kikidmonkey's page
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As an American that plays games that use imperial and metric systems, it makes no difference what unit of measurement the game uses. Feet/meters? I either count by squares or count distance by time (an hour away, 3 days a way, a week's travel). Weight? Simple matter of current weight vs total weight, units don't matter, just need to know if i'm above or below my limit. Volume? In the maybe three instances I've encountered in two decades worth of gaming where volume mattered, I just pull up google.
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you might want to add some paragraphs if you expect anyone to read that.
sunderedhero wrote: I vote for "Pull the Pin", especially since it requires another feat first and they still get a save somehow. Also "Strike Back", since it lets you do something that I've always assumed you could do and has always been allowed at my table. I got super excited when I saw it, then I read it and all the enthusiasm drained away, or as I explained to my fellow players "This feat is countered by a fanny pack."
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Arcanic Drake wrote: Sissyl wrote: UnArcaneElection wrote: kikidmonkey wrote: UnArcaneElection wrote: kikidmonkey wrote: A fancy dinner party. A fancy dinner party in Geb.
A fancy dinner party in Geb, with the in-laws A fancy dinner party in Geb, where the in-laws are also blood relatives.
A fancy dinner party in Geb, where the cannibal in-laws are also blood relatives. A fancy dinner party in Geb, where the cannibal in-laws (Secretly Ghouls) are also blood relatives. A fancy dinner party in Geb, where the cannibal in-laws (Secretly Ghouls) are also blood relatives, and they want you to try their new meatloaf recipe.
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UnArcaneElection wrote: kikidmonkey wrote: A fancy dinner party. A fancy dinner party in Geb.
A fancy dinner party in Geb, with the in-laws
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I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote: kikidmonkey wrote: ErisAcolyte-Chaos jester wrote: A Demi plane of immortal jesters. As in the motley fools. And every person is a jester, or clown, or acrobat, or magic mime. Welcome to a world of painful comedy at the players expense. And also the ruler is an all powerful jester with divine/arcane magic named Giacomo 'king of jesters and jester of kings'.
And I will now prepare to make a jester version of a brawler for my own personal amusement. I thought that was just the Fey realm. No, it's Your Closet - except my name's not Giacomo. Dammit, i thought i cleared my closet of mimes.
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ErisAcolyte-Chaos jester wrote: A Demi plane of immortal jesters. As in the motley fools. And every person is a jester, or clown, or acrobat, or magic mime. Welcome to a world of painful comedy at the players expense. And also the ruler is an all powerful jester with divine/arcane magic named Giacomo 'king of jesters and jester of kings'.
And I will now prepare to make a jester version of a brawler for my own personal amusement.
I thought that was just the Fey realm.

Makeitstop wrote: My all time favorite: The boat.
The party is on a ship. It's big, and needs a larger number of people than the party to be operated, even if they were all sailors. They are at sea, surrounded by nothing but certain death in all directions. And someone, or something is on board, working against them.
Anyone could be the enemy. Everyone is suspicious. Things are going wrong, people are dying or disappearing. Rumors and paranoia are turning people against each other. The party doesn't know who to trust, and yet it has to trust someone. And if they aren't careful, the others might just suspect them.
For added fun, make sure they don't trust each other either. Note passing mixed with illusions, shapeshifters and mind control can make them rethink their assumptions.
in the current campaign i am in, the total party is at a 50% boat survival rate. No character in the party willingly steps inside a boat now. It's a shame there are no* teleport spells in our world.
*only one family knows the secret to teleportation, and they have a poor success/survival rate, they also have a reputation for being fireball-component crazy
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On a train.
Adventurer's just hate being railroaded.
for people complaining that custom items are banned, go ahead and price a weapon with constant true strike active.
Yeah, that's why it's banned.
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oooh how about a letter written with the ink that requires a specific person's blood, on paper that has been cursed to cause paper cuts!
That way, only the true reader gets to know the message.
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Used an Eidolon, doesn't count.
probably not, most people believe that the fault of the rogue in combat isnt the potential damage, but his chances of hitting, and surviving the retaliation.
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i read the target line as: One creature, OR one non-magical object of up to 100 cu. ft./level
as in, you can target one creature
or you can target one non-magical object of up to 100 cu. ft./level.
So at CL 0, you can target only a single creature, but no objects.
I would agree with you, if it weren't for the fact that all the good spells to use outside of combat rely on CL for duration or effect.
*Aside from the spell i listed above, of course*
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Now for a Cool spell to use, Polymorph any object, duration dependent on how similar the target is to the chosen form, instead of CL
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awaken and breath of life are learned only by divine casters (at least from my research)
*COUNTER EDIT!* My argument isnt about Power, but of Efficiency, I have no problems playing weak(er) characters for coolness factor, but in this case, there is an better way to do it, that has the added benefit of not getting slapped by your DM.
*EDIT 2: The Re-editoring* I am, of course, assuming we are using a FIGHTER for these arguments, and not some other class, that may get more out of it.
several of those are divine spells, which brings us back to the investment vs output discussion, at levels <10 the investment is probably too great, at levels >10, you could probably do all this with scrolls alone, no need to waste your mythic path on it.
Tacticslion wrote: Originally I thought "nothing", but then I realized "nothing martial" when my wife pointed out the utility of potions or other buffs. Most buffs from Arcane Surge would be useless, but a potions, wands, staves, scrolls, or even activated magic items could all be really handy to have. Lose initiative? Time stop, move that way a ways, and then buff yourself.
It's actually a pretty good battlefield control, allowing you substantial mobility, and thus choosing where you are when time gets back into play.
I mean, even flinging alchemical items is a valid thing, setting them up to go off when needed.
but is any of that BETTER than having just gone Champion? With Champion, you could just spend a swift to move and strike, and then full attack.
Or take limitless range and mythic far shot on some cheap thrown items, which will likely do more damage than alchemical items.

BigDTBone wrote: kikidmonkey wrote: i didnt limit it, i did say "or something" but those other things DO require a UMD, which will be restrictive based on the level of the martial. One of the big points in the mythic fighter vs wizard thread is that people seem to think fighters would never take UMD (or at least don't concider it to be a typical thing.) when magic is real you learn to use it. Fighters have the opportunity to put their feats to work for them.
Skill focus/magical aptitude/class skill trait/14 CHA/1 rank will give a 55% to activate a wand at first level. Add in a +5 item, headband, and 9 more ranks will go upto a +31 at 10th level. That is a 75% chance to activate a CL17 scroll. Oh, I don't think that a fighter wouldnt take UMD, I did on my last fighter (never got to use it though), my point was only that, given any particular level, the investment needed to use something other than a potion MAY be greater than a fighter is willing to spend.
Yes the fighter can UMD a scroll/wand/staff, but at earlier levels (pre 10), the cost/availability/DC of said items may be too great/unreliable. If you are making a fighter, AND have a DM that will let you do the Arch mage trick, AND you have leftover cash for staves and CL 17 scrolls after all your gear purchase, you probably should have just played a natural caster in the first place. i mean, bloodrager/magus is right there.
Now i know this thread isn't about being "reasonable" but there is a limit.
i didnt limit it, i did say "or something" but those other things DO require a UMD, which will be restrictive based on the level of the martial.
i mean, i suppose he could drink a potion, or something, but if you are in a position that you need to cast TIME STOP, just to get a short breather, you are probably screwed.
sorry, when i said "light" i meant "a relevant light spell"
Out of curiosity, is there anything a martial can really DO during a time stop, that would be particularly useful?
Claxon wrote: Of course, if you can see in the dark and you can observe where the radius of darkness extends and understand how the spell funcitons then you could find the "center" of it and look for objects that you think might be emitting it. But, if there are multiple objects, or something in a creatures possession it's unlikely to help you. Even knowing the origin square is helpful, as it gives a possible source to either dispel, cast light on/near, or to kill whoever is holding the source, which will either keep the darkness from moving, hopefully providing a means of ignoring the darkness, or force an enemy to reveal the source by trying to retrieve it.
Serum wrote: Claxon wrote: kikidmonkey wrote: Claxon wrote: *Technically darkness is just an abscence of light so it's hard to understand how the spell creates darkness, except Magic™. It's easier if you think of it as anti-light Sure, but thats still magic as nothing in the universe is "anti-light". Some things absorb light more than others, but nothing emits darkness, so there is not a real world analog. It's an evocation that light cannot pierce. The spell annihilates photons.
I agree that it's going to be impossible to identify the source of the spell, though. can the person trying to identify the object see it (darkvision or some other ability)? if yes, then there is no reason to think that they cant identify it as the source.
Claxon wrote: *Technically darkness is just an abscence of light so it's hard to understand how the spell creates darkness, except Magic™. It's easier if you think of it as anti-light
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Fergie wrote: kidmonkey wrote:
But it IS a method psychologists use to help people overcome their phobias I'm also going to guess that the success or failure in those sessions are not decided by rolling dice. Maybe the BORING sessions
N. Jolly wrote: kikidmonkey wrote: I would include the trigger even more often than i normally would.
But then, I'm a jerk. Yeah, don't do that. That's terrible and not funny at all. But it IS a method psychologists use to help people overcome their phobias
I would include the trigger even more often than i normally would.
But then, I'm a jerk.
fictionfan wrote: Is it bad of me that this thread makes me want to take notes about what to put in my game. Not at all.
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Tooth Fairies.
CR 1/4, can do dex or cha damage.
LazarX wrote: BigDTBone wrote: Also, I'm still waiting to hear back from Anzyr about what happens to the wizard after he picks a fight with a dude who uses trees for bows and fires branches for arrows.
What does he use for a bow string? Back hair.
GM bands both Fighters and Wizards, declares Rogue the winner.

Shadowkire wrote: Anzyr wrote: kikidmonkey wrote: Shadowkire wrote: Anzyr wrote: Shadowkire wrote: Now who is blowing their WBL? A whole demiplane, hallowed vs TP, and every spell that ever was. The fighter beats the wizard by telling the debt collectors where they can find him/her. Two words. Blood. Money. How did you get a spell lost over 10k years ago? By by WBL/soul. Fighter wins with assistance from debt collectors. legend lore. I picked it as one of my spells during level up. It's really that simple. Which would be acceptable if you were a sorcerer. But Blood Money is a Thassilonian spell, lost 10k years ago. The big bad of Rise of the Runelords doesn't even have it prepared, its just a wand. You have to come up with at least a decent reason why the wizard has it or I get to say the Fight just happened to pick up an army of Golems. Both things have the same amount of reason and chance. My wizard was in that fight, recovered the wand, reverse engineered it.
I mean, he IS a level 20 wizard.
Artanthos wrote: Anzyr wrote: I picked it as one of my spells during level up. It's really that simple. As per the rules, my research on my new spells per level happened off screen. He also spent several hundred thousand of his unlimited WBL on strength enhancing items, so he could actually use it without killing himself. you say that like boosting or recovering from strength damage is difficult
Shadowkire wrote: Anzyr wrote: Shadowkire wrote: Now who is blowing their WBL? A whole demiplane, hallowed vs TP, and every spell that ever was. The fighter beats the wizard by telling the debt collectors where they can find him/her. Two words. Blood. Money. How did you get a spell lost over 10k years ago? By by WBL/soul. Fighter wins with assistance from debt collectors. legend lore.
or just dominating people and spending THEIR money :D
Artanthos wrote: Anzyr wrote: Seannoss wrote: Once again.... when does the wizard (or especially the minion) get to act? The fighter just posted can go on 52... mythics can go faster than that.
Explosive ruins is tricky, but that relies on a minion that won't compare to either of the characters mentioned here. And, if the wizard has a minion, does the fighter get one too? 52 is nothing though. I'm at +43 before Moment of Prescience. And I'm undetectable.
Stand around rolling initiative all day. When are you acting? The wizard is just as undetectable. If not more so, what with mind blank, invisibility, and demi-planes.
Bradley Mickle wrote: How about I just approach with a leaf blower, aka Black Feather Fan? Sovereign Glue :D
Seannoss wrote: Explosive ruins is tricky, but that relies on a minion that won't compare to either of the characters mentioned here. And, if the wizard has a minion, does the fighter get one too? Wizards DO get minions as a class feature, charm, dominate, summon, familiar, some sort of autodispel-ing construct with laser chainsaw hands that shoot bees...
minion doesn't need to detect you, his only job is to dispel that pile of papers on the floor
Bradley Mickle wrote: Okay, so what "just lose" spell? Retreat for the wizard is, essentially, a loss for the purpose of this argument. Because if he's leaving, he's conceding defeat. Geas Fighter: Retreat.
On a more serious note: Project Images, I hit you, you cant hit me.
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Senko wrote: Of course that doesn't mean you can't outfit your personal guard in ceremonial solid gold armour and weaponary for the bling factor. You could probably even do a rainbow effect with enough wealth afterall if you can make gem golems you can make Ruby, (orange gem of some sort) Topaz, Emerald, Saphire, Amethyst armour and weapons. And then they all climb into their color coordinated Apparatus's of Kwalish to battle evil.
if it's for level 20, and you want AC in case of anti magic, then don't worry about AC, you are going to be hit.
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I plan my characters all the way up to level 20 and there's not a damn thing you can do about it, hehehehahahahaaaMWAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHa *cough*
Also, kinda hate to be this guy, buuuuuut at level 10, with two vestigial arms and feral mutagen, you are more alchemist than rogue, so it's hardly a rogue build. Multiclassing Rogue with a Rogue+ class kind of proves that Rogue isn't good enough on it's own.
Avoron wrote: kikidmonkey: Indeed. Pummeling Charge is the easiest to get, and it is absolutely wonderful when combined with Vicious Claws, Feral Combat Training (claws), and Sap Master. If you multiclass with Vivisectionist, you can use Vestigial Arms and Feral Mutagen to exchange two iterative unarmed strikes for claw attacks. By level 10, that's 4 claws at full BAB, for 10d8+10 sneak attack damage for each claw. Every round.
And you can't accomplish it without being a rogue.
which part of that requires the rogue? Couldn't you do that with vivisectionist alone?
EDIT* NM, forgot about scout archetype to give you the SA
but that build still has the issue of dealing non lethal damage.
Avoron wrote: And absolutely nothing else can do what Scouts can. pummeling charge and pounce say "Hello!"