Re: Fracture Pattern
For my math, I'm using this for a lower-end estimate and this for a higher-end estimate. Also, we'll assume CR = APL, for simplicity. Not a perfect model, but using established numbers really cuts down on my work :P Thoughts: Like Haste, its worth varies wildly based on party composition. Unlike Haste, it must be augmented as levels go by, because that "Fortitude Negates" bit is harsh. Boosting the 1st augment to 1:1 (like many other damage-dealing powers) would soften the blow a fair bit.
I've been awake 42 hours straight now, so I'll try my best to be coherent.
Biokinetic Endurance wrote: As you can see in the thread, there's been some serious contention about this power. The use of DR vs. ability damage isn't really precedented, so...can I ask you to expand on your thoughts re: balance here? Well, it's a " Melpomene’s Psionic Howl wrote: Yay! One thing strikes me as weird, why is the deafening mind-affecting? On a Psychokinetic power? Maybe it's the sleep deprivation, but... huh? Sympathetic Drain wrote: The surge augment lets you attempt a save to literally double the damage dealt. Admittedly that sort of check isn't normally done in PF but I wanted to gate it with something beyond just blowing your Surge on it. Interaction with temp HP removed, definitely hearing ideas on improving or replacing the surge augment. So I manifest the power, and I (as in, not the target) have to make the save? Why would I ever augment the DC if I just want to deal damage? As-is, this seems a two-fold power: either augment as much as possible and deal no damage, just for the debuff; or ignore the debuff and go for as much damage as possible.Kyria’s Crystalline Aura wrote: current thoughtline IMHO, it could use a way to boost that bleed damage, or the DC. Other than that, I kinda liked the "pushing away" shtick and am sad to see it go, but as-is, seems solid enough (and really nasty on a Psychic Warrior -- use Defensive mode to wade in, switch to Offensive mode to shred opponents to bits). Mental Contagion wrote: Full-round is a power control. There's a lot of mind-affecting abilities to spread around, and many of them are excessively nasty. Spreading a dominate, for instance, means that you've saved someone two spells and now have three mind slaves. First augment isn't more granular because I want to hard-gate getting additional targets. Requiring two targets has been fixed. a) Why not make it a one round casting time, like Astral Construct? I'm under the impression that a full-round casting time is the same time a Sorcerer takes to cast a metamagic'd spell, am I correct? b) Mind Control is level 4 (granted, for Telepaths). This is level 6, and IMO around the same power-level. Not a good position to be in.c) What happens when the surge debuff gets a longer duration 5 rounds? Does it persist independently? Fracture Pattern wrote: Yay! Balanced at third level power? Honestly? No idea :) Gut feeling says it's fine, but I'll try to run some numbers. Euterpe’s Prophetic Song wrote: That cap has been placed, but consider the power as it evolves for me. By the time it does all of that it's still a concentration-duration buff that's trying to be a 9th level power. So, as the augments evolve, my question is this: do you feel it's balanced as a 3rd level power (1st augment), 5th level power (2nd augment), 7th level power (3rd augment) and then finally a 9th level power (final augment)? 1st level, +1 hit? Meh, compared to Bless. 3rd level, +3 hit and +3 skills? The cost is getting a bit steep to use as a skill-booster alone, and 3rd level gets this compared with Haste, and the extra attack beats the +2 hit.5th level, +5 hit, +5 skills, +5 damage? Bards can probably buff this hard at this level, but not the whole party at once. 7th level, +7 hit, +7 skills, +7 damage, +7 AC? Yeah, at this point, it's just getting silly. There's nothing in the game comparable to the raw numbers you're giving out. 9th level, +9 hit, +9 skills, +9 damage, +9 AC, +9 Saving Throws? We're officially past silly, now. Granted, that Concentration duration hurts, but the pay-off is huge. And that surge augment makes losing concentration not that much of a big deal, especially because you can contribute with more actions during those rounds. [Edit: Forgot a detail. No matter how much you augment it, it's still a 1st level power, which makes the Concentration DCs relatively low.] ![]()
Ross Byers wrote: I know Paizo prefers to use full-color art, with minimal art reuse, but the discussion of pagefitting causing trouble is making me think of those oft-reused sketches inside WotC's 3.5-era softcovers. You know, the ones with no real context other than be dungeon-dressing? I'd rather see reused stock art and good text than magnificent art and badly-written text. Especially because I don't use the art in-game. ![]()
Inviktus wrote:
So, standard procedure, then? ![]()
I still don't understand how that crit part is supposed to work. Let's say a monk hits 3 times for 1d8 each, one of the rolls was a natural 20, confirmation roll confirms crit. How much damage is that? A)Sum up all damage, then apply crit multiplier, for 6d8 damage;
Simon Legrande wrote: I have to say this, someone saying "I don't ever run into the same problems as you" is not being any more dismissive than the person saying "Just because you don't see the problem doesn't mean it isn't there". People aren't saying "I don't ever run into the same problems as you". They're saying "I don't ever run into the same problems as you, so your issues are nothing but the result of theorycrafted situations". One of those is an acceptable comment, part and parcel of an healthy discussion. The other is not. Choose wisely. ![]()
Spook205 wrote: Putting on my devil's advocate hat here... First, thank you for actually trying to understand the situation and keeping the spirit of the OP. There's just one point I want to address:Quote: One side has come down saying 'casters are supreme' and making their argument based on certain theoretical scenarios and on suppositions arising from reading of the rules. You see, it's not theoretical scenarios we're talking about. It's about what actually happens at our tables. Plus, when we actually state exactly what our issues are, they are dismissed as "theorycraft" and "Schroedinger Wizards". That's why I consider such comments condescension, because we've made our points, repeatedly, ad nauseum, in this very thread, and they keep getting dismissed as "your problem, not mine". ![]()
Simon Legrande wrote: I'm glad I didn't make the sort of comment I replied to then. See, the thing is, for some groups, this *is* an issue. Posts, like yours, that claim "I have no issues, so you must be seeing things" are condescending, demeaning and insulting to us that actually experience the problem. ![]()
Simon Legrande wrote: If a person doesn't experience a problem, then by definition there is no problem for that person. If there is no problem then the problem, in fact, does not exist. People who continue to insist that a problem exists when only a subset of people experience a problem should not be in the habit of thinking they speak for everyone. If a person experiences a problem, then by definition there is a problem for that person. If there is a problem then the problem, in fact, does exist. People who continue to insist that no problem exists when only a subset of people don't experience a problem should not be in the habit of thinking they speak for everyone. ![]()
Spook205 wrote: (here represented by the forum spellcaster displaying superiority not displayed by the blue-water tabletop spellcaster) Stop that. That's downright misleading and somewhat rude. Just because it doesn't happen at your table, it doesn't mean it doesn't happen in other groups. Stop decrying legitimate problems as "your GM is doing something wrong" or "it's just theorycraft". ![]()
LoneKnave wrote:
I'd take that with an archer in a heartbeat. ![]()
blahpers wrote:
Can we agree, at least, that there might be a way to balance the Fighter to be on par with the Barbarian/Ranger/Paladin that wouldn't be noticed by those who don't care for balance? Quote:
But what if I don't see my character as a raging warrior? Or a blessed champion? Or a rugged outdoorsman? Why do I need to have class features that simply do not mesh with my vision of my character? I'm my group's munchkin and even I look sideways at a class dip just for power. Quote: You're suggesting that Paizo change something. But rules have inertia--it costs considerable resources (time, money, and softer considerations) to alter an existing feature.Agree, however note the simplest way to "fix" the Fighter would be new Fighter-only feats. No actual need to "alter" anything. Quote: Therefore, the onus is on you to prove that your proposed changes are worth the expenditure--not just to you, but to the player base as a whole. Okay, here's proof: If new feats that "fixed" the Fighter were to be published, nobody would be forced to take them. Therefore, those who like Fighters as-is would still have the same amount of fun as they did in the past and people who want a balanced Fighter would have more fun. It's what we call a win-win situation. ![]()
blahpers wrote:
Why isn't the reverse of the bolded statement true? Why shouldn't classes be balanced? If someone who doesn't care about balance won't notice anything different about his class of choice, why not? This is exactly where I can't follow your train of thought: If there are people who don't care about balance and have fun playing unbalanced classes, why would they have less fun playing a balanced class, if they don't care about balance? Seriously, this boggles my mind. I want to play a Fighter and not feel like dead weight. Why shouldn't I be able to have fun? ![]()
ikarinokami wrote: I am going to go out on a limb and say, that in a class based role playing system, that "balance" is not a mechanical determination but is infact play distribution thing, and if a class is being played frequently, and players enjoy frequently playing that class, and those players had the freedom to choose any class that they wanted play, but still chose that class, then that class, for the most part is indeed "balanced" and doesn't need actual fixing. I have fun playing commoners. Are commoners "balanced"? ![]()
Joe Hex wrote: In the case of the Witch, [the books] miss some of the classic (and obvious) themes you'd think of for Witch archetypes- Curses, turning highborns into ugly critters, full moon rituals, bewitching hexes and spells focused on mind and emotional effects, and so on... Slightly OT: Moment of Doubt
School: Enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting, language-dependent, curse]; Level bard 1, witch 1
SunsetPsychosis wrote: This means that a Hasted full attack action, at a single evil target, expending your focus for Intuitive shot and Psychic Strike, would be at: +18 (2d8+2d8+4d6+42)/+20 (1d8+4d6+27)/+20 (1d8+4d6+27)/+15 (1d8+4d6+27)/+10 (1d8+4d6+27). That's a lot of damn dice. Just FYI, that doesn't work. Intuitive Shot is a standard action, like Vital Strike. I'm pretty sure I spotted some other problem when I read your post, but my sleep-deprived brain (37 hours awake and counting!) can't spot it right now. Other than that, looks cool. ![]()
andreww wrote:
Oh, my bad. I was under the impression you were in the "no character can do everything" camp. ![]()
*sigh* Okay. Okay. I'm just gonna add two things, then can we get over the comic book contests, please? 1st -- If Batman, without his gear, was dropped from orbit, would he die from the impact? If yes, he's not level 20. 2nd -- Supes goes off-planet for a bit, finds a convenient meteorite, proceeds to fling it at the Batcave, with Batman inside (which Superman can indeed check from space). There, dead bat. Now can we please drop this tangent? Please? ![]()
Another valid comparison is the afore-mentioned ring of regeneration (90k gp) vs the boots of the earth (5k gp). Although limited, the fast healing granted by the boots take care of all the OOC healing you'll ever need. Are they underpriced? Compared to the ring, yes. Compared to a half-dozen of wands of cure light wounds? Not really. ![]()
Malusiocus wrote: Going to start building that up. I'm currently making several characters with the stats presented above. Then when I get together with everyone, I'll choose a character that compliments the rest of the party composition. My post will save you some trouble, his gear is in the rough 6k gp ballpark :) ![]()
Seconding BBT's suggestion here. Human archer Bard is a powerhouse. In the sense that he's individually awesome, and that he'll make the rest of the team even more awesome.
Stats and feats: Str 17 +1 level
Dex 18 +2 racial Con 15 Int 11 Wis 13 Cha 15 1: Point-Blank Shot, 1b: Precise Shot, 3: Rapid Shot Assuming MW Comp Shortbow [+3], no buffs (AKA inside anti-magic zone): +9 (1d6+3, 20/x3) or +7/+7 (1d6+3, 20/x3)
Assuming Cloak of Resistance +1, +1 Mithral Chain Shirt, Ring of Protection +1: AC 21 (touch 16, flat-footed 16), +4 Fort, +10 Ref, +6 Will, 29 hp.