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If your not going to bother reading my link why should I read yours? Regardless once again I'm not going to get into this argument you play your game your way and we will play ours. The initial question is what is the highest damaging spell possible at levels ten and fifteen. Sitting here and arguing about how we play our game in an attempt to teach us how to have fun is trolling. Don't be a troll answer the question, partake of the discussion or don't bother posting. ![]()
I'm not going to get into this argument as it's been held a million times on these forums. You play your game your way and we will play ours. http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2ro2b&page=2?Archetype-Stacking I agree with Bverji he gives ample proof and argument for it regardless of what other people want to and force themselves to think. W Canepa then comes in with in my opinion a coup-de-grace on page two. It's an interesting read at the very least. Regardless please stay on the OT and lets not get off topic with our respective beliefs about how we think things in our made up make believe fantasy world should be. If we're going to do that can we start with real life please boy I have a lot on THAT topic :P ![]()
Firebug wrote:
We have very different idea's on how to play. My group plays by RAW not RAI and in the archetypes section it says as long as a single archetype does not replace the same power you can stack them. Crossblooded by RAW and RAI stack with everything, it isn't using a replacement effect but modifying how a class is played (in a very minor way), primal elemental modifies an existing power that would exist whether taking Crossblooded or not (which is fully in the rules) and tattooed sorcerer then uses a replacement effect to remove the primal ability completely which is again fully in the rules. ![]()
Firebug wrote:
I had my numbers wrong but yes, I just hadn't typed it yet :P Number of times per day doesn't matter I just want to know the largest hit a sorcerer can make at levels 10 and 15, I'm not looking for sustained as this isn't a character I intend to play, just theoretical work here :) Firebug wrote: Pretty sure you still need the actual caster level to get those extra dice. It doesn't say that in the ability it simply states that it doesn't stack with intensify spell. ![]()
In case your wondering, Rakshasa Spawn Teifling Sorcerer (Crossblooded, tattooed sorcerer, wildblooded) Using Primal Air and Draconic bloolines with the bloodline mutations blood havoc and blood intensity. Lightning bolt does d6 per level at level ten. With Blood Intensity that's 8 extra dice (assuming you've pumped cha to 26ish which should be doable) meaning your rolling 18 dice, meaning between primal air, draconic, and the blood havoc mutation that's an extra 54 damage. Which is roughly 117 DPR for 2 rounds a day. I want to know if anybody can beat this with a single spell on a single target. ![]()
So I was having a conversation with my GM the other day and we got to talking about average damage and health for monsters as she does quite a bit of off the rails stuff (not that I'm complaining eh :P ). From there I got to wondering about max possible damage and the way I figure it with a lightning bolt at level 3 with average wealth by level I can see doing a DC 22 lightning bolt for 18d6+54 at level 10 without metamagics (not that I'm against taking them I just found the level increase to be to much at level 10 with crossblooded). I'm wondering if anybody has a more damaging spell? I'd like to know what the highest possible damage is with a single spell (with no setup time) at levels ten and fifteen. Anybody want to chime in? Does anybody know of a way to pump more damage onto a single target? ![]()
I'm looking for optimization to do this I'd like a like to use a greatclub or earthbreaker (not worried about optimization for this part), I know of a few ways to do it and at least one trait that gives decent bonuses anybody have any input? I have a maximum 3 levels of dip I can take. Also one of my buddies says magic items no longer resize when using enlarge person and things like that is that true? If so can I get a link to where it says that please? ![]()
Any way to get a wizards school's SU ability? I'm looking at the school savant and either illusion (shadow) or divination (foresight) as the school for me. Either set of abilities work though the SU is what I really want from each :P I feel like the divination school is going to be much more useful but the illusion is going to be more thematic. At the end of the day though the divination abilities will be useful while illusion is first useless (1 rnd +1 per 5 lvls of entangled) then the other is redundant as I intend to pick up Dimensional Slide asap (though as near as I can tell they stack allowing me to move ridiculously far and would be amusing the first time it was done). Markov that sounds like a great idea though the darkvision is redundant. ![]()
Without actually knowing circumstances, I've come across times when people cheat sometimes I figure it's ok and sometimes not. Cheating to save your character knowing or unknowingly is out of the question imho, cheating to progress the story a bit (especially if running a pregen) is ok in my books. In this case he/she may not have realized it or maybe they feel you were doing it a bit more to them then normal or maybe they were upset at being caught and pointed at you in anger. There's to many what ifs. At the end of the day you only have to justify it to yourself however a bit of advice... If they genuinely felt like you were targeting them I would think this has been a mounting problem, I often have the same issue as you. I've been playing for <5 years and sometimes forget or misunderstand rules still so I second guess myself and at this point often ask other players to remind me to look it up after game. In this case though you were in the right. I would either approach the dm or the player outside of the game and talk to them it may be that (and pardon me on this) your the problem player. I've found that I tend to bog down games with rules and such and am trying really hard to break that habit, at the end of the day it's about the story right? ![]()
Thanks Gnome, at this point though I've decided against sorcerer. While I really think the spontaneous caster would help there doesn't seem to be enough oomph. I feel like the wizard has a good number of options and I really like the Arcanist exploits as well and with a level of wizard I see a lot of options opening up. At this point I'm mostly trying to decide between the two and figure out a few good feats. ![]()
We have a small house rule that states you can't play a rare or uncommon race often in order to keep the party making sense (4 super rare races all deciding to be adventurers and hang out together makes no logical sense to us). Which means at any given time we may have 2 uncommon or rare races at most leaving most people playing human. What would you suggest to give humans dark vision? Currently the game is level 4 I don't see this character coming in until 5 or 6 we have a little over average gold for our level I'm not sure what to say. I can't go around screwing over my team mates :P Specifically trying not to steal the spotlight just control the battlefield and creep everybody out :P That said I definitely want to run around with some form of darklight provider as currently I'm still leaning towards Wayang wizard shadowcaster (still worried about the duplicate darkvision but we wont go there) I like some of the look of the arcanist and see some really cool options there as well. At this point I think Sorcerer is out. ![]()
I would hardly call that a wall of text there Dastis :P I appreciate the thought! I hadn't even thought of the Arcanist but I'll take a look! Wouldn't darkness kind of screw over my teamates though (the ones who can't see in the dark at least)? Is there some way to avoid that? Sorry Lady-J, I've played the summoner and find that they end up taking the spotlight off the other players to much. Recently did a dog grab/buffing build in an attempt to minimize that and it really didn't help. We have two new players and 2 old players and a new gm (who is doing fantastically) and I spent way to much time in the limelight. I intend to be mostly a quiet background character with this guy. ![]()
No 3.5 in our games unfortunately it's a house rule we implemented years ago to avoid to much power creep. Oking just that one other thing you know :P The only issue I see with Wayang is the shadowcaster 5th level bonus is redundant and has no effect to my knowledge with the Wayang's already having 60ft darkvision. That being said I like where your going, I intend to really give it my all with descriptions the looks I intend to get from my fellow players should be worth a laugh. ![]()
I'm looking to theme a character as a creepy shadow caster, I'm looking at Fetchling, Wayang, Human, and Gnome for races (though I am open to suggestions). As well as Sorcerer and Wizard for classes (though again open to suggestions). This character will basically cast anything he can with a creepy vibe depending on the situation, I havn't decided he's a blaster but I havn't decided he's not. I'd really appreciate some basic help with him. Which race would be best, which class, why, and if anybody knows of some good guides for a shadow caster I'd be greatly appreciative. Thanks in advance,
I'm building a quadruped myself right now. At this point I've got the prereqs for improved grab (bite) set up (will take that at 5). I keep enlarge on my daily list and pounce for my eidolen. Looking forwards to giving him the bigger size evolution and swallow whole. Should be pretty funny watching one guy after another disapear from the battlefield :P ![]()
From the OP (I didn't read the other 5 pages TBH I read page 1 and 5) I think your player should retire the paladin to rebuild and make amends. Your players had a bard capable of talking goblin its a shame that he stayed in town that day but it happens both IRL and out of it.
Ask them what a lifes worth ingame and out. What matters is that a bunch of people invaded a friendly village and butchered all the inhabitants without so much as a how do you do. At this point it shouldn't matter what the villagers allignments are. A PALLADIN of a good and just god slaughters a village no chance at redemption or communion. Ignoring what should obviously be plea's and begging (in regards to your village elder comment) doesn't really matter the language. If your players heard about another group ingame doing this would they (assuming good characters themselves) not hunt down the group and kill them? This in itself is something to keep in mind. Attonement should be possible but certainly not ingame as something like this goes far beyond just an evil act. TLDR: Your palladin and IMHO entire group dun f@@@ed up and I don't think they should be able to atone for it. PS: Its easy to tell who here GM's and who only plays from the tone the posts take :P I feel like theres a lot more players trying to "make this all right" then there should be. ![]()
Lemartes wrote:
I agree with this fellow. Though it could have been put far more eloquintly. At this point I feel there is no combat here your not trying to find a way to beat him your simply assuming he's beat and working out the steps. The problem is the assumptions being made (IE. initiative) I can think of more then a few ways to kill you whether you go first or second and I can see that the choices your making are reactive rather than proactive ie. if he does this then I'll do this. It doesn't work that way as your character cannot ready an action to do everything the pit fiend can possibly do. You might as well "Ready an action to crit him to death". If you cannot garuntee the outcome of the encounter one way or the other then it is a loss as you cannot prove you've won. Aelryinth wrote:
Also this fellow is dead wrong and logic dictates he's otherwise. If you tried to tell me otherwise in one of my games I'd instantly show you the door. This is absolutley absurd far to often I see players trying to claim things like this and its not how it works you cannot interpret things the way you want to in order to get the best possible benifit. ![]()
A quick and easy one I'm sure. Several prestige classes have BAB requirments. For example +7 in the case of Stalwart Defender. Does this mean that, for example as a cleric I have to wait until level 10 (BAB 7/2) to be able to become a Stalwart Defender or am I capable of it at 8 (BAB 6/1). At what point to I meet the prerequisites of prestige classes, when my total BAB is +7 or when I have a single attack at +7? Please if you can cite refrences as I'd very much like to read up on it :) EDIT: For spelling ![]()
I'm a Half-Orc Scarred Witch Doctor. We are starting at level 2 getting the headbands or belts is quite some time off :P I was hoping to get them to buff my party a bit more as I feel the witch doesn't have a lot of buffing spells (also a little light on the DD TBH) a pure debuffer is a bit boring imho. ![]()
I really like those sleeves Korthis! unfortunatly not for this character as I feel I want to be the quintesential witch doctor I'm not wearing a shirt! Also gonna be wearing my voodoo mask most of the time. Good idea MrSin we just lost our Trapper Ranger so we don't have anybody left for disable device. I took Trap Finder as my Mummy's Mask trait so its a class skill also grabbed MWK Thieve's tools. I'll check out the skeleton key I can see it being useful for sure :) ![]()
I was looking at a MWK item but it ocured to me that with the hair hex I probably wont be using a weapon much and what I do use wont be as strong as my hair (20 con, rolled stats, means 1D3+con mod means 1D3+7 damage with my hair) So I decided to use a whip (alt-racial trait) and my hair aught to do me more then enough good at lvl 2 and no armor profs means MWK is fairly useless. I didn't think of a mount tbh but encumbrance isn't enforced in our games so there isn't a lot of use for one. I don't have the skill points for ride anyway :P with Con being my caster stat in skill starved. We have another witch healing and TBH I'm not a fan of buying a wand with half its starting charges in orderr to get it to 500G or less :P Love the alch fire though definatly a good idea to pick up some of those in Mummy's Mask :P Half Orc's have dark vision so an Ioun Torch isn't going to be very useful (in fact everybody in the party except one guy has it :P). I grabbed a MWK Thieve's Tools set no armor means spikes aren't great maybe caltrops though? Also gonna look up the spring loaded wrist sheath depending what I can put in there I can see some pretty awesome stuff (I have accelerated drinker for example if I can....) ![]()
I'm a scarred witch doctor half orc (suppose I aught to have put that in the original post). At level 2 I've taken the Prehensile hair Hex (GM says I can retrain that later) and at lvl 3 I will be taking the Coven Hex (the healer in the party is also a witch). After that I will be focusing on the regular witch hex's. I plan on being full debuffer (the other witch will spend to much time healing to allow this though with the coven hex she can aid another my casting to make it stronger) with a secondary eye on DD. Mostly I plan on staying at range (so I've boosted my dex for ranged touch spells). I've looked at turning mage armor into a scroll and into a wand (wand is cheaper). Beyond that is there anything that could be sugested? Not just for boosting AC but for gear in general? ![]()
So were doing WBL and starting at level 2 which means I've 1000G to spend but being a witch I can't figure out what I aught to buy. I figure basic equipment for my witch will set me back about 30G and any single item we buy cannot cost more then 500G. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to increase my AC (currently at 12 with a 15 in dex) as a witch isn't proficient with any armors or shields. So of course will be preparing mage armor. However I am not sure that 2 hours of 16 AC is going to be nearly enough. If anybody has any sugestions for gear that I could purchase I'd greatly appreciate it. ![]()
I'm looking for a picture to represent my character for use in Hero Labs I'm playing a human alchemist in the Mummy's Mask campaign. In the People of the Sands book there's a picture of a human with a face scarf and goggles on does anybody know where I can find this online? If not I'm trying to find a picture of a human with geometric body tatoos specifically down the sides of the arms and legs. Lots of squares rectangles and such. I'd like him to have goggles and a face scarf as well showing that he's lived in the desert his whole life and is a nomad himself. If anybody could help me find either of these I'd be greatly appreciative thank you :) ![]()
I'm looking for a picture to represent my character for use in Hero Labs I'm playing a human alchemist in the Mummy's Mask campaign. In the People of the Sands book there's a picture of a human with a face scarf and goggles on does anybody know where I can find this online? If not I'm trying to find a picture of a human with geometric body tatoos specifically down the sides of the arms and legs. Lots of squares rectangles and such. I'd like him to have goggles and a face scarf as well showing that he's lived in the desert his whole life and is a nomad himself. If anybody could help me find either of these I'd be greatly appreciative thank you :) About 'Coraline'DEATH !! |