Chemlak |

5.8a is indeed the latest, and that tells me exactly why you're not seeing small and large towns and cities, too - Ultimate Rulership doesn't make that distinction (see p17 of URule), and since I'm making the sheet reflect URule before I figure out that merged and options for selecting specific rules, that's where it's at. If you want to, you can unprotect all of the city sheets and do a find/replace on references to $AP$6 and $AP$8 to replace them with $AN$6 and $AN$8, which should return the sheet to the UCam modifiers and settlement types.
Edit: I will point out that this does not mean I necessarily agree with how URule handles things - which is part of the reason for wanting to do a consolidated version once I'm finished with the overall version - to be able to pick and choose which rules the sheet uses.

dracklor |
This is truly awesome, and the thread in general has lead me to buying some extra supplements for my Kingmaker campaign.
Chemlak did you ever decide if you were going to implement Ultimate Factions? Just curious as I have a player that wants to run a spy ring and Factions seemed perfect for it.
Thank you again for all your hard work!

Chemlak |

Thank you very much, dracklor.
I am definitely going to be implementing Ultimate Factions as part of the sheet (it might sneak up the priority list a bit, actually), but because of my amazing ability to procrastinate and another project I have on the go, it might take me a while to get it done.

Zaibusa |
Thank you very much for the reply! I hadn't gotten a hand on Ultimate Rulership before, although I did know that the sheet was based on it. Most of the stuff, like new Edicts and population could easily enough be deducted from the sheet.
I just thought it unlikely that Ultimate Rulership would in any way or form 'reduce' stuff, compared to UC, although now, that I had a look, I see that it was just moved to the terrain.
Anyways, thank you again for your amazing work!

Chemlak |

My pleasure to help out. Every question I get here helps me make sure I know what I’ve done and why I’ve made the choices I’ve made (as well as help me with my understanding of the rules), so I love being able to help people out!
And the recent announcement of 2E means I really must get on with completing this so that we can start 2E with a clean slate.

Calgorn |
Thank you for this spreadsheet. I am sure it took alot of time to put together. I have a question about the Overall page. I am filling in my new kingdom information and under Edicts I put in an Annual Holiday Edict. This is supposed to increase Consumption by 1 and Loyalty by 1. The BP cost under edicts and the Edict Cost under Consumption is correct, however the Holiday Edict is trying to apply a -1 Economy and -2 Loyalty on top of the 1 BP consumption rather than just a +1 Loyalty modifier. Is there a fix for this?

Chemlak |

No fix or ability to amend that at this time: that’s the modifiers for an annual holiday edict from Ultimate Rulership. A future version of the sheet will allow you to select between UCam, URule and Custom modifiers for all edicts, but that’s a bit of a way off.
I’ll dig into the guts of the sheet and let you know how to put edicts back to the UCam versions a little later today, if that’s okay?

Calgorn |
No need to alter the Holiday stuff. I see it now. I didn't realize it was using the Ultimate Rulership values instead of the basic values. The ultimate rules are alot more costly but I have it worked out now.
If your going to dig into the sheet the other thing I noticed is Fame. Fame is only supposed to be adjusted by Lore/Society for every 10 points. The sheet is rounding up. So when my starting city has -2 Lore and -1 Society its giving me a -1 to Fame instead of a 0 modifier.

Chemlak |

Okay, the above and another issue have been fixed, but site maintenance messed up my post with the links (should be the same as the last ones, though, for all 4 sheets). I’ll repost properly tomorrow if game night doesn’t interfere.
Thanks, all!

Geralt_Bialy_Wilk |

Hi Chemlak! We just started our Kingdombuilding and we really appreciate this spreadsheet. It would be insane to get it right without it! :)
One thing we were able to find right away - we play with Ultimate Rulership rules so Recruitment Edicts gives a modifier to Society. You actually included it in the Drop Down sheet, but it's not being counted anywhere. I was able to insert a next column in Edicts part and make it count in main part of Overall sheet, but just wanted to let you know :)

Chemlak |

Wow, forum downtime and a whole host of life problems have prevented me from noticing this post until today, I'm so sorry!
Thanks for the heads-up Geralt - I thought I'd finished all those bits, so while I'm surprised, I'm really pleased that you noticed!
In other news, I just last week finished my part of a book for a 3PP, and I don't have any firm plans for a follow-up, so the spreadsheet again comes to the top of my not-running-games priorities list!
Now if I can just do game prep for my Pathfinder game, my Mechwarrior game, and my Rifts game, I'll be all set...

Geralt_Bialy_Wilk |

Don't be too hard on yourself! First of all, this messageboard doesn't help with being notified about replies. Secondly - you're doing tons of awesome work with thia spreadsheet.
Also - I did take the ezcel version, put it on my GDrive and let the Google Spreadsheets do its magic. It created a Google Spreadsheet file and works perfectly in the cloud. I'm not able to find anything that doesn't work properly :D

Chemlak |

Can I just check - do you have a character in the treasurer role?
If there's no character in the treasurer role, the Vacancy Penalty applies, which won't let you get the effect of any taxation level above None:
Economy decreases by 4. The kingdom cannot collect taxes—during the Edict phase, when you would normally collect taxes, the kingdom does not collect taxes at all and the taxation level is considered “none.”

![]() |
Hey, I'm just starting out and this spreadsheet is super helpful, but I noticed something and I don't think it is in your to do list. Some buildings, like Castles, have a negative effect on Unrest, but I don't see that getting applied? If I put in an event that generates Unrest, it doesn't look like that -4 is showing up. Am I doing something wrong?

Chemlak |

Sorry, thought I'd replied to this a couple of weeks ago. Oops.
Because Unrest is a dynamic number that can be affected by more things than just buildings and terrain enhancements, it's not possible to automate the calculation of it, so it must be adjusted manually in the Unrest box on the Overall worksheet.
I looked into automating some of it, but because it has a floor value of zero and because it's possible for multiple minor Unrest amendments to happen each turn (successful stability roll in the Upkeep Phase and the Royal Enforcer using their role benefit in the same phase, for example), you'd just be racking up huge numbers by the time the kingdom's been operating for a couple of years, which would vastly exceed the usefulness of the automation.
A similar argument exists for why the Treasury balance isn't automated as well.

Jahtalkintome |

This is a GREAT WORK- thank you many times over.
A number of the items on the pull down do not appear in their respective spreadsheets -or at least what I thought was the last version
(Brothel and Witches Hut are couple Examples)
Would be nice if you could edit names in Pull down or add more.
Is possible to get copy of an editable version?

Chemlak |

Jahtalkintome wrote:This is a GREAT WORK- thank you many times over.
Scratch previous comments.
This rocks! Easy to edit and have already added a number of new building types!
I'm guessing you either found what you wanted somewhere, or discovered that the protection on the workbook isn't password protected at all, so anyone can customise the sheet however they want.

Chemlak |

If you've not seen it yet, Legendary Games are doing a Kickstarter for Ultimate Kingdoms, compiling the Ultimate Plug-ins line of books.
Here's a link to my personal input.
Legendary Games do the best work expanding the kingdom rules, and I have to give them every ounce of support I can muster for this. Please pledge and make this ultimate compilation truly legendary!
And in case anyone is wondering, yes, Legendary Games approached me a while ago about including the spreadsheet as part of the Kickstarter. I had to decline because I am not confident that doing so would keep this spreadsheet in line with the Community Use Policy, and I am 100% committed to keeping this spreadsheet free for everyone, as complete as I can make it, and compatible with the CUP.

![]() |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

If you've not seen it yet, Legendary Games are doing a Kickstarter for Ultimate Kingdoms, compiling the Ultimate Plug-ins line of books.
Here's a link to my personal input.
Legendary Games do the best work expanding the kingdom rules, and I have to give them every ounce of support I can muster for this. Please pledge and make this ultimate compilation truly legendary!
And in case anyone is wondering, yes, Legendary Games approached me a while ago about including the spreadsheet as part of the Kickstarter. I had to decline because I am not confident that doing so would keep this spreadsheet in line with the Community Use Policy, and I am 100% committed to keeping this spreadsheet free for everyone, as complete as I can make it, and compatible with the CUP.
And we're 100% on board with this plan. It's a great community resource, and doing it this way allows it to stay available as it always has been and for Chemlak to keep building it out at his own pace without anything hanging over his head with the kind of fast-moving action a Kickstarter can involve.
But by all means please do come by and pledge to Ultimate Kingdoms!
I've been eyeballs-deep in the kingdom-building rules for a decade and wrote the official chapter in Ultimate Campaigns and will be designing the PF2 version for the just-completed Paizo Kingmaker 10th Anniversary project. This project includes additional material from current Paizo folks like Mark Seifter and Linda Zayas-Palmer, plus our very own Chemlak too! You're not gonna find anybody more dedicated to this area of the rules than Legendary Games, but don't take our word for it. Check the reviews and give the rules a try. Show your heroes how to become LEGENDS!

Chemlak |

Hey Chemlak,
I saw that you upgraded to the queen level...any thoughts on what you are submitting yet? I got some recent medical bills to sort before I can commit to the KS and maybe I might just be fishing for ideas and such...
I have thoughts, for sure, but nothing solid, and there’s some bits I expect Jason will need to make a call on, so I’m not quite ready to reveal all.

Ravingdork |

Chemlak, I just wanted to pop in and say that our gaming group is once again using this amazing tool (UC Excel v5.3m specifically) that Berhagen, you, and others have developed.
Thank you so much for your continued hard work on this stuff. It has helped to provide us with years of quality entertainment. I could not even imagine using the varied Kingmaker rules without such a tool to help us keep track of everything!

asdrovac |

Hi there.
I have notice a glitch. When high Priest is vacant, his bonus is N/A, … which put N/A in the calculation of stability… which in turn become N/A.
It could be easily solve by adding a default value in your enbedded IF.
I didn't notice it for other leadership functions.
(didn't read the 18 pages. hope i am not the 23° to spot it).
Marvellous work, by the way.

Chemlak |

I have dug, and I am unable to duplicate this issue.
Can I be sent a copy of a spreadsheet that's having this problem, either a link to a share, or emailed to me chemlak (at) blueyonder (dot) co (dot) uk ?

asdrovac |

Curiously, the problem appear and disappear without visible Reason. i have checked the formula with no resulte. right now, all works well. weird.
could you relieve me from a doubt in my mind. when you click F9, something is supposed to happen, right ?
i found no macro. which is not surprising since the sheet saved in XLSX and not in XLSB.
What have I miss ? could the macro only work on the online version ?

Chemlak |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Have I still not removed that instruction from the sheet?
F9 forces excel to recalculate the sheet, and should do absolutely nothing right now. The sheet purposefully has no macros in it to avoid security concerns from users.

asdrovac |

OK good news.
Now, is there an user manual ? most cells contents are straight forward or easily linkable to UCam rules. but somes seems to imply a process that is not given.
for an example, there is a cell supposed to contain BP. but how will the sheet manage the upkeep or take account of a new sponsor?

Chemlak |

asdrovac |

I am happy to have found how to manage terrain improvement. it Doesn't appear at first glance in the sreadsheet.
Now, while making the monthly city report, i happen to regret two missing things for a proper management. None are RAW UC rules, but are understated.
the first is a calendar.
It doesn't suffise to say that you have 12 holidays by year, that give such and such bonus.
My PCs legitimely ask what month we are and how is called this religious festival and when start the rain season and how much time is left before the city parade.
there is way to be both useful and creative here.
the secund is a log.
when Pc ask "when did we build that tannery, again ?", i cannot answer because the sheet says that there is a tannery, an alchemist lab, two mills and 17 houses; but not when was acquired which.
for functionnal management, it is not that important. but for roleplay, characters are supposed to know that Undrella the alchimist harpy changed place two months ago and that the old tannery Doesn't stink sulfur anymore since she has now her own labs on the other side of the river.
it is a big task.
it change the architecture of the spreadsheet. So i understand that someone would hesitate to start it, as i hesitate myself.
But it would be nice. If soemone is up for the job, i may suggest hints.

Chemlak |

Sorry for the delay in replying, it's been a bit hectic in my life lately.
The broad answer to the points you raise is that the sheet is meant to handle the maths of Kingdom management and nothing more - if your group want to keep additional details, that's awesome, but is beyond the scope of the sheet itself.
That said, there is a log in the URule version of the sheet, I just haven't incorporated it into the UCam version as of yet. It is extremely basic and does not automatically record anything. If you'd like to modify the sheet to do it and let me know, I'm happy to add it. Good ideas are always welcome.
As for the second point, it's doubtful that many governments would plan and finance a black market, but that's not what the settlement rules represent - it's an abstraction of things that the citizens in the settlement and of the kingdom as a whole are putting together. Just because the decision to add a black market to a settlement is one being made by the players, their characters probably have nothing to do with it and might not even know that some enterprising citizens have started illicit trade, though their bottom line might notice it (as represented by the BP cost of the black market building).

MGD1981 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Chemlak, I just wanted to let you know that I've been using your UCam sheet for our Kingmaker game that has been going since 2016 (probably started using your sheet at the very beginning of 2017, when we finished Book I), and I don't know how we would have managed without it. I have my own planning Google sheet that I use to prepare for kingdom building sessions, and being able to check discrepancies against the UCam sheet has been immeasurable helpful. I am very impressed that you continue to work on it (I wonder how many features have been added since I started using it and how annoying it would be to port all this stuff to a new version).
We are about to start Book IV and I came here to find out how to add more cities (saw you just made them hidden), and felt like I just had to thank you! So thanks!

Chemlak |

It is absolutely my pleasure and I'm really happy that people are still using the sheet after all these years. I know that my development of it has slowed to a crawl (I'm waiting for the PF Ultimate Kingdoms compilation from Legendary Games to come out so that I have a lovely single reference book for the extra stuff), but I'm still excited by it and looking forward to actually "completing" it at some point. Soon™.

asdrovac |

Hello chemlak
i have been transporting data from Ucam to Urule sheet.
I discovered that same characters with same stats give different bonus for L / S / E. urule lower the economy and raise stability. i first though it was the action of Edicts that are not calculated the same way or badly copypasted PC stats. but there seems to be several sources.
I also saw that Urule won't easily adapt the population density. my town is on the border of desert along gnoll infested mountains. a density of 10 is good enough. the difference is poplation between the two shhest make me estaimated de Urule Pop.Density as hardcoded at 48. it is no surprise that the base value goes from 1000 to 6500.
Any idea where is the formula with this constante ?

Chemlak |

Hey there, asdrovac!
Regarding the change in bonuses, check which bonus formula is in use on the Rulers worksheet - the bonuses will change quite a bit if you shift from Core UCam to any of the other options. If you check and it's set to Core UCam but the rulers are still giving different bonuses, let me know.
Sorry, I'm struggling to follow the questions on population density. There are two different population calculations in play, one for hexes and a completely different one for buildings in settlements. The hex population density is set for each terrain type on the Kingdom worksheet, you can alter those numbers however you want. The population for settlements depends on the buildings in the settlement (see the Buildings worksheet to change the population a given building adds).
If that answers the question, awesome, but if it doesn't, please let me know, and I'll try to help more!
Also, thanks to thedmstrikes for summoning me by letting me know this question was here.

asdrovac |

hello i am back;
lockdown, wife on Covid unit, youngers' school explode,... it has been busy months.
now that i look again, i cannot figure how work the abilities bonus. some seems fin, other don't. two rulers with a 18 can have a bonus of +4 or +5. it doesn't seems to be a question of prestige.
As the formulas are not build the same way in urule and ucam, it is difficult to say if the different results come from different algorithms.
could you please explain me what "Tarondor Variant" is ?

Chemlak |

No worries, I'm happy to help.
I'm a bit lost by what you mean that two rulers with an 18 can have a bonus of +4 or +5: there must (must) be something else going on. Things that can cause that: UCam Core (and all the others, actually), one character has leadership, the other doesn't. UCam Optional, one character has 5-9 ranks in the relevant skill that the other character doesn't. URule Optional, one character has 6-8 ranks in the skill and the other has 9-11 ranks. Tarondor, one character has 0-8 ranks in the skill, and the other has 9-11.
The Tarondor variant uses the better of UCam Core or URule Optional for a given character in a given role.
Feel free to email me a copy of your filled-in sheet to chemlak (at) blueyonder (dot) co (dot) uk with specific questions and I'll dig into it and give you all the answers.

Geralt_Bialy_Wilk |

Hi Chemlak :)
Wanted to ask for clarification. I am trying to use Ultimate Kingdoms rules with the spreadsheet and I am not sure if this is something that should be put in manually, especially that it would make sense to automate that.
I am talking about the cost of sustaining Recruits in the building army/recruitment mechanics. The book states that there is an upkeep cost for recruits - every 100 of them raises Consumption by 1, and I cant seem to see that change in Overall tab.
Okay, now I see that the Recruitment tab shows manpower as per UKingdoms, but the rest is UCamp, so there are only default army sizes.