The Highest damage?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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I'm seeing 12 feats already and you still need to be able to reload as a free action. I'm also assuming that you are factoring in named bullet on every attack, which means you would need to cast it 20ish times prior to combat since it only works for a single hit.

Not saying this combo isn't good, just not 20k good. Maybe I'm missing something? If you have it built out, please either post or pm me.


Dosgamer wrote:
Kazumetsa Raijin wrote:
I also forgot to mention the druid/monk I wrote of also has outstanding survivability in both AC, Touch AC, Saves, and CMD. Combine that with all of the cool abilities and spells it gets that you can choose, the seriously wild visuals of a kung-fu animal or a sort(huge sized) doing wacky and degrading attacks.... Yeah. Good stuff :3
I am curious how this build would work to do 1,500 damage in a round sans crits. Would you mind posting it?

I'll post it as soon as I'm at a computer. Phone not so friendly :p

Briefly; Imagine a monk druid doing 12d8 damage with his fists Alone. Snake style. Medusas wrath. Vicious stomp. Punishing kick. Greater trip. Quickened spells. Power attack. Bristle. The right equipment. Etc.
I'll post it tomorrow for yah!


I could only imagine Gunslingers would do the most damage ever.

Xarthos Darkblade wrote:

I'm seeing 12 feats already and you still need to be able to reload as a free action. I'm also assuming that you are factoring in named bullet on every attack, which means you would need to cast it 20ish times prior to combat since it only works for a single hit.

Not saying this combo isn't good, just not 20k good. Maybe I'm missing something? If you have it built out, please either post or pm me.

i will post the full build soon. But lets see a simple calc:

12 named bullet arrows. +5 Bow +5str, deadly aim +8, judgement +5.

1d8 +23 (+10 named bullet) crit x3

6 hits + 6 AoO = (((1d8 +23)x3)+10)x12 = 1092 damage

Litany of Righteousness = 1092 x2 = 2184

This is a basic damage with a bow. Greater named bullet could give +40 damage, hight dex allow more attacks, fire arms has crit x4...

whait for it ; P

Kazumetsa Raijin wrote:

I'll post it as soon as I'm at a computer. Phone not so friendly :p

Briefly; Imagine a monk druid doing 12d8 damage with his fists Alone. Snake style. Medusas wrath. Vicious stomp. Punishing kick. Greater trip. Quickened spells. Power attack. Bristle. The right equipment. Etc.
I'll post it tomorrow for yah!

waiting = D


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Kazumetsa Raijin wrote:
Dosgamer wrote:
Kazumetsa Raijin wrote:
I also forgot to mention the druid/monk I wrote of also has outstanding survivability in both AC, Touch AC, Saves, and CMD. Combine that with all of the cool abilities and spells it gets that you can choose, the seriously wild visuals of a kung-fu animal or a sort(huge sized) doing wacky and degrading attacks.... Yeah. Good stuff :3
I am curious how this build would work to do 1,500 damage in a round sans crits. Would you mind posting it?

I'll post it as soon as I'm at a computer. Phone not so friendly :p

Briefly; Imagine a monk druid doing 12d8 damage with his fists Alone. Snake style. Medusas wrath. Vicious stomp. Punishing kick. Greater trip. Quickened spells. Power attack. Bristle. The right equipment. Etc.
I'll post it tomorrow for yah!

11/9 Qinggong Monk/Wolf Shaman Druid w/Liberation Domain

LvL 1 Weapon Finesse
LvL 2
LvL 3 Weapon Focus
LvL 4
LvL 5 Snake Style
LvL 6
LvL 7 Snake Sidewind
LvL 8
LvL 9 Snake Fang
LvL 10
LvL 11 Shaping Focus
LvL 12
LvL 13 Monastic Legacy
LvL 14
LvL 15 Natural Spell
LvL 16
LvL 17 Quicken Spell
LvL 18
LvL 19 Vicious Stomp
LvL 20

Lvl 1 Improved Unarmed Strike, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Fist Dodge
Lvl 2 Evasion (Bonus Feat)Combat Reflexes
Lvl 3 Fast Movement, Maneuver Training, Still Mind
Lvl 4 Ki Pool(Magic), Barkskin
Lvl 5 Purity of Body, True Strike
Lvl 6 Slow Fall 30 (Bonus Feat)Improved Trip
Lvl 7 Nature Bond, Nature Sense, Orisons, Wild Empathy, Liberation
Lvl 8 Woodland Stride, Totem Transformation
Lvl 9 Trackless Step
Lvl 10 Resist Nature's Lure, Wild Shape x1
Lvl 11 Totemic Summons
Lvl 12 Wild Shape x2,
Lvl 13
Lvl 14 Wild Shape x3, Freedom's Call
Lvl 15 (Bonus Feat)Greater Trip
Lvl 16 Ki Pool(Cold Iron/Silver), ????
Lvl 17 Slow Fall 40
Lvl 18 Improved Evasion
Lvl 19 Ki Pool(Lawlful), Slow Fall 50 (Bonus Feat)Medusa's Wrath
Lvl 20 Ki Leech

Not even mentioning the spells....


Wildshape into Huge Beast, Strong Jaw, 12d8 fist damage.

Keep in mind I'm using a poopoo Dex build with this... but I LOVE AC SO MUCH and the ability to hit.

A strength build would allow swapping out the poopoo Weapon Finesse for something else.

Also Power Attack would be a Decent trade for one of the Qinggong Abilities - Like true strike or something.

With fists and static damage it's about 1500 with no crits involved. Of course, I'm lost when it comes to Magic items and enchants... so I'll let you imagine those.

Kazumetsa Raijin wrote:

Wildshape into Huge Beast, Strong Jaw, 12d8 fist damage.

Keep in mind I'm using a poopoo Dex build with this... but I LOVE AC SO MUCH and the ability to hit.

A strength build would allow swapping out the poopoo Weapon Finesse for something else.

Also Power Attack would be a Decent trade for one of the Qinggong Abilities - Like true strike or something.

With fists and static damage it's about 1500 with no crits involved. Of course, I'm lost when it comes to Magic items and enchants... so I'll let you imagine those.

Wow! That is a great build! I really like it. = D

Time Lords can go back in time and kill your mom so you were never born. They do the most damage! zoom! ;)


Leonardo Trancoso wrote:
Kazumetsa Raijin wrote:

Wildshape into Huge Beast, Strong Jaw, 12d8 fist damage.

Keep in mind I'm using a poopoo Dex build with this... but I LOVE AC SO MUCH and the ability to hit.

A strength build would allow swapping out the poopoo Weapon Finesse for something else.

Also Power Attack would be a Decent trade for one of the Qinggong Abilities - Like true strike or something.

With fists and static damage it's about 1500 with no crits involved. Of course, I'm lost when it comes to Magic items and enchants... so I'll let you imagine those.

Wow! That is a great build! I really like it. = D

Why thank you sir :3

11/9 doesn't line up well for BAB(you'll end up with 14 instead of 15 at level 20) but for the spells and abilities you receive... totally worth it. I've been nipping away at this build trying to really make it solid. This one feels the best so far.

Where the ???? are is where Power Attack should be(qinggong ability feat). You can get up to 15 attacks per round if you're the center of attention : P

Has anyone pointed out that the inquisitor build needs to use one swift action to use dimension door and another to use litany of righteousness? Both last only one round. Maybe he extended the litany (eating another 4th level spell for a total of 13 and possibly another feat)?

It's an interesting build nonetheless, specially because it doesn't need an inquisitor in the slightest (anyone capable of using those spells would fit the bill).

qutoes wrote:
Time Lords can go back in time and kill your mom so you were never born. They do the most damage! zoom! ;)

It is a side effect, not damage xP

Kazumetsa Raijin wrote:

Why thank you sir :3

11/9 doesn't line up well for BAB(you'll end up with 14 instead of 15 at level 20) but for the spells and abilities you receive... totally worth it. I've been nipping away at this build trying to really make it solid. This one feels the best so far.

Where the ???? are is where Power Attack should be(qinggong ability feat). You can get up to 15 attacks per round if you're the center of attention : P

yea! dex chars are my favorites = )

Rune wrote:

Has anyone pointed out that the inquisitor build needs to use one swift action to use dimension door and another to use litany of righteousness? Both last only one round. Maybe he extended the litany (eating another 4th level spell for a total of 13 and possibly another feat)?

It's an interesting build nonetheless, specially because it doesn't need an inquisitor in the slightest (anyone capable of using those spells would fit the bill).

A weapon with spell storing (litany) fix that. ; )

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Limited to Standard Action, (using the surprise round special charge as a standard): Charge/Pounce/Rake Up to 40ft. range in surprise round. 15ft reach.

+5 AoMF, Rhino Hide Armor, +6 Belt Phys Perfection , +5 Tome Str, Druid Vestment.

Saurian Shaman 4/Wild Stalker-Shapeshifter Ranger 16
Feats: Power Attack, Shaping Focus (+4 levels wildshape), Planar Wild Shape (Smite 1/day as creature of your HD, +0 cha hit/+20 Damage as swift), Combat Reflexes, Natural Spell, INA Claws, INA Bite, INA Talons, Raging Vitality, Raging Deathblow, Vital Strike, Imp Vital Strike, Gr Vital Strike

Rage Powers: Reckless Abandon, Fast move +5x2, Lesser Fiend totem, Internal Fortitude, Fearless Rage(12+)

Str: 20, +5 levels, +5 inherent, +6 item, +6 Rage, +6 Huge size + Shifter blessing (stacks with polymorph specifically)= 52
BAB: 19 + 21Str +5 AoMF item +5 Reckless Abandon -5 PA = +45 hit
Damage: +19 Str, +20(smite), +10 PA, +5 Wpn = +56 damage (+2d6 Rhino hide to all on charge)

Huge Allosaurus INA bite, claws, talons, Strong Jaw Bite/claw/talon/gore
Rhino hide +2d6 on all attacks

Bite: 2d6->8d6 Clawsx2: d8->6d6 Talonsx2: d8->6d6 Gore: d8->5d6
All at +45 to hit and +56 Damage

Grand total: Avg damage if all hit, no crits: Bite 84 (64-104), Clawx2 77 each (62-92), Talonsx2 77 each (62-92), Gore 73 (61-86).

Total in a single charge as a surprise round standard action: 465 (373-558).

1 3rd level Spell, 2 uses of wild shape. Usable 3x a day, without other items/spells accounted for.

Silver Crusade

Hey, does anyone know if Guided is still allowed on ranged weapons? If so, I have a gunslinger build I want to tweak with for this. Possibly with the "Guns Everywhere" setting modification to the Gunslinger class to get gun training at first level instead of fifth. I had a "chaingun" build I've been wanting to work with, and seeing this "Named Bullet" spell is really getting me amped about it again.

and here we go:

Human Gunslinger(Musket Master) 5/Fighter 1/ Inquisitor 14

Human Feat: Skill focus Knowledge Arcana
Gunslinger lv 1 – Feat: Weapon Focus Musket. Deeds: Deadeye. Rapid Reloader.
Inquisitor Lv1/ Gunslinger lv 1 – Domain:Destruction . Judgment
Inquisitor Lv2/ Gunslinger lv 1 – Cunning Initiative. Feat: Eldritch Heritage (Arcane: Arcane Bond Weapon)
Inquisitor Lv3/ Gunslinger lv 1 –
Inquisitor Lv4/ Gunslinger lv 1 – Feat: Point Blank Shot
Inquisitor Lv5/ Gunslinger lv 1 - Bane
Inquisitor Lv6/ Gunslinger lv 1 – TemWorkFeat: Outflank. Feat:Rapid Shot
Inquisitor Lv7/ Gunslinger lv 1 –
Inquisitor Lv8/ Gunslinger lv 1 – Feat: Combat Reflexes. Destruction domain: Destructive aura.
Inquisitor Lv9/ Gunslinger lv 1 –
Inquisitor Lv10/ Gunslinger lv 1 – Feat: Improved Eldritch Heritage(New Arcana: Dimension Door)
Inquisitor Lv11/ Gunslinger lv 1 –
Inquisitor Lv12/ Gunslinger lv 1 – Greater Bane. Feat: Dimensiona Agility.
Inquisitor Lv12/ Gunslinger lv 2 –
Inquisitor Lv12/ Gunslinger lv 3 – Feat: Dimensional Assault.Deed: Fast Musket.
Inquisitor Lv12/ Gunslinger lv 4 – Gunlisger Bonus feat: Snap shot.
Inquisitor Lv12/ Gunslinger lv 5 – Feat: Dimensional Dervish. Musket Training(Dex on damage)
Inquisitor Lv13/ Gunslinger lv 5 –
Inquisitor Lv14/ Gunslinger lv 5 – Feat: Dimensional Savant
Inquisitor Lv14/ Gunslinger lv 5/Figher 1 – Feat: deadlyAim

I will post the stats and damage calc later...but the build is that.

Scarab Sages

My money at 20th level would be on a charging cavalier hitting a crit on his first attack and then completing a full attack sequence with Mounted Skirmisher. 7x weapon die, 7x 2 handed PA bonuses, 7x STR, potentially 7x mount's strength depending on your order, 7x 20 for challenge, 7x enhancement bonus, and 7x enhancement bonus and any other static bonuses, followed by 3 normal attacks.... It'll be a lot, likely well over 1k damage.

Ssalarn wrote:
My money at 20th level would be on a charging cavalier hitting a crit on his first attack and then completing a full attack sequence with Mounted Skirmisher. 7x weapon die, 7x 2 handed PA bonuses, 7x STR, potentially 7x mount's strength depending on your order, 7x 20 for challenge, 7x enhancement bonus, and 7x enhancement bonus and any other static bonuses, followed by 3 normal attacks.... It'll be a lot, likely well over 1k damage.

I think a paladin beats that. He has pretty much the same, but can buff with some spells (like saddle surge, which gives him +20 damage with a fast enough mount). If it's against undead it can even add it's lay-on-hand damage (with a conductive weapon), or if it's antipaladin, against anything else.

Scarab Sages

gustavo iglesias wrote:
Ssalarn wrote:
My money at 20th level would be on a charging cavalier hitting a crit on his first attack and then completing a full attack sequence with Mounted Skirmisher. 7x weapon die, 7x 2 handed PA bonuses, 7x STR, potentially 7x mount's strength depending on your order, 7x 20 for challenge, 7x enhancement bonus, and 7x enhancement bonus and any other static bonuses, followed by 3 normal attacks.... It'll be a lot, likely well over 1k damage.
I think a paladin beats that. He has pretty much the same, but can buff with some spells (like saddle surge, which gives him +20 damage with a fast enough mount). If it's against undead it can even add it's lay-on-hand damage (with a conductive weapon), or if it's antipaladin, against anything else.

A paladin doesn't have any way to get his charge multiplier up as high as the cavalier though. Supreme Charge stacked with Spirited Charge gets you a 5x multiplier to the paladin's x3 (X7 over x5 on a crit). And if you are going Order of the Sword and adding your mount's STR mod to damage, you get to multiply that as well for a pretty hefty damage boost. I suspect that the additional multipliers and damage source will top even the paladin's smite with Litany of Righteousness.

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Leonardo Trancoso wrote:

and here we go:

Human Gunslinger(Musket Master) 5/Fighter 1/ Inquisitor 14

Human Feat: Skill focus Knowledge Arcana
Gunslinger lv 1 – Feat: Weapon Focus Musket. Deeds: Deadeye. Rapid Reloader.
Inquisitor Lv1/ Gunslinger lv 1 – Domain:Destruction . Judgment
Inquisitor Lv2/ Gunslinger lv 1 – Cunning Initiative. Feat: Eldritch Heritage (Arcane: Arcane Bond Weapon)
Inquisitor Lv3/ Gunslinger lv 1 –
Inquisitor Lv4/ Gunslinger lv 1 – Feat: Point Blank Shot
Inquisitor Lv5/ Gunslinger lv 1 - Bane
Inquisitor Lv6/ Gunslinger lv 1 – TemWorkFeat: Outflank. Feat:Rapid Shot
Inquisitor Lv7/ Gunslinger lv 1 –
Inquisitor Lv8/ Gunslinger lv 1 – Feat: Combat Reflexes. Destruction domain: Destructive aura.
Inquisitor Lv9/ Gunslinger lv 1 –
Inquisitor Lv10/ Gunslinger lv 1 – Feat: Improved Eldritch Heritage(New Arcana: Dimension Door)
Inquisitor Lv11/ Gunslinger lv 1 –
Inquisitor Lv12/ Gunslinger lv 1 – Greater Bane. Feat: Dimensiona Agility.
Inquisitor Lv12/ Gunslinger lv 2 –
Inquisitor Lv12/ Gunslinger lv 3 – Feat: Dimensional Assault.Deed: Fast Musket.
Inquisitor Lv12/ Gunslinger lv 4 – Gunlisger Bonus feat: Snap shot.
Inquisitor Lv12/ Gunslinger lv 5 – Feat: Dimensional Dervish. Musket Training(Dex on damage)
Inquisitor Lv13/ Gunslinger lv 5 –
Inquisitor Lv14/ Gunslinger lv 5 – Feat: Dimensional Savant
Inquisitor Lv14/ Gunslinger lv 5/Figher 1 – Feat: deadlyAim

I will post the stats and damage calc later...but the build is that.

Str:10 -

Dex:32 +11 = 16 +2racial + 4 lv +6magic +4tome
Con:10 -
Wis:20 +5 = 14 + 6magic
Int:10 -
Cha:15 +2 = 14 +1 lv

Ba: +16

Rapid Reloader: Full round ->standard.
Fast Musket:standard -> move.
Paper Cartridge: move -> free.
Deadeye: attack rolls vs touch AC.
Weapon Focus: +1 attack rolls.
Judgement Justice: +3 attack rolls.
Point Blank Shot: +1 attack and damage.
Greater Bane: +2 attack rolls and damage. +4d6 damage
Destructive aura: +7 damage(morale). Critical threats automatically confirmed.
Judgement Destruction: +5 damage(sacred).
Musket Training: Dex modifier(+11) damage.
Deadly Aim: -5 on attack rolls, +10 on damage.
Divine Power: +4 (luck)attack rolls and damage.

Wealth by LV: 880.000gp

Basic gear:
Belt +6 dex – 36k
Headband +6 wis -36k
Manual of quickness of action +4 – 110k
Boots of Speed – 12k
Musket, Double-Barreled +3 reliabe greater(-4 misfire) 74k

Total : 268k

Basic damage:
Attack bonus: +16+11+1+3+1+2+4+3 -2-5 -4 = +30 vs touch AC
Attacks: +30/+30/+30/+25/+20/+15.
Damage: +1+3+2+7+5+11+10+4= (1d12 +4d6 +43) x2double-barreled
Named bullet 5x (+14 damage, critical threat)
Avarage damage : [((1d12 + 43)x4)+4d6+14)]x5 + [(1d12 +4d6 +43)x7] = ~1537
Litany of Righteousness = ~3074

Ultimate gear:
Basic gear - (Musket, Double-Barred +3 reliabe greater(-4 misfire) 74k)
+ Scroll of Magic Weapon Greater CL20 (for amunnition) – 1,5k
Wand of named bullet CL20 – 60k
Metamagic Extend Rod -3k
Musket, Double-Barreled +1 Reliabe greater, Corrosive Burst, Icy Burst, Shocking Burst- 200k
Total: 458,5k

Ultimate damage:
Attack bonus: +16+11+1+3+1+2+4+5+4-2-5 -4 = 36 vs touch AC
Attack +36/+36/+36/+31/+26/+21 + AoO x11: +36/+36/+36/+36/+36/+36/+36/+36/+36/+36/+36/
Damage: +1+5+2+7+5+11+10+4= (1d12 +4d6 +3d6 +45) x2double-barreled
Named bullet 34x (+20 damage, critical threat)
Avarage damage : [((1d12 + 45)x4)+4d6+ 3d6 + 9d10 + 20)]x34 = ~9860
If you casted Litany of Righteousness Extend last turn = ~19720

If you have a Sorcerer LV 20 in your group you could ask him to make you Named Bullets Greater(+40) = P

Ssalarn wrote:
gustavo iglesias wrote:
Ssalarn wrote:
My money at 20th level would be on a charging cavalier hitting a crit on his first attack and then completing a full attack sequence with Mounted Skirmisher. 7x weapon die, 7x 2 handed PA bonuses, 7x STR, potentially 7x mount's strength depending on your order, 7x 20 for challenge, 7x enhancement bonus, and 7x enhancement bonus and any other static bonuses, followed by 3 normal attacks.... It'll be a lot, likely well over 1k damage.
I think a paladin beats that. He has pretty much the same, but can buff with some spells (like saddle surge, which gives him +20 damage with a fast enough mount). If it's against undead it can even add it's lay-on-hand damage (with a conductive weapon), or if it's antipaladin, against anything else.
A paladin doesn't have any way to get his charge multiplier up as high as the cavalier though. Supreme Charge stacked with Spirited Charge gets you a 5x multiplier to the paladin's x3 (X7 over x5 on a crit). And if you are going Order of the Sword and adding your mount's STR mod to damage, you get to multiply that as well for a pretty hefty damage boost. I suspect that the additional multipliers and damage source will top even the paladin's smite with Litany of Righteousness.

will need to check the maths, but i stll thinks the pal comes ahead. Litany of rightneous takes care for par of tge supreme charge bonus, and you get +20 from saddle surge, aditional +20 in the first attack vs undead, dragons and evil outsiders (a great bunch of lvl 20 enemies), which is more than the mount str.

Leonardo Trancoso wrote:
Which the highest damage a character can do in 1 round? Which class?

The highest damaging characters I've seen is:

A Smiting Paladin using Litany of Righteousness (against Demons/Devils/Dragons/Undead).

A Goblin Brawler/Master of Many styles dropping more than a dozen melee attacks in a round (Brawling armor, Agile Amulet and Snake Style for a slew of counter attacks)

A mounted Summoner using a lance with Arcane Strike as his Eidolon does its thing (Charging, 1-level dip in Dragoon).

A well-built Archer launching a volley of death (Weaponmaster with a dip into Urban Barbarian).

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Str:10 -
Dex:32 +11 = 16 +2racial + 4 lv +6magic +4tome
Con:10 -
Wis:20 +5 = 14 + 6magic
Int:10 -
Cha:15 +2 = 14 +1 lv

Ba: +16

Rapid Reloader: Full round ->standard.
Fast Musket:standard -> move.
Paper Cartridge: move -> free.
Deadeye: attack rolls vs touch AC.
Weapon Focus: +1 attack rolls.
Judgement Justice: +3 attack rolls.
Point Blank Shot: +1 attack and damage.
Greater Bane: +2 attack rolls and damage. +4d6 damage
Destructive aura: +7 damage(morale). Critical threats automatically confirmed.
Judgement Destruction: +5 damage(sacred).
Musket Training: Dex modifier(+11) damage.
Deadly Aim: -5 on attack rolls, +10 on damage.
Divine Power: +4 (luck)attack rolls and damage.

Wealth by LV: 880.000gp

Basic gear:
Belt +6 dex – 36k
Headband +6 wis -36k
Manual of quickness of action +4 – 110k
Boots of Speed – 12k
Musket, Double-Barreled +3 reliabe greater(-4 misfire) 74k

Total : 268k

Basic damage:
Attack bonus: +16+11+1+3+1+2+4+3 -2-5 -4 = +30 vs touch AC
Attacks: +30/+30/+30/+25/+20/+15.
Damage: +1+3+2+7+5+11+10+4= (1d12 +4d6 +43) x2double-barreled
Named bullet 5x (+14 damage, critical threat)
Avarage damage : [((1d12 + 43)x4)+4d6+14)]x5 + [(1d12 +4d6 +43)x7] = ~1537
Litany of Righteousness = ~3074

Ultimate gear:
Basic gear - (Musket, Double-Barred +3 reliabe greater(-4 misfire) 74k)
+ Scroll of Magic Weapon Greater CL20 (for amunnition) – 1,5k
Wand of named bullet CL20 – 60k
Metamagic Extend Rod -3k
Musket, Double-Barreled +1 Reliabe greater, Corrosive Burst, Icy Burst, Shocking Burst- 200k
Total: 458,5k

Ultimate damage:
Attack bonus: +16+11+1+3+1+2+4+5+4-2-5 -4 = 36 vs touch AC
Attack +36/+36/+36/+31/+26/+21 + AoO x11: +36/+36/+36/+36/+36/+36/+36/+36/+36/+36/+36/
Damage: +1+5+2+7+5+11+10+4= (1d12 +4d6 +3d6 +45) x2double-barreled
Named bullet 34x (+20 damage, critical threat)
Avarage damage : [((1d12 + 45)x4)+4d6+ 3d6 + 9d10 + 20)]x34 = ~9860
If you casted Litany of Righteousness Extend last turn = ~19720

If you have a Sorcerer LV 20 in your group you could ask him to make you Named Bullets Greater(+40) = P

I will try to make a magus build now....

Leonardo Trancoso wrote:
Anyone reach 15k+ damage?

I hit 1,600,000. Try topping that

Sorcerersrock wrote:
Leonardo Trancoso wrote:
Anyone reach 15k+ damage?
I hit 1,600,000. Try topping that

Stacked Explosive Runes can.

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Leonardo Trancoso wrote:
Leonardo Trancoso wrote:

and here we go:

Human Gunslinger(Musket Master) 5/Fighter 1/ Inquisitor 14

Human Feat: Skill focus Knowledge Arcana
Gunslinger lv 1 – Feat: Weapon Focus Musket. Deeds: Deadeye. Rapid Reloader.
Inquisitor Lv1/ Gunslinger lv 1 – Domain:Destruction . Judgment
Inquisitor Lv2/ Gunslinger lv 1 – Cunning Initiative. Feat: Eldritch Heritage (Arcane: Arcane Bond Weapon)
Inquisitor Lv3/ Gunslinger lv 1 –
Inquisitor Lv4/ Gunslinger lv 1 – Feat: Point Blank Shot
Inquisitor Lv5/ Gunslinger lv 1 - Bane
Inquisitor Lv6/ Gunslinger lv 1 – TemWorkFeat: Outflank. Feat:Rapid Shot
Inquisitor Lv7/ Gunslinger lv 1 –
Inquisitor Lv8/ Gunslinger lv 1 – Feat: Combat Reflexes. Destruction domain: Destructive aura.
Inquisitor Lv9/ Gunslinger lv 1 –
Inquisitor Lv10/ Gunslinger lv 1 – Feat: Improved Eldritch Heritage(New Arcana: Dimension Door)
Inquisitor Lv11/ Gunslinger lv 1 –
Inquisitor Lv12/ Gunslinger lv 1 – Greater Bane. Feat: Dimensiona Agility.
Inquisitor Lv12/ Gunslinger lv 2 –
Inquisitor Lv12/ Gunslinger lv 3 – Feat: Dimensional Assault.Deed: Fast Musket.
Inquisitor Lv12/ Gunslinger lv 4 – Gunlisger Bonus feat: Snap shot.
Inquisitor Lv12/ Gunslinger lv 5 – Feat: Dimensional Dervish. Musket Training(Dex on damage)
Inquisitor Lv13/ Gunslinger lv 5 –
Inquisitor Lv14/ Gunslinger lv 5 – Feat: Dimensional Savant
Inquisitor Lv14/ Gunslinger lv 5/Figher 1 – Feat: deadlyAim

I will post the stats and damage calc later...but the build is that.

Str:10 -

Dex:32 +11 = 16 +2racial + 4 lv +6magic +4tome
Con:10 -
Wis:20 +5 = 14 + 6magic
Int:10 -
Cha:15 +2 = 14 +1 lv

Ba: +16

Rapid Reloader: Full round ->standard.
Fast Musket:standard -> move.
Paper Cartridge: move -> free.
Deadeye: attack rolls vs touch AC.
Weapon Focus: +1 attack rolls.
Judgement Justice: +3 attack rolls.
Point Blank Shot: +1 attack and damage.
Greater Bane: +2 attack rolls and damage. +4d6 damage
Destructive aura: +7 damage(morale). Critical threats automatically confirmed....

You're screwing up Litany of Righteousness. Two multiples don't multiply together.

Anzyr wrote:
Sorcerersrock wrote:
Leonardo Trancoso wrote:
Anyone reach 15k+ damage?
I hit 1,600,000. Try topping that
Stacked Explosive Runes can.

I did not use explosive ruins, I used a sword.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Leonardo Trancoso wrote:
Which the highest damage a character can do in 1 round? Which class?

wizard and several thousand stacked explosive runes.

*looks back a few posts*

welp this went as expected.

Sovereign Court

Bandw2 wrote:
Leonardo Trancoso wrote:
Which the highest damage a character can do in 1 round? Which class?

wizard and several thousand stacked explosive runes.

*looks back a few posts*

welp this went as expected.

Meh - I'd argue that it took several thousand rounds to do. Only 6d6 per round.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Charon's Little Helper wrote:
Bandw2 wrote:
Leonardo Trancoso wrote:
Which the highest damage a character can do in 1 round? Which class?

wizard and several thousand stacked explosive runes.

*looks back a few posts*

welp this went as expected.

Meh - I'd argue that it took several thousand rounds to do. Only 6d6 per round.

took several thousand for that sword to get enhanced too, but we're being needlessly pedantic.

Liberty's Edge

All of this is mental gymnastics. Any character that can put out 400+ dpr in game consistently will carry the day.

On a regular basis, I might add.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
EldonG wrote:

All of this is mental gymnastics. Any character that can put out 400+ dpr in game consistently will carry the day.

On a regular basis, I might add.

but the real question is if that's enough DPR to kill the sun and thus literally kill the day?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I may have missed it in all the boring math but inquisitors don't have an aura of good so do not benefit from litany of the righteous.

Seannoss wrote:
I may have missed it in all the boring math but inquisitors don't have an aura of good so do not benefit from litany of the righteous.

I would bet a 1 level dip in Paladin would not reduce your damage too much though.

The highest damage in 1 round is infinite, accomplished by anyone using a save-or-die, although you can get more than one infinity by using a multi-target or AOE save-or-die like Weird.

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How about a deathstar* coven with control weather. Crank up the wind to tornado, and chars who fail their save are picked up for 1d10 rounds at 6d6 damage + falling damage. [Avg failed save = 21/round.] With 40'/L radius and high CL, you can encompass a city. Bet you most fail their saves. City of 100,000 at 90% failure takes an average of 1,890,000 damage per round, weighted to the beginning of the event.


*deathstar = flying tiny creatures with coven hex within 30' of casting witch who is also tiny and flying. I think that got > 1,000,000 CL.

Grand Lodge

Ashiel wrote:


EDIT: Just to point out how grossly difficult this criteria is to meet, let alone succeed, I'd love to see any martial - barbarian, fighter, paladin, ranger, or even off-martials like bards, clerics, druids, inquisitors, magi, or anything else someone can make into a martial - who at say 13th level is going to one-shot any of the following creatures with a standard action attack.

Air elemental (elder), barbed devil, black dragon (adult), brass dragon (adult), cauchemar, cloud giant, devourer, earth elemental (elder), fire elemental (elder), gold dragon (young), hezrou, retriever, stone golem, Water elemental elder

let's face stone golem :

AC 26,hp 107, DR 10/adamantine

BBn 1 / warpriest [travel domain] 8 / Fighter [two-handed] 4
Feat 1/3/5/7/11/13, warpriest feats : 3/6
1/ BBN 1 : power attack, Human : ______
2/ Warpriest x : weapon focus (b)
3/ furious focus (negates negative 1st att)
5/ ______
7/ WP6 : Vital strike
9/ (WP8) furious finish (bab 6)
10/ F1 : ____
11/ F2 : devastating strike (bab 9, vital strike)
12/ F3 double strength bonus when 1 attack two-handed (archetype)
13/ F4 : impr vital strike (Bab11)
& ______

traits : fate's favored or +2 CL

base assumptions:
* Str 24 (+12 to hit, +24 dam)
* power attack: -0/+9 (with furious focus)
* greataxe +1 impact (+3 equivalent) : 3D6+1 dam --> 9D6+1 improved vital strike --> 73 dam with furious finish
* devastating strike : add +2 per dice added via vital strike / improved VS --> +4 (using combat trick & 5 Stamina : bonus is doubled : +8)
* to hit : +1 weapon focus, +1 greataxe
* as swift : divine power : +3/+3
* as move : (travel power) TP 200 Feet close to opponent
* as std : improved vital strike

+29 to hit, 117 damage (with the golem DR : 107)

done :)

edit : give him an amulet of quacking strikes and make all enemies in 20ft range @100ft cry :)

note that there are 4 feats not defined which could be used for intimidating build:intimidating prowess, cornugon smash (intimidate 6) & hurtful

PS: without warpriest, go full fighter and take adamantine weapon : job done as well, you miss the 200 feet TP

Grand Lodge

of course the caution reader will notice my off-math for the weapon damage (I'll blame the copy/paste and absence of re-reading)

9d6+1 is 55 dam... my apologies

for this build, you'll have to use a Large scizore (1D10 base, large -> 2D8 , impact -> 3D8)
that makes 9d8 +1 in my example for the mentioned 73 Dam
or large bastard sword (same numbers - and you have the feats for the proficiency, or the gold for an ioun stone)
or dwarven waraxe (using feat/ioun or be a dwarf)

anyway the malus to hit does not cause any chance to miss

Leonardo Trancoso wrote:
Which the highest damage a character can do in 1 round? Which class?

Monk of the Four Winds with mythic greater vital strike.

>4k, single target, without rolling dice.

A bit of a dark horse, (and certainly not beating out some of the builds here) Inspired Blade Swashbucklers:

Full BAB (4 Swings)
Swift Action Fight Defensively (-2 hit, 1 Swing at full BAB)
Haste (1 Swing)
Weapon Training: +5 hit, +6 damage
Improve Critical, +1 Threat range with Rapier, Autoconfirm
Fencing Grace (to make them more SAD than MAD)

Full Attack:
(1d6+20ish)14-20/x3 +40 precision each

average crits= 26*4+26*3*2= 260 +240 = 500
all crits= 26*6*3= 468 +240 precision = 688

This was using a fairly simple build I made in-game with some of the feats going toward quality of life (such as constant flight). Theorycrafting weapons, I'd give it a Burst special ability and Thundering (+1d6/ +2d8+2d10 on crit) for an additional 216 average crits, 360 all crits.

I'm confident someone could do better, and it lacks the ability to Full Attack from further than 10ft away, unlike the Pounce Barb/Archers, etc. I only posted because I feel like they're underestimated because of their limit to a single weapon. The same character has 50+AC as well, and moderate or better saves. A very well rounded build to be able to push out over 7-800 reliably (no Mythic).

Rest in peace my poor thread,

The answer remains Monk of the Four winds.

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Who can rest with all of this noise?

Words of Power Arcane Trickster from tattooed draconic sorcerer.

With VMC to qualify I have 8feats+1 for human
Varisian Tatoo Free +1CL
Quicken spell free
Spell specialization (2 feats) +2CL
Accomplished sneak (1 feats)
Eldrich heritage orc (2 feats)
Maximized Empowered (2 feats)
Spell perfection (1 feat)
Spontaneous Metafocus (1 feat)

With invisibility greater casted:

Spellword1 lv9 = boosted selected, fire3,electric3+acid2
maximized(reduced through spell perfection)
+empowered(reduced through traits)

23 rays * (23*9 energy from dice + 10 + 10 energy from bloodlines + 8d6 sneak)

Spellword2 lv9 = boosted selected, fire3,electric3+acid2
Quickened(reduced through spell perfection)
+empowered(reduced through traits)

23 rays * ( (23d6*1.5) energy from dice + 10 + 10 energy from bloodlines + 8d6 sneak )

5865 damage spell1 + 3881 spell2 = 9746 damage

Not crits nor items nor mythic metamagic counted

Psychedelic Psychic. Does a lot of damage while being the highest.

*ducks behind table for cover v. tomatoes*

Silver Crusade

I made a follower for a friend of mine playing a bard in a high level mythic game. Their follower was also mythic, and was a Kasatha Gunslinger with revolvers, rapid reload and cluster shot, oh and the variant of two-weapon fighting that allows you to have MORE than two weapons.

In that same game, the slayer (dual wielding) was outputting TONS of damage. This was at level 20 MR10 she was outputting well over 2000 per round. This was if she didn't crit, and that kitty was very much crit focused.

thralmak the planet breaker, king of templates a theory crafted character i came up with when one of my gms dared me to make a build that did 13k dmg in a single hit rules were anything goes and i would be attacking the ideal target, against the ideal target 404040 dmg in a single attack could have gotten more but got board after a while.

Leonardo Trancoso wrote:
Which the highest damage a character can do in 1 round? Which class?

A few thousand, as a crazy cat lady type summoner. e-mechanic-here#809

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