haroom |
Hey, many thanks for all the great work and the excellent sheet to Chemlak. However, despite all your arduous labor on getting the Urulership edicts to work, I'd like to ask if anyone can think of a way to quickly replace them with the old Ucampaign ruleset.
We're running kingmaker, and we'd like to use the extra material (new buildings, terrain improvements) from Ultimate Rulership, but we *really* don't like the new edicts, and would like to keep them as they are in Ultimate Campaign. If anyone has any tips on how to replace the edicts in the URule sheet with the old UCam edict rules (or perhaps on how to paste the extra buildings and improvements from URule into the UCam sheet) it would be greatly appreciated!!
I'm also curious to know why settlements have some (nonzero) base value even if they don't have any buildings that add it. I assume this is some ultimate rulership ruling that I didn't read properly but I'm wondering which one. This isn't quite as relevant to our campaign though ; )

Chemlak |

Depends which edicts you don't like, but I'll assume you're not a fan of the new Expansion, Taxation, Holiday and Recruitment edicts (since the rest you can just hide and ignore).
I can think of a couple of ways to do it. The first is easier, the second is better, but more likely to cause problems. [Edit: Rereading your post, go with Option 1, it keeps more of the URule stuff.]
Download the UCam sheet as well as the URule sheet.
On both sheets, unhide and unprotect the DropDown sheet.
Copy/paste H1:L6 from the UCam sheet over I1:M6 on the URule sheet.
Protect and hide the DropDown sheet.
On both, unprotect the Overall sheet.
Copy the Edicts section from UCam Overall cells N58:X62. Paste that over P58:Z62 on the URule sheet, and delete the recruitment line.
You may now close the UCam sheet.
Select Cell R58, got to Data > Data Validation > Data validation, and change the source to =DropDown!I2:I6
For Cell R60, similar thing but =DropDown!K2:K6
R62 =DropDown!M2:M6
Protect the Overall sheet.
There's a chance that'll throw up some odd results in your consumption, if it does let me know.
Download the UCam sheet.
Copy the entire Buildings sheet from URule and paste it over the Buildings sheet in UCam.
Unprotect City 1 sheet.
Insert enough lines into the middle of the buildings to add the names of the new building types in (anywhere below row 14 and above row 64). You can rearrange the names of buildings in the array any way you like with one exception: DON'T MANUALLY MOVE SHRINES, TEMPLES, or CATHEDRALS. Inserting lines doesn't hurt this at all, but moving those buildings manually causes problems elsewhere.
Add the new buildings to City 1.
Unhide columns AM-BO.
Where you inserted lines, fill down from the cells above.
Hide AM-BO
Unhide City 7-25 sheets.
Unprotect City 2-25 sheets.
Select all of City 1 sheet.
Copy. Paste it over City 2-25.
Protect City 1-25, hide any you don't want.
As for settlements with non-zero base value, that's a URule thing, for certain, in that each settlement has an absolute minimum base value that it will have, and buildings increase it. It's things like that which make modifying the UCam sheet the better option, rather than trying to revert the URule sheet.
For the record, yes, I'm absolutely going to create a single master sheet which does it all and lets you cherry-pick which rules you're using, but that's a long way off.

haroom |
Thanks a bunch, managed to get the sheet up and running in time for session tonight due to your excellent instructions. Never used excel before in my life but everything works! Went with the first option you suggested. Consumption did have an odd display value initially but it was easy enough to fix.
Once again, I can't thank you enough for your excellent support : )

Chemlak |

Nothing to see here...
Well, there are only two of them. And technically they're magical improvements that can be placed on hexes.
But thanks for the reminder/nudge!
(On vacation, Internet connection sucks. Not posting much.)

Hurricane Joe |

Just wanted to drop by and thank you for both the sheet itself and the incredible amount of work it must have been. Playing KM with some friends for the first time and while they're not terribly interested in the building, as a certified Civilization fanatic I am going all in. You have made my life sooooooooo much easier.

Chemlak |

Sorry for the late reply, I got all kinds of wrapped up in other things and realised about an hour ago that I've not looked at this thread for a couple of weeks.
I'll assume you're using the URule sheet, Joe, since the UCam sheet has the skill calculation built into the Overall page, and if you put ANY number over 5 in the relevant skill it'll add it in.
On the Rulers sheet, make sure you're scrolled up and can see row 1. There should be a dropdown in the F/G column which (hopefully) says "Ultimate Campaign Core". Change it to "Ultimate Campaign Optional", and that will start adding +1 per 5 ranks.
There's also the Ultimate Rulership, which is +2 with an additional +1 per 3 ranks (thus making the skill more important), and the Tarondor variant (suggested by Tarondor in this thread), which uses the higher of Ultimate Campaign Core or Ultimate Rulership. I'm also planning some other variants as well, but they're a way off.

Chemlak |

Under advisement for next big fix/update, thanks, that's a good point.
Not sure what you mean by the thing about the buildings: you'll notice that they're literal screen captures from the books, so the only updated ones are the new buildings from URule. The only thing URule changed was +1 fame to one UC building.

Kevinmcc |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I made a spreadsheet to track build time and BP cost during the edict phase. It's not fancy as I am not a frequent excel user but it does what I want it to. Would like some feedback.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/nya9wskqkiqmv5b/Kingmaker%20Build%20Timer%20and%2 0BP%20Calculator.xlsm?dl=0
EDIT: Frak, link not working. I'll try to fix.

Chemlak |

Kevinmcc |

I'll take a look, and encourage others to do the same.
Edit, first glance: you absolute star, can I steal this?
Thanks for fixing the link!! Yes, please make use of it. After looking at your work, which I will be using, I appreciate the praise.
KevinEDIT: Added an Instruction sheet and added names to the sheets.

Chemlak |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Excellent - I'll make a few changes, for a variety of reasons (biggest one being that I'm going to have to deconstruct the macros, but integration with the rest of the sheet is also a big deal), but it looks great for the build time rules.

Chemlak |

Please, keep refining it!
It's going to take me a little while to get time to put it in (must finish important project...), and I'll basically update it in a single sitting, so the more comprehensive and user-friendly it is by the time I do that, the better.
Just to explain a bit further - the build time rules have been hanging over me for a while. I've been ignoring them, quite consciously, even though a few people have queried it. They're one of the hardest things to do right and do well, so they've been sidelined by other, more simple and easy, parts of the project (and yes, I consider the basics of Ultimate Battle to be easier and simpler).
I am, as may be obvious, perfectly happy for other people to do hard work which I can include (which reminds me, someone sent me an awesome kingdom turn tracker a while back, must see if they're still open to me using it - I was putting that off until build times became a thing), and credit them for their input.
This goes for everyone, not just Kevin, of course!

Kevinmcc |

I might be at the end of my skill level. I've got some ideas but no knowledge of how to implement. I'll continue to do what got me here and scour the net for instructions to do what I want. I'll see what I can come up with. My thoughts are that I can make use of some of what you have and retask it for my purpose. I might be a bit ambitious, but it will either frustrate the heck out of me or give me a chance to grow.
Would love to see that turn tracker as well!

rmcoen |
Aaaaaannnnndddd.... No updates in a month?
Just got UCam, and read the kingdom building rules. Want to try using them - in the background - in a 4e game where one character's Epic Destiny is "God Emperor". They have diplomatic or direct control of 2 existing city states; 8 others exist, but the rest of the continent is monster-infested wilderness and ruins. To achieve Emperor status, the PC must expand his control to 75% of the continent.
I planned him and his viceroy to start with the two city states (7-hex microkingdoms, basically a city and surrounding farms), and I'm looking for help organizing and running. And three times, threads have pointed back to this one for spreadsheet help!

Chemlak |

No updates doesn't mean I don't pay attention (just had a weekend away with my wife, so posting here wasn't a priority). I check this thread at least once a week.
Depends what you mean by help organising and running, since it sounds like you have a pretty good idea what you're looking to do.
In other words, more details, please!

rmcoen |
Of course I can't object to family time!! :-)
I was just wondering if the updates to the spreadsheet you had been discussing had been made? And... a tutorial? I tried flipping through it from the link, and I got hopelessly lost!
This probably isn't the right thread for it, but I'd take any advice or recommendations, too, on how to run my idea. For example, what's a good way to go about absorbing other citystates into the kingdoms? they aren't exactly 1 settlement "Free Cities" like a read about in the rules. Or placing monster dens and wandering monster armies?

Chemlak |

The instructions worksheet has a fair amount of guidance on what to do with each of the worksheets, but it does need a lot of work.
On the Rulers worksheet, just put in names and attribute scores for all of the rulers. Skills are relevant if you're using one of the optional rules.
Overall worksheet. Name the kingdom, assign rulers to the slots. For now, leave the edicts where they are.
Kingdom worksheet. Add a single hex, and add whatever features that hex has.
City 1 worksheet. Add a house.
Now start a kingdom turn.

Chemlak |

if we're talking a friendly absorption, use the unification rules (optional kingdom rules, ultimate campaign, independence and unification). If we're talking absorption by force of arms, then the rules don't exist. I'd recommend adapting the unification rules.
As for where to place things: check the Exploration subsystem from UCam, but the basic idea is "one interesting feature per hex".

rmcoen |
Bug Report - Calculation on Consumption
My fledgling kingdom has 14 consumption from Size, plus 7 from cities, minus 22 from terrain improvements (farms and fisheries). My Edicts are Isolationist (-1 BP), Light Taxes (0 BP), Annual Holidays (1 BP), and Peaceful Recruitment (0 BP).
Here's the bug: The cell under Consumption for Edicts says "0+-1+1", and the Totals cell shows "-1+0+-1+1". I'm guessing Edicts should show 0, and Consumption Total should show -1 (21 from cities and hexes, -22 for farms). Basically, the "=" is missing from the formula(s)?

Chemlak |

I'll have to check it, but I suspect it's mostly correct. It's to do with concatenation of terms which can include a dice expression, which some edicts from Ultimate Rulership do, and because "+1d4" is a pain to put into a sum, the consumption display goes a bit weird at times.
Having said that, though, I could have sworn it was meant to simply sum everything except dice expressions.
I shall check.

Chemlak |

Sorry for the delay!
Thanks for the Christmas wishes, Philip, hope you had a good Christmas/holiday/celebratory solstice, and have a happy New Year.
Feylin: There are a total of 25 city sheets already in the file, but 7-25 are hidden. In Excel: Format, Hide & Unhide, Unhide Sheet. Can't remember how to do it in OO off the top of my head, but it's the same basic idea - unhide the sheets you want.
And to update: I finished that other project, so the sheet comes back to the forefront of my tasks, at least until or unless another other project comes along.

Chemlak |

Specifically what do you want to get rid of? The entire Recruitment tab? The recruitment edict from the Overall tab?
The answer is basically the same, regardless: Unprotect relevant worksheet, highlight cells, delete, protect worksheet.
There's a chance doing so will break another formula somewhere (not likely because most formulae are set up to accept empty cells they reference as 0), if that happens, let me know.

Bricolage |

Is there an easy way to reduce the population per Building/block for calculation?
Last week i have startet to play the kingmaker AP and after reading the books it looks as the pop are calculated to high (right per rules but far different from stat blocks. Tatzlford, pop 186, village, is technical per pop/block rule a small town with 430 pop and has so a higher basevalue and purchase limit as it should have).

Chemlak |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I think they may have changed at some point (not least because I'm hosting the current versions).
Ultimate Campaign Excel v5.3k
Ultimate Campaign Open Office v5.3k
Ultimate Rulership Excel v5.7a
Ultimate Rulership Open Office v5.7a

Chemlak |

Not-so-wild stab in the dark: you're using the URule sheet.
One of the rules in Ultimate Rulership is that any settlement with more than one district is automatically a metropolis.
The fix is either really easy, or a complete pain in the proverbial, and I'm away from the sheet right now so can't look, but will do so as soon as I get a chance.

Chemlak |

Yes, I am using the URule sheet. Sorry, that would have been pertinent information to include.
No worries. Still haven't made it to a computer with Excel on to have a look, but I've not forgotten you!

Chemlak |

Just want to say a big thank you for these awesome sheets! Our campaign just got to the point that the players ended up getting titled and handed a small village of miscreants...
Glad you like!
If you have any questions, please ask, if you spot any bugs or have any suggestions, please let me know!

Chemlak |

All of my cities are showing up as Metropolis' as soon as I get to 2 districts. How is this determined by the sheet and how can it be changed?
Okay, looks like it's a pain in the proverbial, but it's not AS bad as it could be.
I shall target this as something to create greater transparency and ease of changing in the future.
Step 1: Unhide all 25 city sheets.
Step 2: Select ALL 25 city sheets (use CTRL and click on each city sheet in turn. There's a slight colour change to show you that it's selected). From this moment on, any change you make will affect ALL selected sheets.
Step 3: Unprotect sheet.
Step 4: Select Columns AL & CN.
Step 5: Unhide columns
Step 6: Don't panic.
Step 7: Select Cell AP8. In a blank city this cell is blank.
Step 8: This is where you make a choice. All the terms which say "AT92<[a number]" refer to lot thresholds. These are currently set to match the lot thresholds in Ultimate Rulership. You can change them to ANYTHING you want. Don't touch the one that says AT92<1, though, and each successive term through that formula needs to have the < number higher than the last one.
Step 9: Heave a sigh of relief that you've done it.
Step 10: Select columns AM through CM.
Step 11: Hide columns.
Step 12: Protect sheet.
Step 13: Select any non-city sheet to deselect all cities.
Step 14: Hide any cities you don't want visible right now.
Step 13: Save your modified file somewhere on your computer.
Step 1: Unhide all 25 city sheets.
Step 2: Select ALL 25 city sheets (use CTRL and click on each city sheet in turn. There's a slight colour change to show you that it's selected). From this moment on, any change you make will affect ALL selected sheets.
Step 3: Unprotect sheet.
Step 4: Select cell AA6. The formula bar should currently say =AP8
Step 5: Change that to =AN8. All of your cities are now calculating their type based upon the population within the city rather than the number of lots in use. There is nuance, so the city modifiers could be out of whack. If you want them to match the Ultimate Campaign version, in each of M4, M6, M8, M10, U10, & U12 change ALL references to $AQ$6 to $AN$6.
Step 5: Protect sheet.
Step 6: Select a non-city sheet to deselect all cities.
Step 7: Hide any city sheets you don't want visible right now.
Step 8: Save your modified file somewhere on your computer.