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I figured since I haven't seen an actual formal poll anywhere around here as to the hard numbers on what proportions of the community are going to playing any given alignment.
So, I put together This Alignment Poll. I figure these figures can help give us a fair estimate to what kind of alignment spread we will have in Early Enrollment especially.
It's simple, answer the following
What Alignment do you intend on Role-Playing for your PRIMARY Player Character in Pathfinder Online?
Lawful Good
Lawful Neutral
Lawful Evil
Neutral Good
Neutral Neutral
Neutral Evil
Chaotic Good
Chaotic Neutral
Chaotic Evil
Link takes you to an external free polling website, simple as it seems.
Thanks for helping.

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I voted for Neutral Good. Luckily, the external site did not require me to create an account, submit my name and address, or anything like that.
I plan for my main character to be Good, and for my skill/feat emphasis to be consistent with the tabletop druid class. I don't know yet whether I'll need to freeze the inherent progression toward lawful in order to maintain my druid abilities.

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In the teamspeak session tonight, I dropped a link I think is relevant to any discussion about alignment.
This is exactly the thread that inspired me to fine a good poll hosting site, that wouldn't require any hassle or ad-spamming.

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I tend to gravitate towards LN, so probably that.
Of course, it depends on how they end up implementing alignment shifts. I like to make choices for my character that "makes sense" and then see where he ends up. If you have to be a "dirty-rotten-PvPer" to shift alignment, I suspect I'll end up highly LG.
Against my will!
But from what I've read of the blogs so far, it seems that you shouldn't mistake PFO alignment for PF alignment. In PFO, alignment doesn't seem to be treated like a character choice, but is more a mechanic to discourage "meaningless player interaction."

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Of course Slaunyeh, I'm personally plan on starting off as Lawful Good, Divine Caster, Probably a Cleric-type Caster, Erastil as my Patron, Farming, Hunting, Nature, and Breeding Focus, so I am sure over time I will slowly gravitate towards Neutral though I think my "class" features will probably bring me toward LG anyhow since I intend to use Channel.
Also apologies if it seems like I'm bumping this, however I am doing it intentionally in hopes to get as many people in the results as possible, and Wednesday being Blog day has good visibility for when people are active on here.
Also if anyone isn't sure what there Alignment might be I would recommend take a look through This Alignment Test Discussion Thread.

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Answering for Deianira, who'll be my primary character, I voted for neutral good as I suspect that's where she'll fall. She's a bit of a rebel, though, so she may slide toward chaotic good as time goes on.
If we got two votes, I'd put true neutral for my guild group character, the as-yet-unnamed ranger/druid.
But, like Slaunyeh, I tend to make in-game choices that make sense for my character, so this is very much dependent on how PFO handles alignment.

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I've laboured under the impression that choosing alignment definitively is putting the cart before the horse? Evidently we'll all have varying ideas about the size of cart and type of horse. :)
The same could be said of any titles or descriptors we give ourselves, we are always given free will to change who/what we are, but that doesn't mean the labels have no meaning.

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AvenaOats wrote:I've laboured under the impression that choosing alignment definitively is putting the cart before the horse? Evidently we'll all have varying ideas about the size of cart and type of horse. :)The same could be said of any titles or descriptors we give ourselves, we are always given free will to change who/what we are, but that doesn't mean the labels have no meaning.
Ok, I guess how well the two match up will be interesting. I'll be a bit perturbed if my bandits slides too quickly towards Chaotic! :)
I voted Neutral Good - I aim to see if I can make a living (& a killin') as a bandit. Though I'd like to be a very skillful diplomatic bandit and preferably a hunter of other bandits too. So that sounds Neutral to me. Though Good Alignment as I enjoy slaying "evil-aligned" monsters and presume they're likely bad for merchants which is bad for bandits.

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I voted for CE only because in order to use the flags I want to, I have to be CE. My original idea was more of a LE, but I can't use outlaw in game in i'm lawful.
I agree that alignment shouldn't be more than maybe a game mechanic for certain flags and abilities, but from a RP standpoint, I think they will be more fluid and less "defined." My hope is that while this game doesn't have a dedicated RP server or any (to my knowledge) sort of RP naming or anything, I am hoping for a strong RP community to rise and take a solid place for those of us wanting to RP and not just run around like in a theme park.

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I do like putting horse before cart and will discover my alignment through play.
Yeah my plan right now is to start all my chars NN and let the game play decide. The only wrench in my plan is Thornkeep. I very much want one of my chars to start there and we don't know what the options are for NN.

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The results so far look as follows
Lawful Good 17%
Lawful Neutral 17%
Lawful Evil 8%
Neutral Good 32%
Neutral Neutral 8%
Neutral Evil 3%
Chaotic Good 3%
Chaotic Neutral 7%
Chaotic Evil 5%
Total votes: 60
Edit: I'm surprised to see 60 votes already, thanks for everyones participation!

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I voted for Neutral Good. Luckily, the external site did not require me to create an account, submit my name and address, or anything like that.
I plan for my main character to be Good, and for my skill/feat emphasis to be consistent with the tabletop druid class. I don't know yet whether I'll need to freeze the inherent progression toward lawful in order to maintain my druid abilities.
I too plan on playing a NG Druid of the tabletop type, as much as possible. He will be of the Elven race... Quarion Meliamne.

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A bit of a bump on this thread since there are a few new folk floating in and out of the forums.
Poll currently sits at:
Lawful Good 15%
Lawful Neutral 13%
Lawful Evil 7%
Neutral Good 31%
Neutral Neutral 9%
Neutral Evil 4%
Chaotic Good 10%
Chaotic Neutral 7%
Chaotic Evil 4%
Total votes: 118

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Since the whole basis of the game is focused on the Dominance aspect, and we are to leave role playing to our imagination.... I'll try to figure out which alignment garners the best treatment from the game mechanics and I roll that.
Then I'll play my toon however I wish, in total disregard for alignment, and let the shifts do the recovery for me. I figure if I roll LG, and play CE, I'll balance out to CN in the long run.

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Since the whole basis of the game is focused on the Dominance aspect, and we are to leave role playing to our imagination.... I'll try to figure out which alignment garners the best treatment from the game mechanics and I roll that.
Then I'll play my toon however I wish, in total disregard for alignment, and let the shifts do the recovery for me. I figure if I roll LG, and play CE, I'll balance out to CN in the long run.
There are people at GW reading these forums.