Zaibusa's page

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Thank you very much for the reply! I hadn't gotten a hand on Ultimate Rulership before, although I did know that the sheet was based on it. Most of the stuff, like new Edicts and population could easily enough be deducted from the sheet.
I just thought it unlikely that Ultimate Rulership would in any way or form 'reduce' stuff, compared to UC, although now, that I had a look, I see that it was just moved to the terrain.

Anyways, thank you again for your amazing work!

Hey there!
First of all, a BIG, i mean, a MASSIVE thank you! This sheet is amazing, pure gold.

But I also have a question:
In the City tab, the city Type jumps from Village to Town to City, without the additional steps of small / large ttlement-Sizes

Is this deliberate, or an oversight / bug? Don't know if it affects anything else as well, but I found it because of the thus missing danger modifier.

Also, because I read it further up, I have it running without any notable problems in Google Sheets

€: using 5.8a, which I think is the newest?