Kavous Wolfmaw |

Goblin Ranger(Skirmisher) 1
CN Small humanoid (goblinoid)
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception 6
AC 18, touch 16, flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +5 Dex, +1 size)
hp 11 (Favored Class Bonus)
Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dogslicer (1d4/19–20 fragile)
Ranged long bow +6 (1d6/×3)
Str 10, Dex 21, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +0; CMD 15
Feats: Point Blank Shot
Traits: Dog-Sniff-Hate, Reactionary, Poverty Stricken
Skills: Ride +13, Stealth +17, Craft(Bows) +4, Handle Animal +4, Knowledge(Nature) +4, Survival +7; Racial Modifiers: +4 Ride, +4 Stealth
Languages: Goblin
Class features: Track, Wild Empathy, Favored Enemy(Longshanks)
Gear: leather armor, dog slicer, long bow with 40 arrows, outfit made of animal skins(some still have a bit of entrails hanging off of them), and ranger kit
What about him?

Petty Alchemy RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16 |

I've got a male halfling who uses an aldori dueling blade one handed and uses crane style, and is a mix of Fighter/Monk/Kensai Magus/Aldori Swordlord.
The main features here are a 1-handed blade and light (chain) armor on a halfling.
I currently use: http://cghub.com/images/view/2824/ but I'm interested in what others would picture.

Gnomezrule |

Egypt.... I mean osirion dwarven monk that left it behind to become a pirate and drunken monk. High con,str and wisdom. Shaves his head, braids the beard, sometimes has henna tattooed on face and body. Fights with spiked gloves, wears a besmaran tricorne or helm of underwater action depending on the need.
Low charisma but eckuva sailor and warrior.

Gnomezrule |

Egypt.... I mean osirion dwarven monk that left it behind to become a pirate and drunken monk. High con,str and wisdom. Shaves his head, braids the beard, sometimes has henna tattooed on face and body. Fights with spiked gloves, wears a besmaran tricorne or helm of underwater action depending on the need.
Low charisma but eckuva sailor and warrior.

Gnomezrule |

** spoiler omitted **
What about him?

Gnomezrule |

I've got a male halfling who uses an aldori dueling blade one handed and uses crane style, and is a mix of Fighter/Monk/Kensai Magus/Aldori Swordlord.
The main features here are a 1-handed blade and light (chain) armor on a halfling.
I currently use: http://cghub.com/images/view/2824/ but I'm interested in what others would picture.

Alexander Augunas Contributor |

So wait, you mean I can totally give Ravendork a hard time if I have a character with a hard look to pin down?
Okay. I can totally get into this. >:)
My current character's name is Kyr'shin Yilenzo. He's a kitsune who was orphaned at a young age and raised by a family of diplomatic elves as something akin to a pet. As he has rediscovered his racial heritage, he is finding that the ways of the kitsune clan that he saved and took over are clashing with the ways of the elves who raised him.
Kyr'shin's signature look is a breastplate combined with a katana-and-shield; both weapons are engraved with cherry trees in bloom and the sword is "cursed" to glow bright pink in a manner that resembles falling cherry petals when it is drawn. Kyr'shin does not consider this a curse and loves the blade for this effect.
On! :)

Rynjin |

So wait, you mean I can totally give Ravendork a hard time if I have a character with a hard look to pin down?
Okay. I can totally get into this. >:)
My current character's name is Kyr'shin Yilenzo. He's a kitsune who was orphaned at a young age and raised by a family of diplomatic elves as something akin to a pet. As he has rediscovered his racial heritage, he is finding that the ways of the kitsune clan that he saved and took over are clashing with the ways of the elves who raised him.
Kyr'shin's signature look is a breastplate combined with a katana-and-shield; both weapons are engraved with cherry trees in bloom and the sword is "cursed" to glow bright pink in a manner that resembles falling cherry petals when it is drawn. Kyr'shin does not consider this a curse and loves the blade for this effect.
On! :)
No need to thank me, your satisfaction is my reward.

ZanThrax |

I'm very happy to see this thread being recreated here RD. I'm still picking through the old thread on the Wizards boards - even with all the dead links it's still a great source of both inspiration and of art I haven't seen before. I often have a hard time finding art that matches the characters I have in mind - and sometimes wind up altering them to fit the art that I do find. (Merida's the most obvious - a redheaded Shoanti?)
I've got a sizable stack of character sheets in this folder of my Drive. They could pretty much all use better art. (Arrisal, Morgaar, Tandi, and Zahe are the only ones I'm really happy with)
The ones that I'd most like to find better art for are
Merida - Shoanti Swordlord (Dex>>Int=Con>Str)
Zaidan continued to wander for some years, caring for the toddler as best he could before finally settling down in Brevoy, both to give her a more stable life and because he was beginning to feel his age. He found employment as a drill instructor at the estate of a minor noble, and Amerida grew up learning both the Iajutsu of her adopted grandfather and the Aldori dueling of the local nobility.
Although the old Ronin died a few years ago, Merida still practices the Iajutsu techniques he taught her and his reputation is sufficient that when she introduces herself as his student, those who recognize the name take notice.
Merida should be tall and obviously ethnically Shoanti but be dressed and equipped like an Aldori Swordlord.
Mordivan Thrune (Terrifying Tiefling Lawyer)
Very few people are willing to risk offending the tiefling who, it is rumoured, is physically able to back up the threatening appearance and family name.
Mordivan should be an extremely imposing unarmed tiefling, with the sort of judgmental demeanour that would make even the most hardened criminal quail. I'm thinking half Tim Curry from Legend (but much less camp), half Judge Dredd (not the horrible Stallone movie version)
I could keep going, but I don't want to monopolize the thread - as I said, I'd like better art for all the characters I have saved in my Drive (and some more that haven't got that far).

Kuolio |

Caladrel Faerondaerl
Male Elf Staff Magus
STR 16
DEX 12
CON 12
INT 17
WIS 10
Alternate Racial Trait, Arcane Focus
Magical Lineage (Frostbite)
Caladrel is is tall and lean like most elves but his physique in not as fragile as usual among elves (due to his unusually high strength and constitution), actually he is quite muscular for a an elf. He doesn't want to stick out, so he doesn't wear shiny armors, fancy clothes or jewels. He likes to wear plain dark blue or green cloak and maybe some light leather armor. (Obviously wielding staff.)
Faerondaerl family line has long traditions in magic. Both of his parents are wizards, they provice for the family by crafting magical items and selling spellcasting (Magical Lineage). Caladrelis was raised with the goal in mind that he is a magic-user. As a kid he was studying arcane powers when others were playing, racing or fighting (Arcane Focus).
Caladrel is quiet and unsociable person. He doesn't mean ill to others, it is just his poor self-expression that can cause troubles, he has learned that sometimes it is just easier to keep quiet and blend into the crowd (Reactionary).

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Heres a fun one!
Duergar gray disciple
He was raised by dwarves and told how the bad and evil duergar are to be avoided at all costs. His parents not being the most affluent of folks had a bad toupee made for him in an effort to help him blend in.
Well as expected, he of course learned the truth and and it crushed his self esteem(brutally low charisma).He can now at least face the world although he does "overcompensate"
This character looks like a cross between disco stu and elvis circa 1974, chest hair and gold chains are in abundance along with a sweet white cape studded with rhinestones.

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How about a half-drow monk (brother of the seal)? He was a product of a surface raid near Riddleport proper. Abandoned by his mother, who could not bring herself to kill the child, the half-breed was raised by a blind woman that found the baby when she was washing her clothes in the stream behind her small hut.
Living on the fringes of society helped give the boy some semblance of a normal human childhood, sans friends. One day when he was around 10 years old, when a hunter passed through. Rumors spread through Riddleport like wildfire. Some of the more zealous approached an elf, who took the information to the Lamplighters. A single one of them, slightly overzealous, headed out the destroy the abomination.
While he was out gathering herbs for his "mother's" rheumatism, the boy returned to see an elf setting the house ablaze. Then he looked straight at the boy, as if looking into the child's soul. The boy ran and ran...
He still doesn't know how he got away. He just ran until, months later, he found himself at the foot of the stair leading up to the City of Strangers... thus began the first step that would lead him to the path if the Brotherhood.

Jubal Breakbottle |

Male Tiefling Admixture Wizard
DEX 16
CON 14
INT 20
WIS 11
Alternate Racial Traits:
Prehensile Tail
Vestigial Wings
Magical Lineage (Fireball)
Spell Focus (evocation) instead of Scribe Scroll
Spell Specialization (burning hands)
At 6th level, he will start the Diabolist prestige class for 6 levels becoming Darth Ferno.

Alexander Augunas Contributor |

Alexander Augunas wrote:So wait, you mean I can totally give Ravendork a hard time if I have a character with a hard look to pin down?
Okay. I can totally get into this. >:)
My current character's name is Kyr'shin Yilenzo. He's a kitsune who was orphaned at a young age and raised by a family of diplomatic elves as something akin to a pet. As he has rediscovered his racial heritage, he is finding that the ways of the kitsune clan that he saved and took over are clashing with the ways of the elves who raised him.
Kyr'shin's signature look is a breastplate combined with a katana-and-shield; both weapons are engraved with cherry trees in bloom and the sword is "cursed" to glow bright pink in a manner that resembles falling cherry petals when it is drawn. Kyr'shin does not consider this a curse and loves the blade for this effect.
On! :)No need to thank me, your satisfaction is my reward.
Ha! I got a good laugh out of that.
I'll treasure it always. (And assume that its your cosplay that I'm giggling at! ;-P )

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Markavious the Red, Male Elf Admixture Evoker
Stats average str, big ole brain
Although elves are known as weak arrogant folk who love to dance around big toadstools and live very peaceful lives.
There does exist a secret sect of Elves who exist on an island hidden by ancient and powerful magic from all prying eyes. These are the sect apocalypti. A small army of casters who specialize in the art of destructive magic. These "War Wizards" are their for times of serious threats to Elven independence/existence.
As a final test these casters are let off the island to see the world,learn of potential threats and adventure in order to hone their casting abilities against a wide variety of opponents.
I am picturing a Valley Elf greyhawk circa 1E or maybe a dark sun elf circa 2E(just not that tall). Maybe some facial tats, feathers kind of a deep jungle tribal figure

Ravingdork |

BuzzardB |

Human male NG Fighter/Chevalier, devout follower of Iomadae. Can't bring himself to be fully "Lawful" so he was never granted divine powers (and thus never a paladin). Slowly but surely he is winning over his gods favor and has been granted the power to smite evil (chevalier).
With a little GM bribery I am hoping to snag him the Celestial template later.
STR 22, DEX 16, CON 16, INT 15, WIS 14, CHA 16 (Yeah, this character made me decide to use point buy in the game I ran after lol)
I photoshopped a picture up of him that I really like, but id like to see what you can come up with.

Rynjin |

Human male NG Fighter/Chevalier, devout follower of Iomadae. Can't bring himself to be fully "Lawful" so he was never granted divine powers (and thus never a paladin). Slowly but surely he is winning over his gods favor and has been granted the power to smite evil (chevalier).
With a little GM bribery I am hoping to snag him the Celestial template later.
STR 22, DEX 16, CON 16, INT 15, WIS 14, CHA 16 (Yeah, this character made me decide to use point buy in the game I ran after lol)
I photoshopped a picture up of him that I really like, but id like to see what you can come up with.
What does he fight with?
Here is a nice one for sword and board, but you've probably already seen it since it came up quickly in a Google search.
Some of the concept art for knights in an Assassin's Creed game.
Here is one with what seems to be a Greatsword.
S'all I got ATM.

Scavion |

Human Male CG Cleric, devout follower of Lathander (Good ol Forgotten Realms deity) Trapped in a terrible world where most of the native deities have been slain, he seeks to slay the tyrant god of the realm and restore the land to what it once was.
Somewhat wartorn through the several party members hes seen slain (Hes been through about 8 party members, including one hes revived 3 times, and one of them was his closest potential love interest whom he had to let die because it was a choice between everyone dieing or just her), he wields an intelligent, magically enhanced electric clawed gauntlet named Vorago. Shield is in his offhand.
Str 18, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 20, Cha 14
My DM likes to torment me by manipulating haunts to generate images of my slain comrades whom promptly attack me while proclaiming why I let them die @_@

Gluttony |

Ooh, interesting idea.
Well, I already have a picture for this one, personally. I'd be interested in seeing what someone comes up with for her, though.
Ennidy Elba
LN Female Half-Elf Cleric (of Abadar)
Wields her ancestral elven curved sword, wears drow-made half-plate armor that she inherited.
Sacrificed her low-light vision for the drow-blooded trait.
Str 8, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 14
Ennidy started her adventuring career rather unwillingly, having been a bookkeeper for a university right up until the moment she was shoved headfirst through a portal to another planet by the university's (secretly an Aboleth Veiled Master) headmaster. She was never the best-suited to the academic world in the first place though, having found her job more because money was the traditional work of those with strong ties to Abadar than through any competence with the stuff of her own. (Still, she was glad to work in academia for a time, as it was a place where people were more learned and less likely to mis-identify her race and attack her on sight). Ennidy's drow half comes from one of the drow noble families below Nirmathas, so her drow side shows rather heavily in her physical features.

Ravingdork |

Markavious the Red, Male Elf Admixture Evoker
Stats average str, big ole brain
Although elves are known as weak arrogant folk who love to dance around big toadstools and live very peaceful lives.
There does exist a secret sect of Elves who exist on an island hidden by ancient and powerful magic from all prying eyes. These are the sect apocalypti. A small army of casters who specialize in the art of destructive magic. These "War Wizards" are their for times of serious threats to Elven independence/existence.
As a final test these casters are let off the island to see the world,learn of potential threats and adventure in order to hone their casting abilities against a wide variety of opponents.
I am picturing a Valley Elf greyhawk circa 1E or maybe a dark sun elf circa 2E(just not that tall). Maybe some facial tats, feathers kind of a deep jungle tribal figure

BuzzardB |

What does he fight with?
Here is a nice one for sword and board, but you've probably already seen it since it came up quickly in a Google search.
Some of the concept art for knights in an Assassin's Creed game.
Here is one with what seems to be a Greatsword.
S'all I got ATM.
Herp derp, I missed his weapon...he fights with a Glaive.

Qorin |

This is a brilliant thread.
Looking for pictures of:
Saif, my (human) Free-Hand Fighter/Duelist.
He's a Scimitar/dervish dancer build with Whirlwind Attack being the really relevant feat (because spinning around and killing everyone fits dervish dancer so nicely).
And Vita, an Aasimar life Oracle with a blindfold and a long spear.

Ravingdork |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

This thread made me register to the forums :)
So, started a game recently, need a picture for 20-something human soulknife. Medium Strength (12), high Dexterity, Two-Weapon Fighting (if possible).
Thanks in advance, guys. Now, back to lurking...

Mark Hoover |

2 characters, both for home games. I love this thread and hope it never ends.
[Spoiler=Buckthorn "Bucky" Brambletramp]
CG male Halfling ranger/cavalier 2 (gestalt)
Str 13
Dex 18
Con 12
Int 12
Wis 15
Cha 17
Bucky is a specialist in the Halfling sling-staff. He also now wields a lance and carries backup axes as woodland tools and weapons. He rides a wolf named Blitzer.
Bucky hails from a Halfling town where he was the "good boy" to his brother's rebellious mischief. His older brother got wrapped up with a bad crowd and Bucky, working for the local sheriff had to arrest his own kin. Out of pity he let the guy go. A year later his brother gave up details on the defenses of the town to a horde of human and goblin mercenaries. Since the Halfling settlement was a weak link along the border the mercenaries overwhelmed them and used the siege as the beginnings of an invasion. Bucky knows that the goblins tortured his brother for the info but hates himself for letting his brother go. Now he uses his woodland skills and martial prowess to skirmish against the goblins alongside an elite force of conscripts on the side of his home kingdom[/spoiler]
NG male human wizard (universalist) 7
Str 12
Dex 16
Con 15
Int 18
Wis 13
Cha 16
Kalivan is all about utility. He has item creation feats and makes puppet homunculi with them. He's customized his creations and uses them as his eyes and ears, as well as special effects like fogs, dancing lights and shattering breakables. In a fight he hurls battlefield control spells, directs homunculi effects and buffs his duelist partner.
Kalivan Scriventhorn has been on the run for 10 years. His childhood was an unhappy one shackled to an abusive master who ran a scrivening house in a major trade city and worked his charges near to death. He recognized some talent in young Kalivan though, so he inducted the boy into arcane studies.
The final test was to translate a book with hidden portents. The boy feigned ignorance but finished the translation in private and learned it's pages held a portion of the secret to awakening a dead god. He fled with a childhood friend, formed an adventuring group in the wilds, and thought he'd won.
In the end he and his fellows were caught and tortured. Kal, separated from the rest of the group, was released by his former master who helped him escape. It turned out his childhood friend had been the master spy after all an his old master was merely being forced into this life. In the end the old scribe saved Kal and died in the process.
Since then Kal has wandered, alone, using his fallback skills as a traveling performer to pay the bills. He's poured all his magic and talent into crafting minor constructs and an animate "stage" to aid his shows and also to keep him safe while he travels.
He is grizzled, road-worn and well traveled, but he still retains a boyish innocence, as if stuck in the youth he never got to have.
I hope this works...

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This is a neat thread. I feel like a way to get more people to give than receive, so to speak, is if anyone could share their methods and tools for finding this art.
I'm also looking for a character portrait, but I'm not sure where to look!
Deka, Inquisitor of Besmara: Human woman, dark-skinned (ethnically Garundi), preferably with one side of her head shaved. Those are the main things, but the icing on the cake would be if I could find something particularly "pirate-y," relatively strong, wielding any kind of piercing reach pole arm, who looks like she'd be pretty good at intimidation.

DrDeth |

Senofen Silver-tongued is a politically minded half-elf who passes for exotic human. Tall, willowy and striking instead of beautiful. Str12, dex 14, con13, int 14, wis 13, Cha 19. She wears a chain shirt which is designed to make her look more commanding but not a lot like useful armour. Her skills are oratory and dance. She worships Shelyn, and carries no obvious weapons, using a bladed scarf. Currently on the Town Council of Sandpoint.

kikidmonkey |
Alright I got one that may be tough
A Zen Archer monk
Str 10
Dex 15
Con 15
Int 18
Wis 18
Cha 13
From a low class of a very privileged society, character is a male cave elf (pale skinned, excellent dark vision, pointed ears that droop downwards like this: http://0-media-cdn.foolz.us/ffuuka/board/tg/image/1335/13/1335134871368.jpg )
character would have nice, but simple clothing/gear.

Scorpioni |

I got another one:
Amon Targaryen (Yes, I like the name)
Human Sorcerer 5 (Draconic, red), Dragon Disciple 4 (with abbyssal eldritch heritage feats)
Str 20 (main stat)
Dex 10
Con 14
Int 14
Wis 10
Cha 16
The child of an Azlanti heritage human woman (wanting to see her ancient bloodline rise again) and Azul, a fiendish red dragon in human disguise (breeding powerful offspring for an upcoming conflict), Amon combines aspects of both his parents. From his mother he inherited purple eyes and an affinity for magic, from his father he inherited the powerful bloodline mix draconic/abbyssal.
When his father, unhappy with the results of their union, killed Amon's mother, it proved the catalyst for Amon to discover his sorcererous powers (the resulting hunt for his father is an ongoing major plotline in our campaign).
Extra details: tries to hide his awakening bloodline (horns, scales,...)with alter self as much as possible. Has purple eyes and is a red head. Amon is a melee brute (natural attacks!) first and a caster second. He wears silken ceremonial armor and no weapons.

revaar |

Ooh! I wanna play!
Male Half Elf Archaeologist
Str 14
Dex 18
Con 10
Int 16
Wis 7
Cha 15
Born in Kaer Maga to a Half Drow (escaped slave of her drow father) and Half Kyonin Elf (Exiled Bastard of a Chexian Noble). Switch Hitter with short sword, bow, and whip. Acting as rogue for a group running through Shattered Star.

williamoak |

Ok, while I wont take the time for the full stats YET, there are a few concepts I want to experiment with:
1) Daenal, the high oradin of arshea: A tiefling with the "hermaphroditic" visual trait. Their appearance needs to be androgynous, yet still VERY physically attractive to both men & women. They have high strength, decent con, and EXCEPTIONAL charisma. They also have a tail and vestigial wings, though those can be hidden.
2) Lanead, the twisted demoniac of lamashtu: The evil alternate of daenal (thus, also a hermaphroditic tiefling). They would also be androgynous, but in a fashion that emphasizes the secondary sexual traits of both genders. The appearance should be almost bestial (to show the connection to lamashtu). They would have high strength, decent con, & either exceptional wis or cha (not sure yet).
The concepts are so foreign I have a really hard time visualising it.

GozrehTime |

I've got two:
1) Hekia Eheliou
LG Human female Cleric (Shizuru, domains: sun (revelation), conversion inquisition) 1/ Monk (wanderer) X/ Horizon Walker Y
Having followed the sun and traveled to many places, Hekia has learned the tongues of countless peoples,
worn their garb, heard their stories, and told her own. While she is physically strong and sturdy, it is
her intense sagacity that makes her eyes, her blade, and her words so piercing. Percipient in all ways,
she sees through lies and physical impediments as incisively as she strikes down evil.
She is always garbed as lightly as the local climate will permit, bearing with her a pack, a simple bedroll,
abstemious but healthy rations, and the katana from which she is never parted.
2) Uutklata Ithyau
N Aasimar male Fighter (two-handed fighter) 5/ Shadow Dancer 4/ ?
Feats: Heavenly Radiance (for Searing Light, Wake of Light, and/ or Sunbeam), (Improved) Eldritch Heritage (Starsoul)
Uutklata is prepossessed with dualities: dark and light, physical and intellectual, epigeal and ethereal,
magic and might of arms. In his brilliant armor and dusky cloak, he emerges from the library where he resides,
sometimes during the day, sometimes in deepest crepuscule; sometimes as a mercenary, sometimes as a scholar;
wielding a rhoka of some strange alloy but not afraid to employ illusions and the sun's brilliance in pursuit
of his goals. At home, he scribes an endless tale, dipping into a vat of ink the iron brush with which he is not
an inept combatant, while his shadow chatters secrets.

Obeliske |
I'm looking for a picture to represent my character for use in Hero Labs I'm playing a human alchemist in the Mummy's Mask campaign.
In the People of the Sands book there's a picture of a human with a face scarf and goggles on does anybody know where I can find this online?
If not I'm trying to find a picture of a human with geometric body tatoos specifically down the sides of the arms and legs. Lots of squares rectangles and such. I'd like him to have goggles and a face scarf as well showing that he's lived in the desert his whole life and is a nomad himself.
If anybody could help me find either of these I'd be greatly appreciative thank you :)

Verteidiger |

Caladrel Faerondaerl
Male Elf Staff MagusSTR 16
DEX 12
CON 12
INT 17
WIS 10
CHA 7Alternate Racial Trait, Arcane Focus
Magical Lineage (Frostbite)
ReactionaryCaladrel is is tall and lean like most elves but his physique in not as fragile as usual among elves (due to his unusually high strength and constitution), actually he is quite muscular for a an elf. He doesn't want to stick out, so he doesn't wear shiny armors, fancy clothes or jewels. He likes to wear plain dark blue or green cloak and maybe some light leather armor. (Obviously wielding staff.)
Faerondaerl family line has long traditions in magic. Both of his parents are wizards, they provice for the family by crafting magical items and selling spellcasting (Magical Lineage). Caladrelis was raised with the goal in mind that he is a magic-user. As a kid he was studying arcane powers when others were playing, racing or fighting (Arcane Focus).
Caladrel is quiet and unsociable person. He doesn't mean ill to others, it is just his poor self-expression that can cause troubles, he has learned that sometimes it is just easier to keep quiet and blend into the crowd (Reactionary).

Domestichauscat |

Amazing topic is amazing! This thread must be resurrected! And I must say this is the perfect day to resurrect something.
I feel kinda bad for those that haven't gotten any pictures yet from others. So I'll look up some pics for people that haven't got any yet. Though some of these are so hard I'll have to skip them for now. Heck, I need to level up my search-fu anyways. Sorry if these pics don't really match what you imagine the characters to look like. These are more or less how I imagine them from the back stories provided.
Mordivan Thrune:
Not sure if this is a stock photo but I'm thinking of this
Duergar Gray Disciple:
Not as much chains or hair as you say, but I think he looks something like this:
Aeshuura: Found this one
Jubal Breakbottle:
gustavo iglesias: This one has a spiked shield, but finding one with spike armor is rough
Katz: Well I got this guy resembling an assassin from the creed games *shrug*:
Scavion: Finding a cleric specializing in gauntlets is a tough ordeal, though I imagine him looking something like this
Gluttony: A tough one to crack, though I see Ennidy's features looking like this as a half drow/elf
Saif: This one is actually one of the few live pics that I could see myself using to represent a character:
Mark Hoover:
Bucky: Can't find anything usable other than this lol
Kalivan: I'm feeling this one works
Senofen: This is definitely exotic, though not completely striking. You can photoshop the small dragon to be a scarf.
Justin Sane:
Scorpioni: I'm thinking something like this
Ok I think I'll stop there seeing as it's pretty late right now. Gotta sleep. I didn't get revaar, williamoak, obelisk, kikidmonkey, Crysknife and mechaPoet's aren't covered. I hope someone else helps out here lol! This topic is too good to die!
Wow this turned out to be a monster post lol!