MGD1981's page

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YuriP wrote:
MGD1981 wrote:

I have an oscillating wave psychic, and this is super cool. The change to Frostbite means one cantrip is a spell attack and the other a fort save, adding nice versatility (complicated in a fun way by the OW mechanic), and the reach on ignition is sweet, as the 2d6 melee damage is now available for everyone casting normal ignition but only the psychic (well, or a magus with a reach weapon?) doesn't have to get super up close to take advantage of that.

But... amped ignition's damage remains 1d10 ranged and 1d12 melee (plus the 1 fire splash damage)... making the base damage for melee less than the unamped version. This feels like it might be an oversight? Feels strange that the melee damage roll would decrease. I know that 1d10 vs 2d4 (and even vs 1d4 + bonus as it was with produce flame) is potentially less damage, but it's also potentially more. With the melee version now, it's just straight less. So if you're doing it for the splash damage, not much incentive to get in close. Feel like the amped melee version should at least still be 2d6 damage (plus splash).

You have a point but yet it's not a big difference to me. The real advantage of AMPed version of these cantrips was the Heightening that still working good.

No, it's not a huge difference. You're right, it's not as big a deal when heightened. I just suspected it might be an oversight. And I also realized this morning that the language in the errata for Oscillating Wave amped Ignition says "When using amped produce flame as a melee attack" -- they clearly just copy-pasted from produce flame, which makes me wonder if that sentence was supposed to be something different (besides just the spell name).

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I have an oscillating wave psychic, and this is super cool. The change to Frostbite means one cantrip is a spell attack and the other a fort save, adding nice versatility (complicated in a fun way by the OW mechanic), and the reach on ignition is sweet, as the 2d6 melee damage is now available for everyone casting normal ignition but only the psychic (well, or a magus with a reach weapon?) doesn't have to get super up close to take advantage of that.

But... amped ignition's damage remains 1d10 ranged and 1d12 melee (plus the 1 fire splash damage)... making the base damage for melee less than the unamped version. This feels like it might be an oversight? Feels strange that the melee damage roll would decrease. I know that 1d10 vs 2d4 (and even vs 1d4 + bonus as it was with produce flame) is potentially less damage, but it's also potentially more. With the melee version now, it's just straight less. So if you're doing it for the splash damage, not much incentive to get in close. Feel like the amped melee version should at least still be 2d6 damage (plus splash).

Baarogue wrote:
MGD1981 wrote:
Just wanted to point out that telekinetic projectile is _not_ a cantrip or spell granted by the Oscillating Wave conscious mind. *But* the PFS note changed the language to read "a granted spell from your conscious mind or a standard psi cantrip" which means the standard psi cantrip does not have to be granted by your conscious mind... just one in your spell repertoire?
No. The PFS clarification is "per design clarification," and emphasizes adding the word "standard" to the sentence quoted, which the first printing of Dark Archive did not have. The ellipses indicates the original sentence continues after [...] unaltered. The design clarification PFS is referring to is now official errata, and spells out in no uncertain terms that Oscillating Wave does not interact with psi cantrips from other conscious minds gained through Parallel Breakthrough or the like

Alright, so this is a little confusing, because there's no definition as to what a "standard" psi cantrip is. I can see an argument that is is _only_ the cantrips listed under the list of "Standard Psi Cantrips" in the conscious mind description, but I also see an argument that this may simply making those cantrips distinct from the "unique" psi cantrips (i.e. a "standard psi cantrip" is simply a non-unique psi cantrip). Although the rules also state that "Generally, only feats can give you more psi cantrips" and looking through the Psychic feats list, I don't even see any that specifically give you _psi_ cantrips, so this may all be moot anyway. But definitely not just a regular cantrip in your repertoire; that was my poor reading.

HumbleGamer wrote:
- I am not tied to fire/cold spells. I can use anything from my conscious mind repertoire, like tenekinetic projectile and similar.

Just wanted to point out that telekinetic projectile is _not_ a cantrip or spell granted by the Oscillating Wave conscious mind. *But* the PFS note changed the language to read "a granted spell from your conscious mind or a standard psi cantrip" which means the standard psi cantrip does not have to be granted by your conscious mind... just one in your spell repertoire?

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Chemlak, I just wanted to let you know that I've been using your UCam sheet for our Kingmaker game that has been going since 2016 (probably started using your sheet at the very beginning of 2017, when we finished Book I), and I don't know how we would have managed without it. I have my own planning Google sheet that I use to prepare for kingdom building sessions, and being able to check discrepancies against the UCam sheet has been immeasurable helpful. I am very impressed that you continue to work on it (I wonder how many features have been added since I started using it and how annoying it would be to port all this stuff to a new version).

We are about to start Book IV and I came here to find out how to add more cities (saw you just made them hidden), and felt like I just had to thank you! So thanks!