people like to stick to the "I am playing in character" as an excuse to be jerks to other PCs.

I was one of these jerks for a short time. I wish that my DM would have talked to me, I had to realize it on my own, after being a jerk too many times. After I stopped being a jerk, I got some of the other players to also stop.

Talk to the group at the next session if possible. It is a group dynamic that can be discussed with all players. People forget that you are ALL there trying to have fun, and when one player decides to be more important than another player, you have a problem.

My advice for an evil character: don't play one.

But if you really have to play evil for some reason, or claim that is what Neutral would do, here is an even better rule: PCs and their known interests are off limits. You can play a cold, callous character, but when it comes down to it you are STILL on the same team as the other PCs. You might tease or verbally abuse one another, but when it comes down to it your characters will help and protect one another.

Lantern Lodge

SeeleyOne wrote:

I have seen it in games, but not very often since High School. Most people like to stick to the "I am playing in character" as an excuse to be jerks to other PCs.

I was one of these jerks for a short time. I wish that my DM would have talked to me, I had to realize it on my own, after being a jerk too many times. After I stopped being a jerk, I got some of the other players to also stop.

Talk to the group at the next session if possible. It is a group dynamic that can be discussed with all players. People forget that you are ALL there trying to have fun, and when one player decides to be more important than another player, you have a problem.

My advice for an evil character: don't play one.

But if you really have to play evil for some reason, or claim that is what Neutral would do, here is an even better rule: PCs and their known interests are off limits. You can play a cold, callous character, but when it comes down to it you are STILL on the same team as the other PCs. You might tease or verbally abuse one another, but when it comes down to it your characters will help and protect one another.

Playing Evil characters is fine if you are smart enough to play smart evil. To play smart evil though you do need help from the DM when it comes to purpose. Most evil dudes will not join each other because 1) they hate each other, 2) they trust no on, 3) all of the above and then some. Giving the players a common goal is key to a game and more so with evil characters.

There are many ways to play evil and the most common is dip s*** kill every thing that breaths with no regard. Smart evil is committing evil acts that look like good acts or that seem like mundane actions. An example is what i did long ago were a bandit tosses an artifact, Girdle of Storm Giants, and a child off the ledge in front of the party. I immediately jumped after to save the child instead of the artifact. That looks like a great deed that is against my alignment and every1 at the table gave me a look of you just went against your character's nature until i explained my reasoning. The reasoning being that i can always scale the ledge to get the artifact at any time but saving the child will grant me recognition by towns folk as a hero and it is easier to travel with out suspicions as a hero then it is as a defiler of bodies necromancer. Another example on the same character was i was feeding the party members meat on a nightly bases. This does not seem evil but the meat came from the bandits and villagers we/i slayed earlier in the adventures and the bones were used for either stews or personal minions i dressed up as my travailing servants, DM obviously knew ahead of time of what i was doing. Those are a few examples of smart evil were your acts dont seem evil until you look at it from a big picture perspective or your very subtle about it.

Sovereign Court


Advise your GM to do two things:
1. Insist that all characters have Good alignment.
2. Make it clear that all PVP will be met with a two-session ban from the table.

All tables should follow THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE...

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

Very good points. I learned to play smart evil as you describe. It is great to pretend to be "good". Of course, most evil characters do not even realize that they are evil.

Yeah, if you're bound and determined to get a little payback, roll up a Synthesist and PounceCLAWCLAWCLAWCLAWCLAWCLAWBITEREND him into paste.

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Is the OP coming back...

Don't know who you'll be fighting but delicious revenge doesn't have to be combat based. By 10th you can do a kitsune fey sorc and just dominate him, immediately. Take that fox shape thing and natural spell so you can be tiny. Also a trait that gives you stealth so of he makes his save you move and hide. Then just make him do stuff, like adventure and fight.

Point is, he'll have to sit there while you pretty much play his character. Also name him Reek.

TheKingsportCockroach wrote:

Don't know who you'll be fighting but delicious revenge doesn't have to be combat based. By 10th you can do a kitsune fey sorc and just dominate him, immediately. Take that fox shape thing and natural spell so you can be tiny. Also a trait that gives you stealth so of he makes his save you move and hide. Then just make him do stuff, like adventure and fight.

Point is, he'll have to sit there while you pretty much play his character. Also name him Reek.

TheKingsportCockroach wrote:

Don't know who you'll be fighting but delicious revenge doesn't have to be combat based. By 10th you can do a kitsune fey sorc and just dominate him, immediately. Take that fox shape thing and natural spell so you can be tiny. Also a trait that gives you stealth so of he makes his save you move and hide. Then just make him do stuff, like adventure and fight.

Point is, he'll have to sit there while you pretty much play his character. Also name him Reek.

Okay, this was an absolutely fantastic post BEFORE you dropped the GoT reference. Well done, my friend, and I agree completely. Much better to own his character (and potentially keep him from being able to roll up a new one) than simply killing him and escalating the arms race.

Um hasn't anyone noticed this is the exact same post as two other topics? This Guy never reposts and then posts the exact same thing later with a different title under different categories.

Scarab Sages

This and the other topic were posted 3 minutes apart yesterday, so it might be that he or she wanted to try to get as much advice/opinion about the situation.

Lantern Lodge #1

minmaxhater23 wrote:
so my friends have recently introduced me to pathfinder and I am way into it now, But in our group there is this guy who has been playing for years and he recently joined the group and he is a total douch bag. he has ruined half of the game so far and I have had to make two new characters because he keeps killing my guys. So I need some advice on how to make a level 10 super crazy strong fighter that is impossible to kill. CAN ANYONE GIVE A NEW GAMER SOME ADVICE!!??

Poison him when he sleeps.

I miss old D&D when you used to get 100xp for killing PCs : )

so the next session is a one off from our orginal story. Its going to be a gladiator like session where we are pitted against a bunch of monsters, but against eachotehr. our GM has decided that this kid wasn't supposed to come back, but our other friend, who origianlly invited the guys, invited him again because this session isn't our main story, its just a quick "one off" for fun. So, we are doing a point buy, we get up to level ten and this is going to be a pretty much free for all session. Me and another buddy already decided to team up if this other dude acts like he normally does, but the guy is like a pathfinder guru so I just want to be ready. Sorry I posted this twice, like I said im pretty new to all of this. Anyway, any advice would be great.

Oh and the GM said no spells in this session

And as far as gold I haven't been told that there is a limit, so I guess I can take some good stuff if need be.

Liberty's Edge

Take some class that has an Animal companion, take Leadership for a loyal follower who will back you and pay most of your WBL as a reactive HIT contract to the local assassin's guild. So it may not stop you getting killed but that guy is dead as well. Even better RP your background as the younger brother of the campaigns most feared assassin's guilds leader - business is business but now the guild is out for his blood.

Is there any RP reason he would attack and kill you? cause if he is doing that kind of stuff then make sure that YOUR character has some valid reason to want to kill him asap and then just off him for exactly the same justification he has - sauce for the goose etc.

But seriously if this guy is an ass hat and like doing this kind of crap, when he launches his attack on you simply and calmly say - No this doesn't happen, only children get off on PVP stuff - and ignore any action he takes, initiative damage etc.
In fact from that point on ignore anything he says or does at the table until he apologises to you.
If the GM backs him then pack your stuff telling the group you look forwards to the next session you will be playing when this guy isn't here, wish them luck and leave.
If nothing else you have denied this clown the satisfaction of seeing you get annoyed, and you may have actually weakened the group to the point that they cant achieve the objectives they need to achieve in effect showing the group that the consequences of ass clowns actions is that no one has fun.

Lantern Lodge

You will want some thing that is not squishy so that rules out Arcane casters for the most part. High saves is best and ability to go 1st is a must. Make a Human with 1 level of Oracle, 2 levels of Antipaladin, and 7 levels of Bard. Oracle for there Lore Mystery's Sidestep Secret Revelation, to use your Cha instead of Dex for Ac and Ref saves, and Black Blooded Archetype. Antipaladin to make use of Oracle's Black Blooded Archetype to heal off Negative Energy and for its ability to add Cha to all your Saves. Bard for its Arcane Duelist Archetype and to take advantage of all the Cha you will have for inspire abilities. Feats to obtain are as follows in order from level 1-10: Noble Scion (Scion of War), Racial Heritage (Kobold), Kobold Confidence, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Great Sword). Noble Scion allows you to pick up the Scion of War ability that lets you use your Cha for Initiative instead of Dex.. Racial Heritage is so you can qualify for Kobold Confidence which allows you to use your Cha instead of Con for Fort saves and figuring out how far in the negatives you can go before dying. Power Attack and Weapon Focus are self explanatory. The only Stat you will need to worry about is in order Cha, Str, and Con. Yous should keep your Wis and Con no lower than 10 but Int and Dex can and should be dropped to 7.

Lantern Lodge

Also im usaly against this but since its a one shot game then a Bomber Alchemist can be great for serious burst damage.

I like the advice Nikolaus Athas, thats a hell of an idea. Then I can make like a crazy high levle Assassin character who 'just happens to show up' and murder him. lol As of now I made a monk character who has AC 20, HP 60 and he has some crazy cool disarm moves. I do have a question as far as his weapon, I had him take nunchakus, and one of the perk I thought I read was that it had a high disarm ability, but im not sure how do use it. anyone know about this? And does anyone think a monk is a good idea? Also I took the monk with the 'catch off gourd' perk, so I can pretty much make a weapon out of anything if need be. so I thought that was cool.

Psion-Psycho wrote:
You will want some thing that is not squishy so that rules out Arcane casters for the most part. High saves is best and ability to go 1st is a must. Make a Human with 1 level of Oracle, 2 levels of Antipaladin, and 7 levels of Bard. Oracle for there Lore Mystery's Sidestep Secret Revelation, to use your Cha instead of Dex for Ac and Ref saves, and Black Blooded Archetype. Antipaladin to make use of Oracle's Black Blooded Archetype to heal off Negative Energy and for its ability to add Cha to all your Saves. Bard for its Arcane Duelist Archetype and to take advantage of all the Cha you will have for inspire abilities. Feats to obtain are as follows in order from level 1-10: Noble Scion (Scion of War), Racial Heritage (Kobold), Kobold Confidence, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Great Sword). Noble Scion allows you to pick up the Scion of War ability that lets you use your Cha for Initiative instead of Dex.. Racial Heritage is so you can qualify for Kobold Confidence which allows you to use your Cha instead of Con for Fort saves and figuring out how far in the negatives you can go before dying. Power Attack and Weapon Focus are self explanatory. The only Stat you will need to worry about is in order Cha, Str, and Con. Yous should keep your Wis and Con no lower than 10 but Int and Dex can and should be dropped to 7.

THis is all great thanks a bunch

Lantern Lodge

minmaxhater23 wrote:
Psion-Psycho wrote:
You will want some thing that is not squishy so that rules out Arcane casters for the most part. High saves is best and ability to go 1st is a must. Make a Human with 1 level of Oracle, 2 levels of Antipaladin, and 7 levels of Bard. Oracle for there Lore Mystery's Sidestep Secret Revelation, to use your Cha instead of Dex for Ac and Ref saves, and Black Blooded Archetype. Antipaladin to make use of Oracle's Black Blooded Archetype to heal off Negative Energy and for its ability to add Cha to all your Saves. Bard for its Arcane Duelist Archetype and to take advantage of all the Cha you will have for inspire abilities. Feats to obtain are as follows in order from level 1-10: Noble Scion (Scion of War), Racial Heritage (Kobold), Kobold Confidence, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Great Sword). Noble Scion allows you to pick up the Scion of War ability that lets you use your Cha for Initiative instead of Dex.. Racial Heritage is so you can qualify for Kobold Confidence which allows you to use your Cha instead of Con for Fort saves and figuring out how far in the negatives you can go before dying. Power Attack and Weapon Focus are self explanatory. The only Stat you will need to worry about is in order Cha, Str, and Con. Yous should keep your Wis and Con no lower than 10 but Int and Dex can and should be dropped to 7.
THis is all great thanks a bunch

No worries and i just caught that no spells thing you mentioned earlyer. If your Dm give you and sass about it just state you will not be using your spells other than a qualifier for the Arcane Strike Feat you get for Free as an Arcane Duelist Bard. He will most likely go with it since Spells are a good chunk of what the Bard is about.

Lantern Lodge

minmaxhater23 wrote:
I like the advice Nikolaus Athas, thats a hell of an idea. Then I can make like a crazy high levle Assassin character who 'just happens to show up' and murder him. lol As of now I made a monk character who has AC 20, HP 60 and he has some crazy cool disarm moves. I do have a question as far as his weapon, I had him take nunchakus, and one of the perk I thought I read was that it had a high disarm ability, but im not sure how do use it. anyone know about this? And does anyone think a monk is a good idea? Also I took the monk with the 'catch off gourd' perk, so I can pretty much make a weapon out of anything if need be. so I thought that was cool.

Monk is a fun and great class only if you have a great understanding for the rules and nigh-perfect system mastery.

High str invulnerable barbarian with some kind of two hand weapon (falchion) and smash his face in, using any one of the melee builds found on these boards that are crazy. Several threads dedicated to such builds.

Scarab Sages

I am not in favor of PvP, but if you would like to make it short and simple....

A Level 3 Shadowdancer, a Prestiege Class that can be taken as early as level 6, gains a Shadow as a companion.
Shadow are incorporeal creatures that does touch attacks of d6 Strength damage.
If Strength reaches 0, creature dies.

People are usually flat-footed while they sleep...

Like the advice everyone

And if none of that works there's still synthesist and master summoner.

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