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![]() Hi Chemlak :) Wanted to ask for clarification. I am trying to use Ultimate Kingdoms rules with the spreadsheet and I am not sure if this is something that should be put in manually, especially that it would make sense to automate that. I am talking about the cost of sustaining Recruits in the building army/recruitment mechanics. The book states that there is an upkeep cost for recruits - every 100 of them raises Consumption by 1, and I cant seem to see that change in Overall tab. EDIT:
![]() Don't be too hard on yourself! First of all, this messageboard doesn't help with being notified about replies. Secondly - you're doing tons of awesome work with thia spreadsheet. Also - I did take the ezcel version, put it on my GDrive and let the Google Spreadsheets do its magic. It created a Google Spreadsheet file and works perfectly in the cloud. I'm not able to find anything that doesn't work properly :D ![]()
![]() Something I can't figure out - does any of the rules (we're running UCamp + Ult Rulership by Legendary Games) state how to decide on settlements' alignment? We put the Kingdom's alignment for the capital, but I'm not sure about next settlements. This is important as we went with some custom rules aboit temples and cathedrals - town alignment limits which god they might be for and all have some custom bonuses. ![]()
![]() Hi Chemlak! We just started our Kingdombuilding and we really appreciate this spreadsheet. It would be insane to get it right without it! :) One thing we were able to find right away - we play with Ultimate Rulership rules so Recruitment Edicts gives a modifier to Society. You actually included it in the Drop Down sheet, but it's not being counted anywhere. I was able to insert a next column in Edicts part and make it count in main part of Overall sheet, but just wanted to let you know :) ![]()
![]() Simple question, could not find answer for it. What happens when you summon something (let's say it's Summon Monster) when using Ethereal Jaunt? Would it summon something to Material Plane or to Ethereal Plane. PRD wrote:
![]() I'm in the middle of Stolen Lands with my 6 players group. All of them have horses (either cavaliers, from trait or from bandits). Food
Carry Weight
Purchasing power
We have played four 8hrs long sessions already. We're still in middle of stolen lands (not many quests finished, just defeated the bandit camp), but we go slow. I use Alexandrian Hexcrawl ideas to spice things up, so it's possible (although extremly low chance) to have 8 random encounters in 24hrs ;) But only part of those are combat encounters - got a whole table of that. I'd love to share everything I have prepared for Kingamker, but would have to translate it beforehand, as my native language is Polish, and all my stuff is in polish :/ ![]()
![]() Yeah, I need to mix all the aspects well, as I've got a group of 6 very diversified people. Not all will like constant Excell Sheet sessions, not all will like dungeon crawling all the time etc. I will have to tailor some small events to make them explore a bit, but to not drop the Kingdom on NPCs and vice versa :) ![]()
![]() That material you posted is awesome, but I was asking about the Difficult/Secret/Resource etc hex terrain subtypes - http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/other-rules/exploration-and-movement- sandbox#TOC-Forest - those additional mods look cool, and Im looking for an efortless way to use this in stolen lands hes map. ![]()
![]() In Ultimate Campaign exploration rules is a part that says about different terrain types and their variations. Those rules are great when you randomly generate a map to make it more interesting. There are some cool rules tied to it - higher random encouter rates, random treasure, skill modifiers, travel time modifiers etc. Did anyone use it in their Kingmaker campaign? How did you do it? ![]()
![]() My two cents. My players beat Orik, but didn't kill him. He was released. I made him come back in Magnimar - he wanted to atone all his misdeeds, an became an initiate in Sarenrae's church. I used him as a quest giver for Dawn of the Scarlet Sun module in Magnimar, and later he helped the party to kill Xanesha (the party didn't have any support kind of character, so a warrior priest was spot on). This made Orik more fleshed out and remembered NPC for my players :) ![]()
![]() Okay, here's what I did: I let the player to describe and actually run everything the way he wanted, this was his PC birthday :) Roleplaying was really fun and needed after the Runeforge, also I put Brodart Quink in there, to drop a hint, that he may be able to help them with finding Xin-Shalast. Ironbriar with a few mooks crashed the party in the middle of it. I wanted it to be a little challenging, but didn't want to take it too much time after all the fightning in Runeforge. I took a Cleric of Norgorber 17 out of the NPC Codex, and 5 mooks around CR 12-10 (assasins and such). The fight was rather easy for my players, but they felt that they've lost, as Ironbriar killed many innocent nobles with blade barrier. I would love to play out some heavy afterfall based on that, but everyone want's to finish this AP. Everyone are hyped for our next game ;) The whole idea was a great success thanks to the player that worked on it on his end, so yeah, but that RP was really what they needed after bunch of hack'n'slash gamenights. ![]()
![]() If my players will choose Rovagug as their Deity I might look into the LoF AP. I was running it for a while, but stopped, I don't think I will play in this one, so I'm safe. I think I'll mix a little Church of Count Ranalc cultists and Nyrissa's fey, I'd like my players to get some of her story in the end :) Thanks for your input! ![]()
![]() I'm still reading through the AP, as I've got quite some time before we finish #6 of RotRL, but I was thinking about expanding Candlemere and putting some cultists overe there :) Is it possible to use some parts of the Carrion Crow AP here? I don't want to read it just to find out - might play in that one someday, but I do know, that there is some Old Ones stuff in Book 4. ![]()
![]() Hello all! As my group just have started last book of Rise of the Runelords, I started to plan our next AP - the Kingmaker. I want it to be less about the AP scenario, and more about player's agendas, ideas and their PC's stories. Yeah, I'm unleashing pure chaos upon myself, but I hope I'm really up for that challange ;] So I told my players what we will gonna run, gave them the Kingmaker Player's Guide. And one of them started to write a really crazy backstory for his character. He got inspired by the Dark Tapestry oracle mystery. Basically he was a warrior in heavens (propably working for Erastil or Iomedae, not sure yet) and they've lost a big battle against Asmodeus. As part of the "peace treaty", Asmodeus agreed to take some of the surviving warriors souls. One of those souls, was the PC. But during the "transfer" something got wrong - alien forces iterfered, going for a power grab, and bruteforcing the reincarnation of said PC's soul as an aasimar on the material plane. So he will be showing up at the Oleg's Tradepost infant-superman style, crashing a stable or part of the walls in his new body. The only thing he still remembers, is that he lost some big battle in heavens. But he's not sure what was that about, or who he fought for. He will be torn between the Good and the Evil for some time because of that. But also, the forces present in the Stolen Lands will try to take him over, as a dormant celestial being could be a powerful ally. Those forces would be the fey or Count Ranalc's agents and some Nyarlathotep cultists - both of those will be the source of his Oracle Mystery until he will know the truth and decide his fate. Count Ralnac was my idea, after he wanted to pick other Elder, but Ralnac not only fits his character, as he fits the story arc of Kingmaker. I'm just completly hyped for what I can do with this backstory in KM. If you guys have any ideas or suggestions how to make it shine more, I'd love to hear them too :) I just love when my players make backstories that fit the AP so well :D ![]()
![]() Got a question about Runeforged Weapons. There's that part about "A wielder who is considered sinful or virtuous with the same type of sin/virtue as a runeforged weapon he wields[..]". How should I connect the 7 runforged enchantments with 7 sins? There are two sin components to each weapons - so every weapon is actually two types of sin, or does the weapon gives a bonus to character that is sinful with a quality the weapon actually oppose (which would be silly...)? ![]()
![]() The Warpriest idea is awesome, but I got a simple rule at my table - we use only the content, that's in printed books, lying at the table (with few exceptions). I would like to keep it that way both ways, as I did not allowed my players to take levels in hybrdi classes. Also, as I don't have much prep time till next game night, I might just pick something fitting from the NPC codex, and focus on other things I got to prep, rather than on statblocks :) (don't own the HeroLab software either). As far as ice nymph goes - that's gonna be fun. One PC, a Goblin Sound Striker/Dirge Bard got her sister's Inspiration active :D Thank you for your input! ![]()
![]() Hi! I'm in dire need of inspiration or ideas. My players finished the Runeforge last session and we are a little burnt out after all that dungeon crawling (the only more substantial roleplaying was with Delvahine). One of the players suggested, that his PC would like to held a huge ball or party for the Heroes of Sandpoint and nobles from Sanpoint and Magnimar. The whole thing will take place in Magnimar. I allowed the player to plan the ball, as he got some ideas for all the players to participate. That's great and all, but I would like to spice things up a little. The only thing that I came up with so far is Justice Ironbriar's revenge - he was taken alive by PCs in Skinsaw Murder, but was recovered by some thugs, as PCs failed their Disguise and Bluff checks and were overwhelmed in combat with thugs that came for the Justice at night. I'll level him up as a cleric, give him some rouge/assasin minions and he will try to get his revenge in the middle of the ball, by either killing the PCs or taking/killing some of the nobles. What I'm looking for is something more political. Feel free to share any ideas or comment on the Ironbriar Revenge idea :) ![]()
![]() John Mangrum wrote:
Okay, so I'm running extended LoF now, added hexploration from Ultimate Campaign to it too. I'm using 3miles hexes instead of 12miles ones, also recalculated the travel and exploration times, which leads to my question. Exploration and travelling around Kelmarane with those rules take quite some time. How did you guys played "6 days" events with that? My players barely went out, explored one hex, and one day have passed. ![]()
![]() Got a question about Headless Lord in the C4 location of the Ancient Library. He's got undead telepathy which says "The Headless Lord can communicate telepathically with any other undead creature within 100 feet. It can use this telepathic communication to direct mindless undead as a free action." My player got some skeletons via animate undead. Headless Lord can use his Command Undead only on zombies, so that's clear to me. But as those skeletons are mindless - can he use his Undead Telepathy to somehow control those skeletons? ![]()
![]() Today's the game night for me and my party started clearing out the Graul Homested. They went straight to the house, directly to Mommy's room which i find really amusing (they tend to go straight to boss fights when it comes to non linear locations :D). They've beaten her up so she teleported to the barn with her dimensional door. I suppouse that tonight the party will start assaulting the Fort, maybe even clear it. My question is - in which parts of the adventure the remaining two Black Arrows NPC should accompany them? If events play out in the order presented in the RotRL:A book I think that Black Arrows won't go to Turtleback to see the flood if there won't be a ranger messenger to deliver the grim news. After the flood - there isn't any way for those 2 npcs to know what the party is up to, if the party won't ask the Arrows for help, right? So they won't come along. I feel that I'd like to have remaining Black Arrows at Hook Mountain Clanhold, let them take the fight to the ogres. And what about Shalelu? She wants to find her step-father, so she should stay with him rather then with PCs, right? Also - I've got pretty large party; 6-7 players with two animal companions and one leadership (tonight it's gonna be minus one with leadership), but two of the characters are fresh (one have died, other one retired) so the APL is around 5-6 (6-7 if number of characters is taken into account), but those new characters are gonna level up fast. ![]()
![]() We played that session a while ago, but thanks for input :) They attacked her in the Clocktower before she mounted an attack on them in the inn, so she was still alone (Stalkers were killed before, when they were inspecting the tower for the first time). The fight wasn't easy, mostly because of X having reach and no legs ;D (party monk specialize in tripping things), but They've managed to kill her off. She wasn't able to run or to change positions because of how small the top floor is and the party numbers (6 PCs, 3 NPCs; Orik who they assked to assist them, animal companion and 1 useless goblin NPC who I allowed for halfling ranger as a "friend/son", captured in sandpoint, a little civilized now and it became ranger's cohort last session - that was planned from the beginning, the goblin is disguised in old tuxedo with tophat so he's somewhat a comedic relief to the party ^^). Because of that and having 2 hard hitters always ready to make AoO on X, she wasn't able to cast much of her spells effectively. My advice if running X on the tower for party larger than 6 - make the floor larger for at least 3 squares on each side ;D ![]()
![]() I'm going to semi-hijack this thread, just for sake of not littering the forums. I'm going to DM a session in 18hours, still thinking about what to do. Here's the situation: - The sawmill is cleared. Party butchered the cultist, captured unconcious Ironbriar. Sent a message using the raven, which was saying "Sawmill is burnt (as a hideout). Meet me at Aldern's in two days." - Party was living in the Fish Tank inn (the one from the Magnimar book). They moved Ironbriar through town (at late night) with a wagon from the sawmill. They disquised him (used horsehair as mustache, bought like 10 sessions back at Sandpoint xD) and walked him like he's being drunk. I allowed the inn visitors one perception check, and they suceeded. So the Scarzni recognized the Elf. - In the morning party wanted to interogate him, but around 12 of Scarzni thugs disturbed them. After short scene of hard negotiating (not cooperating party leader, half-dumb monk and dumb thugs) they peacfully gave up the Elf (but still having his journal). So Ironbriar is out. I can do anything with him, just don't know what (kill him, make him just come back as nothing happened, use him as Xanesha's minion?). - Two days passed, they staked out the Aldern's townhouse, preapring an ambush. They laid some simple traps. Scarecrow was sent by Xanesha to check out what the message was about, and dispose of any foes. He was slain. They tracked him back to Shadow Clock (ranger with fav. urban terrain, high roll). They wen't upstairs, killed stalkers. Only two of them (7 PCs party!) went to the top of the tower, where the saw... a Demon! They got scared and stealthed back (they went up with stealth also, high rolls). Next day, party leader, halfling ranger wanted to convice the half-dumb monk that his fear of heights is just idiocy, and that it's safe to reach the top of the clock tower, if the demon is not there. They wen't there by themselves. Only 2 of them. There was no demon, they inspected the room, but got surprised by Xanesha going out of invisibility, stabbing them with her weapon. They managed to escape the tower (didn't want Xanesha to follow them for now). Those two pesky PCs managed to get ahold of the Xanesha's target list for sihedron ritual. Seeing Lord Mayor's name, they went straight to him. They managed to convince him, that his life is in danger, and that they want to run an official investigation to catch the murderer. Also, they've been able to translate Ironbriar's journal and gave it to Lord Mayor as a proof of Ironbriar beeing guilty of the murders. For now I'm planning to give my party one day, which they will probably spend on side quest I cooked up ( Dawn of the Scarlet Sun, but adding Orik as a new acolyte of the Sarenarae - he was the only NPC that they've spared on thistletop, and he's grateful, asking them to help him now). After that I'm going to have Xanesha with 2 stalkers and her illusion-Demon attack them at night in their new inn (they moved after the thug incident in Fish Tank). I'm still not sure if that's a good way for her to act, and also I'd like to use Ironbriar somehow. ![]()
![]() @bwatford Thanks for your reply :) I don't own any printer right now, so I'm going to print those out in some copy shop or such. I'm going to let them use plain copy paper, but with laser printer, so it should be alright I suppouse. Hiding it under construction paper sound fine, but I should prepare that before the session, and I don't want do to that. First of all, I've got a large player group, while most of them are new not only to PF, but to whole RPG thing. Combining those two and I've got pretty crazy and unpredictable bunch, and sometimes they chew through the scenario as planned, but sometimes they tend to take their time doing random stuff (which is great, and they have tons of fun with it ^^). That makes me impossible to plan the whole session - I tend to have all things from AP prepared in advance, and some random bits of stuff (locations, npc, whole side quests) that I can just put when it seems right. Bottomline - I never know what I will or won't use on the session until I actually use it. If I print it on copy paper and cut it out, I can store it something around A4 format. That kind of "location puzzles" worked for me quite well :) ![]()
![]() Those are great. Party I'm DMing now is still in Magnimar, but I'll definately use those maps when the time comes :) I'm going to print them on normal paper, stick to another sheet of paper with double sided tape and cut it out, each room on it's own. I tend to make that kind of "puzzles" myself (started out with thistletop) and put new rooms on the table as party discovers them. ![]()
![]() Dunno if it has been already asked or not, but I've got two questions related to Catacombs of Wrath; 1. Among other things, my party found that black tome from 'zero-gravity' meditation chamber. My question is - in what language is it written? My party doesn't have many additional languages, so for now nobody could understand it. They gave it to Ilsoari for now (met him at Curious Goblin) for research. I'm not sure if he should get any information about this tome to the party, and above all - what should be written in that book (AP says only it's about Abyss...). 2. Should Father Zantus recognize the star symbol from the tome held by the red statue? If so, how much should he know about it or how much could he research in 2-3 days. As being a cleric, he could communicate with someone outside of Sandpoint for information really easily, right? ![]()
![]() Thanks for your imput, Haladir. About keeping low profile by slavers - that's the first thing I was thinking about, that way my player would have more fun with discovering that plot. I'm just wandering if making them a cult is a good idea or not. It can open me doors to bigger sidequest for my group, but I'm not sure if other players would mind putting one person's agenda in the centre of events. Additionally, the halfling player is quite an experienced RPer, but most of the group isn't. He might easily convince them to go and dispose of _that_very_evil_cult_which_enslaves_people_! ![]()
![]() It's my first post on Paizo boards, so first of all I would like to say hello to everyone :) I started GMing my first Pathfinder campaign, picking up RotRL. The thing is that one of my players is going with Lawful Evil halfling ranger and picked Humans as his fav enemy ;D He came to Sandpoint to assasinate a trader that supposedly got mixed up in enslaving halflings in Varisia (and other non-human races), and get some more information about slavery in the region. Putting slavery into RotRL isn't hard, but I want to do it smart; allow my player to follow up his agenda without disturbing the main plot and without other players sitting at table idle, while the ranger fills up half of our session time. Good thing is that I wanted to allow players to join or drop out at any given time, and guy playing this halfling will be sometimes missing, which allow his character to disappear from time to time (and allowing me to get him one-on-one sessions). So the question is - how to implement slavery into Varisia without breaking the whole AP. He already assasinated his target in Sandpoint, and he's going to break into his house for information. What if there's some kind of Asmodeus (LE god of tyranny, slavery, pride, contracts) cult, that is enslaving folk in Varisia, and our trader is a Asmodeus follower and is financing some of cult's smaller operations? Any ideas or input is appreciated :) |